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You can never have enough...
(08-02-2023, 07:09 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I loved Unorthodox, and learnt a lot in the process. It reinforced for me how lucky I was to be raised in a family that believed in letting children form their own ideas about the world without the ring fence of any religious dogma.
As for the iron, can I recommend a bit of B12 liquid to go with it? The trouble with aging is our gut's ability to process the stuff diminishes so helping it along with a drop or two under the tongue does wonders for energy levels. And staves off cognitive decline as well... It's a bit pricey - over $20 for a tiny Clinicians bottle, but nicer than the big intramuscular jab, just don't get sucked into the bigger bottle with the lipowhatevers, like I did last time - it tastes foul.

The contractors have arrived on site and require lopping off of my roses, and big pruning of my peach tree so they can paint. Hard on my heart but I complied only to turn round to see the labourer happily taking half ripe fruit off the remaining branches and looking very shocked when I told him to cut it out. No idea he was thieving, or maybe he had and was relying on the old 'no speak English' to get away with it. Not happy Hunni as you can imagine.

Never mind, coffee and cake day, and the weather looks rather nice...

What struck me about it was the awful cramped little lives they all ( but especially the women ) live, simply due to their belief system. The wasted potential must be massive, as it would be in any very restrictive religion. It shows once again that we humans really can get ourselves to believe anything at all. It does make me wonder though, if there's ever been any religion which massively restricts the entire lives of men while allowing women far more freedom - I suspect not. Rolleyes

Have tracked down the Clinicians B12, so may give it a try once I finish the iron.

Popeye, you're not alone - I'd definitely find that offensive too, & very devious of them to use people who may not be able to express their views and & give properly informed consent. Dodgy
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I wish I'd taken a photo, but I was so shocked that I didn't think of it.

The trouble now is a certain few staff are taking things out on the ladies I visit.

And the Nark keeps planting herself to listen in. But we know she is doing it so are very careful.

I feel like in Im a rock and a hard place.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
So do I this morning. Our contractor cannot speak English, and is unfamiliar with NZ work practices. So some of the stuff he was doing was unsafe - apart from wrecking my garden and nicking my fruit, the guy was at a huge disadvantage. So I blew the whistle on him, rang the LLs and complained. A few hours later his supervisor turned up, and we had words about Work Safe NZ regs and inspections...

So they disappeared. And if and when they return, if things do not improve I will be making a lot more fuss.

Sometimes we have to get loud and annoying in order to protect others. If our guy had fallen, he wouldn't have had any help, or been able to summon it from the aged and decrepid lot who live here. 

And it is all about the money. People are more important. Sometimes bosses need reminding of that fact.
(08-02-2023, 11:39 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: So do I this morning. Our contractor cannot speak English, and is unfamiliar with NZ work practices. So some of the stuff he was doing was unsafe - apart from wrecking my garden and nicking my fruit, the guy was at a huge disadvantage. So I blew the whistle on him, rang the LLs and complained. A few hours later his supervisor turned up, and we had words about Work Safe NZ regs and inspections...

So they disappeared. And if and when they return, if things do not improve I will be making a lot more fuss.

Sometimes we have to get loud and annoying in order to protect others. If our guy had fallen, he wouldn't have had any help, or been able to summon it from the aged and decrepid lot who live here. 

And it is all about the money. People are more important. Sometimes bosses need reminding of that fact.

Totally agree OHH... Thats all the first home here is running for. Money not the care of the people. They are unsafe but it seems very hard to get that point through to people
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(08-02-2023, 11:39 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: So do I this morning. Our contractor cannot speak English, and is unfamiliar with NZ work practices. So some of the stuff he was doing was unsafe - apart from wrecking my garden and nicking my fruit, the guy was at a huge disadvantage. So I blew the whistle on him, rang the LLs and complained. A few hours later his supervisor turned up, and we had words about Work Safe NZ regs and inspections...

So they disappeared. And if and when they return, if things do not improve I will be making a lot more fuss.

Sometimes we have to get loud and annoying in order to protect others. If our guy had fallen, he wouldn't have had any help, or been able to summon it from the aged and decrepid lot who live here. 

And it is all about the money. People are more important. Sometimes bosses need reminding of that fact.

