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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

Going to be a stunner of a day, and Thankfully right down the East Coast.

I tend to have a delay factor, and things hit a few days later. That happened last night. I spent most of the news time bawling. Big tough men reduced to tears, a Father who has sent his wee babies away.

I hope those undesirables are dealt with Big time. Its disgusting and inhuman. And the receivers need to be dealt with too. We ALL know when you buy new stuff , TV's, tools etc they come in boxes.. So if it doesn't you can guarantee it was stolen.
It really shows just how low some oxygen thieves can be. I hope their Nannies deal with them..

I do love the positive stuff that is happening too.. And one thing that I do worry about is a whole generation of kids whose schooling has been messed by the covid and this, and even back to the earthquakes. If I was in the area, I would quite happily want to start pockets of schools, sitting in the sun even if it's just re4ading and colouring in.. Perhaps ones like me who cant do much on the physical side can help keep kids entertained and learning. And Distraction will help them.

When we lived in Mangakino one of the transformers blew at the Whakamaru Dam. Power was out a week. Our BBQ was going every daylight hour, for anyone but the thing most people wanted was hot water for a cuppa. And yes so long as you keep the freezers shut its amazing how long it will stay frozen. And that is why if its starting to have gaps, fill bottles with water and fill up the gaps. Cos we never know when this can happen again.

Off to the Dr this morning, which I know will involve tears. but he is a lovely young man. Then Ill visit MrP and I have asked him to ask the Head nurse to visit to bring me up to date on his health and discuss his pain management.

Then I will pop up and see the girls. Its been a while and I just need to see they are ok.

Awesome news about the roadside lawn Kiwimade.. And Much safer for you too.

Have a fab day everyone..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

A nice,  sunny day.

Grandchildren day with 3 yo gd keeping me entertained/organised during the day Big Grin

A week of no power for some affected cyclone areas doesn't bear thinking about, how hard it is with a 24 hour outage! Glad that the clean up is being aided with fine weather and that so many are helping  Smile

Enjoy the day all.
had a lovely hot dinner last night dropped off by my brother whose son is a fireman, apparently silver fern farms had donated a lot of meat
and  they had a lot of meals to disrtribute so we could give some to our neighbours too.
 I know we are not really affected but a hot meal after  almost a week was nice, I had been conserving the gas in my little cooker as no one knew how long we had to  make things last, i would boil up a pot of water for the thermos each day and throw a couple of eggs in there to  cook at the same time and with what is in the garden and fridge I ate well on salads and still get a few coffees each day  Smile  

Wasn't very amused to turn on the computer once power was on and get a reminder that my phone bill was due - i know it is just an automatic reminder and usually it is appreciated. 
 I sent off a snarky reply that if a) i had had cellphone coverage during the week and B) had had power i can assure them that the bill would have been paid. i'm fully aware that it wont be readout oh it how it helped lower the blood pressure!  Big Grin  Big Grin

that's great KM that you will get that bit of lawn done - will they also manage to mow over the pesky aggies at the same time?

I'm pleased that my sister is coming home today as with all the break-ins I'll be pleased that their place will be occupied again. Obviously they haven't turned on the street lighting with the limited power supply so making it the ideal situation for some non-humans.

keep smiling - life's too short for frowns  Heart
morning all
overcast at the moment that that will burn off later

the less said about those low lifes the better scum...

KM great to not have to worry about your road side grass there are more nice people that horrible

spent yesterday with my sewing group, the expressways certainly reduce the travel time especially the return trip that was 2hrs on a good day usually longer than that now 1.5 hrs. My dress toile has found a new home looks really good on my sewing friend.

DH has medical appointments this later this morning. I will respond to some emails while sipping my cup of T.

sewing cave is calling so will spend some time sorting stuff out. got given 2 lovely pieces of rayon yesterday so will pop them in the wash/drier later too.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
We are still waiting for the work to start around here, after everything stopped following my little tantrum. So my tiny flat still looks like a potting shed with plants and deck furniture crammed in. I look around the chaos and think - at least you have power woman!

