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You can never have enough...
Still safe here.

It would have to be a tsumani to reach me. But MrP said he saw trailers leaving the "Mill Block" over by where he is. As they are low. And with hills all heading down into the Block.

Friends who own the Nursery here have sandbagged the shop doors this time and propped things up around their "new" waterfalls they got on Friday night thanks to Mother Nature.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladiesSmile And we have more rain, no surprises there!

lol Lilith, I have also done that. And it was so easy to do as the old company was still on my contact list. Clicked on the correct company to pay but my phone hadn't finished loading the contact list and the old company's name took the place of the new as the list loaded. Never checked and paid. Now all companies we no longer deal with have been deleted. The old company had a good laugh and repaid the $$ quickly.

What a buggar about your deck, OHH. I wonder if the tradies will still turn up, they may be needed for flooded homes. But that lake of water underneath, would be a worry.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Wet and windy. With a bit of luck,  we won't get as much rain this time. Feeling for the Akers that are currently facing more torrential rain though. 

Need to get out and about for a few jobs including groceries and library book return. Another session with the cross stitch and knitting definitely on the cards. I also have an African Violet I've had for at least 40 years that could do with another repotting. Amazingly, it constantly flowers obviously liking its position in the bathroom  Flower

Another one who has paid the same bill twice, remedied by making the account an AP one!

Cuppa finished. 

Stay safe and dry all.
Another dull, damp day - getting a bit tedious but not flood inducing like those poor people are getting up north. 

All the rain at the weekend made one of my bigger tomatoes fall down so made a batch of green tomato relish yesterday- if we don’t get a bit of sun I’ll be making a heck of a lot more, friends and family won’t complain though, my last jar from last year is going to Queenstown so needed to replenish my supply.
 Haven’t had a ripe tomato yet though.

Out to lunch today as BiL birthday- chose a place with a lovely outside area but won’t be sitting in the garden today unfortunately. 

I have to keep a little book beside the computer to remind me who I’ve paid and when - ok I could check back on-line but I’m old fashioned enough to like the more physical reminder  Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast, humid day not a breath of wind.

DH off walking k9s then back to painting at DD .

I have a few errands to run then hope to get cot quilt sandwiched might ht even start quilting.

Hope tradies do turn up OHH and that water  is sorted

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

I have the trickle coming from the hill at the back. Quite windy too.

I dont recall paying any bills twice, but years ago I paid for a Fridge, only to have it repossessed cos the dude that sold it to me put his bank account on the forms. So he got all the money and then the company took the fridge. With the privacy stuff happening there was no way to be able to get him to refund our money. He lost his job tho. I dare say that it might have made it hard for him to get a new job in retail.. I hoped so at least.
First I knew about it was when the repo people turned up as we had moved while paying it off.

I prefer automatic payments for everything now. And as my Bank is shrinking and we dont have any up in this part of the country I have to bank into kiwibank and transfer to my other, if I have cash to bank. We have 4 banks here and during covid lockdown the only one open the most was kiwibank as it is in with the Paper plus and Lotto.

Off to see MrP this morning. He is getting tired very easily but is still doing his few exercises. Sad that its too late. But Im pleased he is. Im going to ask him to stand today for a decent cuddle.

Meant to say while we were there on Monday a flock of ducks flew over, and then a Heron came in to land near one of the "Ponds"s on the golf course. He said there was 4 there yesterday.. I think it was the first time Ive seen a Heron in Flight.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
MrP was a little bit grumpy cos he will insist in not admitting he has pain. So didn't sleep well.

He has reinstated his DNR. Which Im pleased about. Cos it means he wont ever end up well as they say a Vegetable. His Liver and kidneys wouldn't survive the pressure either. The Charge nurse has a lovely bedside manner and like us is straight up.

But we visited for a while and he had lunch, now he will have a rest.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I'm well & truly knackered - went in this morning & used my other Xmas book token & then went to get bus home. Instead, saw that it was going the other way first (it does a big loop) so thought for a change I'd get on & have a look around the newish suburb. We lived over that way years ago when there were just hills with a very few houses but is now well built up, some very nice houses but so many are painted dreary grey & quite steep streets in some places. The bus went past the end of what was our street, & had I not spotted the sign I'd never have recognised it. Mind you, it was in the 70's so 50 odd years ago!