Yes indeed; there's money to be made from old people. And various aspects of the health system & prisons & schools too, & never mind if it means providing inferior services & cutting corners in all of those as long as those who own them can make oodles of money.  They worship money & ignore the suffering caused to others in its pursuit.
Those miserable greed crazed bastards would probably love to see the return of orphanages & workhouses. Neo Liberalism is an unfair & cruel system which needs to be removed everywhere. Dodgy
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(08-02-2023, 11:26 AM)popeye333 Wrote: I wish I'd taken a photo, but I was so shocked that I didn't think of it.

The trouble now is a certain few staff are taking things out on the ladies I visit.

And the Nark keeps planting herself to listen in. But we know she is doing it so are very careful.

I feel like in Im a  rock and a hard place.

If you think your ladies are being picked on you need to report it to the Aged home commissioner - Jacinda set up a very good Ministry outside the DHB - you can email without the risk of the home knowing - that is simply not fair on the old ladies - they don’t want to be concerned with narks reporting on them - the staff have absolutely no right to pick on them and that’s exactly why Jacinda set up the ministry - those staff need to be weeded out and you are perfectly qualified to do it for the old ladies - those bullies  can go find something else to do .You don’t want to end up not going to visit them because know they are going to suffer the consequences
morning ladies Smile  A slightly overcast start to the day but I should be able to do all the outdoor stuff I want to do.

Hear, hear! Jan.  Well said. 

Good on you OHH, for reporting the worker.  And as for nicking your fruit, what a damed cheek.

MrK's sight is much better.  We were having a cuppa outside yesterday and he said he could see things so much sharper and clearer.  And there are colours he had forgotten were so vivid.  I couldn't imagine not seeing colour.

All this wet weather has put me back to the start with the weeds along the main road.  This morning I'll mow them down and will spray them after I have bought more weed killer.  I'll weed around the hydrangea cuttings by hand.  Hopefully our friend will come soon to cut out the shrub too.  The large lump that of aggies I covered last year seem to have reduced in size by over half so today I'll brave a look under the covers.  They should be dead, if they aren't then they deserve to live lol.

It would seem we have another cyclone coming over the weekend and into next week.  As if the north haven't had enough to worry about.

Happy crafting Smile

Duh!  Silly me, typed Lilith's name instead of  OHH!  Apologies for that Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good Morning everyone

Thank you Jan I havent heard of that place, I will certainly contact them.

I have never wanted something so Big as much as I want that Manager and some of her staff out of the place. Money is the only thing that company wants.

Oddly I always thought it was CHT for Community health Trust. But when I told the Dr at the Hospital he said straight away that's what happens in those Religion Run places. he said its Christian Health trust.

Either way its scary and horrible to think of those defenseless people in there that are suffering. Something else that just popped into my mind. One of the men there , Im not sure what has happened be it a stroke or perhaps motor Neurones but Colleen said she has seen the staff Forcing his head up and back to shovel food into his mouth. I have heard him choking at other times from MrPs room. But Colleen was telling his Partner so hopefully he will do something too. Ive only spoken to him a couple of times.

Had a blow up on the phone last night, MrP is being his usual selfish self, not considering my pain or feelings. So I let rip. I had spoken to the charge nurse yesterday to see if she had any idea how to make him Understand about my pain. She said sadly at his age, nothing will change his mind. Shes right really. MrP didn't like the fact that I was speaking to her, which is tough. So He copped it.

Im popping over to Pukekohe today. The stuff I need is all a lot cheaper there today. I told MrP cos Im slow moving that I could be late to ring him. And that that couldn't be helped.

There are Aggies between the walkway fence outside MrPs room and the Hydrangeas. A battle of the wills with both of those I think.

OH the new roomy arrived when I was there yesterday. He is a very frail man of 99. His facial skin is pretty much translucent. I asked MrP what his name is, and Blow me down its Trevor. Bobbies husband was Trevor.. She often calls MrP Trevor lol... It might totally confuse her now. Mind you Im not sure that they will let her visit again.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
You’ll bear those aggies yet KM  Big Grin 

I’ve finally got ripe tomatoes I think there will be quite a lot all at the same time so I too will be making pasta sauce to freeze - it’s great to have on hand during winter I add it to all sort of dishes not just pasta.