So I have got a fair bit done in the garden, inside being so unfriendly, outside at least has space to breathe, and the results of the short bursts of weeding and tidying certainly show, makes me quite proud of myself!

Today a bit of vegie shopping is on the agenda, and a pick up trip to the library. Funny the way reserves mount up if I have a 2am wake up session on their website, lol...

One of our locals is a civil engineer whose expertise is in waterways. He posted a link to the council maps of flow paths and ancient streams and I spent a fascinated hour or so exploring our street and learning how the storm water pathways work. Even a small fence or shed in the wrong place can cause issues, so these maps are vital bits of information that should be more widely publicised, but it takes a major event like the floods to wake us all up...
That's good news re the lawn mowing Km - one less for you to have to cope with.

Those were my thoughts exactly Hunni; the gangs could have done themselves a huge amount of good but they've got it badly wrong with their behaviour & I suspect it may have been younger members.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
ooooopppssss..... I butchered the bux hedge. MrK hopes it grows back, I hope it dies lol. I didn't do it deliberately, I needed to clip it back to get to the lilies that were being smothered. Oh well, it is what it is. Tomorrow our garden friend is coming to cut out the huge shrub and trim some trees so I will ask him about the bux then.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I shouldn't have gone past Hammer Hardware after the library. The bargain trolley outside was my undoing again. Came home with a gaura and a Black and Blue salvia in my basket. And vegies. But had to sacrifice the idea of a cheap pinot gris.

I do love gaura, and I have never grown the Black and Blue. It is spectacular in full growth...
lol snap, OHH! I bought a gaura today as well, the white one. It is currently sitting in a bucket of water and worm wee as it was so dry in it's pot. I haven't seem the black and blue salvias, must keep an eye out for them.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(20-02-2023, 01:30 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: lol snap, OHH!  I bought a gaura today as well, the white one.  It is currently sitting in a bucket of water and worm wee as it was so dry in it's pot.  I haven't seem the black and blue salvias, must keep an eye out for them.

From the look of this plant (also white!) they do quite well from cuttings. So I shall try. That is the salvias fate as well, lol. Multiply multiply!
Well its been an interesting afternoon. As you all know I said last week I was going to look after myself and let all this rest home stuff rest and just carry on seeing the Girls.

Apparently Im not allowed to see the other ladies, Only Bobbie.. I asked was it a jail? Clearly that wasn't appreciated.

So, it was pointed out that I had "Been Told" that I was to only visit Bobbie and in her room. I was bringing in too much negative stuff.. Ohh dear.. I said No one has told me that.

And what Set it off you may ask? when I saw their Lunch I said "Oh chicken again"... had they bothered to ask what I meant, before they decided to occupy my throat I would have said I had just left MrP and he too had chicken.

Turns out the nearly top person was meant to have told me I could only visit Bobbie. Which hasnt happened. The manager of course wasnt there she is on Holiday Again.

So it hit the fan... They obviously dont know that one of Irenes daughters was there is a legal woman. She listens very well. When there was a lull in the proceedings she told me to get them to put things in writing.. which I did lol.

Will it stop me from going up.. NO WAY.. and I have slipped my number to Colleen they brought her to tears.. but of course it was all my fault.. It was my hand she was holding when she got upset. And they are over speaking her and wouldn't let her say what she wanted to say.

So I have contacted the area manager and asked her to ring me. So she can hear my side..

BUT if there are restrictions that I cannot see the others then I WILL go to the media.. And I will put that in writing.

Its not a jail and humans need friends and fellowship.

On the Plus side, Missys Kisses have arrived and they passed her Parcel Cat Scan..

And OMG I need to get some sunglasses. The trees are just about all gone. Its going to get very hot with the afternoon sun all day. They are just tidying up the lower trunks. Ive seen parts of the house over the back that Id never seen before lol.