Madame Le Dog was not best pleased that I'd been away so long, but took her for a walk before I had to head out to pick up my prescription & her flea treatment, which seemed to take ages so doing nowt else today.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We have sunshine!!! And wind to dry things out.

I agree about the house colours, Lilith. They are dark and all the same. Our son when he was little would say, they came out of the same box! I can't help but think in 20 years time, these suburbs will be the next 'nappy valleys'.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Just had a real good chuckle - read the story on Stuff about the woman who chased a cow that had been caught up in flood water - she chased it for an hour and it ended up standing at the door of KFC mooing - she rang the police they thought she was nuts - it’s well worth a read - good to read something humorous- so pleased we missed the worst of it here in the Bay .I know the last flood we had here was devastating but nothing compared to Auckland - it’s not over yet there is so much unstable land .Its not surprising there are so many with no contents insurance - they just can’t afford it .
Making slow progress indeed with my crochet blanket - started off with a hiss and a roar but the enthusiasm seems to have waned
I agree about the new subdivisions - it seems that a colour becomes the “in thing” and everybody chooses it
My neighbour came along whose garden I watered - he was very appreciative- there are definitely two sides to every story - he didn’t say too much except when they first moved in he was working nights so his wife was home alone - the teenage kids from the front houses kept coming down his drive late at night and making the security lights turn on - when he asked the parents to stop them it didn’t go well
morning ladies Smile We have a nice calm start to the day. A few rain clouds hovering but there are some traces of blue sky. Hopefully we are over the worst.

One of my sisters-in-law sent us a photo of some mushrooms picked off their lawn yesterday. All this rain and humidity is good for something!

lol Jan, I could just imagine that cow being chased. And ending up at KFC is a hoot. I could just imagine what the police were saying lol.

MrK and I were talking about the dark colours houses in new suburbs are being painted and he thinks there could be covenants on these areas. He remembered when his sisters went halves in a house, there was a covenant on what trees could be planted.

Yesterday I sewed some blocks for a quilt I had cut out over the winter. I had used an old pram lace cover from when my sister and I were babies and an old tablecloth I bought from Hospice. I had hand tacked the lace to some leftover satin used for a wedding dress, so I knew it was going to 'fun' to sew. I think the vintage lace was also left over from a wedding dress my grandmother sewed as she was the local seamstress. Now I need a dark contrasting colour so will keep an eye out for something I can reuse. My plan is to give it to our daughter for Christmas.

While the day is calm and dry, the plan is to weed some of the garden. The convolvulus grows a mile a minute and is strangling some lilies. Since the paddocks have been turned into maize, the convolvulus has found easy access to the garden. And of course, more concrete fill will go into the bin once I have a nice 'cushion' of weeds in its bottom.

Happy crafting Smile

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Yay, no rain with the sun trying to show itself!

Yes,  some subdivisions have covenants as to what colours and materials can be used on the houses. I have a family member under the mountains and the colours have to be dark. 

I read the cow story also,  she/he deserves to live ... some survival story as well!

It will be good to get outside today.  The weeds will have loved the weather as well as the garden. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Overcast but very calm here and a very warm night.

Will have to read the story about the cow. Need more stuff like that to diffuse the sad stuff.

While I was with MrP yesterday he heard all the alarms etc that went for when the house at the Manukau heads slid down the hill onto the beach.. A friend father in law had a house up there years ago but I suspect it was sold and replaced by the modern ones.

We have Nappy Lanes here. And the new area being built by the college appears to be a 50/50 share of one level dark boxes with multi stories on the other side.

I can't think of anything worse than living a dark box.

I see the road to Raglan is shut too.. Thats where MrP and I met many moons ago. I wouldn't even know how to get there these days. Im not great with directions , apart from when Im in Taranaki.. Cos down there you either end up on the beach, up the mountain or in Wangamomona.. Cant really get lost down there lol.

