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You can never have enough...
Been a good girl and scrubbed up the stove top, which is a pain because it is one of those cheap as models where the top doesn't lift up. But I did it.

And then as a reward I frittered away some payday dollars on a pair of Karen Walker sunnies just like the ones I loved to bits but broke last year. At half the price I paid for the first ones. Which I am thinking of sending off to SOS Eyewear to get them to put some mad coloured lenses in for me. Just for fun. But, what colour?

Mad, I told you...  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile More rain on the way, buggar!

I didn't know you could do that with sunglasses, OHH. Bright pink could be fun to look through Tongue

The mulch has been moved, there wasn't much but it fills a corner. And I mowed the prunings from the camellia and bay tree and spread that out too onto the garden. The bay smelt divine! And the compost bin scored some as well. The garden is slowing down now for autum, it won't be long before the secateurs are out.

Our son phoned yesterday asking if his dad would like a box of Heineken beer as he had been given a box and he doesn't drink. That was a definite yes, so I'll pick it up when in Hamilton next week. Hopefully he has finished with our yard broom and that can come home as well.

I've almost finished the final butterfly. For such small pieces, they seem to be taking me ages to do. I'll take the embroidered pieces with me when looking for fabric next week. Hopefully the fabric I liked will do the trick.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I spotted a wee piece on instagram that made me think of you km. It was a beautifully embroidered hummingbird, but the stitcher did a separate wing which was attached after the body was finished, making the piece three dimensional. It reminded me of those insects I once saw adorning a renaissance gown, raised stitchery that begged to be stroked with little creatures that looked real enough to sting!

And yes, SOS are incredible repair people, there is very little they cannot fix when it comes our specs. They even have a plastics laser to deal with those broken arms. And very reasonably priced in my experience.
Morning everyone

A bit grey out there this morning.

What a cool idea re the glasses, just dont go yellow Ohh, the ones the Māori MP wear just look horrible and make him look Jaundiced lol.

I Did the evictions yesterday and then did the front patch of lawn. It was shorter, but not having to battle so close to the fences made Such a time difference.. As much as I hate spray lines I will continue to do it.

Got about 8 litres of soup I think, Then MrP tells me its just for 3 of them in his room.. But Im ok with that, I can pop it in the freezer and share more with Both homes.

I kept remembering once I turned the lappy off that there was a story on Country Calendar last night about a small farm with a variety of animals etc but they grow coloured wool and they have huge carding machines, they card other peoples wool too and they have a shop as well.. the thing that got me is once she has washed the wool, she pops it into a washing machine, loose, to spin the water out.. I would have thought it would get through the piping etc. but it sure does a good job, then she lays it on a big table with a huge fan to completely dry it ready for Carding..

She had an electric spinning wheel which looked small, not really sure how it worked.

Its usually repeated about 1pmish in the next day or two.

Will take soup up to MrP and have to sew some button holes shut a tad, he gets frustrated over little things like that. I always seem to doing some small job for him while I am there.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
We watched Country Calendar last evening and I really enjoyed that episode. I told MrK she was living my dream lol. I was also surprised she gave the rinsed wool a good spin in the washing machine. I suppose it hadn't been spun then so shrinkage wouldn't matter too much. I loved the different coloured wool from the different breeds too. She dyed the wool the same way I dye wool too. That bag of plucked possum fur was huge! Great revenge by the lady who caught them eating her roses lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(27-02-2023, 07:26 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: We watched Country Calendar last evening and I really enjoyed that episode.  I told MrK she was living my dream lol.  I was also surprised she gave the rinsed wool a good spin in the washing machine.  I suppose it hadn't been spun then so shrinkage wouldn't matter too much.  I loved the different coloured wool from the different breeds too.  She dyed the wool the same way I dye wool too.  That bag of plucked possum fur was huge!  Great revenge by the lady who caught them eating her roses lol.
It was awesome Eh Kiwimade, An the ultimate revenge thats for sure lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Pelting down here.  Just back from school run having splashed through riverlets coming down driveways. Jandals a good choice! 3 yo cosy and dry in the pushchair.

Busy weekend with family in different directions. Nice to have sunshine to enjoy though and a catch up in the garden yesterday which included a star jasmine trim and lawn mowed.

Country Calendar is one of our favourite shows and last night was an enjoyable episode with non-intensive farming being practised.  I was surprised to see the wool plunged into boiling water after the dye was added. The whole process a labour of love for sure. 

An inside day with the need to take the K9 out for a much needed groom.

Enjoy the day all.
morning all
fine day here morning starts are quite nippy though.

OHH the glasses sound like fun - are they polarised?