I spoke to Bobbie and said I will carry on trying to see her, but that if they dont pull their heads in I will go to the media and then they will no doubt Trespass me.

On the Plus Side MrP and Bobbie are both good.. Bobbie has had her hair cut, its going to take some getting used to. And MrP was in a Jovial mood. I was talking to Ralphs Neice, we lived in some of the same places.. He will be 100 in January. I do hope he makes it, but he is very old and frail.

MrP asked him what was the tip for living a long life.. Apparently Ralph said, Stay away from women lol.... Bit that for that MrP lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good afternoon - beautiful day in the bay Kiwimade the Eskdale church has already been cleared out and all the contents taken away to be restored and kept safe .I see on the Eskdale Facebook page they have set up two playgroups one for school age children run by the local teachers and the other for pre schoolers .Parents can drop their children off while they do cleaning up - brilliant idea
Had my first chance today to actually talk to my sister - when she was talking to me on the day she only had a little bit of surface water down in the sheep paddock - within ten minutes she was waist deep - she is 77 with these two great big lumbering dogs who didn’t want to swim - a man from the local marae saved her - they were 3 days hearing helicopters going overhead but of course nobody knew they were there - by the time somebody swam out to alert the helicopter it was gone - her granddaughter from Bulls finally got the police to send the army in - I contacted the police twice but they were swamped .She is having real difficulty dealing with losing all her previous memorabilia that belonged to a Mum and her daughter who was killed - she will stay down at Bulls for a while and then make some decisions
We have all had a bit of a chuckle some friends of ours had a very acrimonious marriage break up - she was awarded an empty block of cropping land on one side of the road and he got the house on the other side of the road - he died a year or two ago and left the house to some obscure charity who have done absolutely nothing with it - the flood picked the house up took it across the road and dumped it on her land - if he is up there looking down he will be furious
Robie brought me a piece of Banana cake which they sell - it is made by Original foods from CHCH - it’s better than mine and I reckon I make a great banana cake - only ate half and the other half is looking very appealing
(20-02-2023, 03:47 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Well its been an interesting afternoon. As you all know I  said last week I was going to look after myself and let all this rest home stuff rest and just carry on seeing the Girls.

Apparently Im not allowed to see the other ladies, Only Bobbie.. I asked was it a jail? Clearly that wasn't appreciated.

So, it was pointed out that I had  "Been Told" that I was to only visit Bobbie and in her room. I was bringing in too much negative stuff..  Ohh dear.. I said No one has told me that.

And what Set it off you may ask?  when I saw their Lunch I said "Oh chicken again"... had they bothered to ask what I meant, before they decided to occupy my throat I would have said I had just left MrP and he too had chicken.

Turns out the nearly top person was meant to have told me I could only visit Bobbie. Which hasnt happened. The manager of course wasnt there she is on Holiday Again.

So it hit the fan... They obviously dont know that one of Irenes daughters was there is a legal woman. She listens very well. When there was a lull in the proceedings she told me to get them to put things in writing.. which I did lol.

Will it stop me from going up.. NO WAY.. and I have slipped my number to Colleen they brought her to tears.. but of course it was all my fault.. It was my hand she was holding when she got upset. And they are over speaking her and wouldn't let her say what she wanted to say.

So I have contacted the area manager and asked her to ring me. So she can hear my side..

BUT if there are restrictions that I cannot see the others then I WILL go to the media.. And I will put that in writing.

Its not a jail and humans need friends and fellowship.

On the Plus side, Missys Kisses have arrived and they passed her Parcel Cat Scan..

And OMG I need to get some sunglasses. The trees are just about all gone. Its going to get very hot with the afternoon sun all day. They are just tidying up the lower trunks. Ive seen parts of the house over the back that Id never seen before lol.

I spoke to Bobbie and said I will carry on trying to see her, but that if they dont pull their heads in I will go to the media and then they will no doubt Trespass me.

