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You can never have enough...
I do love salvias, almost as much as roses, their variety is endless. And most grow so well from a stick popped into any space in the garden. And talking cuttings I scored a couple from the most beautiful double frilly pink hibiscus the other day. Both are sitting happily in a rose bottle on my window sill, their top halved leaves have perked up so I think they'll be fine.

Maybe hibiscus will be my new favourite, lol...
I Love Hibiscus but have never really stayed in one place long enough, when owning houses to grow one.

Venetian Im sure everyone adores your baking and its an awesome way to help when you cant do the big physical stuff. I baked when our Policeman was Murdered in Mangakino. Thats actually when I learnt how to make decent cheese scones and I have no idea how many I made. Cheese was heaps cheaper then tho lol

It took me 1 hour 10 minutes to do my 35 minute trip, it didn't really feel that slow tho. .

Its official, my knee is stuffed lol, he said it is disintegrating quite quickly, and I told him about Mums hip rotting, he said he wont let that happen. Waiting time is approx. 4-6 months, I was expecting it to be 2 years. He wouldn't give me another steroid cos he said that they can cause infections and we want to avoid that before surgery. He might always be running late but he does care which is good.
And to prove my point of being calm when waiting for an appointment my BP was perfect lol. And I had a trainee young lady doing my xrays. We have always liked to help when it comes to trainees.

So after a couple of stops and then popping in to see MrP I am home in pain but the pills will kick in lol.

Think I will use some of the time before it happens to cook and freeze some meals, it will make it easier for the other side of the surgery lol..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That doesn't seem very 'useless' to me Venetian, good for you.

It stopped raining last night so managed to get the hedge done & just as I finished it started tipping down again, so glad its done. Just the lawn to do once it dries out properly once it stops raining again.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Resting up today, playing with buttons for the coat. I am stacking colourful plastics together to create new, they look like brightly iced cupcakes in miniature, great fun. The grey wool needs seriously livening up and this is a start I think.

Good way to while away a rainy day.  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It was freezing yesterday, we were in winter clothes! And it doesn't look like there will be much of an improvement today either.

Bright buttons sound just the thing to liven up a grey coat, OHH.

Good to hear about your knee, popeye. Sounds like they are finally onto it.

I'm waiting to hear from my sister-in-law if the weather in Rotorua is working bee weather. It would be good to have our friend's garden weeded for her and wet soil is the best for weeding. Yesterday I moved some of the mulch from the shrub and tidied up where the mower couldn't reach. If I don't go to Rotorua, then I'll finish the mulch today.

I have almost finished the last butterfly and now have a clearer picture in my head how I want this quilt to look. Although, that could change lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

I agree buttons can brighten anything.. My methodical mind loves buttons. I was always playing in Mums button box as a kid. Mine are all in Maccona jars in colours and shapes. Just so pretty..
But that's also something I like, pretty or matching jars lol.

Very pleased about my knee being done a lot sooner than I expected. For those who might have known Thistle4 on TM she has just had her second one done, just before Christmas I think it was. And she said yesterday its back to normal now, no pain at all.

Have to pop up to the Junktion, our recycle shop and see if they have a cd player for MrP. His died. And he is MrP impatient and wants a new one yesterday. He also wants new teeth. Which I fully understand as mine are too big, but Im going to be honest, I will be the one left with the debt and he wont have long to use them. I just dont know how to tell him that.

The sky man is meant to be coming later, the tv has settled down now. It was fine through the storm but then went crazy after it lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
scattered cloud and nippy again today I didnt hang around in cbd yesterday as it was too cold probably should have rugged up more

glad that your knee is getting sorted Popeye

just finished a flurry of housework having a break before get into to the next installment.

no set plans for today but I started cutting out totes yesterday for next months sewing day (its our charity sewing day) I have got 12 cut out so thought I would sort out the handles get them all folded and ironed as that is a time hungry activity then I can just sit and sew on the day.

