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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

We had some good rain yesterday.. Of course since I had watered the poor on their way out plants at the home lol

Ive been letting my fingers doing the walking and found that the warehouse has the cheapest punnets of plants. I have to speak to the Activities lady first tho. Cos they are coming up to the 100th anniversary of the building so I want to see if they have anything planned etc.

I prefer top loader washing machines. My friend has a front loader and it takes hours to do some of the cycles. I remember years ago when we lived in our mobile home we lived in a camping ground for a while. They had these absolutely Massive Maytag washing machines. I only did 2 loads a week and that was clothes bedding and towels etc included. They were good machines.

Glad MrKs eyes are getting sorted Kiwimade. As I said to a friend whose hubby has gloucoma, as a very wise senior lady told me, as she has it too, that should she end up Blind she will forever be thankful that she has had sight and she knows what a beautiful world we live in and will always be able to "See" things. Being blind from the start would be soo hard.
MrP's eldest son has gone blind. We dont know why as there is no contact between him and his family. We suspect it might be something to do with the fact that when he was born with dry Eyes. He never had tears. Surprisingly the younger son is looking after the elder.

Not really sure what I am up to today. I have a lady coming for some wool. I dont really need to get any shopping urgently so I might just do some colouring in. Might ring MrP and hope that he is in a much better mood. I simply wish that he would see things from my point of view. But that will never happen so I need to learn to accept that.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My gran always said 'what cannot be cured must be endured,'   how right she was.

Quiet day today, bit of gardening and I have promised to help a couple of neighbours get their bus cards organised for the half price concession online. Both have been to Auckland Transport offices and got no help whatsoever, which seems just a little shortsighted of AT. Must be loads of eligible people who can't do it online...
Good morning. 

Sunny outside,  so will need to make the most of it ... rain is on the horizon.

Good advice from the others Popeye, I don't know if you can do much more on your own, nor should you have to.  I do think though,  the fact you visit the home will be enough to keep them on their toes with regard to the care given.

We have tomatoes coming out of our ears ... always the way,  so will need to preserve in some way ... tomato sauce is appealing. Meantime the rampant basil goes nicely with them ... thanks NW little gardens!

KM I think we put our lives on the line everytime we venture out on the road ... there's usually at least one crazy driver on the loose!

Cuppa finished,  time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Another fine day

Very quiet day yesterday gave my new ear buds a workout. I am very pleased so far.

Volunteer day today will dropp DH over to  DD he is rubbing down window sills in the garage that there converting to an office  DSIL is not the handy type. Still it makes  DH feel useful.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Home again- lovely time in Wellington though and the weather was just perfect especially for yesterday when helping move all the furniture that has been in storage back into the house. 

Had a good trip both ways and didn’t see any ridiculous driving fortunately. Did learn that you don’t want to go from Kilbernie to Karori around 5pm, it was so slow going and made me appreciate again the lack of rush hour traffic here.

People parking on or over the footpaths really bug me. I often feel tempted to carry a key and “accidentally”  scrape it along the offending car as a squeeze past. I won’t of course despite the temptation Cool  Big Grin 

Main thing today is a haircut. The hairdresser that I found not long ago who can cut my hair how I like and the cut continues to look good for a while had a sick child when I was last due to see her so I’ve had to wait a couple of more weeks and am feeling quite bushy now.
(26-01-2023, 09:12 AM)Venetian1 Wrote: Home again- lovely time in Wellington though and the weather was just perfect especially for yesterday when helping move all the furniture that has been in storage back into the house. 

Had a good trip both ways and didn’t see any ridiculous driving fortunately. Did learn that you don’t want to go from Kilbernie to Karori around 5pm, it was so slow going and made me appreciate again the lack of rush hour traffic here.

People parking on or over the footpaths really bug me. I often feel tempted to carry a key and “accidentally”  scrape it along the offending car as a squeeze past. I won’t of course despite the temptation Cool  Big Grin 

Main thing today is a haircut. The hairdresser that I found not long ago who can cut my hair how I like and the cut continues to look good for a while had a sick child when I was last due to see her so I’ve had to wait a couple of more weeks and am feeling quite bushy now.

Those blardy hire electric scooters get me. They seem to be parked deliberately across footpaths and it is so tempting to give each one a push as I try to get past them. Big recycling bins, same thing, it is almost as if folk don't realise just how much of an obstacle they can be to those of us who need wheels. I went down my usual route a week or so back to find Chorus working on the other side of Lake Road, but masses of orange road cones on the footpath opposite, on a narrow bit of path. I got the guys to move them all but was told rather abruptly that ' council should widen the footpath'... - why? So there'd be room for the occasional sandbag and cone forest?

Stupid boys...  Big Grin
*does the happy dance* MrK has finally admitted trimming the hedges and shrubs are too much for him and one of the shrubs has to go! *twirls around and around* About damed time too lol. The shrub in question is one I have wanted gone from the day we bought the house. But it was part of the compromise I made when taking a massive, variegated shrub out where a huge amount of concrete fill was stacked into a pile as tall as me and around four meters long. I'll text our friend who has a gardening business and see if he can do it. I've suggested we replace it with a camelia and espalier it along the fence like the others. It is going to be so much easier to mow there Big Grin Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Finally a few tomatoes ready. I bought some vine tomatoes last year & they were good so saved seed & planted them (since they're ready earlier than the Beefsteak ones) & picked the very first yesterday. I'll definitely be growing them again next time & might even try planting them a bit earlier & see how they do.
Very hot here so did back lawn as early as I could then took Madame Le Dog for an early walk then went over to drop off a library book before it got too hot; its 27 nw & allegedly going up to 30 so we'll see.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I am busy teaching my neighbours how to get the new 50% concession cards for public transport. Having gone to an AT service centre they were told they HAVE to do it online, service staff cannot help them. Seeing most of my neighbours are tech novices this is simply outrageous.