On the Plus Side MrP and Bobbie are both good.. Bobbie has had her hair cut, its going to take some getting used to. And MrP was in a  Jovial mood. I was talking to Ralphs Neice, we lived in some of the same places.. He will be 100 in January. I do hope he makes it, but he is very old and frail.

MrP asked him what was the tip for living a long life.. Apparently Ralph said, Stay away from women lol.... Bit that for that MrP lol

Fairly obviously ' bringing in all that negative stuff' would translate as 'we don't like being under scrutiny & having problems pointed out when we'd prefer to sweep them under the carpet'  - lucky Irene's daughter might be able to help with the situation. I'm not sure they'd have cause to ban you visiting other people, especially if they invited you.
It may be that you do eventually contact the media - good luck with it all. Smile

(20-02-2023, 04:08 PM)JanW Wrote: Good afternoon - beautiful day in the bay Kiwimade the Eskdale church has already been cleared out and all the contents taken away to be restored and kept safe .I see on the Eskdale Facebook page they have set up two playgroups one for school age children run by the local teachers and the other for pre schoolers .Parents can drop their children off while they do cleaning up - brilliant idea
Had my first chance today to actually talk to my sister - when she was talking to me on the day she only had a little bit of surface water down in the sheep paddock - within ten minutes she was waist deep - she is 77 with these two great big lumbering dogs who didn’t want to swim - a man from the local marae saved her - they were 3 days hearing helicopters going overhead but of course nobody knew they were there - by the time somebody swam out to alert the helicopter it was gone - her granddaughter from Bulls finally got the police to send the army in - I contacted the police twice but they were swamped .She is having real difficulty dealing with losing all her previous memorabilia that belonged to a Mum and her daughter who was killed - she will stay down at Bulls for a while and then make some decisions
We have all had a bit of a chuckle some friends of ours had a very acrimonious marriage break up - she was awarded an empty block of cropping land on one side of the road and he got the house on the other side of the road - he died a year or two ago and left the house to some obscure charity who have done absolutely nothing with it - the flood picked the house up took it across the road and dumped it on her land - if he is up there looking down he will be furious
Robie brought me a piece of Banana cake which they sell - it is made by Original foods from CHCH - it’s better than mine and I reckon I make a great banana cake - only ate half and the other half is looking very appealing

That really is the most lovely piece of fate ever - suddenly, she got the house! Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile A lovely calm, cool start to the day so I'll plant the few plants I bought yesterday. OHH, the gaura will also self seed. My sister-in-law grows them this way, but I suspect I am far too vigorous with weeding to let them grow lol.

OMG Jan, that story about the house made us laugh lol. Talk about karma working at its absolute best lol. Big Grin What a great idea having a place for the kids while parents get stuck in. You don't want to be worrying about them while doing what you have to do. And it's so good to hear the church is being restored.

They really want you gone, don't they, popeye. I'm not sure they can ban you from seeing the ladies if you have been invited. Maybe someone at Citizens Advice can help there.

Our friend who does the higher up stuff in the garden is coming this afternoon to take the shrub out and trim the taller camelias. He's going to mulch the waste for me and I'll ask him to mulch the cuttings from the hedge I butchered yesterday.

I'm hoping to work a bit more on these butterflies later today.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Windy but expecting a sunny day

Off upnthe coast for quilting group today, lunch and bag packed.

Those flowers look very pretty, OHH you should post a photo ofnthe black ones when they flower.

Popeye they obviously see you as a threat  iI hope the lawyer DD can help the ladies 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning everyone

Was foggy earlier but its a stunner now.

Had a long phone call from the Area managers Manager.. She has listened as have I. She is going to arrange a meeting with the "Ladies" and asked me not to visit until she has seen them. I said that is fine, but you cant blame me if they tell me things that are wrong or scary to them.

They really dont want things getting to the media. I said I cant help it is I am approachable. I said obviously the staff have a problem with me cos Ive not been nasty to any of them. I told her I wouldnt want to work there.

OMG Jan that is classic, re the house... I hope it can be used. Sad for anyone to have lost everything. I would be devastated.

