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You can never have enough...
(08-03-2023, 06:36 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  It must be autum, the mornings are quite chilly now.  At least yesterday afternoon felt like summer!

Yesterday I caught up with a friend for lunch, but our favourite cafe had closed due to not enough workers Sad  We found another lovely cafe to eat at but not far from it was another closed cafe, closed for the same reason.  My friend has asked MrK to make two jewelry boxes like mine so he will be kept busy soon.  He has an old mahogany bed headboard being recycled and plans to make them out of that.  It's a gorgeous timber with a lovely grain and colour.

MrK has 'closed' the compost bins so he can empty one and turn the other into the empty bin.  Just in time too as we have used all the useable compost.  I can't start pruning until I have somewhere to put the prunings.  It's a tad early anyway as the dahlias have finally come into their own.

Not sure what plans we have for the day, it might just be a pottering about type of day.  Tomorrow will be busy as I will at Waikato Hospital for most of it with our elderly friend.  I might even find something to stitch for while I wait for him.

Happy crafting Smile

You could just prune by shorter pieces and drop those around the plants they came from. I knew an old French gardener who used to do that as a way to keep weeds down. He even used to drop green kitchen waste around his shrubs because he found bending to deal with young weeds an issue. He had one of those very traditional shrubbery type picking gardens and I always came home with an amazing bouquet when we went to see him. I think his garden started my love of hydrangeas, but I have never grown anything nearly as well as he did. He also used to snap off old rose flowers with his fingers, just under the head, never cut the stem back to the five leaf as my grandmother taught me.

His roses were stunning too...
Morning everyone

Definitely cooler here. I've only got one door open, and have a cardy on lol.. Yay.

Made a very good start on tidying down the skinny side of the house late yesterday. I mowed the strip and sprayed both sides.
Then started pulling the sprayed Kikuyu from amongst the old bits of wood etc. The Kikuyu is in the Yuccas that boarder ours and the Neighbours. It's the 2nd-3rd time I have cleaned in out, not once have they offered to help. And they couldn't miss me doing it last night as they came home while i was out there. I have heaps of dead grass now.

The result is, it looks much better, but I am so incredibly sore that I'll have to let the Grumpy one know that I won't be up today. I dont think I could drive safely, I can barely make it to the toilet.

I remembered last night to have a look at the council website and managed to book a spot for the inorganic collection in May. I will have to cut some of the wood down, but that will be easy enough with the drop saw. Hoping they will take the couch too.

Headboards are an excellent source of nice timber eh Kiwimade. I have a single one here that I've hung onto cos I will use it one day.

So a very quiet day for me.. Unless they turn up to do the fence lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
another nippy start , cloudy but should clear and warm up.

All your gardens sound lovely I am more of a supervisor and DH is our gardener. He was going over to do DD garden today but she phoned to say she has tested positive for you know what Sad

Finished DGD2 long sleeved merino body suit yesterday and cut out and made one for DGD1 as well so pleased with that
up to the yoke in the wee cardi for DGD2 tonight I can start the decrease and lace pattern shaping I am looking forward to seeing how that turns out.

Food hunt this morning and pick up repeat script, not sure what I will do this afternoon

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
kiwimade64, my parents who were keen gardeners always said to me not to prune back dahlias until they had dried out and retracted all the goodness back into the root system bulb, of course always dead head as soon as required.

You notice they dry from the farthermost extremities inwards to the trunk and down to the bulbs.

