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You can never have enough...
I've been rained off the mowing but at least the front lawn has been done. MrK is feeding our friend's menagerie and checking their property for quake damage. They aren't home until next week and we do this for them every year. Then he's having his blood test in town. He's so happy to be back driving Heart and I must admit, I'm relieved too.

I sent a text to my friend in the States saying we had a minor jolt this morning. The reply back was as long as the coffee maker is still working, it's a great day! lol so very true!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The email conversation with my daughter continued last night with me wishing I could get a few  bigger family things to her, and finished this morning with me being told she will be flying in next year for a visit. I haven't seen her since 2010, and while I have seen photos of her, she is going to get a hell of a shock if she does recognise me, lol. Amazing the changes that happen between 58 and 70!

I have told her to bring an extra suitcase, and am already mentally discarding precious things the disposal of which will make my life so much less worrisome.  Big Grin
That's lovely Hunni, a chance to catch up with each other & pass on precious family things. Lovely for her & lovely for you to have a bit extra space.

Have been out this morning with sweetie darling no. 2 & DIL because I needed two more large-ish storage containers so that I can finally sort out all the family photos, Some are mine but quite a lot have been passed down so am trying to sort & pack them carefully away until someone needs them.
Its really hot here ( claims to be only 22 but I suspect we're nearer the 24 last nights forecast mentioned) so glad I had a bash at trimming back the sage bush before it got so hot.
Really tired again now - must have been the shopping so won't be doing much else today.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Raining today, but warm with no wind

Very quiet day yesterday plan on some charity sewing today while I get my mojo back for other projects.

Getting stuff rehomed is very satisfying sounds like we all on similar path.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies, what a rough night we had with massive wind and rain. It was cold here yesterday with us both wearing sweatshirts and socks.

Wow, OHH Heart How wonderful to have your daughter visit Big Grin There will be lots of changes with both of you after all this time. And great she can take back a lot of family stuff with her.

I want to finish the lawn today but I suspect that won't be happening anytime soon. There are a couple of things I need to do in town after MrK has fed our friends animals. Other than that, we will hunker down and ride out the storm.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It was a deliciously noisy wet night too, we were lashed with gales, but all our trees are in one piece thank heavens. Seeing one of those go down is always sad for me.

I'm just waiting for our idiot lawnmowing contractors to show up to mow what is now a squelchy swamp out there, that'd be typical behaviour from that lot...  Tongue
Good morning. 

Wet, wild and windy.  An indoors kind of day!

OHH your daughter's visit is something wonderful to look forward to, what a long interval since last seeing each other!

A few tidy up jobs and the day is mine. Indoor plants to water, some give a haircut to. My library book looks good and there is the Harry Potter scarf to get back to  Smile

Stay warm and dry ... have a good day all.
Morning everyone

Wet but calmer today. Nice temp.

I hope you have an Awesome time with your Daughter OHH.. Oneday Im going to have to bite the bullet and get a passport so I can meet my nephew and nieces in Aussie and the Great ones too.

Was talking to my twin for a little while yesterday, their camping trip got washed out. I told him not to feel too bad, so did Coromandel lol.

My cousin rang too and we had a nice chat. Like me she is the one that got all the health stuff. But when she told me she was going for an autopsy in a couple of weeks I started laughing, then she said Ohhh make that a biopsy lol.. Silly moo lol

Turns out that the other rest home here doesnt want MrP.. I suspect that the CHT manager has spoken to them. So the rehab center are on the lookout for me. I cant afford to make countless calls for homes.

Spoke to my DR re the steroid shots. There is a dr here that does them. $30 a pop which compared to travelling for a free one is about the same cost.

But what I did learn there is a tear in a ligament in there.. So coupled with the Osteoarthritis no wonder it hurts. He suggested i keep the appointment that was made for the end of the month, then have them locally. Cos at least that saves the driving which aggravates it anyway.

