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You can never have enough...
(20-03-2023, 05:34 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I had to have my stack cut off and made bigger when my fingers became sausages with my pregnancy, and I have never been sufficiently spendy to get them put back. They are on my middle finger now, and still turn on themselves every day, slowly wearing against each other. I doubt I'll get them done now, the kid will take them when and if she comes to visit, and she's filthy rich so she can do it, lol...

Funny thing, my engagement ring was an antique when we bought it in 1978, it cost exactly $100. I was in an antique jewelry shop about ten years ago and the jeweler valued it at around $2000. Nice profit, except I could never sell it! I remember my Mum examining it with an eagle eye, and telling me it was a 'dress ring'... And yes, I was very miffed, I think she was secretly jealous of my 6ft4 bearded Pom, who she very soon learned to adore.

Those were the days... Big Grin

I've just taken my engagement ring off today. I wore it two sizes too small for a few years. I paid for half of it lol. We couldn't afford a diamond back then, and I didn't like diamonds back then so got a ring with 5 garnets in it.

I sold a few rings a while ago.. I dont have kids to leave things too but I'll wear what I can until they get to the stage of being in fear of losing them. 

I can hear my stepfather saying, dont wear those rings someone will take them from you.. but I figure they would have to kill me first lol..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning everyone

Still too dark to know what is happening outside. Dressing gown is on tho lol.

Have an appointment at 10-30, so up a little earlier to get things sorted out. Need to get my pills too, will get them before the appointment.

I dont think I'll be in very good shape after the appointment, but we will see. it has to happen.

Found out last night that my twin brother has also lost weight, 34 kilos, so together we have lost 86.. Hes aiming for 40 off. 9 more kilos to my next target and it will probably be my desired weight. Cos I already have so much skin hanging loose. His weight loss has been a lot faster which is not good, and I hope he hasn't gone back to using drugs to do it... Or it will come straight back on.

Its cool enough at night for the crickets to be coming in.. Ill upload a photo later of what my Sadistic little Madame , who one would think that Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, does to the misfortunate critters who choose to come in where its warmer.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Overcast here and we are expecting rain.

Yesterday I dug all the concrete nib 'wall' out and broke it up into manageable pieces. Today I'll attack the yukka and once that is out, can see how much soil needs to be dug out. It won't be much, just skim a bit off the top. The yukka can be cut into bits and put in the compost bin. MrK has emptied one and we need 'roughage' to start the process over again.

Later today I'll put the beginning of the stumpwork design onto fabric. This one is from a book; I want to get my hand in before designing my own stuff.

My sister-in-law phoned to say we had left a small painting by our niece's wife behind. Could have kicked myself lol as I adore her paintings and have always wanted one on our walls. She's a professional artist and paints scenes from the South Island. We'll get it when we see her next.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all wild and windy here with heavy rain over night.

Another trip up the coast this morning to attend quilting group I haven't been quilting so I will take my knitting stated a new cardi for DGD2 last night.
The jersey I finished for DGD1 fits her now so will knit next size up when I finish the cardi. DD loves the overalls I made so plan on digging deep in the stash for some red stretch cord that has been there for couple decades.

Cuppa finish must make my lunch and get sorted

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Popeye, you're the only other person I've come across who doesn't like diamonds. I've never been keen on them & prefer something like sapphire or emeralds - or anything really other than diamonds.

Not the world's best day here - had to go early to drop off stuff for DRr(had appointment yesterday) & while there I asked if she needed to see me again while I was there & they said no. So off I went, did the dreaded groceries after not being able to resist a lovely wee pair of PJ's (I think, though who knows!) for one of the expected babies - very pale pink with a bunny face & fluffy ears on & came home expecting to only venture out again for the walk. Or so I hoped since the forecast is dire - rain & strong winds.