DH purchased some new brushes and one paint , we didnt see the crayons you mentioned OHH DH does have watercolour pencils and other stuff I wasnt tempted to fall off my fabric diet as I perused the Fabric Store They do have some lovely leather there too. Merino not really in colours I want/like I need in between seasons clothes.

Got overalls finished yesterday and even went and got buttons  so will do button holes today.
Off to shops want an electric can opener our battery operated one died Farmers have them for $30 (special)everywhere else range  50-70 quite a disparate price range.

Keep dry and enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Not polarised in the originals, but I'm certain SOS can get them polarised. They seem able to do just about anything.

I wear sunnies year round because I use contact lenses and they keep the dust out, so the colour isn't a major for me but I do rather like interesting shapes. I do have a pair with brown lenses and they make the world very depressing to look out at, so I think a pretty colour would be better, and much more fun. Purple maybe seeing I wear it so often. Or turquoise. Or that pink...

Perhaps I need to dye a streak in all these locks to match!
lol I love the idea of a purple streak!

When I dye wool, I wrap it in gladwrap, colour it, and then microwave as the heat sets the colour. Then it's rinsed in warm water until the water runs clear. I'm trying to remember how long it was microwaved for as it's been a while since I've done it. I use an old hypodermic needle (without the needle bit) to squirt the colour (food colouring usually) onto the wool. I'll have to google how I did it, it's been so long I've forgotten half of it lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Food colouring? I have to laugh remembering all the technological and chemistry stuff my Mum would go through with her silk painting adventures...

I loved hand dyed yarns, but with my experiences with superb dyers, I just buy other peoples miracles!
(27-02-2023, 11:41 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Food colouring? I have to laugh remembering all the technological and chemistry stuff my Mum would go through with her silk painting adventures...

I loved hand dyed yarns, but with my experiences with superb dyers, I just buy other peoples miracles!

Kids used to use Food colouring to dye their hair when I was younger too.. 

I love the randomness of hand dyed, but oddly I dont use it often, I guess Im just too methodical to handle the randomness.

Yep matching streaks in the hair to match your clothes of the day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
yep, good old Hansells food colouring Big Grin lol Sometimes I used natural dyes from food (onion skins, red cabbage) but mostly used the food colouring. I'd mix it in a glass of water to tone it down (or up) Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I am learning something new here, is it stable under light and washing? Is there a mordant that you use or is it really just as simple as it sounds?

I am almost tempted to try it, lol...
(27-02-2023, 10:10 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Not polarised in the originals, but I'm certain SOS can get them polarised. They seem able to do just about anything.

I wear sunnies year round because I use contact lenses and they keep the dust out,  so the colour isn't a major for me but I do rather like interesting shapes. I do have a pair with brown lenses and they make the world very depressing to look out at, so I think a pretty colour would be better, and much more fun. Purple maybe seeing I wear it so often. Or turquoise. Or that pink...

Perhaps I need to dye a streak in all these locks to match!

I have several pairs of sunglasses in different colours; (just cheap ones) & have  a pair in red, blue, light blue, yellow & lilac plus one pair of deep purple (which are entirely the wrong shape for me so don't get worn) & tend to wear the blue ones most. They're a sort of electric blue & I sometimes  wear a top the same colour. The red ones aren't much use as sunglasses - its like looking through red cellophane.  I also wear the Lilac ones & yellow ones sometimes.

And  some years ago I had purple streaks in my hair. Today there was a young woman ahead of me who had the lower part of her hair a gorgeous magenta with the rest a kind of wishy washy blue - which imo would have looked far better in electric blue or purple.
Perhaps you could get streaks in various colours. Wink

I don't often ill wish anyone but imo, the blithering idiot who decided that all rubbish bins should be removed from parks & most removed from bus stops should be obliged to visit each park & pick up by hand, every last bit of rubbish including dog deposits, ( I suspect that I'm the only one still picking them up) & then  reinstate all rubbish bins immediately.
Bloody idiot! Dodgy
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My sisters car has turned up - kilometres away from home !

