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You can never have enough...
Another nice day and life is getting back to a bit more “normal” for some.  Brother got power late pm yesterday 7 days so another happy dance  Big Grin 
Took ice packs etc to my sister who didn’t have power - they arrived home the previous evening, it takes over 2 hours to go the 15ks Hastings to Napier due to road and bridges being out. Makes a very long day for those who work in the other city with an extra 4 hours in a car.

Grumpy BiL dared to grumble about no power yesterday pm and got a flea in his ear that he could start to complain when he had been without for at least a week not 24hours. About ½ hour later their power came on too - the last house in their street, he looked a bit surprised at my shout of happiness and dance  to see the light on  Big Grin 

I don’t think I’d be much use on the end of a shovel moving silt so a group of us older women are baking now we have power as they are supplying lunches for all the workers and any “extras” they can get is appreciated. I did 5 ice cream containers  of biscuits yesterday and will do more each day if I can. 

Must also get into the garden which has been a bit neglected over past week or so, fresh stuff is going to be scarce so want to get more lettuces etc in I’ve given away several so would like to keep the supply going. I’ve grumbled that the tomatoes have been so slow ripening but they are coming on now when they are needed more so good timing after all   Smile

Keep smiling
Morning everyone

Still foggy here, but no doubt will turn into a lovely day. I must remember to close the blinds and curtains before I leave today orn it will be like an oven when I get back.

I was just talking about the CHCH earthquakes on Monday with the ladies, during a calm spot. I was emailing with a friend who was at work when It came on the TV. I told her to ring her Grandfather straight away. She thought I was joking at first. But I wads keeping up a running commentary with her and a couple of her workmates had people down there too.
An absolute disgrace that the insurance side of things hasn't been completed yet.

Im finding I start with a sheet at night and then as Im sleeping in a chair I have a huge thick towel that I add in the cooler early morning.

Was talking to my counselor yesterday about my bed, she suggested a step of some kind so I could get onto my bed. The ends are Very old. They were well aged when they came here from Rarotonga in the 70's. MrP said to shorten the legs... He knew when he said it , that would never happen lol.

Kiwimade I put a large plastic container on the Other side of the bed for Missy to get onto and then she can get onto the bed quite easily. Shes a bit like her mother, young with creaky bones. She is 9 next month but somedays acts like she is 90 lol

Off to see MrP, Ill shorten the sleeves on his PJ top before I go. And I have some more pants for him to try on. And his Lollie's arrived yesterday. I've had to have a gentle word with him that I cannot keep affording to buy bulk Lollie's. He loves walking around offering them to all which is nice, but I suggested he keep it to once a week.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Another hot summer's day on its way. It will pay to get things done early in the day. 

I'm glad our dog is happy to sleep in her bed ... I'm not a good sleeper without a furry creature added! There are a lot of cosy dog beds to choose from these days!

Venetian the volunteers and workers must so appreciate all the meals and baking coming their way as they help with the cleanup  Smile

Popeye I would split the lollies up into more bags and take 1 in to make them go further and help your pocket!

Nothing planned ... maybe some baking to freeze and to take visiting "over the hill" at the weekend, craftwork later.

Enjoy the day all.
(22-02-2023, 07:29 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning. 

Another hot summer's day on its way. It will pay to get things done early in the day. 

I'm glad our dog is happy to sleep in her bed ... I'm not a good sleeper without a furry creature added! There are a lot of cosy dog beds to choose from these days!

Venetian the volunteers and workers must so appreciate all the meals and baking coming their way as they help with the cleanup  Smile

Popeye I would split the lollies up into more bags and take 1 in to make them go further and help your pocket!

Nothing planned ... maybe some baking to freeze and to take visiting "over the hill" at the weekend, craftwork later.

Enjoy the day all.

Yep I do that already Roma lol..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good on you Popeye. Mr P doesn't know how lucky he is to have you  Smile
Morning all
Overcast muggy this morning

Recovering from gym session who needs interval training ? I will feel better after coffee.

Had nice day at quilt group lots of jaw exercise

DH has run to mitre q0 planned for this morning after k9 walk I will be in the cave cutting out tote bags to sew next month. They will be used for mum bags for nest collective packs.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
When the quake hit here, the only way any of my lot could get in touch was for sweetie darling no. 3 to walk most of the way; he started out driving but had to give up & walk to my place & (at the time I didn't have a cellphone) was able to txt the others that I was in fact still alive & kicking - it was after that they insisted on giving me a cellphone, dammit. Lucky he only lives in the next suburb.
The effects of it are sadly still going on.

That's some improvement Venetian; we don't realise how much we rely on electricity until we lose it for a time, which certainly does make us appreciate if far more - at least till we get used to having it again.

