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You can never have enough...
I see NZ Bulbs have pink bluebells this year. I am very tempted. The ones a lovely TM friend sent me have a few pinks and a couple of whites but I would dearly love a handful of the pinks to pot up in a pink pot I have for the deck table. Gee they multiply fast. This season I have had to put a lot into the garden because the pots just got too crowded. I would love to scatter some under the big trees in the reserve but that bit of sneaky gardening will have to wait until the hip gets done. Too risky until then, with the spongey grass underfoot my balance would be challenged.

Something to look forward to! Big Grin
So much for moving the fig, never mind, it has to stop raining sooner or later.

This morning I put to use some of the fabric I scored and sewed a wee basket for the sewing cupboard. I really like it so might sew a few more, fill with bits and bobs and give away as gifts. Our daughter and grandkids are coming in May for MrK's 80th birthday and I have a few small things for the grandkids to take home so they will be filled easily enough.

Pink bluebells sound very pretty, especially in a pink pot, OHH Smile I have one lonely white bluebell so fingers crossed it does its thing.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
They are such a treat, these unusual sports. I would really like to see a lavender purple coloured version! Smile
It did eventually rain some more yesterday but still enough to do much good, other than allowing me a day off watering the garden. Hot again now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well the rain we were promised didn’t eventuate so I have watered my veggie pods - must say after a very hot day the evening air was pleasant .I have so many tomatoes - the little Roma ones are delicious - going to make a big pot of pasta sauce and freeze it - will wait until it cools off tomorrow .The weird heritage cucumber - some say it is Indian others say it’s Russian - has produced 69 cucumbers and there are probably another 10 developing but the plant is starting to look tired .They are tastier than a Lebanese cucumber - very crisp and low acid - they are short and brown with black prickles - would definitely grow one again - have no idea how I ended up with it
Watching 1923 the prequel to Yellowstone - Helen Mirren is in it - she is a superb actress
I have a whole lot of Mums sewing stuff - there are braids and ribbons all stored in a camphor wood chest that should go to somebody who creates stuff - non of the next generation are sewers so I must do something about them -
Ep 4 is such a cliff hanger. I am such a fan of Taylor Sheridan, his tv dramas are simply magnificent.

The kid has instagrammed me, the family cat is sick - turns out it ate a packet of hair ties. A whole packet. $3000 later...

Just as well they can afford it, lol.
Can’t wait for Episode 5 Hunni -I agree Taylor Sheridan seems to weave all sorts of detail in to connect the series to each other - the Indian girls name is Rainwater linking her to to the previous head of the reservation
Still very hot here - can’t sleep
morning ladies Smile We have fog this morning. If nothing else, the Waikato has a variety of starts to the day.

We loved '1923' and MrK is watching the second series of Yellowstone. Helen Mirren was amazing. The actress who acts as Beth in Yellowstone is a Brit Big Grin We've been watching her in other Bristish dramas lately and she's brilliant.

OMG $3000! That is a lot of money! Why on earth would a cat eat a packet of hair ties lol, that's something a dog would do. But I suppose the worry is the ties get tangled with body organs. Poor puss Heart

My sister-in-law phoned yesterday to say she has found another box of sewing stuff and will bring it with her when she comes for lunch soon. I'm hoping there will be a contrasting colour for the quilt I'm sewing so will hold off buying more fabric for that until I see what's what.

Washing machine is beeping, the washing can be hung out today. Between the air con and the clothes drier I suspect we will be having 'winter' type of power bill this month.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The sun is out, but it was a little cooler overnight.

I was shattered yesterday, Im thinking my B12 is long overdue. I did MrP's hair and toenails.. It was funny cos I went to grab his little toe on the left foot and remembered its not there. Its that long since I did his nails. lol.

So I had a snooze in the afternoon which isn't the norm for me.

Going up to see the ladies today.. And I admit a bit of a "sniffing" out trip too

One of the Drs from the Old home visited MrP yesterday and Apologized for not treating him properly while he was there.. This makes me wonder if things are happening there.
His New Dr has also said Heart failure isn't helping things either. but we expected that.

The GP son of the old Manager will not be attending to the new home anymore after Not doing his job on the weekend. So that's a relief, not only for MrP but everyone.

My bones are really tired so I dont know if I will get any more lawn done today. I might manage to spray tho.

Im having visitors for Saturday night, my friends from TGA. They are up to see Ed Sheran on Friday and will stay here Saturday night. Its many Years since I have seen them. So I suspect the poor Hubby won't get many words in lol

Ouch re the cat bill. They are far to nosey for their own good at times. Not a cheap hobby.