And then the phone rang - they'd made a mistake & she did to see me & unless I could go then, it would be late afternoon, very apologetic for the muckup. So back I went, the wind had picked up a bit but not too much & got prescription for steroids etc. Managed to get home with no more than a few drops of rain so had a fast lunch took tablets & set off with Madame Le Dog for a swift walk.

She doesn't really do swift walks, not when the wind has blown down small branches everywhere but we eventually did the walk (short version) & I'm once again home. Doing not a damned thing for the rest of the day either.
But I've heard that steroids give you energy so I have hopes of finally getting more progress on the workroom & maybe even the weeding in garden. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(21-03-2023, 12:50 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Popeye, you're the only other person I've come across who doesn't like diamonds. I've never been keen on them & prefer something like sapphire or emeralds - or anything really other than diamonds.

Not the world's best day here - had to go early to drop off stuff for DRr(had appointment yesterday) & while there I asked if she needed to see me again while I was there & they said no. So off I went, did the dreaded groceries after not being able to resist a lovely wee pair of PJ's (I think, though who knows!) for one of the expected babies - very pale pink with a bunny face & fluffy ears on & came home expecting to only venture out again for the walk. Or so I hoped since the forecast is dire - rain & strong winds.

And then the phone rang - they'd made a mistake & she did to see me & unless I could go then, it would be late afternoon, very apologetic for the muckup. So back I went, the wind had picked up a bit but not too much & got prescription for steroids etc. Managed to get home with no more than a few drops of rain so had a fast lunch took tablets & set off with Madame Le Dog for a swift walk.

She doesn't really do swift walks, not when the wind has blown down small branches everywhere but we eventually did the walk (short version) & I'm once again home. Doing not a damned thing for the rest of the day either.
But I've heard that steroids give you energy so I have hopes of finally getting more progress on the workroom & maybe even the weeding in garden. Smile

I like them now Lilith7 but I didn't for many years. And I wanted something that was different and could be seen. 

I ended up pulling the plug on the meeting that I had. I just dont have a good headspace to do it... And there's no way I can do the 3 stairs to get into the building. 

Who in their right minds puts family support in a building with stairs  it's just nuts. Oh well it will have to wait until my head is out of Lala land and I can actually get into the building. 

I rang the 0800 number today about the new covid booster.. I didn't realise I have had a total of four shots.. She told me of the date of the last one and I totally dont remember doing it.. 

Anyway they are taking bookings from April 1st, so Im to ring back and they will book me in  0800 28 29 26 if you want to book yourself in. 

I thought it would be wise with my other health stuff and I want to be well covered for then Im in the totally Infested places like the hospital... Im not going to look forward to that part.. and I'll be masked up all the time.. I've not done a test and Im guessing it will be done while Im in there..

Its been cold, I had my slippers on and my winter long sleeved cardy and Missy on my lap, well tummy at the end and I sneezed and she got such a fright she took off hahahaha.

Breaking News

Scott Robinson is the new Rugby Coach..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yup, I'll be lining up at my local pharmacy for mine too. Same reason popeye, I must be rising up the list as each day passes.

I have the best of both worlds gemstone wise. My rings are all sapphires and diamonds, the ancient one is a cabochon cut, round like a cushion. I think it was than unusual stone that made me love it so. And made my Mum discount it as not a 'proper' engagement setting.

Still love it to this day, which is the only reason to wear our jewels...
(21-03-2023, 03:52 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Yup, I'll be lining up at my local pharmacy for mine too. Same reason popeye, I must be rising up the list as each day passes.

I have the best of both worlds gemstone wise. My rings are all sapphires and diamonds, the ancient one is a cabochon cut, round like a cushion. I think it was than unusual stone that made me love it so. And made my Mum discount it as not a 'proper' engagement setting.

Still love it to this day, which is the only reason to wear our jewels...

Im nearly a month in from my last orthopedic visit, but I got an email last week to say I was on the list. So  I assume it goes from then.. Thankfully I am patient normally but Im sure this will test me.

Mum had a Princess Dianna  Sapphire and diamonds. She lost the sapphire. My niece always loved it from when she was little so I gave it to her and she planned on having a larger stone put in.

