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You can never have enough...
I managed the groceries earlier but naturally the rain started on the way home. Had to also pick up another steroid prescription on 3 instead of 2 the tablets so perhaps I'll get a massive surge of energy & achieve wonders.
Or not.
I have another Dr's appointment this afternoon so can just about guarantee the rain will continue - not thrilled, having spent the entire afternoon in outpatients yesterday I've had enough of the medical profession for now so hoping the biopsy will be next week rather than this.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Roma, I use old rustic fence post to tie my dahlias up too. And they look like sentries when the dahlias have finished Tongue Luckily, MrK has a stash of them. My sister-in-law has 'baggsed' a few along with some old bricks we have stacked.

Groceries are done and under budget. Couldn't believe that bit lol. I'm thinking of mowing the lawn...
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yep OH - that initial period of grief is not made easier by the dreaded paperwork - we had a joint bank sundry account with very little money in it - the bank closed the joint account and opened a bank in my name probably 3 weeks after my husband passed - weeks later when I hit the Winz hurdle the dumb person handling my case demanded a bank statement in my name dating from my husbands death - as if on the day he died I would have thought gosh I best ring the bank and move that $900 into my name - I gave her the transaction record she could see the balance hadn’t changed - then she wouldn’t accept copies the bank had given me as they were black and white the bank logo wasn’t coloured even though the bank had certified the copies .I had to get my nephew the lawyer to deal with her in the end
We are doing baby steps, I agreed like I did yesterday to a visit home on Monday. And he agreed to going back. Ans they told him should he fall Imm to ring the ambulance and if he is ok they will take him back to the home. Otherwise I will and no arguments.

As I knew he said he wanted to come and live at home.. at least he is consistent. But they stopped him talking like that.

Many years ago we had a swing bridge over the river from one side of the farm to the other where the cowshed was. It was flooding, I went across but with the water lapping it, I was petrified so my parents had to drive right around and across country to get me..
I've been known to have a panic attack on slippery ground too lol.

I didn't bring up moving but I will.

Everything is in my name other than the insurance and our joint account. So things should be easier.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Its freezing, windy and wet

Hang in there Popeye.

Very cold so will be indoors today, off to gym shortly one way to warm up I suppose.

Finished quilting  the eyespy quilt just need to hand stitch the binding down.

Got a friend coming for coffee later this afternoon so will be nice to catch up

Enjoy your day and keep warm
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Cool this morning but the sun is streaming in and the day should be a fine one. It certainly looks wintry down south!

The small family plus dog move in with us today ... fun times ahead Big Grin

Back into the cross stitch last night ... need to get finished to get on with knitting.  I prefer to finish one project first before starting another!

Another who finds swing bridges unnerving ... have to grit my teeth to get to the other side!

I would love to have my hands on totara posts still KM but there is not a lot of room anymore and might have to resort to skinny waratah posts!

Better move before my space is invaded. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Is a very clear sunny day so far. Got chilly but I dont have a cardy on at the mo..

I came to a big decision for me yesterday lol... Im buying some trackpants. Have never owned any, but I think, noo I know that Im going to need them this winter. I won't wear them out tho.. Thats just not me lol... I looked online last night, I dont understand why ladies ones are dearer than men's.. and I figure since I won't be wearing them out, the cheaper men's ones will be fine. by the looks I'll be limited to grey or black. Im not that keen on grey but I figure I won't notice Madams fur so much on the grey.

The lady is coming to pick up the guitar today, sadly the day she brought it , her grandmother passed away, so of course I left it for when she was ready. Means I have the money for the trackies so it worked out good.

The temp is definitely dropping. Getting a lot more lap time and snuggles with my girl. I have a crick in the back tho, I woke up twisted up like a Twisty, accommodating her in my sleep lol. First niggle in my back for ages.

Speak of the devil she just jumped up beside me lol..

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Had a call from hospital, they're not doing a biopsy at this stage & want me in tomorrow for an ultra sound so less risky & we might find out once & for all whether or not I really am somewhat weird or have a normal brain.
Freezing again here & raining so not able to do much & just to cap it all off, I now have a cold dammit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(29-03-2023, 10:50 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Had a call from hospital, they're not doing a biopsy at this stage & want me in tomorrow for an ultra sound so less risky & we might find out once & for all whether or not I really am somewhat weird or have a normal brain.
Freezing again here & raining so not able to do much & just to cap it all off, I now have a cold dammit.

Less invasive at least Lilith.. its getting cold enough for hats nad you dont want to be messing with a wound and hat in your hair. 