Heard from the home about the visit from MrP, which they hoped to do on Friday, but then they said the van hire would be $20-25.. I just cant do that at such short notice, so ended up very upset cos he would think Im trying to stop it. But they have said they will make it ok.. Probably tell him they cant get the van. But I will hear from them today.

Need to get a few things at NW.. Yesterday they had weetbix for $6-99 and I thought Bugger wish I had transferred a bit more money over... BUT today with their one day sale they are $4-99 for the 1.2 kilo box.. Sooo pleased I didnt have the money to get them yesterday lol.

Had a huge native cockroach laying on his back by the ranch slider this morning.. Hate them but dont feel as bad when its the native normally outdoors ones. He probably came out of the rain like the crickets. So he not a nudge out the door. Told him not to come back lol.

Breakfast is talking about things people have lost. Told them about my cousin who was on the Gold Coast. He went swimming and lost his false teeth. Went back the next day and sure enough he found them.. He has all the luck in the whole family lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast with a light zephyr  

Volunteer morning and food hunt on way home. Expect to get more quilting done later this afternoon.
DH out painting top coat today so he is gainfully occupied.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Not sure how r he weather will play out today - still don’t trust it not to rain so will tale my brolly when I walk to the library soon.

Yes JanW there’s always 2 sides to every situation so I try to look at things from a variety of angles and not just at what has been said or written - especially on social media.
 Many times I’ve thought it would be great to talk to the other person involved and I bet their story would be totally different to what is being told as “fact”   Big Grin 

Had a lovely lunch out yesterday, a birthday is always a good excuse to spoil ourselves a bit.

Well must return the library book and collect a couple more which are waiting for me then hopefully the weather will let me get into the garden this pm.
They say there are three sides to every story, his side, her side, and the right side! The media were also making a story of how the fire fighters weren't given a free meal at Tauranga Maccas after they had left their wallets at home. When I worked at Maccas (never again lol) the rules changed and the Police Minister and the like said no more freebies as it could be seen as bribery. When we worked the graveyard shift, the police would swing by and check on us, so we gave them a free coffee. I really felt for the young kid serving them. On the flip side, he could have phoned his boss and talked to him/her about it.

We have had a phone call from Waikato Hospital and MrK will have the laser treatment on his eye next week. The Eye Clinic is so onto it Smile While in Hamilton we will drop our yard broom off to our son so he can sweep his paths. MrK text him and said, you do know how to use a broom, or do you need a manual? (he was teasing and son knows that). Son replied, ummm I think so Dad. You grab the furry end bit don't you? Lots of banter to and froing Big Grin Gott a love our son's humour.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I also read the cow story - of all places to stop, poor thing must have been terrified! Good that that watering your neighbour's garden was appreciated Jan, their neighbours at the front don't sound too helpful.

Heavy rain forecast for us today, so obviously I've mowed the lawn & hung out the washing.
Some good news yesterday; the moon calendar people want one of my illustrations for next year's calendar, to go on an actual month this time which is really good - August apparently. I also need to do a short bio & find a photo. I did ask if perhaps 'one foot out the door' might do as bio, but apparently not - good thing those women have a good sense of humour! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Congratulations on the commission, Lilith Smile That's awesome!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well done Lilith - years ago I had a story published in a SPCA fundraiser book - you would have thought I had won the Nobel prize for literature
We were supposed to have heavy rain around 1pm - it’s very blustery think it must have blown the rain away but my washing is dry so if it comes it’s welcome otherwise it’s watering the garden tonight for me
My son just had the cedar on the outside of his house redone - the workers overlapped one another and have made an awful mess - the second coat they inadvertently applied has pooled rather than soaked in - can’t understand why they didn’t notice as they did it - the job was 8 thousand but to remedy it is costing 20 thousand - they supposedly are the best in town - he waited 4 months for them to do the job
Mr K is very lucky indeed to get his eye surgery - obviously that department is running well
How stupid banning Tom Jones old song Delila because it incites domestic violence
That’s wonderful  news Lilith, congrats.

Great that MrK’s treatment is soon.

When a niece was at high school she got a holiday job at a local nursery after her first day she had to ask her mum for a quick lesson in how to best use a rake    Big Grin

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