Skeinz has stopped their naked yarn so I went and got 2 lots yesterday- so much for reducing my stash Big Grin  

Out for am tea today then I might dye some of the wool it’s such good drying weather and as I haven’t done any dyeing for a while I’m keen to see what colours I make this time.
Morning all
Overcast and a cool southerly today

Great KM the aggie reveal lets hope you have done the bliters in Big Grin

My morning at the warehouse and then meeti g friends for lunch . Probably should hunt for food too.

Cut dress out yesterday so that should be sewn up soon

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Nice and sunny again today. Hard to believe there is another cyclone looming.

Popeye MrP is well out of that place. I hope the contact Jan has given can lead to some help for the residents.

Lol KM those aggies are tenacious. Whenever I see them,  I'm glad they're not in my garden these days!

Here's hoping your garden survives further assault with the painting job OHH. Good on you for spelling things out!

Nothing planned today,  apart from getting things done before it heats up. Some more handcraft later in the day. 

Enjoy the day all.
omgg!! Those blimmen aggies lol. Tough buggars aren't they. They are pretty much dead BUT there are new ones growing. Now that I have mowed and weeded, I have a clearer idea of what's what. Some weed killer will do the trick with the weeds I couldn't pull and for those baby aggies. Where I have been able to dig the aggies out there have been no new ones pop up so that's a relief. I'll try and keep on top of the roadside weeding. I'm sure people driving by thought I was nuts lol.

Once MrK has finished putting is home brew beer down, I'll have the kitchen to myself and can get the dishes done.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The contract job is turning info a debacle. The painter didn't show today, but water blasters have arrived. So they are going to blast all the surfaces the painter has scraped and sanded back to bare wood... And over the areas where he has taped off, so all of that will have to be redone. Boy these guys are clowns. So we got stroppy and requested management attend, and got fobbed off (sound familiar popeye?) with the community manager who is the bottom of the heap. Their excuse is not covid this time, but cyclones... Well, we have another one of those coming too.

And to add insult to injury, all the planned work that we were told was happening that we wanted to happen - a pergola shelter for the courtyard etc, is not now happening because it would cost too much.

Clowns. Absolute clowns.
(09-02-2023, 06:39 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Good Morning everyone

Thank you Jan I havent heard of that place, I will certainly contact them.

I have never wanted something so Big as much as I want that Manager and some of her staff out of the place. Money is the only thing that company wants.

Oddly I always thought it was CHT for Community health Trust. But when I told the Dr at the Hospital he said straight away that's what happens in those Religion Run places. he said its Christian Health trust.

Either way its scary and horrible to think of those defenseless people in there that are suffering. Something else that just popped into my mind. One of the men there , Im not sure what has happened be it a stroke or perhaps motor Neurones but Colleen said she has seen the staff Forcing his head up and back to shovel food into his mouth. I have heard him choking at other times from MrPs room. But Colleen was telling his Partner so hopefully he will do something too. Ive only spoken to him a couple of times.

Had a blow up on the phone last night, MrP is being his usual selfish self, not considering my pain or feelings. So I let rip. I had spoken to the charge nurse yesterday to see if she had any idea how to make him Understand about my pain. She said sadly at his age, nothing will change his mind. Shes right really. MrP didn't like the fact that I was speaking to her, which is tough. So He copped it.

Im popping over to Pukekohe today. The stuff I need is all a lot cheaper there today. I told MrP cos Im slow moving that I could be late to ring him. And that that couldn't be helped.

There are Aggies between the walkway fence outside MrPs room and the Hydrangeas. A battle of the wills with both of those I think.

OH the new roomy arrived when I was there yesterday. He is a very frail man of 99. His facial skin is pretty much translucent.  I asked MrP what his name is, and Blow me down its Trevor. Bobbies husband was Trevor.. She often calls MrP Trevor lol... It might totally confuse her now.  Mind you Im not sure that they will let her visit again.

Have a fab day everyone
Popeye just key Aged Care Commissioner into your search engine - the web page is very easy to follow
OMG OHH.. I think I would pay to see that circus.

They sound like a pack of clowns who obviously missed training sessions or lessons in what order things should be done.

Will do the search. Havent been home long. And Im am Shattered.

And some silly Tart forgot to go have her B12 shot. They have gratefully changed my appointment and popped me in on Friday afternoon. I only realised when I was waiting for the garage door to lift up.

