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You can never have enough...
Oh Lilith..

I cant find my lid I use for the microwave.. had it since 1989 when we got our first microwave.

Friends are coming up to the Ed Sheran concert, from Tauranga so hopefully the roads will be cleared by then
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(29-01-2023, 01:24 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Just popped out. Its real stormy now.

Making the most of things incase the power goes out.

A Couple of photos. The first was yesterday, in the park across from the Fire Station, next door to the library and Council offices.

Second is just a little while ago. The Mamas are keeping the kids indoors today
Going by the amount of photos and videos we're seeing of people in flood affected areas skylarking around in the water I suspect the next issue those areas will be facing is a surge in GI illnesses such as campylobacter and E. coli. The sewage networks in many areas have been inundated by stormwater so the floodwaters are pretty much guaranteed to be contaminated with effluent.

Maybe someone gave "the Mamas" a heads-up along these lines.
(29-01-2023, 03:41 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(29-01-2023, 01:24 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Just popped out. Its real stormy now.

Making the most of things incase the power goes out.

A Couple of photos. The first was yesterday, in the park across from the Fire Station, next door to the library and Council offices.

Second is just a little while ago. The Mamas are keeping the kids indoors today
Going by the amount of photos and videos we're seeing of people in flood affected areas skylarking around in the water I suspect the next issue those areas will be facing is a surge in GI illnesses such as campylobacter and E. coli. The sewage networks in many areas have been inundated by stormwater so the floodwaters are pretty much guaranteed to be contaminated with effluent.

Maybe someone gave "the Mamas" a heads-up along these lines.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I made the same comment in a conversation yesterday and was roundly told 'no one tells teenagers what to do, most of all their mothers...' Hmmmm, I thought, well, maybe if the Mums don't really care about their kids health...
morning ladies Smile  We can finally see the Kaimai Ranges, but for how long, who knows. 

I agree, skylarking and fooling about in the flood water is not a good idea considering the amount of sewage and rubbish floating around.  But I guess there will be those who would love to say I paddled down the road or park.  Our son's friend kayaked down his road to help his girlfriend reach the safety of his home.  It wasn't skylarking, just a practical solution to a problem.

Yesterday I sewed some bookmarks as gifts.  The butterfly doesn't have the best finish so I'll keep that one.  They are really simple to make - thanks You Tube - and it takes longer to set it all up than sew it. 


Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Still very dark and wet here. We have a little trickle down the hill from the houses over the back, but just enough to go under the fence and straight into the gully trap. I just hope nothing jams up cos there is also the man hole out there too. And if anyone drives on the lawn they will get stuck like my friend did in August.

I have the sausages boiling and will fry them and some onions to cut and fry. I hate onions, and havent cut them for close to 34 years.. BUT I love MrP and Bobbie enough to do the two big ones.. Ohh I should pop them in the fridge I suppose.
I Love the smell of them frying tho.. Yep Im Odd lol.

I just rang the home and told them what we were doing, they appreciated that. No one likes wasting food and they dont either so Im glad I rang.

I remember when growing up in Thames the Football grounds by the Kaueranga River flooded. To the handle bars on our bikes.. I remember cos my charming twin brother rode my bike through it. Mind you back then our immunity would be a lot stronger than a lot of kids these days.

My worry about the "pool" here is that its not fenced of course.

Stay safe and dry everyone... Im going to have run reuniting the July Babies. MrP will wink when he has had enough and wants to rest.

Have a fab day everyone

(30-01-2023, 06:27 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We can finally see the Kaimai Ranges, but for how long, who knows. 

I agree, skylarking and fooling about in the flood water is not a good idea considering the amount of sewage and rubbish floating around.  But I guess there will be those who would love to say I paddled down the road or park.  Our son's friend kayaked down his road to help his girlfriend reach the safety of his home.  It wasn't skylarking, just a practical solution to a problem.

Yesterday I sewed some bookmarks as gifts.  The butterfly doesn't have the best finish so I'll keep that one.  They are really simple to make - thanks You Tube - and it takes longer to set it all up than sew it. 

Happy crafting Smile
Very Pretty Kiwimade.. Never seen bookmarks made that way.. Good idea as they protect the corners of the pages.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's overcast and mild but expecting more rain as the day goes on. Times like this  I'm glad our house is elevated but not on the edge of a hill/cliff! The ground now sodden and unable to hold any more water.

Will get outside soon but expect to be stuck inside mostly ... thank goodness for handcraft if housework is the other choice!

Cute bookmarks, I haven't seen them done like that either. 

The Kaimais are now open but we're still steering clear this week!

Enjoy the day all.
morning all
overcast with some showers expected later- it is very humid

Cute bookmarks KM 

Finished making the many half square triangles just need to figure out how I will set them now.

no fixed plans for today - probably be indoors

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
We guessed the Kaimais were open as we are having a trickle of traffic going by. The sun -yep, the big yellow thing in the sky - has poked through a couple of times and we have a breeze. I bought the begonia into the porch yesterday as they were getting so much rain the leaves were starting to rot. Am hoping it will dry out a bit over the next day or two. I suspect this lull in the weather is temporary though. Last evening, we heard and saw our neighbour on the roof banging in the roof's nails. We had everything crossed he didn't slip. Lucky our sparky did that for us when he was checking a small leak we had a couple of months ago.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Doing laundry after a big shower and shampoo effort, seeing notice came through this morning our pumping stations were operational again. Funny how when we are told to limit waste water we suddenly feel a pressing need to wash everything in sight, lol. 21st century problems.

