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You can never have enough...
I take my Hats off to all shop owners these days.

When we had our dairy in the early 80s we were only broken into once.. Just smokes taken. You never used to make much on the smokes, its the other thing they might buy while in there.

The foursquare size shop on the same block as ours only got broken into once that I remember too, I rang the shop owner as we got to the shop at 3am and saw the door broken in. The shop owner turned up with a gun..!! he was told off by the police and he said he is simply protecting his property and asked did they want to arrest him? They didnt.

There's no reason to be rude to anyone. Plain and simple.

We wouldn't have dreamed of speaking to people how they do these days.. Our parents would have kicked our butts and if the police had caught us misbehaving they would have kicked our Butts all the way home and then the parents started.

There's no real punishment these days.. And when the School had to start being the Parents is where it went wrong.

Like in the Winz group Im in, man I've learnt you can get so much out of them.

When my father was still alive there was 7 in the house and living on $74 a week. He died and the eldest 2 started working. Mum raised us on the widows benefit.

None of this well you get food grants, clothing grants, school uniforms and books. tvs, fridges, washing machines, bedding.
What are people doing with the money they get. ?

Christmas and birthdays are the same days each year.. Alot leave it and then ask Winz and them moan when declined.

Im glad Im not a parent these days cos the world is going mad.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Fingers crossed that the cyclone decides to beetle off out to sea, well away from land, ships, people & creatures & blows itself out where it doesn't do any harm. The good thing about cyclones is that they at least can be predicted so everyone has some warning.
Perhaps in the future they'll be able to predict quakes as well.

I'm very glad not to be a parent of school kids now; it was hard enough back when I did it, with high school uniforms costing an arm & a leg. I was lucky that there was an op shop close at that time so between what they had, what I could buy & what the school was selling from their lost box, we managed it.
Possibly there are grants to help with such things now but I suspect people will have to jump through several hoops to even be eligible.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I was in New World this morning, blowing the last of my super, and it was crowded. The young man on the till said it was awful because people were being so rude. No reason ever to be rude to employees, even in stressful situations, always be polite to the servants my grandfather used to say! He was such a lovely young man, I was really sorry for him...
(11-02-2023, 04:34 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I was in New World this morning, blowing the last of my super, and it was crowded. The young man on the till said it was awful because people were being so rude. No reason ever to be rude to employees, even in stressful situations, always be polite to the servants my grandfather used to say! He was such a lovely young man, I was really sorry for him...

I would say, Hunni, not to be rude to supermarket staff because they are people.
I do have other cameras!
It's cringeworthy to witness someone having a go at another behind a counter/till. Even worse if the twit is an entitled senior as I observed waiting at the dentist last week. The 2 girls did such a good job of dealing with him when they must have felt like decking him,  as I did!
(11-02-2023, 05:52 PM)Praktica Wrote:
(11-02-2023, 04:34 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I was in New World this morning, blowing the last of my super, and it was crowded. The young man on the till said it was awful because people were being so rude. No reason ever to be rude to employees, even in stressful situations, always be polite to the servants my grandfather used to say! He was such a lovely young man, I was really sorry for him...

I would say, Hunni, not to be rude to supermarket staff because they are people.

No, I think there are definitely people we need to be rude to...  Often.  Big Grin
(11-02-2023, 04:34 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I was in New World this morning, blowing the last of my super, and it was crowded. The young man on the till said it was awful because people were being so rude. No reason ever to be rude to employees, even in stressful situations, always be polite to the servants my grandfather used to say! He was such a lovely young man, I was really sorry for him...

People must be stressed about the cyclone, but even so that isn't the fault of staff & there's absolutely no need in being obnoxious to people who after all, are very often that supermarket's best asset.
And really, if people can be rude to staff then that says it all about them. Dodgy
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile It's the calm before the storm, very quiet here. Even the birds aren't singing. They weren't singing yesterday morning either so they know something is happening.

I put petrol in the car yesterday and the petrol stations were busy as heck. Didn't need to go to the supermarket so don't know how busy that was. But I agree, there is no need to be rude to staff. My pet frustration at the moment is people who use the speedlane at Gull and then go in to buy a coffee or whatever without moving their car. We only have one pump (both sides) as the 'speedlane' here and if the other side of the pump is being used, it's no longer a speedlane. I've spoken to the manager of our Gull and asked him if his staff could please ask people to move their cars. After all, what is the point of a speedlane!

This morning we will make sure we have water in the fridge and bucket (for the loo) and I will do a 'rekkie' around the garden to make sure I have all the garden tools in the garage. Sometimes I leave them out if I know I'm going back out in the garden (naughty, I know). I was looking at my Lemon & Lime standard roses and they are huge and catch the wind. Sometimes they bend so badly I think they will snap off. So I think I'll give them a quick light prune.

