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You can never have enough...
I'm sure those responsible won't like what's coming to them, Jan. Miserable souls that they are.
Its a good thing people like that are in a minority, & most are only too pleased to help wherever they can in times like this.

Raining again here on & off so decided on an early walk between shower. I'd only just thought of it when suddenly Madame Le Dog appeared, keen as mustard to go - I'd done nothing which would indicate we were going so am now convinced the damn dog's telepathic!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It worked! Fabulous photo, Jan Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Wonderful Photo Jan and a stunning Statue.

I enjoyed being home early.

Rang MrP who was "too Busy" to talk, he was making Bran Muffins lol.. I have to ring later lol

I cannot understand how a person can be a nasty b*gger one night and having a ball and happy the next.. It keeps me on my toes thats for sure.

Had to ring sky.. stupid tv is pixelating on all the channels..

I should see if I can get a free view box and that would save alot of problems but then they run off the dish anyway dont they?
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I just watched a huge crane take a forty foot fibreglass swimming pool up and over a mature pohutukawa tree into a neighbours garden.

Talk about conspicuous consumption. Bear in mind there is a gorgeous beach at the bottom of our road.

We just need the council to bring in the usual summer water restrictions - hand held hoses only, lol...
(23-02-2023, 11:48 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I just watched a huge crane take a forty foot fibreglass swimming pool up and over a mature pohutukawa tree into a neighbours garden.

Talk about conspicuous consumption. Bear in mind there is a gorgeous beach at the bottom of our road.

We just need the council to bring in the usual summer water restrictions - hand held hoses only, lol...

Hahahaha.. oops thats going to be a fizzer lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
ohhh lol I can just imagine them filling that pool by 'hand held hoses only' Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The thought cheered me up no end. And I needed cheering up. Last year I picked up a winter coat and have been wanting a good day to risk handwashing it. So, after two loads of laundry, and stripping the bed, and vakking I got out the step ladder and fetched it down from the top cupboard. In the process knocking over a pot plant and spreading dirt over several surfaces.

But I got it washed, gently, in some Marthas Wool Wash, gentle spin, on the line, can't see any shrinkage, nearly dry now, and the dirt all vakked up. Buggered now though, walking funny, and in dire need of wine. The wine I would've bought if I hadn't bought plants instead.

Stupid woman.

Pleased with the coat though. Now scheming a bit of slow stitchery to make it more fun. I'm thinking bright coloured appliqued dots like one of the pieces I saw on jonaspeterson_ai on instagram. He makes digital images of fantasy senior citizens wearing amazing clothes and fabulous hair. So much fun, I quite fancy being a mad old lady just like some of his lovelies...

Big Grin
Lucky the police were already out at Whirinaki - Stolen from my brothers neighbour in broad day light -
hahaha good on the police and serve that buggar right, Jan!

I know the ladies you mean, OHH Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Ohhh to look like them!

Our friend is here and within half an hour, the shrub was cut down, my camellia and bay pruned and the cuttings are now going through the mulcher. It would have taken me hours to do what he has done. Sometimes it pays to 'get a man in' to do these things Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oh Wow Jan that is Awesome... Hope they knab him with a few more things too.. he probably has other stuff.

Ill have to look up the Ladies you are talking about OHH.

Those shredders are awesome things eh Kiwimade. Instant tidiness.

Has anyone been watching any of Te Matatini? I only know a few Māori Words but you dont have to understand what they are saying, the effort they have put into their Dances etc is amazing. They perform for around 25 minutes and they look knackered when they finish.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

Meanwhile my nieces and nephews in the rain - and mud rescuing still alive sheep. These young people have been out working everyday since the cyclone went through, so proud of them.
That was lucky Jan - I hope they get all those absolute bastards who've been stealing from those who'v lost damn near everything.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Yes it was good timing - was good seeing his photo - the neighbours including my brother had been sharing food and stuff with him - everybody knows now he is a crook of course he was released straight back out -
Venetian brilliant your kids caring about the animals
Steady rain most of the day - amazing the help that is coming from everywhere - the rain will I presume let everybody have a bit of a break .
My sister is so strong - she has ordered her little prefab house which will be there mid March - she will decide a bit later if she stays down there .She contacted the man who created her ballet dancers he can repair the damage - it was in a very heavy glass cage but there was no sign of that but that didn’t matter. No sign of Mums china dolls - they were over 100 years old would be nice to think they are found somewhere - but Mums favourite China cup survived - we had a laugh as she used to be so pedantic about using it - very fine China - I was talking to one of the Tamaki men who had dug all her stuff out he had been in jail 17 times somebody from the program came in to the jail and taught him to read - when he was released they took him up into the bush for weeks no power no phone just fishing and tramping - they got him a job and accomodation and he has been out of jail 5 years - I asked him if it was like a cult - wish I hadn’t I think he thought I was judging the church - it made him uncomfortable
I actually think the district will come together
So pleased that people can see what sort of person that bloke is and keep an eye on him. 