Must look up these flowers you are mentioning.

Sitting here in the heat last night, I am soo thankful the trees weren't cut down at the start of summer.. I would have been off my rocker by now.

I went and warned Pat about keeping closer tabs on "Jack". As the fence will be coming down soon and cross the back have 2 cats.. Apparently Jack chases cats so Im pleased I went and let Pat know to keep closer tabs on him.. He sneaks out when Pat is in the garage.. And it won't be forever.

With everything happening yesterday I forgot to tell you what I learnt at the Drs.. I dont have A tear in my knee, I have TWO. The dr asked me how I was getting on walking, I was using the walker, I said I struggle. He's good cos he drew a picture for me. Its torn on both the inside and outside. I told him how I put the chair back and I lifted my foot up high, and he said it collapsed like a pack of cards didnt it.. I said yes..

So at least I am informed and will be able to bring it up with the orthopedic Dr on Friday. Mt Dr also told me to carry on using the deep heat if it brings releif, we can manage my INR / Warfarin to suit..

Im having a quiet do nothing day today..

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Another beautiful day - yesterday afternoon I went to help our breakfast club ladies unpack a mountain of clothing that has arrived - there is just so much not meaning to be rude but some of it wasn’t worth sending
Yes the house has been causing many laughs - he lived in it alone for about 20 years - never painted it - was a nice house when they were together - good solid house about 60 years old - the charity used it as a retreat for a while then removed all the plumbing etc and abandoned it .She grows asparagus in her paddock if you have ever been out that way for asparagus Venetian
All my family graves are intact in the cemetery adjacent to the church - they are buried in silt but haven’t been washed away
We want Kiri Allen as our MP - she at least is admitting there is a problem with lawlessness - to hear the police commissioner claim the AOS call out on Friday when the gangs were shooting at each other’s houses was just fireworks is so disingenuous - the police on the ground are embarrassed with what he is saying but they just can not cope - there are still so many missing people and many unidentified bodies
Popeye you need to contact the Aged Care Commissioner
Boy it's getting hot out there.  I'm glad the plantings have been done and everything watered in with a good dose of worm wee.  I've even dug the bluebells out and replanted them in the old trough that used to live where the fig tree is now.  The hosta plant I bought yesterday was a 3 for 1 Big Grin Big Grin I was able to split it up into three plants so there should be a nice little grouping of hostas under the maple tree over time.  I also planted a swan plant as our resident monarch has been hanging around and I'd like to encourage more butterflies to hang out with us. 

I have always admired Kiri Allen, Jan.  I see her as a no nonsense person who will get stuck in and help.  She speaks her mind too.  The other day I said to MrK, you watch, she will be the first Maori PM one day (and a woman to boot!).

Time to make the bed and do the dishes.  I leave the indoor stuff until it becomes too hot to be outside.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I think Kiri Allan would be good value; she doesn't seem bothered by working hard when needed & I'd like to see her as PM at some point..
Hot as here, 30 now & they said it might get to 33 today - hope not! Pleased I got the groceries done early while it wasn't so bad.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile The fog has lifted, that was quick!

Today is the Christchurch earthquake anniversary Heart I remember the worry over family and not being able to get through to them. My sister's dog and every dog in her street starting to bark as the 'quake happened and she lives in Cambridge. I've just read on Stuff there are still insurance claims from Christchurch going through the courts. That is just despicable. I hope lessons have been learned and can be transferred to the cyclone damages.

Our friend couldn't get to us yesterday to get rid of the shrub so will coming Thursday weather permitting.

The Furry One is finding it hard to jump on the bed now so we are going to look around for a nice snuggly bed for him. I've seen some advertised on FB and our vet has some nice soft ones too. We want to buy him one before winter so we can have our duvet back lol. As it has been so hot lately, the duvet has been thrown onto the floor at night and the Furry One has been making his bed there. It had to happen, he turns 12 in a couple of weeks.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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