I worked out the other day Missy is 52 in Cat year so is mature now. I must look into the green lipped mussel extract and see how much it is. Im not sure if she will like it, she doesn't really do anything Fishy apart from Tuna. Might see if anyone local has any I could try her on and then replace if I buy some.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
sunny day here

Been out to local emporium this morning to buy buttons for jersey for DGD1 of course I came home with invisible zips for DD cushion covers she asked me to make, merino wool for cardi for DGD2 and wide quilt backing fabric white with large multi coloured dots - will use to back my charity cot quilts.

will trace off a new dress  pattern this afternoon its a Style Arc pattern, Aussie designer I find the patterns well drafted and usually minimal tweaking to get a good fit - usually just a full bust alteration
I mainly buy digital patterns these days.

DH been next door helping them shift a load of topsoil - they in their 80s and lugging baskets of soil down many steps- many hands and all that lighten the load

Cuppa ready

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Nice and sunny, expect it to get hot as the day goes on. 

A GD minding stint this morning,  next a dental appointment then the day is mine. 

Good to know about that site Mica, I've been buying knitting patterns online as well,  gorgeous patterns.

Better move. 

Enjoy the day all.
That's a very expensive cat, Hunni! Vets are so expensive now - you'd think some of them might get together & open premises together; that way they could offer cheaper vet services & would likely attract plenty of customers.

Went out early & got shopping done then did a tiny bit in garden, but far too hot now to do more; they're saying 26 but I suspect its closer to 28/30 out there. Included in my recently started new prescription are iron pills; haven't had them for a while but that likely means my levels were down in last blood test so probably why I've been so tired.

I just finished watching Unorthodox, about a young woman who grew up in an ultraorthodox Jewish religious group which was unnamed, but seems very similar as far as I can tell, to the Hasidic Jews whom I've read a bit about. She legs it to Germany where her mother (who also left) is living but is followed. Definitely an interesting one.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It's a tad overcast but we could still have some fine weather.

MrK had his other eye lasered yesterday. It was a bit of a fuss as the cataract was done eight years ago and prevented the pupil from opening wide. But it's done now and hopefully MrK will have much better vision. His eye was pretty sore yesterday and he couldn't cope with bright light. We'll see how he goes today.

This morning it will be Attempt #2 to move the fig tree. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin and this afternoon I have a big box of stuff to go to the op shop.

I'm flagging on the quail and have decided to stop for a while. I'll bag it up with all the info on the design so I can come back to it. I try not to do this but I'm becoming pretty frustrated with it.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Its sunny here for now.

Awesome re MrK's eye Kiwimade. Technology is so good these days. So much they can do but a lot they still cant.

I got half the edges and weeds sprayed yesterday. Not something I normally do cos I dont like seeing the yellow edges, but with timber fences all around they're not easy to get tidy. And oddly I like my lawn to look professionally done. That was what people used to tell me when I had a lawn mowing business, that they liked I took such care, and it stuck with me. My stepfather taught me to do a good job.

Off to see MrP this morning. I did pop in quickly yesterday , I couldn't wait to see the photos from Fridays visit.

Visited my ladies yesterday. One is not well with a horrible cough, Bobbie was snappy, but I dont blame her they gave her lunch then told her it was time to weigh her. First time I've heard her snap at anyone. And Colleen is just very unsettled and disappointed with how things are there.

In the foyer they had a board of photos that initially I thought were historical photos of Māori, being related to Waitangi day. Then I realized one of them was young Peter as we call him. And then I looked more closely to discover they were all inmates there. Dressed up in cloaks and greenstone and even with Mokos drawn on the Ladies.

I surprised myself cos I felt it was Offensive and disgusting. With Mockery in there. No doubt some of them didn't have a clue that it could be seen that way. But I was surprised at how it made me feel. And knowing the two activity ladies I can imagine them laughing and giggling at what they had done.

I spoke to a local Māori artist here last night and he said yes for him it was wrong and many of the elders would feel the same. But sadly a lot of the new generations just dont care anymore.

It just feels wrong in some way .

Will be a quiet day once I get home, Im sore. Rang to make a drs and Nurse appointment. Closest Dr one I could get with My dr is the 20th. But Im willing to wait. Will get my B12 on Thursday so hopefully that will help lift me up again. I feel worn out lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I loved Unorthodox, and learnt a lot in the process. It reinforced for me how lucky I was to be raised in a family that believed in letting children form their own ideas about the world without the ring fence of any religious dogma.
As for the iron, can I recommend a bit of B12 liquid to go with it? The trouble with aging is our gut's ability to process the stuff diminishes so helping it along with a drop or two under the tongue does wonders for energy levels. And staves off cognitive decline as well... It's a bit pricey - over $20 for a tiny Clinicians bottle, but nicer than the big intramuscular jab, just don't get sucked into the bigger bottle with the lipowhatevers, like I did last time - it tastes foul.

The contractors have arrived on site and require lopping off of my roses, and big pruning of my peach tree so they can paint. Hard on my heart but I complied only to turn round to see the labourer happily taking half ripe fruit off the remaining branches and looking very shocked when I told him to cut it out. No idea he was thieving, or maybe he had and was relying on the old 'no speak English' to get away with it. Not happy Hunni as you can imagine.

