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You can never have enough...
Interesting article, KM thanks for posting it. That's a massive tapestry.

Mowed the back lawn then zipped out & got a new craft cutter & a few other bits & bobs. Came back & decided on an early walk which Madame Le Dog approved of, then painted that bit on the mower which had lost its paint, as according to sweetie darling if not painted it will eventually rust.
Then did a tiny bit of weeding before deciding that was it for the day.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Had to ring the local fire brigade today. Us old pensioner ladies have to seize opportunities for fun wherever they happen. One of our old guys has a beeping smoke alarm - so me, being ENTIRELY altrustic offered to talk to those lovely men in uniform on his behalf.

And you know, they are almost as attractive on the phone as they are in real life. Sigh...
(16-03-2023, 12:47 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Had to ring the local fire brigade today. Us old pensioner ladies have to seize opportunities for fun wherever they happen. One of our old guys has a beeping smoke alarm - so me, being ENTIRELY altrustic offered to talk to those lovely men in uniform on his behalf.

And you know, they are almost as attractive on the phone as they are in real life. Sigh...

Ye gods & little fishes - are you really trying to lure more fire fighters into your cellar again??! Big Grin Big Grin

What happened to the last lot - did you wear them out altogether? Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-03-2023, 12:47 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Had to ring the local fire brigade today. Us old pensioner ladies have to seize opportunities for fun wherever they happen. One of our old guys has a beeping smoke alarm - so me, being ENTIRELY altrustic offered to talk to those lovely men in uniform on his behalf.

And you know, they are almost as attractive on the phone as they are in real life. Sigh...

One can never be sure if things are ok or not. And a bit of  (New term for me) Eye Candy, cant raise the sugars too far lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It is very disappointing that these days if they have to come to my flat, they come in THREES! Two I could handle, but THREE in this tiny space?

I did complain about it to the silver foxy boss fireman last time they came, and he said they had been forewarned about me and he came to 'supervise' the young ones (they were in their forties fhs). With his arm around my shoulder, I might add. Obviously to restrain me just in case...

If I ever find out who dobbed me in, feathers will fly!
I'm sure you could handle three firemen in a heartbeat, OHH Tongue Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(16-03-2023, 02:46 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It is very disappointing that these days if they have to come to my flat, they come in THREES! Two I could handle, but THREE in this tiny space?

I did complain about it to the silver foxy boss fireman last time they came, and he said they had been forewarned about me and he came to 'supervise' the young ones (they were in their forties fhs). With his arm around my shoulder, I might add. Obviously to restrain me just in case...

If I ever find out who dobbed me in, feathers will fly!

Nah I reckon the Silver Foxy one thought he needs the younger ones to be his Body Guards.. lol.. so long as you had fun and a giggle thats all that matters...

Oh and the Alarm isnt beeping any longer lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
From what I overheard from the courtyard, the beep has been silenced. And the firemen must have tiptoed in so I didn't catch them....
(16-03-2023, 06:09 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: From what I overheard from the courtyard, the beep has been silenced. And the firemen must have tiptoed in so I didn't catch them....

The old 'sox over shoes' trick no doubt... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Boots Lilith! Big black thigh boots...

Takes effort to tip toe in those, lol...
morning ladies Smile Rain, rain, and more rain by the looks of it today.

They must have got in the back way, OHH Tongue Pud let them through lol.

Housework today and I might even start on the 'garden' under the bedroom windows. I need cooler weather to work there.

It would have been Dad's birthday today Smile Happy St Patricks's day Heart

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Fine here at the mo.

The fence is ready for all the palings.. But I will be speaking with them about the piles of dirt on my side that I have no way of getting rid of. Its much taller than the previous, but thats ok with me cos I dont like living in a goldfish bowl.

Finally heard from MOH. The home has been told to put alot more effort into their care. Such as making sure peoples allergies are noted when it comes to food and several other things.
Apparently they have also repaid the money owing to the new home so that is great.

They will be kept a closer eye on and hope that their next audit shows the improvement.. I do hope they dont just do their usual, changes things for a few weeks then slip backwards. And MrP's weight loss was very concerning to them so the food is being checked by dieticians and they will have their meals planned to be at a much higher nutritional level.

So long as they abide by the new rules, Im happy. Its all I have wanted, for the people to be safe, fed well and treated like humans.

MrP still doesn't want me to visit, of which today Im pleased, I jarred my knee badly yesterday so will give it more rest.

I dont have anything green on today.. Happy Heavenly Birthday for your Dad Kiwimade

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Raining cats and ogs and high wind warning expect 120k gusts so a good day to do some baking  and sewing.