Last week I got myself a new toothbrush, found it too soft so got another yesterday & put the older one on the shelf in bathroom to dry out a bit before deciding on whether to chuck it or find some other purpose for it. This morning I absentmindedly squeezed toothpaste on it & almost used it before realising what I'd done - its good to laugh at yourself first thing in the morning!
We're in for three days of all day rain if the forecast is right so raced out early before it got started to pick up a library book on hold & some ibuprofen, because the bones won't enjoy the wet weather so didn't want to run out & was getting a bit low.
Madame le Dog will still need her walk so it may have to be a shorter one today; with my luck no doubt it'll wait until we set off before bucketing down.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(22-02-2023, 08:20 AM)Roma Wrote: Good on you Popeye. Mr P doesn't know how lucky he is to have you  Smile

Of that, I am Very sure of. Thanks

Had a nice visit.

After threatening to leave within Minutes. I wish I could stick my hearing aids in his ears and see how he likes them. He will insist on mumbling and facing away from me when he talks.

And of course he was talking to the Lollie bag. Again.

He settled down and I tried some jeans etc. on him, what a struggle that is these days with my bones.

But he happily sat there rebagging his Lollie's and eating the whole time I was there.

He stated he doesn't want lemonade anymore.. Ill guarantee next week he will want it, when he knows that it is cheaper out of town and that I was going to get it on Friday. I think I will still get some and if he doesnt want it I can give it to the foodbank cos I dont drink it .

Pleased to be home and away from him for now
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Awful afternoon - went out to help my sister to her house to see what has been salvaged which was very little - the water mark on her chimney is over 7 feet of water - but her little cottage stayed strong - her sense of humour is still intact she made a comment about putting in bigger windows and glass doors was obviously a big mistake .The young men who came along to evacuate her were restoring the nearby marae - turns out they are on a scheme run by the awful Brian Tamaki - on the day one of them had a plastic bag he scooped everything off the dresser in her bedroom and grabbed as much as he could from the bookcase in her lounge which miraculously included some photo albums and the old bible my great grandmother brought out from England he held the bag above his head until they got to the boat - by this time the water was up to her chin - luckily the dogs swam behind the boat and made it to the marae - so he saved all my Mum and grandmothers jewellery I have often said to her that she should give it to her grandchildren and daughters .While she has been away these young guys pulled everything they could out of the mud and took it along to the marae - some of the plastic bins have very little water in others have to be dumped .Her car was there when she left on Saturday just the rear end was sticking out of the mud - today it had gone she is presuming civil defence pulled it out to check if anybody was in it .The wooden chest of memorabilia belonging to her daughter who was killed when she was 16 was gone and so much of Mums stuff .The smell is appalling .My neice hasn’t been back to her house I am worried about her - the looting of her property was just too much .Those young blokes have been all over the district helping - -evidently Tamaki funds the scheme obviously has nothing to do with its success .Anyway my sister has ordered a small transportable home which she will put on her granddaughters property - it’s between Bulls and Ohakea - it will work out well actually she has 3 great grandchildren who leave home every morning at 6am to enable the mother to get to school on time in Palmerston she is a special needs teacher - so the kids will go to a local school and my sister will have a purpose.She is a lecturer at the local EIT - every year she threatens to retire well it’s happened I think !
It’s been absolutely amazing to see the community rallying around - places like Craggy Range who charge about $200 for a main meal are cooking up meals and taking them out every evening then on the other hand the looters are still busy - they stole a generator last night from a house above the Esk Valley the little girl living there is on 24 Hour oxygen .Robie just locks the doors when they turn up at the supermarket - they are bringing formula and nappies in by helicopter but the mob just take as much as they can carry and walk out
The forecast is for heavy rain tomorrow let’s hope they are wrong
You are making my eyes leak Jan, and making me even crosser about the bastards whose self centredness lets their souls get so corrupted they can steal from the desperate.

Karma will get them. Or maybe it already has.

I believe in practicing gratitude for the small things of life in order to give strength to deal with the challenges. I am very grateful the cyclone and the flooding passed my little bit of paradise so easily. Your stories are so valuable for those of us so safely distanced, keep them coming.

(22-02-2023, 04:36 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: You are making my eyes leak Jan, and making me even crosser about the bastards whose self centredness lets their souls get so corrupted they can steal from the desperate.

Karma will get them. Or maybe it already has.

I believe in practicing gratitude for the small things of life in order to give strength to deal with the challenges. I am very grateful the cyclone and the flooding passed my little bit of paradise so easily. Your stories are so valuable for those of us so safely distanced, keep them coming.


I couldn't have said it any Better... Jan that's wonderful on the good things. Sucks on the bad.. 