I got up at 6am put bread on, have sausages boiling and will cook some Tatties for MrP, throw the sausages into the fryer to finish them off, and He's being right royally spoilt.

I will have a couple of nights on French toast to finish the bread. Just as well I love it.. And I won't end up using a huge egg and wasting some cos it should last two nights safely.

I am taking one of the Tvs over for him today, so hopefully we can get that working. When he gets bored he tends to get grumpy . So Ill be like a pack horse getting everything inside lol. And of course he is in the room right at the back of the building lol.

Everything is looking lush and green out there.. the lawn is certainly growing. But that cant change till its fine and safe to do so.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The heavy rain forecast for us is blazing away, so managed to do the dreaded back lawn. With luck I may even get the front done later.

I really need to get illustrations finished, the deadline is 20th but they've said as early as possible this time & so far have only done two but want to finish at least two more, so will be busy once I get other stuff cleared away.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Another dull, damp day - no idea what it was like overnight as was dead to the world - best sleep for a wee while. 

Something good to look forward to OHH.

My enthusiasm for spring cleaning seems to have waned with half the kitchen and dining room still to be done, and of course the kitchen has the most cupboards and drawers to do. I’m determined to get them done today though.  Tomorrow I think I’ll do something totally different before tackling the garage - quite a lot of stuff has migrated out there so will be a bit of an effort sorting out places for it.

The carpet cleaning will just have to wait until we get a really sunny, hot day.

I’ve been getting some rather confused bees coming inside lately which I’ve never had before. They just fly in and go out whichever window I open for them. I presume there are several it might be just one who comes a few times each day  Huh 
 My sister who has a hive in her backyard in Hamilton said that there is a real shortage of honey for all apiarists  at the moment due to all the dull days. Not as much stone fruit around this year with a real shortage of apricots so it’s not only eggs people are looking for.

Oh well coffee finished and the unfinished cupboards are calling again  Big Grin
I managed to finish mowing the lawn by 8.00am this morning so was feeling pretty smug when it bucketed down as I was putting the mower away. Been into town and that smugness was washed away with the rain lol. But I've swapped the empty BBQ gas bottle for a full one, (we live in hope lol), bought sandpaper and drunken women lettuce seedlings for MrK and some photos printed off for embroidery projects. My quail... sigh... I'm flagging this one as I am just not happy with it. That's probably why I've been procrastinating about it. BUT I have found a better photo with better details so this should get my mojo back. I've also found some little embroidery projects for Christmas stocking stuffers. I know, it's early lol but the sooner I start, the sooner it's done and dusted.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Typical Taureans Kiwimade. lol

The fans Im doing are for Christmas presents. I will get more when I go up for my next orthopedic appointment.

MrP was in a good mood today, probably cos of all the food I took in.. Not that he needs it cos he is gaining weight from their food which he I enjoying.

And when I was talking to him a few minutes ago they had just taken in a new air mattress. So he will love that
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another wet day here but that's OK Smile All those who rely on rain water tanks will be very happy.

Good to hear MrP is happy and gaining some weight.

We've also had the odd bee inside and I wonder if it has anything to do with the wind making them disorientated. The bees love the salvias and it's hard to see the bumblebees when they are buried inside the flower. Once the fine weather arrives, they will be back in the garden and hungrier than ever.

I am also waiting for fine warm weather so I can clean the carpet. I suspect though it will be next month when that job is done. As long as it's done before winter.

Housework needs to be done today, the spiders have moved indoors so they need evicting.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
A bit of rain and expecting intermittent showers today.

Achieved a bit charity sewing yesterday probably due to no DH interuptions  Big Grin

Might do some more today since its an indoors activity.

Good MrP happy where is possibly reflects the level of care.

Time to move

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Wet and warm here.. I only copped a few spits when I arrived at the rehab center yesterday, otherwise I was lucky.

