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You can never have enough...
Thank you all; that one took quite a while to do but the one they chose was the third version of it so also plenty of work in it.

I really must read Jonathon Livingstone Seagull again if I still have it somewhere.

That'd be a really good idea KM; those now in homes must surely miss having pets & would enjoy visits from them sometimes. Perhaps every home should have a couple of cats.

Venetian, I recently 'attended' the funeral of an in law via zoom - & I'm a technoklutz, but found it relatively simple, having been talked through it by grandkids! Smile

Its already 30 here so no doubt we're in for another far too hot day, dammit. Yesterday was up to 34 so hoping for lower temperatures today; its already hot so took Madame Le Dog for a very early but shorter than usual walk & feel slightly mean about it being short but on the other hand it was interesting for her as we don't often go that way so lots of new stuff to snuffle at along the way. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
They have a big Black and white cat at MrP's new home his name.. "Johnny Cash" lol.

They had 3 that visited the other one and often had dogs go in for visits. Thats one thing Ill say they did do well for entertainment. but a variety of different singers wouldn't go a miss.

I saw a movie when Very young about Jonathon Livingstone's Seagulls. I didnt know it was a book. I must look into it.

I saw my sister in laws funeral in Brisbane on zoom. Soo handy. And if the funerals were Catholic or Jehovah Witness at least you could get up stretch your legs and have a pit stop, unlike being there in person, They are sooo long lol

Done one load of washing and put 3 away lol.. the Christmas stuff is put away and madam Missy is hiding under the spare bed cos I beat her to the toffee I had put on a pillow, I suspect she is sulking lol

Yesterday I saw a post on FB about people making thermal blankets from Potato chip packets, the tinfoil type ones. Ive never heard of them doing that although MrP said he remembers it. Brilliant Idea and they use them like the ones in first aid kits.

Had I known there could have been Many made from the chips I used to get through. So Im going to put a couple of posts up and get everyone saving them. In these times of natural disasters and the homeless, they can be very handy.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Summer has certainly arrived - don’t think I would survive if I didn’t have air conditioning.My son and his family sent photos of them all swimming in the river on their farm - he invited his sawmill workers and their families out - the river has a wide shallow part perfect for kids and a couple of deep holes for the swimmers - it’s 29 degrees down there so I would think it would have been very much appreciated
I love Neil Diamonds Jonathon living seagull music - the movie was a flop but he sold millions of records of the soundtrack
My stomach is telling me dinner is running late - think I might have yoghurt and muesli
morning ladies Smile Gosh it was hot and sticky yesterday. All that water around makes for a very uncomfortable night's sleep even with the ceiling fan on and windows open.

Yesterday we were in Rotorua so MrK could put a shelf up for his sister. While there, she gave me four boxes of sewing stuff that had been left behind by the previous house owner's now ex wife. She had walked out and taken nothing but the kids and what she had on. When asked, she didn't want it back. When we got home, I went through the boxes and yes, there was a fair bit of rubbish but there was also some curtain fabric that could go to the op shop and other bits and pieces like that. I had to find a home in my stash for 117 reels of sewing machine thread, five full cones of white overlocker thread, three cones of red overlocker thread, an eyelet punch with eyelets of various sizes, a very expensive pair of dressmaking scissors, knitting needles of various sizes (some I didn't have so that was handy), a gazillion buttons, pins and needles, and some fabric. MrK is going to make me a box for the thread as it is all in a rickety old shoe box for now.

Time to mow the lawn. Yep, it's early but we are rural and our neighbours are all early risers. Crazy that I only mowed a few days ago and it's the same length it was then.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

I wasn't as hot yesterday. Maybe its moving down the Island.

Woke up thinking it was Waitangi day, so only crap on tv lol.

MrP was in a demanding mood last night. Wants his hair and nails cut, but wants me to take up a toasted sandwich and some chops and expects me to sit and wait while he eats.

He knows I do my work in the morning, so I can rest the bones in the afternoon. And when I said I'd take things up on another day he got shitty. grrr. He's got a lot of pain but doesn't tell them. He expects them to guess.

He knows I want to get the lawn done, around the weather and my pain. Oh and of course he has volunteered me to make some more bags for the pumps that they use.

He is just going to have to wait. His breathing a little wheezy which is a sign that the fluid is building up again, he hadn't lost any weight in the last 24 hours so it might be that the Pump isn't working any longer.

So Im going to sew the chair caddy I cut out last night and make a couple of the other bags. so I can hear the cricket at the same time. And then mow some of the lawn later in the day.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Overcast but I can see blue sky in the distance!