I agree, we should buy and wear what we like.

 One of MrPs brothers and his wife used to pan for gold and they had their wedding rings made from gold they found. Nothing fancy to look at but just as special as any you can buy. 

I feel naked without my rings.. Being in hospital without them is the hardest part for me.

Years ago I had my rings on went into Waikato hospital to have the lump removed from my neck. Met a lovely older lady in the same room. Gave her my rings etc to look after for me while I had the surgery done.  2 days later when I was mobile I told the nurses I was going to find the lady to get my jewelry back. They told me off, she could have stolen it etc. etc.. She was still there and she gladly handed it over to me..

Some people you know instantly you can trust..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's a bit cloudy this morning. It was freezing yesterday afternoon, a real taste of winter.

I don't wear my rings as I get eczema while working in the garden with them on. The eczema started when working in the dental clinic many moons ago and I was washing my hands so many times. The ring settings also caught the gloves and ripped them so in the end it was easier to not wear them. I couldn't wear my watch there either. And health regulations changed and wouldn't let me wear them anyway as you couldn't keep your hands clean enough. It was better to have my rings at home rather than on or in my desk. I do wear them when going out though Heart

Another morning working under the bedroom windows and I think the worst of it will be done. I'm guesstimating there will be a least another two wheelbarrow loads of soil to move into another garden low on soil. Yesterday I went to tip the barrow of soil into the other garden and lost my grip. The barrow tipped sideways and I lost half of the soil onto the lawn. There was a bit of swearing as I shoveled the soil onto the garden lol. I hate double handling. Once done I can buy more river stones to give a nice depth of stones and put some pots there.

I've traced the stumpwork pattern onto fabric and now need to gather up the bits and bobs I need. I'm sure I have some felt somewhere for padding. If not, I'll work with something else from the stash. Using slips, wire and felt for padding is something new for me. I spotted MrK looking through my book yesterday lol, even he is intrigued.

Goooo Scott Robinson Heart He was my pick for coaching the All Blacks years ago. I think he thoroughly deserves the promotion. Now, I wonder who the Crusaders will pick for our new coach.

Better get cracking before it becomes too hot to work under the windows.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I got vegie mix, orchid mix, and glue from the hardware shop yesterday, seeing my deck has now been completely repainted I can start reassembling the furniture setting and putting my pots into shape for the coming season. The decking is now silver gray, very reflective, hell to keep clean, but much safer than the dark for bare feet in the Summer. I also have to put the little No Newspapers No Junk Mail signs back in place on the new letterbox, which it seems is no more efficient at keeping mail dry than the first lot.

Budget based decisions have a definite downside. But do provide plenty of fodder for a good whinge session, lol...
Morning everyone

Not quite as cold as yesterday , yet anyway. Looks like it might have rained overnight.

I used to get a lot of excema under my rings from the very pumicey dirt in Mangakino.. Drives ya potty eh. And I dont like gloves. So I didn't garden as such there. I would pick the veges and flowers tho lol.

I think it's the sharper angles on Scott Robinsons face he reminds me of Robbin Williams.. Im not into sports but from what I've seen he deserves a good shot at it.

I feel a but brighter today. Ive been wanting to ring the home and find out how MrP is. But I also know that he is safe and they would call if anything had changed.. But as much as I would also like to talk to him, I dont want to hear his rubbish either.. Rock and a hard place..

Not sure what I will get up to today. But its becoming too much of a habit to sit and feel sorry for myself.. So I need to find something to break the habit.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Looking fine outside, after a nice dose of rain yesterday afternoon. Yes, Autumn is here. 

Another one who only wears rings when going out. I inherited my mum's lovely sapphire and diamond engagement ring which she had nearly 70 years, it was an Estate ring before that, bought in the UK. A treasured heirloom.

Going out of town soon to baby mind  while mum and dad pack.  A week from moving and no next address yet  Big Grin

The stump embroidery is just beautiful, what a nice challenge KM. 