Still, there's no point in fighting the bastards when I can show these oldies how. And get the odd free wine for the service, lol...
(26-01-2023, 01:48 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I am busy teaching my neighbours how to get the new 50% concession cards for public transport. Having gone to an AT service centre they were told they HAVE to do it online, service staff cannot help them. Seeing most of my neighbours are tech novices this is simply outrageous.

Still, there's no point in fighting the bastards when I can show these oldies how. And get the odd free wine for the service, lol...

What a  miserable bunch of absolute prickles - surely they must be well aware that there are more older people these days & that not all of them are using technology. How the devil would it hurt them to have either allowed older people to continue as they are or be given the help to  get the cards? If I remember rightly, older people now make up the largest age group so they'll be getting plenty of complaints - & well deserved, too.
Dodgy Angry

Age concern or Fair go, anyone? This deserves lots of publicity (& maybe even a protest outside their premises, with the press in attendance, having been tipped off anonymously) I think if only because we're likely to have more & more technology in our lives & some of us are technoklutzes who require help, & sweetie darling no. 2 can't be everywhere. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Been an odd day.

I should have guessed something was up. He was most disagreeable this morning but also very confused..

They have had the Dr in and with a lot of talk between a lot of professional's they have come to the conclusion that his liver and kidneys are barely working. ( Been Bad for a very long time).

He can't get rid of the fluid building up in his body. He has a rash from his feet to halfway up his back.

They have put a IV line in his shoulder giving him liquid diuretics. And popped a catheter in to help drain things off. It is the last option they have. If the fluid doesn't move he will drown. They are keeping him comfortable. And he is sleeping so I will go up tomorrow, once I have myself pulled together.

I will have to postpone my knee appointment, but that's not important at the mo.

Im to follow his wishes and not tell family.. A very staunch believer that if they can't visit him while he is alive, he doesn't want them there when he has or about to die.. It would make him very angry.

My Sister friend in Taranaki has exceptional ESP. I had just got off the phone from the Charge nurse and she rang. Her first words.. What's happened.?

This will make me sound "Sick". He has wanted to die for so long, Im actually somewhat happy for him. And dammed lucky Ive had him for 34ish years, when he had been given 3 months to live the day I met him. He has suffered so long, Im pleased he will finally be at rest.

Medication is what is killing people.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Sending cyber hugs your way Popeye. It sounds as if the staff are keeping Mr P comfortable, which is all you can ask for.

Unfortunately medication also prolongs the lives of those who would rather be able to go in peace ... in the end, morphine was a blessing in disguise for my mother Sad

There is nothing wrong with wishing a very unwell and suffering person to be 'in a better place'.
Popeye whatever will be will be - at least he has had a brief time in a decent home enjoying himself - such a change from the previous hell hole - it’s a difficult time - make sure you say all the things you want to say - the family maybe support for you - take care of yourself
That's not sick, Popeye, that's compassion & there's a huge difference. Cyber hugs to you, try to take things as easy as you can.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Sometimes it is a secondary condition that steps up to make things kinder, either way, there is nothing you can do except what you are doing.

Be comforted by knowing that, sometimes we are faced with things we just cannot do anything about. Hugs from me too...
Popeye lots cyberhugs.
Its  good that they are trying to ease his symptoms to keep him comfrotable
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Oh dam, popeye, I've just read your post. You're not 'sick' wanting a peaceful end for MrP. We all hate seeing our loved ones suffer and it's only natural to think this way. Take care of yourself while the doctors and staff take care of MrP.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile  It looks like the big low has arrived, it's cold and wet. 

We don't have a lot on today, if the weather clears, I'll do the obligatory lawn mowing and housework.  MrK will pick up his script and have it filled before next Tuesday when we will have to start paying for them again. 

OHH, payment in wine sounds good to me!  And it's ridiculous there is no help for those who, for whatever reason, cannot use a computer.  I wonder if it's part of the cost cutting the new mayor is instigating.

Did anyone see 'Country House' on TV1 last evening?  The third house was the home my sister-in-law was selling.  At the time of viewing by that lady, it was under contract for a heck of a lot more than their 'price' of $800,000.  And the woman had already bought a house before filming, and it wasn't one shown on the TV.  It shows how deceptive TV can be.

Time to get moving, I slept in this morning after a rubbish night's sleep so feeling a bit out of sorts.

I'm thinking of you, popeye.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

The rain has arrived.  Looking like an inside day. 

Yes,  we watch that show KM. We have to smile at the 'rural' address(es) in the middle of town.  Goes to show, you shouldn't necessarily believe what you see from what you know re your sister's house!

Enjoyed my blueberries (plus my stewed rhubarb) on cereal this morning.  Sadly  the blueberries are not going to be long lived this year with not so many on the shrubs. The 1st lot I picked yesterday are huge though.

A baking kind of day and maybe some cross stitch.

Take care Popeye.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Cloudy today expecting rain later

Baby sitting DS kids this morning while they attend padent teacher meeting

Not sure what else I will get up too, taking older k9 to get blood test after lunch.

Hope you got the cards sorted OHH sometimes bureaucracy beggars belief sometimes

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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