Stay safe.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I had an interesting few minutes this morning reading up about the way we build on flood plains in the Stuff articles. Enlightening just how stupid people are. And continue to be.

Our corporate LL had to move tenants out of one village in particular as their flats were totally swamped. The staff did all the work to relocate people and possessions, then organised urgent laying of new carpet and drapes only to have this weather event come down the tubes...

I guess the decisionmakers actually believe that 1 in a hundred years myth.
I read that article too, OHH. We can be a stupid species, can't we.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast and calm here warm day predicted.

Just seems like common sense doesn't it to not build on flood Plains or land proneliquefaction . Have heard tales of councils decli jng building consents then developers taking them to court to have decision overturned. Money mo ey money  Shy

Finished the dress and  it fits nicely but I do not like it. As DH says charity sew. Someone in my sewing group may like it.

Had DD and DGD1 over yesterday afternoon DGD entertainment t in hot weather curtailed due to heavily bandaged foot so no water play, can't get dirty etc they ended up staying for tea. So we had a very quiet and early night last night.
Making cushion covers for DD today. Good to have mum to do stuff I must  Blush Heart her.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
We can indeed. And while I totally support warnings from Met Service and preparations advisories for those likely to be affected, I can't help feeling the media are feeding the disaster fantasies that lift their click rates with an entirely different agenda.

Most people do not need to be like my elderly neighbour, who came home yesterday proudly loaded up with rechargeable emergency lights, butane stove and gas bottles, new heavy weight jacket, and bags to fill with sand. She spent well over her normal grocery budget on these items, and the danger of being flooded out here is zero. But she believes everything the media tell her...

I'll bet there are lots more out there like her.
Wind starting to pick up this morning - but we have had a windy summer - it wasn’t as bad in Norfolk Island as predicted so hopefully the same will happen here - a lot of money was spent yesterday in the supermarket and now people will complain about the empty shelves .The two worst my farmer/sawmiller son had to deal with was an out of control woman shouting at the lady at customer services about the rotten mince she had bought the day before - it still had its Countdown label - she was in the wrong shop and another man telling the young Indian boy in the veggie dept he should go back where he came from - he was born in NZ - because he had bought several $3 watermelons and one was completely white when he cut it open - he is back there today - reckons they should make a reality show a day in the life of a young kiwi working in retail
I grew capsicum for the first time - one plant are beautiful purple - haven’t tried one yet but they look spectacular- they will safe in the pod if the worst does come .
They have discovered in Oz how stupid it has been building on flood plains and we are starting to see the same thing - reclaimed land is very vulnerable now the climate is changing .The husband of the rat killer was a contractor who did subdivision development- he did a big one just south of the city on land that was sea before the earthquake - he was very vocal about the risk of liquefaction- didn’t realise what that was until the CHCH earthquake - no doubt in time he will be proven correct
Morning all.

Wet and a little windy here. Was more windier yesterday tho.

Totally agree they are Over Hyping things. And now that lady you speak of OHH might be warm and dry, just won't have any food to cook on her new cooker etc.

Being a tad of a food hoarder (OMG Ive admitted it) lol I can last quite a long time, and I always have a spare packet of toilet paper. And the first aid box is fine, the papers are on one spot. In saying that tho if I had to get out fast and the power was off Im stuffed anyway I guess since the Garage door is automatic. Although maybe there is a way of manually opening it, I wouldn't know tho lol.

Was a lovely visit with my friends from Tauranga. But I was ever so pleased to get their text saying they made it home safely. They gave me the coolest of Drink bottles that they got when they went to a talk from a lady who worked for Nasa.. From what they have told me it was totally fascinating. The top comes off and it is a cup. You generally only get that on Thermoses.

I finally admitted yesterday that I need to stop, when it comes to the rest home. I've told every department that I can. I need to leave it to them. But just go an visit my ladies . My head and body will thank me for it.

I have enough to deal with , with MrP. He said he saw a different dr yesterday. And seemed to say that the pump isn't working as good now. but I need to talk to the Charge nurse and see what has been said. He often doesn't hear things properly or twists things around.

12 more days and I can have a steroid shot. I am soo looking forward to it. Cos Im getting less mobile than I have ever been. To the point of thinking this morning Id rather have my shingles back than live with this for too much longer.