May be unsightly but that how you get the best dahlias over the years.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Thanks, zqwerty and welcome to the thread! My dahlias were a disappointment up until now. Mind you being trampled on by the fencing contractors (they tried really hard not to!) probably didn't help and then we had all the rain and wind. But now they are flowering like it's summer lol. Big Grin Big Grin Autum is that untidy time of the year and we just have to live with it. Although, the lavender has done it's dash and will need replacing next spring.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Beautiful day in the bay - the silt shovelers will be sweating - great excitement in the neighbourhood one dove of the thirty or so that were living in the reserve has returned looking very bedraggled - still no birds singing in the trees -
Kiwimade your cafe experience is so widespread - Robie has 40 vacancies - he is having to bring in 4 bakers and two butchers from overseas - at the moment he is flying butchers in again from Auckland - there are just no kiwi butchers - they breakdown their own meat so he can sell quality meat cheaper so he needs real butchery skills -last week the butcher had broken down the carcasses and the meat was all sitting in the chiller ready to be cut up and put out to sell - he didn’t turn up on Monday - a young bloke had walked in off the street the previous week - he was tidy didn’t spit or swear at the HR lady so was hired immediately - he worked his butt off - the sole of his shoe was flapping so Robie sent the HR lady out to buy him shoes - found out he was living in his car - anyway on the Monday he was wiping out the near empty meat fridges and a lady asked him for steak - Robie was down on the floor so the kid came to him and asked if he could cut up some steak - he had seen them do it on Masterchef and he reckoned it looked real easy -HR lady told him the health and safety requirements and away he went - he spent all day in the butchery - got somebody to show him how to weigh and wrap and cleared the chiller and filled the shop shelves - Robie has had so much drama he was tickled pink seeing a kid blossom - he has got himself a permanent job and help finding accomodation .Robie started out stacking yoghurt when he was at Uni - was going to be a criminologist
My other son had one bloke on Monday go off site to buy smoko and never returned - he was supposedly job ready - went through all the induction procedures to keep all his benefit entitlements intact then told Winz the job was too stressful - he was packaging product .Feel so sorry for business like cafe -it’s hard work and small profit margins and often they have put all their money into setting up the business .There should be zero unemployment that’s for sure
I'm still very sporadically sorting out the workroom a bit, & the other day I came across some old sketches which I'd completely forgotten about. Lucky I found them now - when the great grandchildren were born I did a small painting of a quirky little house for each of them ( one had a slide coming from the roof & another had a tower joined onto it by a bridge & the third had a tree house joined to it) so now I'll have to do two more for the ones arriving later this year - oh joy!

Had another bash at the ivy earlier, getting there slowly but now its hot out there so not doing any more today.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Lots of cloud today but it's meant to be fine.

Those houses you painted sound gorgeous, Lilith Heart They will be treasured, for sure Smile

Yesterday I sewed the top of the first charity quilt I am making out the fabric I was given. I've also cut out the binding and the back and now have to buy some wadding to finish. I might semi prepare more like this so over winter I can quilt them when the mood strikes. I still have my cat and butterfly quilt top to sew. It looks like a fabric buying trip is needed.

It was good to mow the lawn yesterday, what a difference it makes having the neighbour's contractor mow the berm. Not just in time but in petrol too. I will need to water the garden pots today, if it doesn't rain by tomorrow the hose will need to go on the rest of the garden. Nuts isn't it, we've had so much rain and the hose needs to go on the garden.

Better get cracking, I'll be at Waikato Hospital for most of the afternoon today with an elderly friend.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Tis a bit grey out there this morning.

Total bad day yesterday and even worse on the phone last night.. I will be ringing the home and suggest they get him checked for an infection as this is how he acts when he has one.

If it isn't, it's just his typical narcissistic performances. And it's getting boring.

I slept a lot of yesterday. Which is rare for me.

More work on the stumps behind the fence, so it got noisy for a while.

The front lawn needs mowing but its going to have to wait. I want to do one more cooking session than that is done. Then Ill do the lawn and a bit of an extra clean up as an inspection must be due soon.

I have to go on the food hunt, two shops so that will be all my knee can cope with. Ill do my bloods tomorrow simply to spread the walking.

Have a fab day all

Edit to add ..Im already Over that bloody stupid Tower advert with the remote control door etc... Oh And the MacDonald's one where he is adding extra chips to his burger, she slides hers over for some but has a carton of her own chips.. DUMB lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I think she is wanting his pickles, popeye lol. I've only seen that Tower advert once, but the TV isn't on in the morning as we listen to the radio.

The Furry One has a rabbit bailed up for the first time in ages. It was almost like he had lost his rabbit hunting mojo lol.

Better get cracking again lol, I'm procrastinating for some reason Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(09-03-2023, 07:43 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: I think she is wanting his pickles, popeye lol.  I've only seen that Tower advert once, but the TV isn't on in the morning as we listen to the radio.

The Furry One has a rabbit bailed up for the first time in ages.  It was almost like he had lost his rabbit hunting mojo lol. 

Better get cracking again lol, I'm procrastinating for some reason Tongue

I saw it countless times last night. the remote one lol..

Ohh I never thought about the pickles. That would make sense.. Still dumb tho lol

Yep Im procrastinating as well lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny and we are in for another lovely day. It has been like summer with plenty of people still swimming in the sea, apparently still warm!

Lol Popeye,  a lot of ads are definitely designed to annoy/wind us up to get our attention ... with the hope of enticing us to buy! Some of us totally put off! 

Groceries really needed, will do the job soon now I feel more able to face the world after my cold keeping me on a go-slow recently.

