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You can never have enough...
Morning all
Raining again today with a bit of wind added in.

Popeye sounds like you had a nice day yesterday.

I quiet day for me yesterday with  ore charity sewing done my dash for this month not sure what will inspire me today after some cleaning up.

Travelled up the line last night to join friends for dinner, the new Otaki expressway is a nice drive.

E joy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

What do you know .... it's raining ... again! Not the best fun for holiday makers or families and kids stuck inside! More of the same expected over the next week at least!

Not much happened here yesterday, but did manage a windy beach walk in between showers. It's no use going out as the roads are congested and shops/malls the same as I discovered the hard way Rolleyes

Popeye you have plenty happening to keep you on your toes lately!

KM we used to have piles of those old totara fence posts ... sure would be great to still have some of them on hand ... but then would have to store them somewhere! The fledgling hawks would have been a great sight to observe.

There might be a short reprieve in the weather .... better get the dog out while I can. Damp dogs go with wet weather  Sad

Enjoy the day all.
Puzzle time in my household this morning...

Treacle Pud came to me as a litterbox trained cat and I made sure to have her usual litter on hand. And we have litterbox issues. At first I put it down to new environment, moving home etc, but it continues. She was peeing and pooping with very poor aim. So, first I moved the box into the shower where I could clean up more easily, then I bought a new fancy litterbox designed with a high back, still problems. So I started being extra careful about cleaning and now she is trying to avoid the box altogether, though fortunately staying in the shower area.

Before I take her down to the vet, anyone got any bright ideas for me? I am wondering if she has arthritis, and yet when I was using a low sided box she was still missing the point, so to speak.

And she is happy, purrful, and not showing pain signs, so, I am at a loss...
morning ladies Smile It's humid and sticky outside but at least it has stopped raining for now. I thought I'd take the opportunity and finish the weeding. Well, as finished as weeding ever is. But the garden is loving all this wet weather. Believe it or not, there are still some very dry spots in the garden where the rain hasn't reached.

We haven't seen the fledgling hawks again, so we are wondering if they have left the nest. They looked so funny learning to fly. Amazing how they grow into majestic birds. Just shows practice makes perfect.

MrK has gone to feed our friend's menagerie. We are hoping they will be home tomorrow as he is well and truly over it all. It's quite a commitment for us as we are restricted to what times we have to be home. The Furry One can at least come with us on the odd occasion.

Fingers crossed the Furry One does nothing silly and need our vet over the next few weeks as they have a staff shortage thanks to Covid. We got an e mail the other day explaining new hours and there may be times they have to close.

I had better tackle the breakfast dishes. I tend to leave indoor stuff until it is either too hot or too wet to be outside.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
ho hum its another gray day and just a constant misty rain.

i agree Roma about going into town.  Definitely will not go anywhere near town today as we are having 3 cruise ships in so the place will be full of people wandering around. The local businesses don't seem to really benefit from the ships as apart from ice creams and coffee they don't tend to be big spenders. A lot go back to the ship for meals and they can get all the trinkety souvenirs on board too and the locals have learnt to stay well clear on cruise ship days. The port and some of the tours do ok I think.  Not surprsinhgly after the last couple of ships there was a spike in covid cases here too.

went to visit a friend yesterday whose husband died a couple of weeks ago and was just leaving when my Sister rang, she was at my place wanting the spare key that I fortunately have for her place.  They had just brought a lovely new car and in the excitement of taking it out for the first time they completely forgot that the house keys were with the old car keys.  Big Grin

Well wth this weather I can't make excuses of getting into the garden rather than to attack the garage which really needs a good sorting out so looks like that will be my task today by default  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Wet here too but very still.

Ohh, do you think maybe she has met another furry one that could have unsettled her and she is re-marking her territory? Missy has some arthritis happening I think, cos sometimes it takes her a while to find a comfy way to sit. She is also very particular in how "Used" she likes her littler. I use the crystal ones, which yep are expensive. and I too have her box in the spare shower so lumps go down the loo as soon as they are deposited. Missy doesn't seem to like Too much litter in the tray either.

I guess its like getting a secondhand car, we dont know what foibles they come with. Hope you get her sorted.

I've got MrP's washing on, so thankful that I can throw it on the airer and put the dehumidifier to dry it all in the shut bathroom.. There's nowhere undercover here for washing.

We had a late start so I've only just had breakfast, but once Im done on here I'll go repack the Christmas stuff.. BUUUT there's two episodes of Call the midwife and then cricket so no time to watch both on delay. So I might leave the packing away until tomorrow lol.

I've decided to sell on Some of my wool.. Only acrylic but I'll never use some of the colours which I had brought to make others blankets.. I can do that within hearing of the TV lol.