Dose up on Vit C  big doses
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(29-03-2023, 10:50 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Had a call from hospital, they're not doing a biopsy at this stage & want me in tomorrow for an ultra sound so less risky & we might find out once & for all whether or not I really am somewhat weird or have a normal brain.
Freezing again here & raining so not able to do much & just to cap it all off, I now have a cold dammit.

You are a creative, of course you haven't got a normal brain, lol. And weird is good, the sniffles though are a damned nuisance. Best of luck tomorrow, wrap up warm and put Vicks on your feet.

No idea if it works as a cold remedy, but it does wonders as a moisturiser for nails!
(29-03-2023, 01:52 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(29-03-2023, 10:50 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Had a call from hospital, they're not doing a biopsy at this stage & want me in tomorrow for an ultra sound so less risky & we might find out once & for all whether or not I really am somewhat weird or have a normal brain.
Freezing again here & raining so not able to do much & just to cap it all off, I now have a cold dammit.

You are a creative, of course you haven't got a normal brain, lol. And weird is good, the sniffles though are a damned nuisance. Best of luck tomorrow, wrap up warm and put Vicks on your feet.

No idea if it works as a cold remedy, but it does wonders as a moisturiser for nails!

That could be worth trying, & I think I have some somewhere.

(29-03-2023, 12:59 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(29-03-2023, 10:50 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Had a call from hospital, they're not doing a biopsy at this stage & want me in tomorrow for an ultra sound so less risky & we might find out once & for all whether or not I really am somewhat weird or have a normal brain.
Freezing again here & raining so not able to do much & just to cap it all off, I now have a cold dammit.

Less invasive at least Lilith.. its getting cold enough for hats nad you dont want to be messing with a wound and hat in your hair. 

Dose up on Vit C  big doses

Yes, good point. I think an ultra sound is the better prospect really. With skin like tissue paper, non cutting sounds excellent.

Eldest grandson has volunteered to take me to & fro so that's good. Hope he has a better sense of direction than his gran, very easy to get lost in that damn hospital.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Terrible night here - the wind is so strong - I see we have a yellow warning until 3pm tomorrow - my house might be blown down town by then - not sure it’s because the house is so square but the wind whacks into the side like a clap of thunder - cold as well - not looking forward to winter that’s for sure
A friend of my kids has had a life long ambition to climb Everest - set off a couple of weeks ago and only spent four days on Everest - had to be brought back down as he became ill with covid - feel so desperately sorry for him he has saved and worked on his fitness for probably a decade .His insurance doesn’t cover covid
Went to a community meeting last Sunday - the mood was not good - an elderly lady stood up who still had no electricity or communications - Nash tried desperately to shut her up but she was determined to have her say - her story was so frightening but she wasn’t wanting sympathy just needing to be able somehow to communicate with the world .A young Mum stood up with no electricity or communications - they turn their generator off at night - most nights they have intruders shining torches in the windows to see if the house is unoccupied - her children are terrified - one night her husband did a stupid thing and went out with a bat they took it off him and smashed all the windows in his Ute -they need to get the army in to clear the silt so the power companies can restore power - it’s just taking too long to clear the silt -homeowners are having to do it themselves with shovels and wheelbarrows - the smell is appalling
If I had a property in the valley I would just walk away - my Dad had a small share in a wool scour in the valley which is in trust for the grandkids we signed it over to the other owners it just wasn’t worth the trouble after listening to the meeting on Sunday
Hope all goes well with your visit to the hospital Lilith - I know what you mean about finding your way around
If you see any HB royal gala in the shops buy a couple - the ones that have survived are stunning - before the cyclone we had a lot of very warm days and the flavour of the apples reflects that .They are probably expensive
Morning everyone

I hope the wind has dropped for you Jan. I find myself getting quite emotional with your posts about what is happening. for several reasons, one, its the truth and we dont get that in the news reporting, two, your there you feel it. And three, that's just shocking that people are being left to hang... No power, communications and then the Violence. And from here I feel helpless to help.

But I will buy some apples today. Gala are always yummy. And MrP loves his apples.

I need to say something.. to get it off my chest... Why is it that Māori need to have extra time, be told how to do things, as in the census when we have been having them for as long as I remember. We all went to school, well most of us. We all learnt about it.. Why are they playing themselves down as not knowing how to do things.
I remember when I was younger, there was the fear of a fine if you didn't do them and hand them in on time.

There, I've said it.. I just find they make it look like they are Dumbing themselves down.

Off to town today for some winter woolies. I tried some of MrP's trackie's on last night.. Ohh soo warm. so I think its a good idea and it will help my knee too.

Definitely cooler this morning.. Will be another day od Cardies going on and off and the thickness of them being different too lol..