And if I could get my hands on those Bricks that stole the stuff from Piha Life Guards I would personally hold them under the water. But Im going to live in hope that there is a "Rip" with their names on, and when there aren't any Guards on Duty.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Thick fog here, autum is on it's way.

Omg Jan, those lower than a slug's belly thieving bas*****! I read your post out to MrK and he is furious about it. If the police can't help, I think they should get the military police in. But the good seems to be outweighing the bad Heart I've never been a Brian Tamaki fan, but those young men sound wonderful. I am really hoping the rain heading for the east coast over the next few days will fizzle out or even head more inland to us.

Yesterday MrK had another checkup for his eye. The eye with the cataract done isn't quite right and he has more drops to use. His sight in that eye has a small improvement but not as good as it should be. If these drops don't work, then that's it. The eye will be as good as it ever will be.

Fingers crossed our garden friend can get to us today. We've known him for years and it's great we can support his business in a small way. And we came home to our frontage all mowed and looking beautiful and I didn't have to lift a finger lol.

A cat was in the garden in the wee hours. The Furry One and I heard it growling and there are feathers where it has taken a bird. The Furry One raced outside but it was long gone. It's either very stupid or very brave to take on our boy. We are wondering if it belongs to the neighbour across the main road, but her cats very rarely visit because of the dog. She could have a new cat testing the boundaries though. Better have a chat with her and find out. If it's not hers, then it has been dumped and we'll need a cat trap. We can't have a cat here, besides the dog, we have fantails and other birds visiting us.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning everyone

Tis raining after two days of Fog. Yes I guess we are slipping into Autumn, Yay.

And yes for the sake of all those on the east coast and up North, send it here, anywhere but there.

The Fool cat will learn quickly Kiwimade. There are several cats in our area, thankfully I've only seen two dead birds in the 3.5 years I've been here, but that is still two too many. Another of the reasons why we have indoor cats only.

Not good re MrK's eye Kiwimade, but at least it wont get worse?.

MrP was in a fine mood last night, so Im thankful Im not visiting today. The Dr is tho.

Ill pop up and do my INR, I might pop in and see the ladies at the oppy if the rain isn't too heavy.

10 cents off at Gull today, till noon tomorrow if you need gas

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Raining and very cool this morning a chilly high of 16 today, 

JanW eye leaking story.

Volunteer morning and it will be nippy in the warehouse will have to break out the puffer vest 

Nothing to do with my paws last night so started knitting GD2 a vest Wee Drew Light freebie off Ravelry I have knitted it a few times.

Not sure what I will do this afternoon

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Yup, definite signs of autumn here too, naked ladies flowering, the tint of gold in our massive plane trees, and the fruit in the vegie shop. It must be getting to me because amidst all the chaos of my outdoor stuff living indoors I have the urge to strip the bed and vac and dust...

I've made tea. Maybe the urge will pass.
Good morning.

Lovely sunny day here. 

3 month old gd is under the eaves where it is cool, asleep in her pram with the cicadas providing background 'white noise' lol. Looking after her this morning while dad works and mum attends a function. A walk around the block got her into sleep mode.

Harrowing story Jan, I'm glad there was some good happening though.

I had a look at that cute vest Mica ... is it done on circular needles?

Better keep moving while I can.

Enjoy the day all.

ETA: I mistakenly referenced Jan when I meant Mica regarding the vest pattern!
arrrggg there's a stop/go thing going on up the road so traffic comes to a standstill for a while outside our home. I've given up working in the garden as I don't like an audience.

My belladonnas are flowering too, OHH. I was surprised to see them as I was sure I had dug them all out lol. Sneaky things! The grapevine is changing colour and the phlox is finishing. I'll give the iris' another week then cut them back. Albertine was given a wee trim, the bossy tart thought she could deviate from the fence Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Lol, km, at bossy tart. I have decided - though not told her just yet, that my own bossy tart, Sally Holmes is going to a new home with our lovely gardening lady. She has twelve acres and a long fenceline, and as she told me about it I said 'have I got a deal for you...' So she will lift Sally and Wedding Day from under my kitchen window and take them home with her, and I will fill that space with salvias to shelter the winter cyclamen from the summer sun and wind. Much easier for me to maintain too as I get less flexible, and a great excuse to add to the salvia collection!

Much as I love a wandering climbing rose I just don't have the energy to keep them in check these days, as gorgeous in heavy flower as they are...
Desperate for this to work - I think the photo says it all - it’s my sister as she left her house clutching a very precious statue her late husband had made for her when their daughter who was a very promising ballet dancer was killed
That is one very courageous woman Jan. I bet you are all very proud of her.

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