Been thinking about the selling of the pearls and buying a ring, but Im going to enquire about having my trio set made smaller, I had them enlarged to be able to wear them and now they are too loose. And they are my most favourite rings. One other option might be that they could join them into one piece and then they wouldn't be so at risk of sliding off. But Ill speak to the jeweler's and see what they suggest.

Better get moving... or nothing will be done lol.

Have a fab day everyone.

Must tell you what my Silly Cousin told me the other day.

She like me has the health stuff happening.

Anyway she told me she was going for an "Autopsy" in a couple of weeks.. I started laughing and she said what did I say... Lol Shes going for a Biopsy... I said you need really to make sure you are dead before you plan any autopsy's lol.

She is leaving her body to the medical school, she has all her medical records with it and has kept journals of how things were making her feel and what was happening at the time.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
How big is the tray OHH? I just measured mine .... 50cm x 70cm for my old boy ... he needs plenty of 'floor space'  Big Grin
Could be tray size, as Roma suggests. But it could also be she is still settling in. Cats are so fussy, everything has to be exactly right. She hasn't trained you yet, OHH Tongue

My aunt left her brain to the Parkinsons Research Programme Heart as she had been part of the study for over 10 years. There are twice as many men as women with Parkinsons so her brain will be very welcome, I would imagine. I'm a firm believer in recycling and when my time to fall of my perch comes, any part of me that could be of use, use it!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yup, it is the xl size lol, that was part of the reasoning behind buying it. I may need to go for a garage oil drip tray to get bigger! 

Boy they lead us a merry dance don't they, these beasties?

I have shoved it closer to the wall, right over the poop place so with luck she'll get the message. Or, at least poop closer to the door so it is easier to sort out for me... i dunno. Blardy cats. Why do I do it... mutter mutter mutter...  Big Grin
I guess the other thing is the previous owners weren't giving the 'correct' toileting info. You will be wanting to find a solution OHH to keep both of your lives on an even keel! In our previous rural living 1% was done in the litter tray, now more like 99% ... takes some getting used to ... at the best of times!

Fingers crossed moving the tray works! At least she is in the right location. Heaven help a cat that used the carpet (or some other inappropriate place) as the regular toileting spot in this house!
Well well, finally rain! I suspect that forecasts lately are done with the idea that, if they keep predicting something then sooner or later, much like the shampoo ad - it will happen!

Its a good bit cooler as well, down to 14 which is quite a contrast to 28 yesterday.
Picked the first cauli from the garden yesterday, the others are coming along nicely. Pity I can't say the same for the spinach, but I'll know better next time & wait until its cooler.

Hope the tray being moved does the trick, Hunni.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
OHH sounds like reasonable size, have you considered getting a litterbox with lid, sides not so high and cat flap to enter, don't completely clean the box everyday, empty litter if not clumping kind. Scrub box once week, sometimes they put off by cleaning  product odours.
If cats toilet in inappropriate areas feed them in those spots they don't like dining and toileting in same area.

Been listening to audio book and knitting after kitchen clean and sorted 2 drawers sorting my summer tops, was ruthless Cool DH braved the rain and took k9s for a walk they not keen on getting wet perhaps one of my projects should be k9 wet weather gear Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Because she is now coming and going outside happily,  the suggestion is the pooping is a protest against being kept in at night. I don't know if she was a dusk to dawner in her previous homes. Both times she pooped inappropriately were at night, and both times she had asked to go out as I prepared for bed. So maybe I need a cat door,  and to be a bit more flexible in the evenings about letting her out. She is safe in the village, but I would still like her in for most of the dark hours because of cat fights with passing strangers.

My thought is maybe put a cat door in the front door, which has a security screen I usually pull closed and lock on my way to bed. That would block the cat door overnight without me needing to bend to fiddle with catches. She is used to the screen door being closed at night, it has been so hot I have been using that as my front door to get the breeze through, so I might look into that if she keeps sending me messages...
(07-01-2023, 11:46 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Because she is now coming and going outside happily,  the suggestion is the pooping is a protest against being kept in at night. I don't know if she was a dusk to dawner in her previous homes. Both times she pooped inappropriately were at night, and both times she had asked to go out as I prepared for bed. So maybe I need a cat door,  and to be a bit more flexible in the evenings about letting her out. She is safe in the village, but I would still like her in for most of the dark hours because of cat fights with passing strangers.

My thought is maybe put a cat door in the front door, which has a security screen I usually pull closed and lock on my way to bed. That would block the cat door overnight without me needing to bend to fiddle with catches. She is used to the screen door being closed at night, it has been so hot I have been using that as my front door to get the breeze through, so I might look into that if she keeps sending me messages...