I might try and colour in later, will be nice and relaxing

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(12-02-2023, 09:17 AM)JanW Wrote: Wind starting to pick up this morning - but we have had a windy summer - it wasn’t as bad in Norfolk Island as predicted so hopefully the same will happen here - a lot of money was spent yesterday in the supermarket and now people will complain about the empty shelves .The two worst my farmer/sawmiller son had to deal with was an out of control woman shouting at the lady at customer services about the rotten mince she had bought the day before - it still had its Countdown label - she was in the wrong shop and another man telling the young Indian boy in the veggie dept he should go back where he came from - he was born in NZ - because he had bought several $3 watermelons and one was completely white when he cut it open - he is back there today - reckons they should make a reality show a day in the life of a young kiwi working in retail
I grew capsicum for the first time - one plant are beautiful purple - haven’t tried one yet but they look spectacular- they will safe in the pod if the worst does come .
They have discovered in Oz how stupid it has been building on flood plains and we are starting to see the same thing - reclaimed land is very vulnerable now the climate is changing .The husband of the rat killer was a contractor who did subdivision development- he did a big one just south of the city on land that was sea before the earthquake - he was very vocal about the risk of liquefaction- didn’t realise what that was until the CHCH earthquake - no doubt in time he will be proven correct

That liquefaction was nasty stuff; I was going down the street to check if a neighbour on her own was OK & thought we'd had a water main burst on the road, but it was liquefaction.
And it wasn't as bad here as it was elsewhere in the city.
 I thought then that since its built on swamp,  perhaps having canals dug might not be a bad idea - we could take advice from the Dutch, who are experts at such things.

If we all 'went back where we came from' then Africa would be full & the rest of our world, not so much.  Dodgy     We're all immigrants of the descendants of immigrants. Rolleyes

Apparently the cyclone has been downgraded slightly, so hope it won't be as bad as predicted, good luck all those in its path. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We've gone to red, so it is going to be interesting.
Well I went out this am well laden down with raincoat and umbrella but didn’t need either, a shower has just gone through but minimal wind still. 

Called in to little 4 square yesterday as I was going past but no busier than usual but they have common salt at the moment the other local supermarkets I’ve looked in only have expensive fancy pink salt which I don’t want to buy just for making pickles so at least if my tomatoes blow down I’ll be well prepared to make more relish  Big Grin 

Instead of a flood plain let’s build on a cliff top or right close to a beach    Rolleyes 
Mind you with our “young” terrain of steep hills, volcanoes, fault lines etc etc there are extra risks wherever you build.

Must admit that I live on land that came up in the 1932 earthquake so hope it doesn’t want to go back down again although I’ve been told that NZ is tipping towards the west so the east coast will be going up rather than down.
Oh that's nice to know. I'll be even safer.
(12-02-2023, 10:49 AM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(12-02-2023, 09:17 AM)JanW Wrote: Wind starting to pick up this morning - but we have had a windy summer - it wasn’t as bad in Norfolk Island as predicted so hopefully the same will happen here - a lot of money was spent yesterday in the supermarket and now people will complain about the empty shelves .The two worst my farmer/sawmiller son had to deal with was an out of control woman shouting at the lady at customer services about the rotten mince she had bought the day before - it still had its Countdown label - she was in the wrong shop and another man telling the young Indian boy in the veggie dept he should go back where he came from - he was born in NZ - because he had bought several $3 watermelons and one was completely white when he cut it open - he is back there today - reckons they should make a reality show a day in the life of a young kiwi working in retail
I grew capsicum for the first time - one plant are beautiful purple - haven’t tried one yet but they look spectacular- they will safe in the pod if the worst does come .
They have discovered in Oz how stupid it has been building on flood plains and we are starting to see the same thing - reclaimed land is very vulnerable now the climate is changing .The husband of the rat killer was a contractor who did subdivision development- he did a big one just south of the city on land that was sea before the earthquake - he was very vocal about the risk of liquefaction- didn’t realise what that was until the CHCH earthquake - no doubt in time he will be proven correct

That liquefaction was nasty stuff; I was going down the street to check if a neighbour on her own was OK & thought we'd had a water main burst on the road, but it was liquefaction.
And it wasn't as bad here as it was elsewhere in the city.
 I thought then that since its built on swamp,  perhaps having canals dug might not be a bad idea - we could take advice from the Dutch, who are experts at such things.

If we all 'went back where we came from' then Africa would be full & the rest of our world, not so much.  Dodgy     We're all immigrants of the descendants of immigrants. Rolleyes

Apparently the cyclone has been downgraded slightly, so hope it won't be as bad as predicted, good luck all those in its path. Smile
As my son handed out the trespass notice to the watermelon man he told him the young man he had abused was born a kiwi to parents who are both medical professionals and the young man is a third year medical student out working to support himself through uni - but it would have gone over the abusers head
I am delighted to hear the bastard got trespassed. Bet he doesn't tell his mates that bit.

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