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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile We've had rain since at least 3.00am Big Grin That will save me watering the garden lol. Mother Nature does a much better job than me, anyway Big Grin The lawn is finally starting to slow down so I may be able to stretch the mowing out to 10 days instead of weekly.

That's a lot of walking and stairs, OHH. You would think your specialist would have a ground floor office, especially knowing a lot of his clients needed new hips Tongue You've done well with your metal hip. They made things to last back then.

Venetian, I hope you are enjoying your family.

The tablecloth worked out ok and if it fades, it fades. At least the stain will fade with it.

Yesterday I started the quail, so far so good. I'm working around the eye first which is sometimes a bit unnerving lol as you have an eye 'watching' you with not much else around it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Another fine day.

Just battled peak time traffic to get DH to medical appointment currently waiting for him  so good opportunity to cruise some of my sewing sites.

No plans for today still a bit tired so will take it easy.

Enjoy your family visit Venetians.

Have good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(24-01-2023, 06:00 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We've had rain since at least 3.00am Big Grin  That will save me watering the garden lol.  Mother Nature does a much better job than me, anyway Big Grin  The lawn is finally starting to slow down so I may be able to stretch the mowing out to 10 days instead of weekly.

That's a lot of walking and stairs, OHH.  You would think your specialist would have a ground floor office, especially knowing a lot of his clients needed new hips Tongue  You've done well with your metal hip.  They made things to last back then.

Venetian, I hope you are enjoying your family. 

The tablecloth worked out ok and if it fades, it fades.  At least the stain will fade with it.

Yesterday I started the quail, so far so good. I'm working around the eye first which is sometimes a bit unnerving lol as you have an eye 'watching' you with not much else around it.

Happy crafting Smile

The thing with that metal hip is it was recalled worldwide three weeks after it went in because of poisoning and break up issues with most patients who received one. Big law suits and regular monitoring since the early 2000s with most of them being removed by the surgeons who put them in.

I am glad I escaped all that by sheer good fortune, and slightly different genes or immune system. With luck it will continue to not bite me in the bum, lol...
Morning everyone

Sunny here. Not terribly warm yet tho.

Just remember when you wash the cloth Kiwimade to do it separately or you will need to make even more coffee lol

Have fun with the family Venetian.. I miss getting together.. But as the generations pass the distance seems to increase, despite the internet making contact so much easier. Was saying just that to my friend in Taranaki yesterday. I've seen her new house even tho I haven't been there, thanks to the internet and mobile phones.

I remember before 1978 when my Brother was in the Navy he rang us from Hawaii.. It was such a huge thing to be talking to him from little Old Thames in NZ.. And now we have the video phone calls that a friend and I used to laugh about having in 1983ish. Hes not with us now but there are days when I really wish he was, just to show that it has happened.

Book and secretarial work for me today. Need to print out some stuff.

Opened the doors and it smells very smokey out there. I hope no one lost their house, cos thats what it smells like

I remember years ago MrP's dearest Uncle was waiting for a new hip joint. It was stuck on the wharfs during strikes. It certainly put a lot of things into perspective for MrP who is the most impatient man / person I have ever known. Im the total opposite with all the patience in the world.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I'm not altogether sure where the day's gone. Did the dreaded shopping early, then came back & froze the chicken kebabs, then did the fish with ginger & lemongrass & got that into the freezer too. Went for our walk & found we had to walk on the other side of the street due to all the trucks & vans coming & going where the new houses are going up, it looks as though they're almost ready to do concrete steps & driveways etc. etc. so keeping well out of the way.

Made a start on the next two notebooks, was pleased that I'd already cut the next two covers & inner pieces so it didn't take so long but nonetheless, somehow its now after 3 o clock!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I made mussel fritters for dinner. With herbs. By hand. I am so going to enjoy those tonight...
And I got my secretarial stuff done, so a Good day.

Even found the two missing colouring books, when I went to get extra paper out for the Printer. So Finished a picture I started ages ago and started another.

MrP went and joined the others in doing some Origami in the craft room this morning.. Im soo pleased he is making an effort to join in.

They have asked if I would like to water the plants outside their room so I must find something I can get the water in. And Ill ask if I can change the plants I think they are quite past it.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have more rain coming and it's definitely cooler. I should be able to plant the little hebe ground cover this morning. It's been too hot to plant it and hope it would survive.

Mussel fritters are sooooo good. We haven't had them for ages!

Glad you found the colouring book, popeye. Always nice to find lost stuff.

Yesterday I took a few things to the op shop that we no longer needed or wanted. Now the house has been decluttered, I'm determined to keep it that way. We have a spot in the spare room where 'op shop' stuff goes and when there is enough, one of us takes it into town on the next 'trip in'. Our community op shop had to move due to the building they were in wasn't up to standard and omg, they are jammed into this new place. There is barely room to move. It's one place I always wear a mask.