I too really enjoyed Country Calendar- what an idyllic lifestyle they had - that huge bag of possum fur was glorious - they were protected in Australia - one kept coming and jumping on our cats outside run and causing chaos at night - one night my husband went grabbed the yard broom I think it was to whack wildly in the dark and killed the blimmin thing - he then had to get rid of it unseen the fine was $500 for killing one .One of my aunties won the NZ Wool Award with her homespun wool - it was in the Twiggy era - long coat that was so fine and a mini dress with a pill box hat - it caused quite a stir a farmers wife from Tutira making such a stylish outfit
My Nana used to boil up walnut shells and dye aprons for the ladies working in the tomato packing shed - I tried it a couple of times when I was making cloth dolls - the shells dyed the mohair a beautiful brunette colour .One of the most memorable things I did was wind wool around metal rods - which my long suffering husband had to get cut to length at the local engineering shop - wet the wool then baked it in the oven .When I pulled it off it had made the most beautiful ringlets - I had been given a piece of chocolate doll velour so decided to make my granddaughter a little gollywog - she was gorgeous and my 4 year old granddaughter thought so as well - but she called her Dirt - her colour didn’t impact on her place in the hierarchy of her dolls - so it wasn’t derogatory but it was embarrassing
The number of missing people thank goodness has dropped dramatically - the police have had a horrendous job - walking along the difficult shingle on the beach for hours and amongst the mud must have been thoroughly exhausting - no criticism has been of the front line police it was the hierarchy that didn’t act quick enough and then denied it was happening .My sister is really struggling - she has lived alone for years and it’s hard to then move into a very full household of four generations when you are fragile .Her cottage arrives in two weeks so keep telling her to just hang on - my brother and I have both offered her a bed .I had been going through my photos to get some printed for her but I think I will just put them on a memory stick as space is going to be minimal her tiny home
On a bright note several dogs who were presumed lost have turned up - we have a cat called Sooty who has his own Facebook page who lives in Ahuriri - he goes all over the place - business post photos of him sleeping on the office chairs and inntye cafe or art shop or down at the fishing travellers being fed fish - he is a real character - his owner lives in an apartment - he heads home every night - last Saturday some people saw him wandering round at the Sailing club decided he was lost so carted him out to the Show Grounds in Hastings where all the lost animals are being cared for - of course Sooty the Mayor of Ahuriri had a microchip and was promptly returned home the next day - his owner keeps putting a collar on him but he invariably comes home without it
when we were kids we had an annoying possum eating the fruit somehow it was caught - i can't remember just how but it was very dead so my brother stuffed it into his school case and took it for show and tell, can't imagine what the teacher thought of having a rather large dead possum arrive at school  Big Grin

i love dying wool. in the past i used natural things like onion skins, walnut shells, lichen etc but you need quite complicated mordants such as alum  to get nice  bright colours that last.  Now i just use various types of food colourings as you can get a great range of colours or mix your own shades.
I soak the wool in a vinegar solution and then apply the food colourings either with a syringe like you do KM or splash it around happily, soak the wool in various strengths of dye or just however I feel like doing it that time. 
 I then put it into a casserole dish cover with cling film and microwave on high for 4 minutes, let it cool and repeat for another 4 minutes.  When it is rinsed there is no leaking of colour.
The colour seems to last with no significant fading, i have socks that i have worn for 5 years and they are still colourful with just being thrown into the washing machine with everything else.
(27-02-2023, 06:26 PM)Venetian1 Wrote: when we were kids we had an annoying possum eating the fruit somehow it was caught - i can't remember just how but it was very dead so my brother stuffed it into his school case and took it for show and tell, can't imagine what the teacher thought of having a rather large dead possum arrive at school  Big Grin

i love dying wool. in the past i used natural things like onion skins, walnut shells, lichen etc but you need quite complicated mordants such as alum  to get nice  bright colours that last.  Now i just use various types of food colourings as you can get a great range of colours or mix your own shades.
I soak the wool in a vinegar solution and then apply the food colourings either with a syringe like you do KM or splash it around happily, soak the wool in various strengths of dye or just however I feel like doing it that time. 
 I then put it into a casserole dish cover with cling film and microwave on high for 4 minutes, let it cool and repeat for another 4 minutes.  When it is rinsed there is no leaking of colour.
The colour seems to last with no significant fading, i have socks that i have worn for 5 years and they are still colourful with just being thrown into the washing machine with everything else.

Wow! This is so cool...

I love my hand knitted socks. My friend Ali knitted them for me and I immediately tossed out all the other kind, except for a pair of rainbow striped knee highs that just seem to always escape the bin.

Hand knits are superb in boots, and I love boots a lot...
Yesss!!! that's the way I did it, Venetian Smile So simple and soooo much fun Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile Another overcast day by the looks of it.

Yesterday I sewed a few blocks for something, I haven't decided yet lol. But it was a good way to practice lining everything up accurately. They may turn into quilts for the NICU babies Heart

I had to laugh about the 'community cat' Jan, as our town had one too. He used to visit various businesses and made himself at home. I think the businesses chipped in for his care. The last I heard I think he was retired to someone's home.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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