It was so nice to have sunshine yesterday even with the humidity,  but still managed to catch a breeze through the house.  Enjoyable day with family, ending with pizza night out 

No plans today aside from pulling out the now had it tomato plants. No craftwork done yesterday,  maybe later today. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Overcast and it rained over night.

KM thats a nice wee haul you have got.

Got call from DSIL late last night seems DGD had an accident that involved a concrete bird bath falling on her foot, they were up at the beach so had dashed to wgtn a&e and had been there some time.
Could we retrieve their dog  so up we get and drive up and back 2hours round trip on expressways.
DGD was kept overnight and having surgery today. Will have to dig out the Teddy I have in my stash - tradition started when DD had surgery she got a soft toy..

Completed quilting cot quilt yesterday will attach a binding today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Wow! 117? And there I thought having invested in ten more, making 25 in the sticky holder for my ancient Singer was a bit on the optimistic side!
I agree, a great stash to "inherit" not to mention the value! A few years ago I replenished my white, black, cream and navy in the larger sized reels and couldn't believe the cost! I also have 2 shoe boxes worth of colours acquired over many years Big Grin

Mica I hope the foot mends well.
lol I Know, OHH!  I couldn't believe it.  And there is my small haul of thread to go with it.  A lot of the reels are almost at the end and I will use them for hand tacking and the like, so it won't take long to use them.

Mica, I hope your granddaughter's surgery goes well.  That would have really, really hurt!

Most of the lawn is mowed, what a mission.  Couldn't believe it took so long and it's only been six days between mows. 

MrK is also in a grump with me, so you aren't alone, popeye lol.  I cut the mint back which we agreed to.  But I mulched it and binned it rather than composting.  He will thank me for doing that as there were roots and it would have taken over all three compost bins in a flash.  A few years ago he would have agreed with me but for some reason, he dug his toes in over this.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
In the 90s with one of my "Other" Mums we went halves in a huge box of brand new cotton reels in an Auction. I cant remember how much we paid but I know 3 drawers are full of cotton.. Sometimes I still dont have the right colour tho lol.

I stocked up on overlocking cottons just before MrP went into the home. When I had a little extra money.. Shouldn't run out in a hurry.

I love "Playing" in button boxes. I inherited my mothers and now I have them sorted into Coffee jars.

Ouchies Mice, hope your GD has a good outcome from the surgery. Many years ago our landlord gave us a heavy concrete bird bath. That thieves thought they might take off with. They got the top but obviously they weren't strong enough for the base lol.. MrP put a big terracotta plate on top. But we gave it away when we moved here.

Have made the Chair caddy and cut out the pump bags. Got ridiculously hot ironing the fabric. Will sew the pump bags another day tho. I want to go hit the lawn later
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That’s a great haul KM - should keep you going for a while   Big Grin  

Hope the Grand-daughter’s foot isn’t too bad and heals quickly Mica. 

It’s nice and warm here again. It was rather hot at the funeral as the Church was full with some having to stand and the aircon was struggling to cope.   At the pm tea the cold drink was very popular and the coffee almost ignored  Big Grin 

I’m going to have to water the garden when it cools down a bit as the promised thunder storms yesterday didn’t eventuate so they probably will come tonight as it seems that by watering the garden encourages a good downpour!  If that doesn’t work I’ll have to go and water my sisters garden tomorrow as they have gone on holiday to the South Island.
They were booked on the Kaitaki on Friday but the evening before were messaged that there would not be a sailing and the next possible one would be the 16th February - their return ticket was for the 17th.

Anyway they decided to go to the wharf and see if there was a waiting list in case of ‘no shows’ and they got on the next ferry that pm.  They weren’t told that there was the possibility of spare places so it pays to double check for yourself.  

Despite the heat I’m still getting knitting done but only things for little kids so not having warm knitting sitting on my knee. I’m just finishing a cardy for a 2yr old and then think I’ll do a 4yr old size. It’s a basic raglan pattern that I’ve adapted to be seamless, knitted from the bottom up
Can't have too much thread, just be careful old cotton as it looses its tensile strength.

Got binding on quilt,  will hand stitch that tonight,  also traced off some bigger sized body suits so that when my garment sewing mojo returns  I can hack and sew not have to faff around getting the right sized patterns.

DGD has had her surgery, broken foot bones severed artery and nerve, apparently a bit of a mess so a big ouch. Kids are resilient DD sent a photo of her hoeing  into a lemonade ice block while in recovery. Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Hope the granddaughter recovers quickly Mica.