I'm still working on the quail's eye. It's amazing how many colours are in the eye when you look closely. From there, I will work down towards the beak.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Cool start to another hot day

Mussel fritters sound yummy OHH

Quiet day yesterday did go and purchase some noise cancelling wireless earbuds and was finding my wired jobs frustrating I like to listen to audio books while quilting and the machine noise makes it difficult to hear without the noise cancelling function. So will need to set the new ones up to use today I was too tired last night.

The old girl k9 has been having 'accidents' inside so got to get a urine sample off her today to get her checked out so unlike her not to ask to get out.. want to get it sorted before the annual carpet clean next month.

Still tired so will do a light workout at gym this morning 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Nice gentle rain currently expected to clear up later.

Groceries the first priority after being without my car for a couple of days. Expect to see family later making the most of the last week of school holidays.

Mmm mussel fritters,  I haven't made seafood fritters for years.  Apparently pipi/tuatua are plentiful this year, I should venture out and gather some bigger ones.

Better get moving before the supermarket gets busy. 

Enjoy the day all.

Good luck getting that sample Mica  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Fine with a breeze thank goodness.

Any advice you can offer will be appreciated right now.

For the long 19 months I've gathered all the crap happening at the first home. Sent to the appropriate people. Heard from the DHB yesterday.. The only parts they can deal with to the home is anything that Happened to MrP. Unless the others put in the complaint nothing about them can be looked into.

I find this totally disgusting. The ones who cannot speak, cannot tell them what is happening. The ones that are too
scared to complain unless they get kicked out won't do it.

I used the comparison of saying If I saw someone attacked in the street, but I didn't know them should I not still call the police or ambulance?... If I see a car crash, do I not do the same thing cos I dont know the person.

To me it means that every one of those people who have to be in the rest home are in Danger. And it feels so totally wrong.

Its overriding my happiness for MrP... I dont even feel I can go and see my ladies this morning cos I feel like I have let them down.

This world Sucks it really does.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Go to the media. Age Concern? DSW? It is elder abuse, plain and simple.

It isn't just happening at the one place. While J was in respite and then hospice care in our local she said the food was dreadful. They don't even have a trained cook because those are expensive skills, so the same horrible crap was served up on a daily basis, and no one complains because they can't. When my Mum was in care, she was abused,  had personal stuff stolen, had care ignored, and eventually was moved on, not because she needed different care, but because I was loud in support of her as her advocate.

All these facilities receive government money, all should be regularly mystery shopped if nothing else, to check on the welfare of the aged and infirm.

The reason they go so bad is because no one really cares about the inmates. And no one wants to be one.

Good luck if you decide to push it....
Popeye, I agree with Hunni - approach Age concern or DSW - or even Fair go if you have to, since they certainly won't like the publicity from that. Although probably they'd be unable to help, they might be able to suggest any other course of action you could take.
The thing is that almost all of those people in the home have families; it may be worthwhile trying to contact some of them & perhaps if you were all to work together then they'd be more likely to take notice - & action, with any sort of luck.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Maybe they could band together and make a group complaint to the Health Dept? Would be interesting to see the rest home try to move them all. Then there would be questions! I also suggest Age Concern and also contact MSD. The emailed newsletters they send out have mentioned elder abuse in its many forms and to report it. So, report it! And support that report with your evidence.

Good luck on getting that sample, mica, lol. I shouldn't laugh as that will no doubt be us eventually lol. Mind you, the easiest way to get the Furry One to pee is to have another dog visit. Then he pees everywhere staking his claim. Typical male dog Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Thanks everyone

My visit was cut short cos of his moods...I wish I didn't let him upset me so much.

I contacted everyone last year including Fair Go..

I just had a talk with the charge nurse where he is now.. She said just cos I won't hear about what happens that I have told the MOH about, doesn't mean they will be ignored. It's just that They can't tell me what happens as they are not family.

Its hard cos ones like Bobbie have no one. The home are not likely to say Hey do you want to speak to your lawyer.
Then there is May who cant talk , well very few words.
Then the ones who are plain scared that they will get kicked out for complaining.

I put posts on FB.. I dont care if they see it. I didnt include their name. I just wanted to hit out. cos as I said

Older People Matter
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Popeye have you contacted the Aged Care Commissioner - she was appointed last year and she has a whole office of people to make change and look into any concerns in the rest home sector .While she probably can’t discuss with you individual cases of the other ladies she is mandated to look into all concerns that anybody raises with her about any aged care establishment- have a look at her responsibilities on line - at least the buck stops with her so it can’t be swept under the carpet - it could be very embarrassing if she didn’t look into it as you have all the documentation .The cooks from the local private schools went into the resthomes here during the holidays to help out because they were short staffed - they were absolutely gobsmacked - the money being allocated for the supply of food was sufficient but contracts had been entered into by the DHB were not being met but nobody did anyth8ng about it - it’s the same really with Access home care they are just fleecing the tax payers - hopefully the restructuring of the DHBs will sort out a lot of problems
Have been watching Downton Abbey again while I have been crocheting - forgotten how lovely it is - up to row 53 of 240
Yesterday I had an overwhelming need for a piece of steak - I eat very little meat - Robie dropped me a piece off but of course now I don’t fancy it - but can’t waste it - would rather have one of your mussels Hunny .Had a chuckle when I read the man who won lotto went home to his dogs and told them they were going to be set for life and had a bowl of pot noodles
Scooting into the village is always interesting, and today it was especially so. There is one road crossing I have to do where the entrance back to the footpath is such an awful angle the scoot is unbalanced when I tackle it, so I use a short piece of the cycle lane to get to the next driveway and back on the footpath. I try to assess oncoming traffic and time it right, and so far on all my days of wickedness car drivers have been very courteous, but I am aware it is breaking rules.