Never mind, coffee and cake day, and the weather looks rather nice...
Good morning. 

Sunny, but decidedly Autumn-like first thing. 

Will have to make note of "Unorthodox" on my "To Watch" list,  sounds a good series to view.

Groceries to get first thing.  Had a dahlia tidy up and flower pick yesterday,  which needs to continue on with weeding. Cross stitch slowly taking shape and just sleeves to do in GD cardi which I always knit together. A couple of expected babies to knit for next. 

Cuppa finished,  better get to supermarket.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Another sunny day

Some people have no cultural awareness Popeye.
OH just who did he think the fruit belonged to then cheeky devil.
Some nice knitting patterns thanks for posting the link Roma.
Sometimes projects need to be put into timeout KM .

Didn't get much done yesterday interrupted by visitors. I am hoping DH will disappear to golf today.

Got to get more cat food from vet and pick up meds then the day is all mine.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Out early as had to have car in for a service 8am now having coffee and watering sister’s garden while waiting. Her cucumber is producing like mad so hope it will keep going until she gets home. I’m going to make some cucumber pickles later today as I also have several cucumbers ready.

People who help themselves to fruit really make me angry. Just because it is still on a tree doesn’t mean that it is any less stealing than taking from a shop. I was silly and put a mandarin tree on my front lawn so too easy for the light fingered to help themselves. If they ask I’m more than happy to give them a good bag full and all the neighbours know they’ll get some too.

A cheaper option for B12 is chewing on a piece of raw liver (yuk) that is what they had to do before they had developed B12 injections and certainly helped a lot of people. When young we had a friend who ate raw liver and my youngest sister liked to share with her  Confused 

Cast on a 4ply baby’s cardy this am as the other one I’m doing is a bit bulky as my ‘take- out’ knitting. I’m trying to develop a basic pattern for a seamless, bottom up cardy in 4ply, I’ve made one for DK which is easy and able to individualise as I like.
The fig tree has been moved Big Grin and the lemon tree trimmed back a bit. MrK will finish it's tidy up. All the edges around the pump shed are done and the weeds pulled. I have put the trough under the tree and it's ready for fresh soil and the bluebells. The hostas that were struggling there have been moved and given a good feed of worm wee. It looks a lot better and once mowed again, will be even better still.

I must check out that series, Lilith. We were raised Catholic but when raising our kids I was pretty free and easy with how they viewed religion.

That is disgusting, popeye. Just so wrong to have the residents dress that way and to take photos. Waitangi Day is more than 'dressing up' and is a chance to celebrate all kiwiness. They could have had a fun day doing kiwiana stuff and enjoying kiwi type meals like fish and chips (from the chippie!) and pavs and so on. The home could have made it a really great day.

Time to do the breakfast dishes Tongue I like to work outside before the day becomes too hot so dishes wait until I come inside.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(08-02-2023, 06:57 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Its sunny here for now.

Awesome re MrK's eye Kiwimade. Technology is so good these days. So much they can do but a lot they still cant.

I got half the edges and weeds sprayed yesterday. Not something I normally do cos I dont like seeing the yellow edges, but with timber fences all around they're not easy to get tidy. And oddly I like my lawn to look professionally done. That was what people used to tell me when I had a lawn mowing business, that they liked I took such care, and it stuck with me. My stepfather taught me to do a good job.

Off to see MrP this morning. I did pop in quickly yesterday , I couldn't wait to see the photos from Fridays visit.

Visited my ladies yesterday. One is not well with a horrible cough, Bobbie was snappy, but I dont blame her they gave  her lunch then told her it was time to weigh her. First time I've heard her snap at anyone. And Colleen is just very unsettled and disappointed with how things are there.

In the foyer they had a board of photos that initially I thought were historical photos of Māori, being related to Waitangi day. Then I realized one of them was young Peter as we call him. And then I looked more closely to discover they were all inmates there. Dressed up in cloaks and greenstone and even with Mokos drawn on the Ladies.

I surprised myself cos I felt it was Offensive and disgusting. With Mockery in there. No doubt some of them didn't have a clue that it could be seen that way. But I was surprised at how it made me feel. And knowing the two activity ladies I can imagine them laughing and giggling at what they had done.

I spoke to a local Māori artist here last night and he said yes for him it was wrong and many of the elders would feel the same. But sadly a lot of the new generations just dont care anymore.

It just feels wrong in some way .

Will be a quiet day once I get home, Im sore. Rang to make a drs and Nurse appointment. Closest Dr one I could get with My dr is the 20th. But Im willing to wait. Will get my B12 on Thursday so hopefully that will help lift me up again. I feel worn out lol.

Have a fab day all

Your local rag would have a field day with those photos popeye. Aside from the exploitative consent angle it is totally culturally inappropriate. How demeaning for the residents. Almost cruel. If it was my mum I would be livid.

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