Ill probably get moaned at for ringing late, although I did warn him last night and Ill simply point out that I thought he might wan to eat his lunch while its hot.

My Friends from TGA are at Butterfly creek. MrP has been there but I haven't as yet.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

All my being loud and annoying has paid off. We got a surprise visit from management, and the opportunity to express concerns and draw attention to issues we had been told didn't exist.  Management acknowledge they do exist, we are right, and have promised they will be fixed. Painter job now on hold till decent tradesmen available, repairs not going to be a bog and cover job, but a proper repair.

Wonderful what waving the Health and Safety flag around can achieve!

Now, if all this doesn't prove to be hot air and illusions I will be very happy. But we know from past experience to never believe anything we are told till it actually happens...

It pays to keep on keeping on. Sometimes.
Glad to hear that being loud has paid off Hunni - why the devil can't people just do the right thing instead of pretending there's no problem. And good luck with the Aged care commissioner Popeye, that place badly needs sorting out by the sound of it - they're lucky that poor man didn't choke to death.

Slightly less hot here today so managed a bit outside & finally got back lawn done.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Thought I would share with you Kiwimade - my cousins recent battle with a mountain of aggies she removed from a bank - she is in her late 60s widowed early and fiercely independent .She like you has tried everything - recently uncovered the pile expected there to be no growth but there were multiple sprouts - I can just imagine her she would have taken it as a personal insult - she decided to start her ride on and park on top of the pile and mow the sprouts - I have never driven a ride on and have no idea of the logistics but she did it - there was a horrendous noise - she thought it was her cat - but it was a nest of rats - they were all munched into the mower dead and dying - she left her best to last jumped off and left the mower running and rang the AA - she said it’s motor driven so why wouldn’t it be covered in her AA subscription - her next call was to Robie could he get his shop handyman to come - he took the whole lot away but the drama was all the aggies fault according to her
(09-02-2023, 03:53 PM)JanW Wrote: Thought I would share with you Kiwimade - my cousins recent battle with a mountain of aggies she removed from a bank - she is in her late 60s widowed early and fiercely independent .She like you has tried everything - recently uncovered the pile expected there to be no growth but there were multiple sprouts - I can just imagine her she would have taken it as a personal insult - she decided to start her ride on and park on top of the pile and mow the sprouts - I have never driven a ride on and have no idea of the logistics but she did it - there was a horrendous noise - she thought it was her cat - but it was a nest of rats - they were all munched into the mower dead and dying - she left her best to last jumped off and left the mower running and rang the AA - she said it’s motor driven so why wouldn’t it be covered in her AA subscription - her next call was to Robie could he get his shop handyman to come - he took the whole lot away but the drama was all the aggies fault according to her

OMG Jan 

I can just picture it.. Good on her tho.. And she wasn't to know there was a family or defenseless  (lol) Rats living there lol... 

Sometimes you just have to take the bull by the horns and deal with it.

Such is the case with OHH and the home here too.

MrP proudly stated he had turned his phone off on purpose, I said I know, cos it doesnt ring when its switched off, it goes straight to the answerphone. Burst his Bubble Im afraid.

He still wasn't happy. But still asked for things, even tho he said a couple of times not to bother taking it in. So its probably going to be a short visit. But I have a list of jobs to do tomorrow so that will suit me fine too.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile The temperature has dropped here, probably why I slept so well last night.

OMG Jan, I don't blame her for jumping off the mower and running. I would have felt sick to the stomach! I hate rats with a vengeance but that was horrible, even for them. I bet she felt sick too. Luckily, we haven't had any sign of rats or mice for over a year now. My trapping 'programme' is paying off Smile

I'm glad management have finally listened to you, OHH. They way those workers were 'working' was ridiculous. As they say, the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

I have some fabric all marked out to place some butterfly designs on so I can embroider them. The center piece for this quilt is an embroidery I've stitched before of a cat with a butterfly landing on its nose. It's in monochrome colours with a small touch of lemon here and there. The butterflies will be embroidered in the lemon and used for the corners. The rest of the quilt will copy the colours of the cat, monochrome with a splash of yellow. It will fit purrrfectly (Tongue) in the guest room as it is greys, white and yellow.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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