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We are ‘greening’ ourselves to extinction
"They argued that the end of the world is a profitable opportunity for those who know how to “fade the fear”, as everyone else panics. They maintained that when disaster strikes, investors should approach it with the rationale that “no matter how bad things seem, they really aren’t that bad”"
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(31-01-2023, 05:34 PM)zqwerty Wrote: "They argued that the end of the world is a profitable opportunity for those who know how to “fade the fear”, as everyone else panics. They maintained that when disaster strikes, investors should approach it with the rationale that “no matter how bad things seem, they really aren’t that bad”"
That article is just a rehash of the falsity of 'greenwashing'. That is where people or businesses implement half arsed environmentally focussed strategies in order to capitalise on the public's gullibility in such matters. It is not so much about 'greening' so much as misrepresentation of the practices it describes.

The same applies to those marketing produce as spray free, 'natural' or other such nature friendly descriptors, which are in fact legally meaningless. The only way to ensure produce is chemical free and environmentally is by way of buying certified Organic products. This guarantees the environmental integrity of such products by way of a robust audit trail.

It takes significant effort to separate ourselves from the toxic and environmentally destructive practices that are the norm in today's world but so many people's concentration span is similar to that of their goldfish the less scrupulous suppliers and providers have a field day.
It might not be a bad thing though, for the well being of every other living thing on the planet.

Greening ourselves into extinction, that is. If we are stupid enough and/or greedy enough to do it, we deserve that predicted outcome.

And I suspect we are.
The cockroaches will thank us.
I do have other cameras!
(31-01-2023, 06:30 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(31-01-2023, 05:34 PM)zqwerty Wrote: "They argued that the end of the world is a profitable opportunity for those who know how to “fade the fear”, as everyone else panics. They maintained that when disaster strikes, investors should approach it with the rationale that “no matter how bad things seem, they really aren’t that bad”"
That article is just a rehash of the falsity of 'greenwashing'. That is where people or businesses implement half arsed environmentally focussed strategies in order to capitalise on the public's gullibility in such matters. It is not so much about 'greening' so much as misrepresentation of the practices it describes.

The same applies to those marketing produce as spray free, 'natural' or other such nature friendly descriptors, which are in fact legally meaningless. The only way to ensure produce is chemical free and environmentally is by way of buying certified Organic products. This guarantees the environmental integrity of such products by way of a robust audit trail.

It takes significant effort to separate ourselves from the toxic and environmentally destructive practices that are the norm in today's world but so many people's concentration span is similar to that of their goldfish the less scrupulous suppliers and providers have a field day.

My goldfish would be offended. They are far from being the most intelligent species of fish but their concentration span and learning ability do seem to outweigh that of many supposedly intelligent people.
(01-02-2023, 09:18 AM)SueDonim Wrote:
(31-01-2023, 06:30 PM)harm_less Wrote: That article is just a rehash of the falsity of 'greenwashing'. That is where people or businesses implement half arsed environmentally focussed strategies in order to capitalise on the public's gullibility in such matters. It is not so much about 'greening' so much as misrepresentation of the practices it describes.

The same applies to those marketing produce as spray free, 'natural' or other such nature friendly descriptors, which are in fact legally meaningless. The only way to ensure produce is chemical free and environmentally is by way of buying certified Organic products. This guarantees the environmental integrity of such products by way of a robust audit trail.

It takes significant effort to separate ourselves from the toxic and environmentally destructive practices that are the norm in today's world but so many people's concentration span is similar to that of their goldfish the less scrupulous suppliers and providers have a field day.

My goldfish would be offended. They are far from being the most intelligent species of fish but their concentration span and learning ability do seem to outweigh that of many supposedly intelligent people.

Fish may well inherit the seas, and I agree, their intelligence exceeds that of many so called higher order beasts.

My Betta fish was quite clear on that point.
(01-02-2023, 09:48 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(01-02-2023, 09:18 AM)SueDonim Wrote: My goldfish would be offended. They are far from being the most intelligent species of fish but their concentration span and learning ability do seem to outweigh that of many supposedly intelligent people.

Fish may well inherit the seas, and I agree, their intelligence exceeds that of many so called higher order beasts.

My Betta fish was quite clear on that point.

I never had betas but my angelfish were pretty clear communicators  - eg "yes, we are ready to spawn but you have put the spawning substrate in the wrong place. If you put it over here we will cooperate". I did and they did.
As soon as I understood my tank bound people knew when it was feeding time, knew how to avoid my interference at maintenance time, and discovered how to play with each other and various toys in their environment I realised all that rubbish about fish being dumb was just that.

Lovely creatures. I miss them, but I don't miss the power bills!
(01-02-2023, 10:43 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I realised all that rubbish about fish being dumb was just that.

Humans justify their actions. There had to be some reason to treat all other lifeforms as "less" and "stupid" and only humans are special and worthy.
Hence religion. It's all for us. The entire universe is just a clockwork built to keep one fairly recent species of primate happy.
Everything is there for our use. Resources, planets, animals, whatever.

Religion reinforced it. Of course, they, even Buddhism really, say we matter, nothing else does.
So....white males at the top, then females, then "savages".
And all other species below.

It's also bullshit.

Actually studying the facts, all animals have emotions, and communicate, albeit not in English, and have talents. They way we measure is designed by us, for us.

So...we can loot the planet forever, cause we're so smart minor issues like climate change, resources disappearing will be sorted with our smartness and new tech. Right?

I suspect we'll all still be arguing, scapegoating, blame shifting and scrambling so WE, US, get whats left over anyone else, never mind anyTHING else, as we disappear down the toilet with the dinosaurs and other species that have gone extinct.
And trees will inherit the Earth. Which is how it should be...  Big Grin
Sorry, trees are banned.
Trees are just junior coal, and coal is firmly on the black list.
Entropy is not what
it used to be.
trees are for firewood aren't they? Smile
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(03-02-2023, 07:23 AM)king1 Wrote: trees are for firewood aren't they? Smile
Depends how long they're stored for; 8 or 10 Kyears pretty much puts 'em in the coal scuttle.
Modern tendency is to stack firewood in hedges, along fence lines with bulk storage under bridges or along beaches. (Pretty much anywhere as long as its far from the accountants' property.)
Entropy is not what
it used to be.
(03-02-2023, 08:10 AM)R2x1 Wrote:
(03-02-2023, 07:23 AM)king1 Wrote: trees are for firewood aren't they? Smile
Depends how long they're stored for; 8 or 10 Kyears pretty much puts 'em in the coal scuttle.
Modern tendency is to stack firewood in hedges, along fence lines with bulk storage under bridges or along beaches. (Pretty much anywhere as long as its far from the accountants' property.)

Not wrong there either, and such a waste. We used to take the old landrover up along the cut lines and sort out our firewood from the slash. Mix that with a bit of kanuka or manuka from up past Hatepe and our winter heating was taken care of.

Terrible  waste of resources, allowing that to just lie there till the next decent storm.
(03-02-2023, 09:57 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Not wrong there either, and such a waste. We used to take the old landrover up along the cut lines and sort out our firewood from the slash. Mix that with a bit of kanuka or manuka from up past Hatepe and our winter heating was taken care of.

Terrible  waste of resources, allowing that to just lie there till the next decent storm.

Not only decent storms, some pretty vulgar storms spread the discarded trash pretty widely.
Entropy is not what
it used to be.

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