Hope your trip yesterday went without any problems Kiwimade..

Have a fab day everyone. Stay warm and dry
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's cold lol but we will have a lovely day Smile

I hope everything goes well for you Lilith Smile

I thought with the heritage behind his name, Nash would have been better as he had a legacy to live up too. Thanks for sharing, Jan. I'll also buy some apples, ours are cooking apples and as much as I love sour, they are better stewed. Some nice eating apples would do the trick.

Our friend's cataract procedure went very well. He said the hardest part was answering all the questions lol. We are so pleased for him.

Today I'm going to mow the lawn (procrastinated the other afternoon lol) and will cut the iris' back. The lilies have died back so I'll tidy them up too. MrK has pulled the beans and tomatoes out and plans to plant broadbeans. I bought a begonia from the Warehouse the other day and it will need potting up soon. They like to be rootbound but I like them in pretty pots Tongue so I'll dig one out that suits. Just as well we have a stash of pots.

Last evening I worked on the slips for this embroidery piece. I've finished the toadstool cap and am about halfway through working on the blackberries. Then I can work on the leaves. The leaves are what I have been really looking forward too as I'll be embroidering over wire so they can be twisted into place. MrK is fascinated by the process and keeps watch while I stitch lol.

Happy crafting.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yup, keeping fingers crossed for lilith today, diagnosis appointments are always a bit stressful.

Maori aren't just too well represented in those stats, but also in the poverty and deprivation ones. The abuse ones, the mental health ones, the child health ones, the longevity ones - in fact just about all the negative ones. And when that is taken into account you can see why they might be reluctant to do pakeha stuff that isn't designed with them in mind. Interestingly enough it is a common response across human communities that have been dislocated from their culture, history, and territories by colonisation and wars. Not just our tangata whenua, even the Scots and the Irish show similar communal scarring if you look for it.

We humans need 'our people' in really deep ways.
Morning all
We still on orange for winds and rain= freezing it will be even colder in the warehouse where I do my morning vol stint.

Lilith hope things go well got you ultrasound sounds better than biopsy.

Can't understand the mentality of looters bl.......dy nasty individuals.

Had lovely visit with friend  yesterday she had been to local wool shop to get pattern and Wool. Couldn't find a pattern for boat neck jersey. Ha we looked through my old stash and found what she was looking g for. That's why we don't throw them out.

Babysitting DGD1 this afternoon not sure what we will get up to to entertain her indoors for 5 hours. Normally we spend time outside.

Got to armhole divide on my knitting last night so will be a nice bit of straight knitting heading the the bottom.

Keep warm and enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Hope biopsy has gone well Lilith.

The wind is a bit easier today, I’m sure a lot of the gusts yesterday were stronger than Gabriel- sister’s gazebo which survived the cyclone blew over yesterday, but I think the anchors had been loosened and not retightened so maybe not all just the wind  Big Grin

Family who have been in Hawaii for 3 years are finding Wellington freezing cold and need some woollies for winter so had another visit to Skeinz this am while the sale is still on.  

Have just finished tops for a couple of children whose place was flooded. The family had just arrived in NZ the week before the cyclone and their house was then totally flooded, the airline had lost their 7 suitcases and they can’t access the container with the rest of their belongings until they get somewhere to put it. Not exactly a great welcome to a new place.
That sounds scary Jan; bad enough those people have endured such awfulness without the lowest of the low targeting them. May it come back to them, miserable souls.
Wouldn't it be lovely if rather than trying to shut people up, our politicians listened to what's actually needed by those affected, took notes on it all & then beetled off & set about providing it.

I really don't like strong winds, especially at night.

Bloody hospitals. Grandson dropped me off & went to park & I was able to latch onto a poor unsuspecting guide to take me to the radiology dept. He was a lovely Asian chap & we moved from the older to the newer part of the hospital & I remarked on the lovely olive green on the walls in the new area. Yes he said, people say its like the difference between North Korea & south Korea - it was a very apt description.
So that's done & dusted; had intended to mow front lawn but might leave it a day or so, quite cold out there. I hope it isn't a preview of winter.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Been bad this morning and bought another 200 gms of dk yarn to knit - my fingers are itching again. I'm thinking of a throw in that technique I can't remember the name of where each shape knits cater corner to the next. I will have to find the Hand Paint Country knitting book that has it in it to find the name of the technique... Should slow me up enough to extend the pleasure of having needles in my hand. Even though I did promise no more knitting.

Entrelac. Yup, that's the name.

Sometimes, holding on to beautiful books, despite not opening them year after year, is the right thing to do..

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