Feline has just come inside and sitting close,  it must be cold outside!

Cuppa finished,  time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Oh I am so pleased to hear someone else had an antique as an engagement ring. Nice to know I am not alone in my appreciation of old stuff, lol...

I have two other sapphire and diamond rings in my stack, my Mum's eternity ring and my own. When my Mum suggested to my darling that I might like an eternity ring (Dad had just given her hers, lol), he looked at her with a big grin and said " Oh I don't know Barbie, I'm not so sure about signing up for Eternity, isn't one lifetime enough?"

Neither of us females had an answer to that one!

But I got my eternity ring the following wedding anniversary. And the sting in the tail of course was losing him just a few weeks later.

Years later I noticed one of the tiny diamonds had gone walkabout from that ring, and I decided not to replace it. Because these rings are symbols of deeply important events in our lives, and this one reminds me that something beautiful is not always absolutely perfect.
Morning all
definitely very nippy this morning  will have to dig out the cold weather clothes.

Nice day out yesterday.

Been to gym this morning  DH wants to nip to Mitre10 after he has walked the k9s he is installing shelves in DD new wardrobe space.

I plan on finishing the merino all in one for DGD2 and then I want to troll through my patterns to draft frankien pattern for a winter dress for me. I need something nicer to wear to lunches with the ladies  etc. I tend to live in jeans in the winter.

need to pay some bills

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I like the idea that not everything is perfect, OHH. It's taken me a long time to come to grips with that.

MrK has dug out the old window frame I need for the garden. He's going to nail chicken wire to it and I'll poke the air plants through it and stand the whole thing up. Hopefully this will stop the air plants from being blown about when we have those decent westerlies.

The garden under the windows is ready for new river stones and I'll do that as the budget allows. I get the frustration of budget constraints, OHH lol. There was enough soil to fill a garden I had revamped. I knew the soil would be moved from under the windows to there but had to be patient and wait for cooler weather to do it.

Kettles boiled. The house smells divine, MrK is making apple mint jelly.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I made red onion jam last night, New World had bags of them for $3. Only made two jars, but having taste tested that is just as well.

Omg it is fantastic. Must buy a sharp cheese next supermarket trip...
The oddness of yesterday just continued, & we had a power cut from early afternoon right until early evening, when I was extremely glad to see it come back on. Apparently a tree or three had come down in the wind & caused the problem - there were tree people working along the street mulching what was cut down.
After reading for a while, I decided to use the time to have another foray into the workroom with the idea of perhaps sorting things out further & possible chucking some of it up the gully.

But then I stumbled across a pad of black drawing paper so thought I'd just have a short play with the pastels. I haven't used them for years so really enjoyed it, they're so tactile. And messy - I managed to get pastel dust from xmas to breakfast & the drawing wasn't very good but I decided I liked it anyway so may keep it if I can find some non acidic tissue paper. Don't think I have any left but then in the depths of the wilderness which is the workroom, who knows.

I had to visit the Dr Monday as I'd had pain across the top of my head, down the side along the jaw & down into my neck, chewing hurt a bit & thought it might be neuralgia so in I went. She actually got a bit of a gleam in her eye when I told her the symptoms & enthusiastically looked up something or other on her computer. Oh dear; nope, not neuralgia but something known as Large cell Arteritis which can cause blindness if untreated...oh joy.
So I was given blood tests to check & I was to go back next day when she'd have the results - & sure enough, her diagnosis gave indications of being right so its steroids & aspirin for me for a while, & no doubt more blood tests to check later.
If any of you get those painful symptoms, do NOT muck about hoping it goes away, just go to your Dr.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(22-03-2023, 10:28 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: The oddness of yesterday just continued, & we had a power cut from early afternoon right until early evening, when I was extremely glad to see it come back on. Apparently a tree or three had come down in the wind & caused the problem - there were tree people working along the street mulching what was cut down.
After reading for a while,  I decided to use the time to have another foray into the workroom with the idea of perhaps sorting things out further & possible chucking some of it up the gully.