OHH we have a cat door activated my felines microchip, (Sureflap) there is a flasher version that you can run via an phone  app  so you can lock, set so only get in not out etc will notify you when door is being used  can control movement of individual felines in a multiple fe,ine household. Can you tell I like technology Cool

I am having a real lazy day, trolling quilt patterns looking for inspiration considering making a quilt for friends ae visited last night. They recently finally moved in to their new house building delayed several months due to the virus. I noted that they had used my quilts on the spare beds but didn't have one in their bedroom.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
A cat door could very well work.

Back in 2018 when I had my hernia repair mess and both MrP and I were in hospital 4 times each between May and September, Missy was very distressed. She was going everywhere.. Thankfully a friend was onto it and cleaned for us. But once we were both back home she settled down.

I am lucky in the fact that Missy basically only pees and pooh's once a day each. I trained her when we still had our Boy cat. He wasn't as clean as she is.

My girl is starting to show signs of arthritis I think.. Time to talk to my vet and look at the options.

I have weighed bagged and done photos of lots of wool. Mind you if you looked you wouldnt think I had taken any out of the room..

ANDDDDDD I found the first bottle of sun block. Goodness knows how it ended up inn the sewing room behind another box.
Thankfully they both expire October next year so I should have used them by then.

If this rain keeps up Ill be making Hay next time I mow lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Guess what - it’s raining  Big Grin and I think it has set in for the day. After a rather busy week I guess it won’t be too hard to relax with the big book I got from the library this week and my knitting lol.

Good that you are getting your cats to use litter trays-  unfortunately I have a couple of cats that think my garden is their litter tray. It’s not pleasant finding cats poo sitting on your veges and no they don’t bury it  Sad
morning ladies Smile We have that yellow thing in the sky... I believe it's called 'The Sun'. But for how long, who knows lol.

Our cats when we had them, have always used a cat door and The Furry One when he was a pup was taught to use it too. So much easier for them to be able to come and go. It can be locked, or the flap made to swing one way. When I taught the Furry One to use it, he was too small to jump back through it as the top step was too high for him. MrK fixed that by making a ramp for him to use and it's still there today. Really useful for old arthritic dogs like The Fluffy One too.

I saw the Lotto winner bought his ticket from a supermarket in Napier. Was that your son's supermarket, jan? Would be lovely if it was.

Our friends are home from their holiday this afternoon, so MrK has only more visit this morning to feed their dogs and cats.

Sunblock is expensive, isn't it! Good find, popeye Smile

MrK is making a shelf for his sister's new home from an old mahogany bed headboard. It's a lovely dark timber with a gorgeous grain and will work beautifully in her kitchen. I can see why it was chosen to be a headboard. Once he has finished, it will mean a visit to Rotorua to fit it.

I'm finishing an embroidery piece I started while waiting for MrK to have his cataracts done and then I'll start on the quail. #2 version. I have it all drawn and colours chosen, only need to put the design onto fabric and set up my stand.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Southerly storm been blazing all night, still raining and a temperature plummet currently a barmey 13 

Will be another indoors day will need to find some inspiration 

Must move soon been tucked up reading a book in bed male k9s either side of me seems a pity to disturb them Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Our First Fog for the year, did you send yours up here Kiwimade lol? I like Fog tho. Its peacefulness as it wraps you.

Yeah it was $28ish I think a bottle. So I was royally annoyed when I had to replace it. Thankfully our chemist lets good payers have accounts, and cos its a much needed thing he let me have another bottle. all paid for now tho.

Since there is nothing on TV Ill be putting away the Christmas gear this morning.

I have a couple of pick ups today. The sistema coffee mugs and some of the glass Stickers from New World, for a friend who has been collecting them. They have 7 wonderful kids and she seldom has nice things, so when she said she was going to collect them Ive been giving her mine.

Odd the number of people I know with 7 kids, MrP was one of 7, his Sister had 7 and one of his nieces has 7, I know two families here too.

A friend also brought some wool off me so Ill have to pack that up to send down to her.

Oh wouldnt it be wonderful if it was Jans son, a reward for all the horrible stuff he has to put up with owning a supermarket.

I will also have to make room in the plastic drawers beside my lounge chair so I can put the remotes away at night. Madam took it upon herself to turn the TV on about 1-30 amish.. Smart Tart she is lol.. Thats the TV and the St Johns alarm.

Will either plan my Fan decorations or so some colouring in later. Actually what I should do is go through the 3 colouring books I have and see if I can find any designs that I could transfer to the fans.

Totally random, I can feel my bones in my arms lol... Havent felt them for many years lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Not Jan’s son’s supermarket

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