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You can never have enough...
Had a text from the home asking me to ring MrP

They had to get the dr in. They're not getting the fluid off fast enough. And there is nothing more they can do.

I asked him if he wanted me there, he said no. So Im doing what he wants. Its only time. And we both accept that.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Popeye, I'm sorry to hear that. You can at least take some comfort knowing that you've done all that you possibly could.
Huge cyber hugs to you.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Roma you are right - the worst I think has to be the man who pulled his dentures out of his mouth and threw them at the young checkout operator because there was no polident toothpaste !
Constant heavy-ish rain all afternoon. Got well wrapped up and took my brolly for a walk around the park - got soaked of course but had a lovely hot shower soon as I got home.

The state of emergency was declared at 9.27pm and it was not due to waiting for the rain to stop but when the emergency services - not the mayor - decided that it was needed, the mayor just signs it off. There is a misconception that things only really kick in once an emergency is declared but full emergency services had been in place for hours before that.  
Declaring an emergency just allows for added relief funds to be released and the police are given additional powers to stop people returning to unsafe houses etc.

Was quite annoyed listening to the press conference with a couple of journalists going on and on about communication. We are told frequently to be prepared for emergencies and self responsibility as emergency services are flat out saving lives not posting things on line telling people that it’s raining. It seems that the extent of the rain bomb was unpredictable.

I play Wordle each day against my sister, got it in 3 today. For the starting word I try and think of a word relevant to something that is happening or that I’m going to do. Started with ‘storm’ today. My sister also does worldle but that’s trickier to do.
Popeye, I am sorry to hear this Heart

Omg Jan, I'm sorry, but I had to laugh at the dentures being thrown. I could just imagine the poor checkout operators face! And the people in the queue behind him! I'm sure the person posting on FB could manage without her Vogels for a bit. She's lucky she can afford Vogels! Maybe a change of carbs will do her good and she may even discover a 'new' brand.

I saw the interview with the Auckland Mayor, and I thought it was a train wreck in slow motion.

I don't play wordle but do play backgammon. Statistically the computer beats me more times than I win, but I'll get there!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Vogels isn't that expensive when you consider its density. One of my favourite lunches is toasted extra thin Vogels original with Pics smooth peanut butter. Heaven. And healthy.

I don't like Wayne Brown, but what the hell folk expected him to do escapes me. We need to learn from this event, more will be coming. Live and learn. Or not...
morning ladies Smile Woke to thunder this morning and a shaking bed thanks to the Furry One.

We were up in the wee hours, outside in the wind and rain, dragging the Furry One back inside after he had baled up a possum. Just as well we love that dog lol. It took him hours to settle, wanting to go back outside to finish the job. He would have come off second best this time though.

Another wet day to craft. I stitched a bookmark yesterday, not thrilled with it but it will do the job. I'll make a better one for my sister-in-law and keep this one.

Stay dry and safe Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(28-01-2023, 04:55 PM)JanW Wrote: Roma you are right - the worst I think has to be the man who pulled his dentures out of his mouth and threw them at the young checkout operator because there was no polident toothpaste !

Ewww that is disgusting. At his age he should blardywell know better. Horrible creton. We all get frustrated but to take it out on the check out operators is disgusting
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Another deluge of rain in the last 24 hours, a break currently but the forecast is still very wet! So much devastating aftermath to deal with including here in the BOP now.

Managed a walk on the beach yesterday,  the wild seas are invigorating but it had washed up some huge logs scattered about!

Enjoying my cross stitch now I'm underway and can just follow on from where I've left off.  It's way bigger than I realised though  Blush  Might need some knitting on the go as well for when my eyes are protesting. 

One day at a time Popeye, Mr P is in good hands  Heart

My family have dispersed and life nearly back to normal with school going back next week. 

Stay warm and dry all.
Morning everyone

Windy and wet again.

I commend you all for still walking the furry ones etc, despite the weather.

As my mother always said "You're not chocolate soldiers you won't melt" I Love walking in the rain. Well it used to be running in it, but walking is good. If we got drenched on the way home from school, even tho she wasn't the most demonstrative mother she always had a hot milo ready and if in the winter the fire going and towels warming for when we got home.
Some people are surprised and kids amazed when I have told them we didnt have a car until we were 13. lol.

MrP was tired last night but still chatty. Saying there were only a couple of people out bashing their balls around, but he thinks they may have closed the club cos even tho it fined up a tad no one was out playing.

We have been humming and haa ing to decide when to tell people. And the most important and hardest is our Nephew Son.. Its his Birthday today, and we dont want to ruin that. Although he is exactly like we are and dates wont worry him. I will ring MrPs eldest brother later. They wont be able to come up anyway. I do feel sorry for him cos he is the eldest and the younger ones are all departing. There will only be 3 left. The other two we haven't spoken to for many many years.

My Family know, mainly cos we dont see them either. One is way up north and probably couldn't get here and my twin in Aussie.