Today I did it, again, carefully, only to realise the oncoming car was a police car...

Talk about feel guilty, lol, but the officer was obviously too busy to haul over a scooting crip for a good talking too and ignored the naughtiness.

Except, when I did it on the way back... Same cop car, ooops... And same look the other way.

Maybe they know that we have no alternative. But I still feel guilty.

Oh! And last night our combined laundry (yuk yuk yuk I hate that place) got a new machine delivered to replace a falling apart front loader. And we've been granted a beautiful new F&P eco top loader. It's like Christmas, lol...

No idea what has come over the corporate LL - a fit of the commonsensicals perhaps?
(25-01-2023, 02:09 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Scooting into the village is always interesting, and today it was especially so. There is one road crossing I have to do where the entrance back to the footpath is such an awful angle the scoot is unbalanced when I tackle it, so I use a short piece of the cycle lane to get to the next driveway and back on the footpath. I try to assess oncoming traffic and time it right, and so far on all my days of wickedness car drivers have been very courteous, but I am aware it is breaking rules.

Today I did it, again, carefully, only to realise the oncoming car was a police car...

Talk about feel guilty, lol, but the officer was obviously too busy to haul over a scooting crip for a good talking too and ignored the naughtiness.

Except, when I did it on the way back... Same cop car, ooops... And same look the other way.

Maybe they know that we have no alternative. But I still feel guilty.

Oh! And last night our combined laundry (yuk yuk yuk I hate that place) got a new machine delivered to replace a falling apart front loader. And we've been granted a beautiful new F&P eco top loader. It's like Christmas, lol...

No idea what has come over the corporate LL - a fit of the commonsensicals perhaps?

Perhaps those cops realise that its a difficult? That, or they'd get a flea in their ear from their grans if they'd given you a ticket.. Rolleyes Big Grin

I've been doing something similar on the bike - there's a corner which is a bit difficult as its on a slight bend so that to check both ways means being a bit too far out into the road & you could be in the way of oncoming cars. I came up with the solution of using the footpath just to get round the corner which worked well, especially with a load of groceries but the other day  I met a bloody postie pedal van thing on the corner so have had to give that up dammit - they're never usually so early & I might possibly have sworn slightly. Rolleyes

Good luck with the new washer. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
There's a man and I use that term loosely that has the most Beautiful metallic red Scooter at the resthome MrP was in.

I would cheerfully like to take it off him.. not so much cos I know I would love it, but he is sooo Dam dangerous with it. its his second apparently.
One day i saw him go up the wrong side of a very long road driving into traffic, on the road. he doesnt look when he comes to intersections or Pedestrian crossings.

I think the only way he will ever learn is When, not if he has another accident. providing he lives long enough to realise what a twit he is being.

Not considering anyone else.

His Nickname at the home is Major Blundell. Cos apparently if you listen to him he tells you how He won the war for us. Ive never heard him speak.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile I'm not sure what the day will bring weatherwise but I do know those huge buttercup weeds strangling some plants are being dug out today.

We couldn't get into Downton Abbey, Jan, but have enjoyed Foyles War and The Land Girls, both on Acorn. it might be worth you checking them out if you can.

You do what you have to do to keep safe on the scooter, OHH Smile Our footpaths and crossings aren't always up to scratch and maybe the police who saw you know this. And a new F & P washing machine! Lovely! Maybe the LL won lotto lol.

Over the last five days we have had at least one emergency siren screaming by, one of the days, we had two. I'm not surprised. We followed a driver on the Hamilton expressway yesterday and he was doing at least 130kph. Swapping lanes without indicating willy nilly and generally being a danger. He would slow down and when we caught up to him, he would speed up again. Idiot.

We were at Waikato Hospital for MrK's eye appointment and to have the stitch removed from his eye. While there, the surgeon looked at his other eye and said it was cloudy behind the lens. So, we go back in a couple of weeks to have it lasered and for the surgeon to check his other eye again. MrK's eyesight has improved dramatically as we knew it would. There was just that wobble with the eye not dilating enough to make the new lens fit. At the rate he's going, his eyesight will be better than mine!

Not much more done on the quail. From a distance it looks like random markings lol. But it won't take long to fill in the gaps, especially if we have some more wet days.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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