Also need to draft a bigger size of overalls for GD1 I have a cute piece of needle cord to use - I think my sewing mojo maybe returning Big Grin

enjoy your day everyone hope the weather plays nice with your plans
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I let the Pud out in the rain yesterday and she seemed content to sit on the front door mat and glare at the wet, so I left her to it and went to make tea. When I got settled back into my chair she arrived at my feet chirping and casting black looks towards the door, obviously upset about something so I went to investigate, and found a large golden mixed breed hound on the door mat. It was sitting quietly, looking beseechingly at me and whining, no threat at all but definitely not ours. We had words but it wasn't leaving in a hurry, obviously had hopes of rescue. I photographed it and put a note on our Locals page so its people knew where it was and closed the screen door to save it from the ire of the Pud. She is not a fan of dogs, even sweet ones like that boy. He wandered off in a break in the weather, so I hope he remembered the way home before dark came in...
The sky man has been, missed the first spot of the people that I hope will win Te Matatini. Whanau Apanui. Its my friends tribe from Tauranga. They are good .

He replaced the fitting on each end of the cords, to the box and the dish. So hopefully it will behave again for a while. He is South African, very dark but has been loving the dancing too.

I need to ask questions lol. I would love to know about their costumes and what they mean. And why some of the make up is, some black some red.

Sounds like Said Canine just wanted shelter from the rain OHH, Very accommodating from Pud.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Finished the last three notebooks yesterday & managed a bit more sorting out of the workroom. Its finally stopped raining & hope it stays that way long enough to dry things out a bit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We have had an awesome working bee. Lots of laughter and chatting while we worked. One of the ladies is our friend's friend and she is a very sprightly 98 years young. I should be so lucky to be as sprightly as her and live to that age! She was a hoot, nothing bothers her. She said at 98 it's a bit late in life to be stressing the small stuff. There are some amazing women around, that's for sure Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(25-02-2023, 03:06 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: We have had an awesome working bee.  Lots of laughter and chatting while we worked.  One of the ladies is our friend's friend and she is a very sprightly 98 years young.  I should be so lucky to be as sprightly as her and live to that age!  She was a hoot, nothing bothers her.  She said at 98 it's a bit late in life to be stressing the small stuff.  There are some amazing women around, that's for sure Heart

I want to be like Hunni-hunni... yep your spirit inspires me OHH.. 

The older ladies I know at the homes are marvels, and very inspiring.

Yes !!!! Te Whanau Apanui won.

They were the last to perform over the 3 days and I said last night they would win.. And to top it off I got to break the news to a friend who is of that Whanau, so that was cool.

Its being held in Taranaki in 2025.. Maybe Ill be living down there by then and Ill be able to go along.

Does anyone know or heard of Mobility scooters being for Hire at all? The only thing Im worried about with having my knee surgery is not being able to drive for anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks.

It will come down to how well I do the exercises etc afterwards. And Im born stubborn so was up and about after both my heart and tummy opps. They had to tell me to rest a bit. I have a lot of determination, which is how come I can still do the lawns etc now lol

I expect the pain, just dont know how it compares to the rawness of bone on bone. And since Ive never broken any bones I really have no idea what to expect. Ill be picking Thistles brains, but alas she doesn't drive.

The sun is out and it has warmed up.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(25-02-2023, 05:52 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(25-02-2023, 03:06 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: We have had an awesome working bee.  Lots of laughter and chatting while we worked.  One of the ladies is our friend's friend and she is a very sprightly 98 years young.  I should be so lucky to be as sprightly as her and live to that age!  She was a hoot, nothing bothers her.  She said at 98 it's a bit late in life to be stressing the small stuff.  There are some amazing women around, that's for sure Heart

I want to be like Hunni-hunni... yep your spirit inspires me OHH.. 

The older ladies I know at the homes are marvels, and very inspiring.

Yes !!!! Te Whanau Apanui won.

They were the last to perform over the 3 days and I said last night they would win.. And to top it off I got to break the news to a friend who is of that Whanau, so that was cool.

Its being held in Taranaki in 2025.. Maybe Ill be living down there by then and Ill be able to go along.

Does anyone know or heard of Mobility scooters being for Hire at all?  The only thing Im worried about with having my knee surgery is not being able to drive for anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks.