Need to sort my kitchen out it looks like a bomb went off lol... Normally I'm very orderly. But cos I only need to use the dishwasher once a week the 7th day looks terrible lol

Have a fab day everyone

Ohh I meant to say there was the Panic shopping "look" to the supermarket here yesterday.

Toilet paper, bread and eggs again.

I wish people would learn to make it Fair for everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Damp day wind abated so another day indoors.

Sounds like you and MrP very pragmatic Popeye, still you look after you too cyber hug

I pulled down my quilt scrap bin yesterday and cut many 2.5 strips will make gazillion half square triangles and make a charity cot quilt.
Even pulled out some wool and started knitting DGD jersey. Once that is finished I will start something for the younger DGD.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The waiting is the worst part, popeye Heart  And this weather won't be helping with driving.

When we saw the supermarkets on the news last evening being flooded, MrK said, save the damed eggs! I had to smile at that.

Even though we are a good two hours from Auckland, I thought I would share a pic of our rainfall.  Since 4.45pm yesterday until around 9.00am this morning, we have had 40mm.  But the wheelbarrow I forgot to stand up against the shed pretty much says it all.

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
omg I have had a feather I found on the lawn identified as Ruru/morepork! We haven't had ruru in the garden since we left town nearly 20 years ago. We are so excited lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(29-01-2023, 09:22 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: omg I have had a feather I found on the lawn identified as Ruru/morepork! We haven't had ruru in the garden since we left town nearly 20 years ago. We are so excited lol.

Soo Cool.. I only heard a morepork for the first time a couple of years ago.

MrP grew up in Putaruru which means the Home of the Owl... They have a sound of their own dont they..

 Save it Kiwimade. 

I still have a feather from the Mama duck that used to bring her babies to show us when we first arrived in the other house in 2004.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Did a bit of weeding earlier & the raspberries seem to have finished for the year. There weren't many this year probably due to insufficient weeding by the human. One of the granddaughters said they'd like some plants once they have their house re leveled & set up their garden so told her that'll be her 'inheritance' from her great gran since I got them from mum years ago.

Another granddaughter has just found that their new baby due in June is another wee girl so that'll be two great grands girls & two boys.
There were a few leaves lying around on this morning's walk, a reminder that Autumn isn't that far away. Dammit, we've barely had a summer but then perhaps its going to be better next month.
I hope the bad weather in the north eases off, its seems to have been really bad.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have The Big Short on screen, the doors open to my soggy deck - which I am clearing everytime the clouds stop peeing on us, and life is good...

I want a ruru too though. I will swap you several dove families for one fertile couple - free board and lodging?

(29-01-2023, 11:09 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Did a bit of weeding earlier & the raspberries seem to have finished for the year. There weren't many this year probably due to insufficient weeding by the human. One of the granddaughters said they'd like some plants once they have their house re leveled & set up their garden so told her that'll be her 'inheritance' from her great gran since I got them from mum years ago.

Another granddaughter has just found that their new baby due in June is another wee girl so that'll be two great grands  girls & two  boys.
There were  a few leaves lying around on this morning's walk, a reminder that Autumn isn't that far away. Dammit, we've barely had a summer but then perhaps its going to be better next month.
I hope the bad weather in the north eases off, its seems to have been really bad.

Freight train has gone over in the Coromandel. Going from bad to worse...
Just popped out. Its real stormy now.

Making the most of things incase the power goes out.

A Couple of photos. The first was yesterday, in the park across from the Fire Station, next door to the library and Council offices.

Second is just a little while ago. The Mamas are keeping the kids indoors today

And something that made me laugh on FB this morning.

Someone said they probably stole the boat too lol.

Supermarket still packed
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The Kaimai Ranges are completely hidden by rain clouds. The rain seems to have eased up a bit here and the wind comes and goes. It's like we are on the very outer edge of the storm.

Love the pics, popeye. What a hoot the last one is!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I just had a look KM ... Kaimai SH29 also closed due to slips. Looks like the long way round for anyone coming from/ going to Tauranga! Might delay our next Waikato trip for a week or so!
(29-01-2023, 01:24 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Just popped out. Its real stormy now.

Making the most of things incase the power goes out.

A Couple of photos. The first was yesterday, in the park across from the Fire Station, next door to the library and Council offices.

Second is just a little while ago. The Mamas are keeping the kids indoors today

And something  that made me laugh on FB this morning.

Someone said they probably stole the boat too lol.

Supermarket still packed

Love the caption on the Ram raid one, Popeye! Big Grin Big Grin

I sometimes wonder how it is that I'm able to function & walk around unaided - was doing some carrots earlier & couldn't find the pot I wanted to put them in; looked all through the pot cupboard & no sign of it. And then - bugger.

The damned thing was only sitting on the bench, next to the chopping board I'd just been using. Oh dear!  Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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