Get a good rest Popeye
OHH I smiled at the vision of hunky firemen  tiptoeing  through you abode Big Grin

Had a wee lie in this morning so must get cracking 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I accidently dressed in green today, courtesy of a new top acquired from YouKnowWhere that arrived the day after I bought and paid for it. I do love a trader who is that on the ball. 

And I do loved 'new' clothes even second hand, especially when they fit so nicely with everything else in my wardrobe so I can layer up for those cooler mornings, like today.

I am tempted to add boots this morning, but I may be just a little anticipatory...
MrK has just stuck his head out the window to remind me it was raining lol. I can take a hint and have come inside. I've started that 'garden' so that's something Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning we were supposed to have heavy rain at 10am but the sun is shining with a very good clothes drying breeze - the 200 ladies in the group who are washing all the muddy clothes of the volunteers will be loving it - one lady put a notice on Facebook who had a large washing machine offered to wash stuff and it developed into 200
There must have been a special on fire alarms when they were fitted by the previous owners of this house -there are 2 in the very small lounge and one kept going off on a regular basis frightening the living day lights out of me - I have very high ceilings and even balancing very precariously on my step stool I can’t reach it - one night I was so mad with it grabbed my Dads walking stick and whacked the blardy thing with my best golf swing - unfortunately I damaged the Art Deco scotia and dented the wall but the alarm ended up down the hall - picked it up switched it off and it went off again - I reckon it was the old boy haunting me for still being up in the wee small hours - in case it was him I took it to Ahuriri were he loved to sit and read and dumped it in the rubbish bin -
My grandson who has just started at Canterbury university has gone down to spend St Patrick’s day with one of my granddaughters who is a seasoned student at Otago - she has had strict instructions from all the parents involved to look after him and his mates - can imagine them laughing together
Heard a Tui in the reserve last night - still no swallows or starlings or ducks in the creek just one lonely dove
I am up to row 153 of 240 of the blanket I am working on - the end is in sight - promised myself I would sew ends in as I go but once again have shown my lack of resolve
Oops today is a "Don't mess with me " type of day.

I noticed last night that there were piles of cruddy muddy stones next to the newly put in fence posts..

Thought to myself they better be moving that rubbish cos I dont have any way of doing it.

Waited for the worker to put pails on one section and went out and asked would they be taking it away.

He said no we usually just leave it..

I said "well you won't, Just be Leaving it.. I have no way of getting rid of it. Talk to your boss and get it moved" and I walked away.

Five minutes later he was scraping it all into the yard of the people who are putting the fence in..

I will say it's a very tall fence, and will be lovely in the summer for keeping the sun out of my room and the lounge. It might bother others in the winter but it won't bother me, that's for sure.

I've been sitting here with the curtains across the ranch slider, I dont like Living in a Gold fish bowl. He hasn't got much left to do and then peace will reign again.

Lovely line full of High Vis Jan.. It restores your faith in humanity doesn't it.

Very wise thing re the smoke alarm.. It probably was a message from beyond. lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I'd have destroyed the smoke alarm too Jan - some of them just go off for no reason.

The biggest hazard when taking a dog for a walk is another dog running loose. Yesterday we'd just gone into the park when we spotted a dog all by itself; it spotted us & immediately raced towards us - oh joy I thought & started to leave but Madame Le Dog was sure it was a friend, & sure enough as it got closer I could see it was one of two we'd met last week. Both weren't on leads & were with a woman who'd let us know they were friendly - the reason for no leads was because she said that their 'dad' used to beat them (presumably while tied up, the absolute bastard) & now they're with her she doesn't put them on a lead.
He claimed us as long lost friends this morning & came with us part of the way & they both had a lovely time snuffling things, hope he got home alright.

Its supposed to tip down today but instead is hot (26) & overcast so I'm betting we get rain tomorrow. When I've got washing to do.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Raining here now, watering all my pots for me after a warm day.

I had just cleaned the windows though...
morning ladies Smile It's going to rain again but at least my pots won't need me for a day or two Big Grin

Typical Murphy's Law, OHH... it rains when the windows have been done lol.

Great photo, Jan Smile All those high viz vests look great on the line. What a generous offer that lady made, especially if you are paying for water.

It bucketed down yesterday and through most of the night and the temperature was really warm. So a sticky night all round for us. Thank goodness for ceiling. fans.

Today I think we are going to Rotorua. MrK has a few smallish jobs to do for his sister. It takes a while to settle into a new home and find what works and what doesn't. She is eventually going to take the old bricks we have as she is going to build some steps on a sloping part of her garden. So things are coming together for both of us garden wise.

Still no embroidery on the go, I must get motivated lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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