It will come down to how well I do the exercises etc afterwards. And Im born stubborn so was up and about after both my heart and tummy opps. They had to tell me to rest a bit. I have a lot of determination, which is how come I can still do the lawns etc now lol

I expect the pain, just dont know how it compares to the rawness of bone on bone. And since Ive never broken any bones I really have no idea what to expect. Ill be picking Thistles brains, but alas she doesn't drive.

The sun is out and it has warmed up.

Definitely available for hire, ACC gave me one a couple of times between surgeries back when I had family to look after. The rental is quite expensive though I believe, which is why I decided it would be best to get my own, and friends lent me the cash to do that. Once you have one though WINZ will lend for things like batteries or tyres, so that is a big help. If you have a chemist or pharmacy that supplies mobility equipment ask them about scooters, they'll know local suppliers and dealers.

They get you up fast after knee and hip ops, the following morning usually, all going well, and you will have good pain support, and be guided by physios and occupational therapists. You will also be seen by a social worker to assess your needs for home help, including shopping. The knee op is more challenging than hip replacements I am told, you will be on crutches for a while, and the exercise therapy is very important. Pool work is great and helps a lot if you have access to aquatherapy. The post surgical pain is different to the arthritic pain you endure now. I found it good pain v bad pain, in that it is a healing process not a degenerative one. The first week is hard, the second better, and the third starts to get really positive. The trick then is to keep the exercise/rest routine up and not push your luck just because you feel good. The healing is still going on, and the implant is not stable for quite a while after the op, no matter how good it might feel. Easy to overdo things and slow healing down, so bear that in mind.

Your ortho surgeon will not favour a mobility scooter, lol, they think it stops us getting the exercise we need, which is true enough, but it is also our freedom, so...

As for being like me - you must be mad woman. I am...  Big Grin
(25-02-2023, 06:18 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(25-02-2023, 05:52 PM)popeye333 Wrote: I want to be like Hunni-hunni... yep your spirit inspires me OHH.. 

The older ladies I know at the homes are marvels, and very inspiring.

Yes !!!! Te Whanau Apanui won.

They were the last to perform over the 3 days and I said last night they would win.. And to top it off I got to break the news to a friend who is of that Whanau, so that was cool.

Its being held in Taranaki in 2025.. Maybe Ill be living down there by then and Ill be able to go along.

Does anyone know or heard of Mobility scooters being for Hire at all?  The only thing Im worried about with having my knee surgery is not being able to drive for anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks.

It will come down to how well I do the exercises etc afterwards. And Im born stubborn so was up and about after both my heart and tummy opps. They had to tell me to rest a bit. I have a lot of determination, which is how come I can still do the lawns etc now lol

I expect the pain, just dont know how it compares to the rawness of bone on bone. And since Ive never broken any bones I really have no idea what to expect. Ill be picking Thistles brains, but alas she doesn't drive.

The sun is out and it has warmed up.

Definitely available for hire, ACC gave me one a couple of times between surgeries back when I had family to look after. The rental is quite expensive though I believe, which is why I decided it would be best to get my own, and friends lent me the cash to do that. Once you have one though WINZ will lend for things like batteries or tyres, so that is a big help. If you have a chemist or pharmacy that supplies mobility equipment ask them about scooters, they'll know local suppliers and dealers.

They get you up fast after knee and hip ops, the following morning usually, all going well, and you will have good pain support, and be guided by physios and occupational therapists. You will also be seen by a social worker to assess your needs for home help, including shopping. The knee op is more challenging than hip replacements I am told, you will be on crutches for a while, and the exercise therapy is very important. Pool work is great and helps a lot if you have access to aquatherapy. The post surgical pain is different to the arthritic pain you endure now. I found it good pain v bad pain, in that it is a healing process not a degenerative one. The first week is hard, the second better, and the third starts to get really positive. The trick then is to keep the exercise/rest routine up and not push your luck just because you feel good. The healing is still going on, and the implant is not stable for quite a while after the op, no matter how good it might feel. Easy to overdo things and slow healing down, so bear that in mind.

Your ortho surgeon will not favour a mobility scooter, lol, they think it stops us getting the exercise we need, which is true enough, but it is also our freedom, so...

As for being like me - you must be mad woman. I am...  Big Grin

Lol.. Im sure I can manage to be Mad, or at least put as much effort in that I can. lol.