But then I stumbled across a pad of black drawing paper so thought I'd just have a short play with the pastels. I haven't used them for years so really enjoyed it, they're so tactile. And messy - I managed to get pastel dust from xmas to breakfast & the drawing wasn't very good but I decided I liked it anyway so may keep it if I can find some non acidic tissue paper. Don't think I have any left but then in the depths of the wilderness which is the workroom, who knows.

I had to visit the Dr Monday as I'd had pain across the top of my head, down the side along the jaw & down into my neck, chewing hurt a bit & thought it might be neuralgia so in I went. She actually got a bit of a gleam in her eye when I told her the symptoms & enthusiastically looked up something or other on her computer. Oh dear; nope, not neuralgia but something known as Large cell Arteritis which can cause blindness if untreated...oh joy.
So I was given blood tests to check & I was to go back next day when she'd have the results - & sure enough, her diagnosis gave indications of being right so its steroids & aspirin for me for a while, & no doubt more blood tests to check later.
If any of you get those painful symptoms, do NOT muck about hoping it goes away, just go to your Dr.
That must have been scary Lilith.. So pleased you went to the dr.

It often worries me when Drs have to start googling, especially if we have done the same thing at home.

But also so very pleased you went in and they can keep it under control or get it fixed. Did the Dr say if there was anything they can do to help it
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(22-03-2023, 10:45 AM)popeye333 Wrote:
(22-03-2023, 10:28 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: The oddness of yesterday just continued, & we had a power cut from early afternoon right until early evening, when I was extremely glad to see it come back on. Apparently a tree or three had come down in the wind & caused the problem - there were tree people working along the street mulching what was cut down.
After reading for a while,  I decided to use the time to have another foray into the workroom with the idea of perhaps sorting things out further & possible chucking some of it up the gully.

But then I stumbled across a pad of black drawing paper so thought I'd just have a short play with the pastels. I haven't used them for years so really enjoyed it, they're so tactile. And messy - I managed to get pastel dust from xmas to breakfast & the drawing wasn't very good but I decided I liked it anyway so may keep it if I can find some non acidic tissue paper. Don't think I have any left but then in the depths of the wilderness which is the workroom, who knows.

I had to visit the Dr Monday as I'd had pain across the top of my head, down the side along the jaw & down into my neck, chewing hurt a bit & thought it might be neuralgia so in I went. She actually got a bit of a gleam in her eye when I told her the symptoms & enthusiastically looked up something or other on her computer. Oh dear; nope, not neuralgia but something known as Large cell Arteritis which can cause blindness if untreated...oh joy.
So I was given blood tests to check & I was to go back next day when she'd have the results - & sure enough, her diagnosis gave indications of being right so its steroids & aspirin for me for a while, & no doubt more blood tests to check later.
If any of you get those painful symptoms, do NOT muck about hoping it goes away, just go to your Dr.
That must have been scary Lilith.. So pleased you went to the dr.

It often worries me when Drs have to start googling, especially if we have done the same thing at home.

But also so very pleased you went in and they can keep it under control or get it fixed. Did the Dr say if there was anything they can do to help it

Yes, the steroids taken over a time generally fix it but it apparently can recur from time to time. 
Oddly though I wasn't scared - more sort of so that's it, best take the steroids then & get it fixed. At least I now know what it is which helps.  Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Many years ago I was told by a very good older GP that if he went to a doctor and he looked up a book (pre google days) to check something he was much happier than one who thought they knew it all and was too arrogant to check.

There is no way a doctor can know every aspect of every disease and I think your GP Lilith must be a good cautious doctor who is willing to check that what they thought you had was actually the correct diagnosis.

Yes we can google too but we don’t necessarily have access to all the more complex and academic sites that the professionals use and most lay people wouldn’t understand the technical language anyway.

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