Not so lucky for the person who , Im guessing maybe had a medical event or simply weren't watching what they were doing as their car had a very pushed in motor and roof. Straight piece of road, but right where the Underpass between the two sides of the road for the cows. It's quite a drop.

Can I ask do any of our sewer's use the roller cutters that I see some of them using on the Sewing Bee. They must be super sharp.

Im off to do my bloods today and see the girls. It's been 9 days. I will have to be very careful when I tell them the latest development cos as they used to say "the walls have ears".

Plans for the weekend are to pack away the Christmas stuff, and then Im going to have a thin out of my acrylic yarn. Colour's brought for projects , mainly for other people that I've never done. But I won't be getting rid of everything. Just a jolly good thin out.

Got my paint brushes yesterday. Of course they didn't have any single ones. So I ended up with a set of 15 for $8. I couldn't find the price so took them and a set of 5 that were $6. So I figure 3 times the amount for only $2 more was worth it. and there's 3-4 different styles and different colour bristles, I haven't opened them yet but Im assuming they will feel different.

Im going to ask around and see if anyone travelling to Pukekohe could pick up MrP's washing next week, to save me a trip before I have to go up to my clinic appointment. I can always bake as a thank you for their inconvenience.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Popeye  I cut everything out using my 6cm rotary cutter. They are razor sharp.

Since you are enjoying The great britsh sewing bee here is the link to 2022 TGBSB celebrity  xmas special
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(06-01-2023, 07:20 AM)Mica Wrote: Popeye  I cut everything out using my 6cm rotary cutter. They are razor sharp.

Since you are enjoying The great britsh sewing bee here is the link to 2022 TGBSB celebrity  xmas special

Thanks Mica will have a look later.

Im assuming the rotary cutters are expensive but anything quality is always a good purchase
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I love my rotary cutter, it's great for this left handed chick who even at this stage of life, struggles with scissors.

MrK called me to the window earlier and there were fledgling hawks learning to fly Heart Boy they were little battlers against the wind.

Those old rustic fence posts I 'planted' last autum are worth their weight in gold. I've been out and tied the dahlias to them to stop them flapping about in the wind. They look as good as I thought they would with the dahlias. MrK has had to admit it was a good idea Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good luck with the visit Popeye, hope it goes well.

We could do with some of that rain they keep predicting - its 28 now so too hot to do anything more out there.
Finally sorted out the thousands of family photos into framed in one container & albums in another & labelled them as well as I could.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I had a lovely visit with the Ladies.

There is a new lady in MrPs old room. She landed this morning.

Helped Old Peter.. I heard him yelling which for a man on oxygen 24/7 was no easy fete. But I went down to him and he had been arguing with his son on the phone. The son wanted to take his mother to another town for a hearing test and Peter said there was an Bay Audiology here.. but Peter didnt know that the rest home as a part of their fee is meant to supply transport to appointments like that. So I filled him in.

Staff were standoffish, so we were very careful when we talked in the dining room.

Then when I was online earlier I got an email from head office. The top boss would be there on Wednesday if I would like to meet her to discuss things. Initially I thought no... but Once I have checked a couple of things with Winz I would like to talk to her about making sure the clients knew they can get clothing grants annually... And them making sure that their clients know about them transporting them etc.. And getting it in writing that MrP is not welcome back. No one has actually said it. But I refuse to talk to them about anything else. It falls on deaf ears..

So I will respond to her email once I have spoken to WINZ... Cos as it turns out I had already planned on being there on Wednesday for the art class.

Bobbie was soo pleased to see me.. They haven't been passing on messages I have left for her.. So she wants me to find a phone for her, and set it up the same way that I have MrPs. They can't ring out but I can ring them.

I showed a couple of the carers that were nice to him the photos of him and they agree he looks healthier and happy.

Ive been sorting my pantry this afternoon and pleased to say its well stocked, which always makes me happy.

But if I start looking warm and fuzzy its cos I have oodles of cans of peaches lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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