I've seen the results of a person who thought he knew it all and didn't do the "Stupid" exercises when he had his Hip replaced and he never walked properly again. Wouldn't admit he was wrong tho. 

I was up on my feet a couple of hours after waking up from my heart surgery.. Lol have to admit going to the toilet the first time was scary, cos no one doesn't sit there and wonder how they are going to wipe themselves lol.

After the tummy / hernia surgery I was up the next day. I heal quite well, even tho the tummy hit the fan once home.

But Im 50 kilos lighter and my health is so much better so that's got to be a bonus.

Was just talking to MrP who promptly said that He will have to come home and look after me. I pointed out that he hasn't done that for years and it would only create more work.. 

He will just never admit Im not able to look after him. I pointed out once again that Im Not still 23, the first orthopedic Dr I saw told me my back is 20 years ahead of the rest of my body and breaking down. 

I swear his last words will be that he's coming home. But he won't be
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have a beautiful start to the day so I'll be moving the remainder of the mulch this morning.

There's some excellent advice from OHH, popeye Big Grin

Yesterday I helped my sister-in-law put together one of those hospital beds she had bought off TM. She was quite capable of doing it, but there were a couple of spots where an extra pair of hands was needed. She bought it for when our friend finally becomes too unwell to be at her own home and will move in with her. My sister-in-law is a nurse Big Grin Big Grin

Today our niece and her fiancee are being deployed to Napier and Gisborne to boost police numbers in the area Smile We are so proud of them both. Our niece was sent to East Timor years ago to help train and assist police in the area Big Grin Both are no nonsense people and won't take cr**.

Time to get moving before the pile of mulch builds up more heat... MrK and our friend dumped it on top of a hebe cutting I am trying to grow. It will be really something if it has survived this.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good Morning everyone

A stunner of a day here, clear blue sky.

Just about finished what I was typing and it disappeared lol.

The soup pot is on with two very meaty ham bones. Will do the veges when I've finished my breakfast. Oh and I can wear some surgical gloves to deal with the horrible onions lol.
I dont eat soup but love making it. And there is at least 7 Im feeding spread over the two homes, Im just not sure how many MrP wants to feed lol

Have an inspection due soon I think so Im going to evict the spiders in the front porch and I will try and get the front lawn done. Walking hurts but it also helps lol.

I havent read the news yet, I hope it has stopped raining especially in the flooded areas and that they can start to dry out.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast at moment but should clear and warm up this afternoon.

DH got the lawns done before  it rained yesterday he is very tinny often manages to do that.

I got overalls traced off in bigger size cut out and half way through sewing them up when DD called in with paint swatches she wanted in put re colours for painted walls. They are converting their garage into an office.

DH wants to go and purchase some new watercolour paints as Gordon Harris have a sale. I will complete overalls today hopefully. Need to get buttons for wee vest that was completed last night and will pick up some navy blue dk to knit DGS a new beanie. It will be nice to knit with thicker ply for a change.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Has your DH tried the water soluable crayons? Gordon Harris' sales let me build a lovely collection of those and boy I have lots of fun with them. I always found watercolour painting technically challenging, but got some wonderfully satisfying results with the glorious pigments in the crayons... Which might me why I became a teeny bit addicted to them!
Having been unable to mow the back lawn all week thanks to constant rain, I tackled it today when there was a slight break in the weather - took over an hour, having grown thanks to the rain. But I was feeling slightly smug when it rained again not long after it was done; good thing I did it.
Knackered now, though.
And - the sun's just come out now so hope it bodes well for tomorrow. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good that your working bee went so well KM. Great that your niece and partner are coming to HB. Yes there will be a need for helpers for a long time yet and some concern that help will dry up soon.

Lovely and sunny today after a very wet, gray day yesterday. Started this week’s baking and onto 2nd sleeve of my ‘cyclone’ jersey, so did manage to get something done despite the weather.

Been out with Red Cross people today sorting clothes sent up from Nelson, 16 large bins with mainly clothes and bedding in them but it is all muddled up and needs to be sorted into categories so can go to where most needed. Didn’t finish so back again tomorrow, we were supposed to do it yesterday but as it is under the grandstand at McLean park it was decided that it would be rather damp and slippery.

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