Hot again here & the rain they predicted was approximately 20 drops so not enough to do any good. But perhaps the rain will return later.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Don't envy anyone with foot surgery. All those nerves. Mine still wakes me up some nights, and the nerve damage makes for some sensitivity issues, but at least I'm still walking, and so will this young lady, I have no doubt...

I wonder if I'll get treats after the new hip...  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile More rain, no surprises there! I will admit though, our lawn has never looked so good for this time of the year. And the rain has saved me hours of watering.

It's an early start for me thanks to the humidity and mozzies. And a grumpy dog growling as I've been tossing and turning. I need to buy some more of those insect repellant plug ins.

Good to hear your granddaughter is doing well, mica. No doubt she will love the fuss and treats from you all.

I'm thinking wine and chocolate as your treats after you have your hip done OHH. Maybe you could leave hints around your village Tongue

Good point about the strength of the thread, mica. There are a few of the old wooden reels and some on the older plastic ones. I'll use them for tacking designs and design placement on the fabric. Then strength won't be needed.

Today's challenge will be to move the fig tree (it's in a pot). But before that can be done, I need to move a wooden trough MrK built so the fig tree can go in its place. Once the fig has been moved, I can trim up the lemon tree. It's one of those days where you have to do a few things first before you get to the end game. The trough is going out in the garden against the fence under a maple tree. The bluebells are going to be moved into it so the hostas can spread under the tree. I'm slowly putting the spring bulbs into pots so garden space is freed up. It's either that or extend the garden lol.

Not much has been happening craft wise although I have had an idea for a quilt using a piece of embroidery I have stashed away. I'll nut it out on paper and see what I think. But in my head it looks pretty lol. I've had to juggle things around in my sewing cupboard, but with some organising, everything fits.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Raining here, started last night while I was talking to MrP.

He said there were quite a few out getting a round of golf in. Having withdrawal symptoms I bet with it being shut for nearly a week.

I managed to get the large patch of lawn done. Bugger for punishment, but I figured I can be sore and do nothing or sore and at least get a bit done.. I cut a pepsi bottle full length and popped the join in the leads and duct taped it shut. Not dampness getting into the joint. I should have done it ages ago. But it meant I wasnt trying to keep it out of the way and sitting on the cargo trolley.
I was going to spray the edges but the instructions said not to put it down if it might rain in 6 hours... it got to 2 lol. so that will wait for the next fine day.

Cutting MrPs hair and nails today, so more standing.. They combed his hair a totally odd way the other day and I very promptly put it back lol... Looked like a 80s hair style lol.

As I was putting away the tools yesterday I saw a skink run under the washing machine. Once I got inside I said to Missy there was a skink down there. Blow me down, she went and got it lol.. She had fun playing with it. I dont think she was hurting it cos it wasn't trying to run away. It ended up on one of the tiles and obviously couldn't get a grip and she sat there and told it off with a really deep guttural growl. Shes lost it somewhere, I think it may have managed to depart via the ranch slider.

But it was like Id told her to get it and she did lol..

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Overcast and we had rain overnight. 

I agree the lawn, although looking great this summer, is growing at a rapid pace with a lot more mowing needed. The cut yesterday was without the catcher for a "mulch mow" for a bit of conditioning.

Looks like today's plan will be weather dependant but don't mind the crafting option if stuck inside. My cross stitch is so much easier to do mounted on the frame now.

The fig tree we had when rural living produced prolifically. I had to be quick to get what I wanted as the silver eyes loved them ... I didn't mind the sharing  Smile

Cuppa finished,  might be a chance for a quick walk with the canine. 

Enjoy the day all.
Well despite taking ages to water the garden last evening and even planning to clean the car it hasn’t rained  Big Grin so I’ll have to water the other garden later - the bonus will be I can have any ripe tomatoes and strawberries. 

Hope the foot heals quickly Mica - at least the young tend to bounce back quicker some of us older ones   Heart

Have started the next cardy and excess wool is diminishing I’m going to have to dye the rest of the naked wool soon then my stash will be almost gone so can refill it again at the next sale  Smile
Morning all
Lots rain overnight which has cleared the air nicely.

Everyone's gardens sound great.

DgD should be discharged from hospital today, don't envy DD job of keeping an 18mth old quiet lol.
DD reports that the new childrens hospital is really nice.

Finished  the binding last night, got some house chores to do today, not sure what I will get up to this afternoon.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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