Just hope the rain doesn’t encourage others to come out tonight knowing that the eagle helicopter won’t be able to fly, it was kept quite busy last night which although giving some security and helping catch looters it also unfortunately is disturbing the sleep of exhausted workers.

My Nephew lives in Esk valley and his house is a bit higher up and was untouched although the land is a mess. They have set up a base for anyone who needs anything. He has been loaned a generator so tools, phones etc are being charged there and is being kept well used. He is a fireman and has some hair raising stories of what they have been through over the past week.
Rain is starting to get steadier now Venetian - heard the chopper up earlier -
Not sure if it will make it harder to move the silt or not if it gets wet again - Would be good if it washed it all away out to sea -
Bay View and Eskdale have always been good communities - I grew up in Bay View - didn’t leave there until my boys were teenagers
I heard a lady on the news tonight saying some of the RSE workers are still missing - the number of missing is now down to 50 - unbelievable really - they may never be found
Morning everyone

Yep up early cos my appointment is 35ish minutes away at 8-30 so smack in the peak hour and school hours. Id rather be sitting up there waiting than late.

Just when you think you understand humans, something like the cyclone proves you dont. There's still good and bad, but I really think its the lowest of low to be robbing people during this horrible time.

I hope the dolls are found Jan. I do like the Cup story tho. My Stepfather had a lot of his mother's cup saucer plate trios and would make mum a cup of tea in bed in the morning and always in his best cups. Mum sold them once he was gone. She didnt have a sentimental bone in her body.
I have his Mums hand written cookbook that she started before she got married in 1913. I also have MrPs mums hand written book too. Oddly they are both in the same coarse thick covers, tho one is a notebook and the other the size of a 1B5.
I am leaving them to a very sentimental friend who I know will treasure them. My school friend, her sister in law gave me her mother's books, but once I copied some of the recipes out I gave them to the friend I will pass mine onto. So she will have mine and her Mother in laws. Original school friend is sentimental but she doesn't cook if she can get away with it.

Im going to Kmart while Im up in the city. They have a compact hand held but also a main body of a vacuum. The little one I use now is good, but having one that I can whip around the floor without lugging the big one around will be better, and less chance of banging my legs which I seem to constantly do lol.

Hope the rain hasnt done any more damage. Its still too early for the news lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's certainly a lot cooler this morning and we are in for more rain. I would happily take the east coast rain if we could!

Fabulous photo of your nieces and nephew, venetian Heart I bet you are so proud of them, and rightly so. This will be something they will never forget and their memories will include all the good they did. I wonder how the looters will feel and what stories they will tell their families in days to come.

Jan, unbelievable the guy caught was a friend and nieghbour. I guess his true colours are showing now. And he will be lucky to have anyone speaking to him and helping when his turn comes for help.

I seems odd looking out the window with shrub gone. But there is so much more light in the dining room now.

OHH, Sally Holmes and Wedding Day will look lovely on your friend's land with plenty of room to roam. I'm digging some of my salvias up for my sister-in-law. She has an awkward spot along her drive and they will be perfect there.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Mornin all
Nippy start here

Lovely photos thanks for sharing them ladies

I am heading to cbd soon hair appt then might have a look around depends on how cold it is 

Out to dinner tonight always good not having to figure what's for dinner.

 Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Yes JanW I had just posted that comment re the eagle and heard it go over just to prove me wrong lol  Big Grin Not sure if the rain will wash the mud away but do know it has made the mud slippery again as I had to walk from Taradale to my sister’s yesterday and felt like I was ice skating a few times  Big Grin

Need to do a bit of housework today - can’t procrastinate any longer. I want to do a full wipe over of the kitchen before restarting the baking. Took 12 ice cream containers of biscuits and slices to red cross yesterday as they will redistribute to areas of need. Now to start next week’s supply  Wink 

Skeinz have put some of their wool towards the cyclone relief. They have done up packs of wool and pattern and distributed to Marae’s  and rest homes so they can knit something like a beanie to either keep or pass on. They also are giving 50% of the cost of some of their wool to buy things which are needed right now and the wool can be knitted up for later.  Started a child sized jersey yesterday.

Seeing the hard mahi others are doing I feel rather useless at times but I guess every little helps. I think I would be more of a hindrance than a help floundering around in the mud.  Big Grin    Big Grin 

Keep smiling
I think what you are doing is lots, venetian. And better to stay away if you feel you would be a nuisance. Your skills lie elsewhere and are being put to good (and yummy) use. Heart It's not like you are doing nothing.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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