Those sketches sound delightful Lilith ... lucky ggc  Smile

Always good to read that there are some good stories amidst the not so good Jan.

Cuppa finished,  time to move.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Overcast and windy but not cold  rain would be good for the plants.

Hope furry one is successful in his bunny hunt . KM Spotlight have 30% off at moment if you need to buy batting for your quilt.

Popeye you amaze me with what you achieve with your gammy knees 

Traced off smaller sized overall pattern yesterday and cut out overalls for GD2 might be able to fit some sewing in later this afternoon.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I agree Mica, Popeye is amazing Smile . Makes our own woes insignificant with what she achieves.
Thank you Ladies

Sometimes I think I have a screw loose. But sitting not doing anything is just as bad and over doing it.

I rang the home and asked them to have the DR to check MrP , he is reacting the same way he normally is when he has an infection. And they had already decided to get them in.

I noticed his legs were swelling again on Monday.

My challenge today is the shopping and I need to move lol..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The quilts sound lovely KM.

Don't think I've seen the Tower ad Popeye but the chips one was irritating from the first time I saw it.

It rained last night & is supposed to rain more later on so managed to get the back lawn done despite it being a bit wet still as it would have been a damn sight worse if I'd had to leave it till after the expected rain.

Mind you - with my luck it might not rain at all now! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Lillith my thoughts exactly.

When I got home I wasn't as bad as I thought I would be so mowed the front of the lawn. I felt a few spits and told it to Bugger off until I was finished.. And its now sunny lol

In saying that tho, I've only just put the groceries away.. If you can call them that, two bags barely full and $45 later. And I forgot the butter lol.

Have prepped what I can to cook tomorrow. And have the dishwasher earning its keep.

I have to go do my bloods tomorrow so will stop for the butter on the way home.

Haven't heard from the home so either the Dr hasn't been yet or he, in his mood has told them not to tell me. Which is what he normally does when he is like this.

Time to do my games now that I didn't start this morning lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile The expected rain never arrived so maybe it will today.

Housework needs doing this morning and maybe some sewing this afternoon. I thought I might have been able to squeak in a Spotlight visit while in Hamilton yesterday afternoon, but our friend's hospital appointments were pretty full on with three in a row. By the time we left the hospital the traffic was building and we came home.

I am going to go back to using my old phone and MrK can have his sisters. It's too big and bulky for my hands but would be better for his. And I won't need to buy another powerbank to fit the charger as my old phone fits the powerbanks we already have. I use them a lot when we have the inevitable power cuts over winter.

Roma, we were in the water the other day when at Mt Maunganui. It was lovely and warm, and the surfers were out in force.

The adverts that bug me are the funeral insurance one, especially with that bl**dy irritating woman in green. And the adverts that try to make you feel guilty like the animal cruelty ones. And we've noticed there are more charities asking for money to be left in your will for them.

Coffee is finshed, time to get moving. The sooner I start, the sooner the housework is done, and the rest of the day is mine.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

A slow start for me, Missy jumped from the back of my chair right onto my bad knee... Have had to give her some love, I know she didn't mean to hurt me but she doesn't like seeing me cry.. Poor thing.

Yes the Green trackies brigade annoy me too. I did prefer her over him, BUT I dont like people who dont answer questions and over talk people. its plain rude.

I spoke to MrP last night, he spent all day in bed. I will go see him this morning after I've done my bloods and will get the butter on my way home.

So My next big cook will happen tomorrow. I Managed to get 2.5 kilos of potatoes for $5-99 yesterday, $2-39 a kilo , so I was very happy. Never thought I'd be happy about bargain potatoes lol.

I would not like to be raising a family in today's prices. Meat got expensive so you filled them up on veges, veges got expensive so you give them eggs and look at those now... I dont know how families do it, especially those who cannot grow a garden.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast with rain overnight and a heavy rain warning for ,after this morning. 

Just got back from  dropping old girl k9 off for her dental this morning, she has tartar on the side of her mouth where she had a piece of her jaw removed to enable access a tumour in the tissue inside of the vertical mandible. She had this 8 yrs ago at Massey. 

No sewing yesterday but did catch up with my sewing buddy in the afternoon so sort of a sewing activity.

Socal day today out for lunch and dinner with 2 different groups of friends .

Tried new to me chick pea and quinoa recipe for dinner last night we are usually carnivorous but I like trying out dishes for when vegan friends visit. It looked like the recipe photo(well youtube) and tasted fine.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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