Someone on farcebook put up some video of the cliffs at the bottom of our road slowly subsiding into the sea this morning. More rain to come so we'll see more yellow clay going into the bay I suspect. Mother nature doing a bit of landscaping.
Just got home and they were both so pleased to see each other.

Bobbie is getting more confused, or maybe it's just the time since I saw her and I noticed it again.

But when I took her back she was talking to me and another lady and neither of us have any idea what she was talking about.

But it was a nice morning.. MrP lost 3 kilos of fluid in the last 24 hours, so the Med given via the pump is working. He was looking a little pale today but Bobbie didnt notice. But he walked down to show her the building and we ended up eating in the old dining room.

She is back in the hell whole. The Nark on the scooter went past the room we were standing and talking in, so he is still snooping. One of these days he will run someone over.

There are 12 patients where MrP' is, I was thinking 15 max. And its soo much nicer. And Safe. Even Bobbie noticed you didnt hear the bells ringing all the time.

Popped some pills and will sit and do my games.

The venison sausages were yummy. Left the last couple with MrP to have later. So my other ladies missed out. But Ill take them some nice sausages maybe on Friday.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's got to be more comfortable for him, Popeye

Twentyflamingseven here again today. Haven't done much & nothing in the garden apart from watering.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another damp day, no complaints though.

It sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday, popeye. Smile

Around four years ago, MrK bought me a DNA kit for my birthday in the hope it would help me find my birth family. It found cousins on my birth mother's side and now, it seems, it has found a great nephew on my birth father's side. I don't know my birth father's name or where he is so this should prove interesting one way or the other. I'll have a think about things to decide if I make contact. Last time I thought about making contact, a cousin reached out first so solved that dilemma.

I wish we could send you some of our rain, Lilith. No watering needed here for quite a while.

Yesterday we had no rain and a breeze so I was able to mow the lawn. OMG! It was like mowing spring grass. I had twice as many catcher loads as normal and it had only been around nine days since last mowed. On Thursday I looked at the lawn and decided to leave it as there wasn't much to mow. By yesterday, it was long and thick and took twice as long. I shouldn't complain, at least we have a lawn to mow.

I'm off to Hamilton today to see our son. He has a $50 petrol voucher for us Heart His insurance company gave him two for insuring his motor bike with them and he is sharing one with us. I need to go food hunting today too so will call into Pak 'n Save and might visit Spotlight while there.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast and blowing,  bracing ourselves for the expected heavy rain.  I feel for those only just starting to dry out after the last lot. 

Currently dogsitting and hoping her family get back from holiday via Auckland before the bad weather hits!

Some baking planned this morning and the cross stitch and/or baby cardi both well underway, beckon.

Stay safe and dry.

Good luck with whatever you decide with the DNA testing KM. I can well imagine the mixed feelings.
Morning everyone

Not raining at present. And yep the lawn is going crazy. But Im not in the mood for an Afro so wont be mowing it for a while lol.

I see Mr Brown has made look even more stupid. Saying he wouldn't be at the Tennis cos he had to talk to the Media Drongos... Diptstick, the tennis is washed out anyway lol... If he didn't want to talk publicly he sure is in the wrong Job.

A bit of paper work today. Finally just got my INR results from Friday. Just as well Im comfortable with dosing myself.

Couldn't get online last night or this morning as it said Id run out of credit. Blondly forgot I had the app on my phone so checked that. yes I had credit they just didn't automatically top me up.. So Im back in the land of the living again lol Skinny has gentlemen hours. 9am to 5-30pm if you need to ring them. Thats nuts but never mind. I only pay $5 a month usually, must have been using it a bit too much recently.

Stay safe and dry everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
With planned repairs and painting projects coming up I have been grabbing any dry breaks to sort out my deck area, which was loaded with potted plantings. Lots have now been transferred into my tiny gardens and the rain has got them off to good starts, because instead of drowning, the imported soil and compost mixes I have built up in those beds is wonderfully free draining. I am quite impressed with the garden results, but less so with the state of my deck. Looks to me as if painting it might well be a complete waste of effort, the underside is thick with green molds and fungi and the ground beneath is a swimming pool after our very wet summer so far, and that simply isn't going away. It will be interesting to see what the 'experts' think when the weather clears and they arrive to start work...
Ok, guess which idiot paid the phone bill twice... sigh... what a nimwit I am. Luckily Spark will refund it Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(31-01-2023, 12:38 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Ok, guess which idiot paid the phone bill twice... sigh... what a nimwit I am.  Luckily Spark will refund it Smile

Bugger lol... Good that they will refund it tho.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That sounds very interesting, KM, hope it goes well. And don't feel bad about paying the bill twice - I once managed to pay the previous power provider instead of the current one! They were really nice about it & didn't laugh too much.

Just to add to the sheer delight of doing the dreaded groceries, along the street parallel to us & which I usually bike down they've decided on an urgent need for - roadworks! Oh yay.
How fabulous - adding to the joys of dodging all the tradies vans & trucks down our street its just what's needed what with that street being altogether far too quiet & easy to use.
No doubt they'll be there for months too - oh what joy!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
LOL KM I did that 4 years ago for our internet provider, now always in credit  Big Grin set up AP as a result.

Dh been over painting at DD so I sewed my half square triangles now have  out quilt top will sandwich  that tomorrow so can begin quilting it 

My new noise cancelling earbuds are brilliant almost too good  finished my audiobook today as well so will have to find another to listen too soon.

Hope you up north are all keeping dry indoors
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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