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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

The sun has just peeped over the fence, looks like it will be a lovely day.

I put bread on at 5am, and will have that out before I go pick up MrP.

Am I nervous,, yes... Im taking him for a Tiki Tour to see a few things that have changed since covid hit and then him being in the rest homes.

Then will bring him home and I got the biggest pork chop out for his lunch. Pork chop and a slice of home made bread.

He performed last night when I told him I couldnt find the strapping he has, to make yet another Belt.. Said he wouldnt come home.. I said please yourself..

I looked up to see if having fixations on things is a Dementia thing.. It is.. So that explains his almost constant focus on belts, watches and Ants. It drives me nuts TBH lol.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day

They have said on breakfast this morning Cos of Easter, Anzac and teacher only days, there is only 8 day... yes 8 days of school for April.. We are going to end up with a whole generation of people that simply haven't had enough schooling.. Its scary really.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have one of those beautiful mornings where the sun is coming through the mist this morning. Smile

Yesterday was a busy day in the garden but it looks much better with some of the hellebores gone and the first of the old lavenders and some salvias dug out. I can't do much more to this garden until the remaining salvias finish so I'll be moving on around the corner to the next fenceline. The compost scored well and MrK now has a pile of roughage to start the next brew off.

I've finished the leaves, but I mucked the last leaf up by stitching in the wrong direction. I've decided to leave it as is as a reminder not everything is perfect. I need to stitch the stems the berries are attached too and the spiders web and spider. Then I will sew the slips on and attach the wired leaves.

Time to get moving Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Ahhh yes, the beauty of the imperfect! Good decision!

It is looking beautiful out there, so I am going to scoot off to Devonport for an early library run and maybe a swing past to see if there are any pretties suitable for pots on my deck. I have finishing lugging everything back into position, done a bit of rearranging and am very pleased with the results. But I have two nice ceramic pots that could do with some winter colour to set it all off, so might do a bit of looking and seeing to give me some ideas.

I am waiting for the bog sage to get past its best ready for its cut back, but I checked yesterday and yes, the spring bulbs and the cyclamen underneath are looking very healthy and ready to start seeing a bit more light. It is a lovely time of year, almost makes up for our awful summer...
Morning all
Raining windy and cool

Good decision KM.

Did a but more on the dress yesterday, sleeves and side seams to go so should be finished today. So nice sewing something for me Big Grin

Tempted to go over to gluten free cafe and get some hotcross buns of course a donut and coffee could also be consumed if I do go over.
Cardi is growing slowly I am a bit over it.
Got to  read  meeting papers for meeting tonight gotta love zoom saves so much time and means people don't have to take time out of their work day.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I picked up an entrelac book at the library, and it has put me off using it for the next project! Not exactly the easiest instructions, or maybe it is just me.

Did get double jabbed though, so I am all set if I get a surgery date any time soon...
(03-04-2023, 01:07 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I picked up an entrelac book at the library, and it has put me off using it for the next project! Not exactly the easiest instructions, or maybe it is just me.

Did get double jabbed though, so I am all set if I get a surgery date any time soon...

Oh thank you for reminding me.. I forgot to ring today and make an appointment for my shots. 

Maybe a different pattern would make more sense OHH.. Sometimes the instructions can be utterly confusing.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Well the day went well.

He was pretty much ready when I got there. .

He got himself in and out of the car each way.. did things himself at home..

And went back without a hint of disagreement.

He enjoyed his home made bread and huge chop.. Only wants a smaller one next time lol..

Im sore but not too bad.

He cant remember the dreaded red couch, but did ask about the missing freezers and he accepted why I sold them..

Missy gave him Oodles of smooches, but turned into a scratchy mare to me, She got her butt smacked gently once she had finished attacking both my feet and hands..

Mummy rules tho, cos its me who will decide if she sleeps on me tonight lol.

Hehehe,,, ,Meany Mummy lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another stunning autum day is here Smile

I'm glad MrP's visit went well, popeye. That's good for both of you. Maybe it can become a regular thing, like once a month.

Yesterday we went to Lake Rotoiti to check out where MrK want's his 80th birthday celebrations. We decided it would be far too cold there and it was becoming a bit muddy already so went back to Lake Okataina. It's lovely and sheltered there, a real sun trap. So, assuming the weather will be nice in May, we will have the family do there. If the weather is rubbish, it will be here at home.

It's back out in the garden for me shortly. The binman can't be too far away from emptying the bins so I can refill them. The emptied compost bin is filling quickly and I have a small pile to be burned.

The little piwakawaka/fantails are back in the garden Heart It's so good to see them again. It does make me wonder where they go when we have those big cyclones. They are so tiny, it's amazing they survived.

While in Rotorua yesterday, we visited Bunnings and I bought a folding table for somewhere to cut out fabric and so on. It will save me clearing the kitchen bench of my sewing stuff each time we want lunch lol. That's the thing about downsizing your home, spaces have to have multiple uses. Tongue A new pair of gardening gloves happened to fall into the trolley as well.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Yes, got to love these warm Autumn days and still being in shorts and tees  Smile

I thought I heard a Piwakawaka yesterday, but didn't see it, forget that it's time of year for the cheerful cuties.

School day yesterday with 3 yo gd at home with me to keep me entertained. No handcraft done. Will get the cardi sewn up later. 

Some perpetual spinach to plant today, now I've had a major herb cut back ... they'll take over given the chance!  I smelled nice as did the compost bin after! Fresh herbs in the stuffing for roast chicken went down well for dinner  Tongue  

Good day out for you and Mr P Popeye ... well done.

Cuppa finished, time to move.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Another beautiful day..

I saw a fantail when I picked MrP up yesterday, first one for a while that's for sure.

MrP agreed his view is wayyy better than mine. He said they did a good job on the fence tho.

I have a fold up table , still in its wrapper.. We got it for doing car boot sales, then discovered the one we went to supplied the tables. but I've never been tempted to part with it, in case I need it in a future home. For space saving. Got it on special too which was good.

Will be a very quiet day today, I am so sore.. Missy has been stressed I guess is the way to describe it. Biting when she doesn't normally. Seeing MrP and for so long must have been hard for her. But Im sure she will get used to it.. I will push for monthly, Im not ready for weekly that's for sure.. for pain wise. not my head.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I use my folding table about three or four times a year, but would be lost without it in this tiny space. It fits neatly down the side of the fridge so takes up no room, but is perfect for those few occasions when nothing else would do the job, most recently when I was painting a flat pack before assembly. Very useful things.
Morning all
Lovely sunny autumn day

Glad mR P and you had a nice home visit Popeye, monthly sounds like a good visit interval.

 Been into CBD to bet my haircut and pick up a few things managed to keep away from browsing in the shops as I am easily tempted and gotta watch the loot.
 Did a wee deviation to gluten free cafe to pick up GF hot cross buns which I know from previous years taste yum but the cost!!!!  $13 for 4 but as DH says you long time dead and its only once a year. Cool did treat myself to cream and jam filled GF donut. I love this cafe because everything is GF so no risk eating there.

 Had a frustrating day yesterday afternoon my ironing station decided stop working gand flash a light that isn't covered in the troubleshooting part of user manual so I will be trying to sort that out this afternoon its only 18 months old so I will be very cross if it is munted . Then I opened the downstairs door and couldn't get it closed luckily DH did  better job of trouble shooting and fixed it. So this afternoon I am hoping that I can press my dress and hang it in the wardrobe. Bought some fine merino navy tights to wear with it so should be snug as a  rug in a rug all merino clothing. Big Grin

DD has just phoned to say DSIL has got a job offer, he finished his PhD couple months ago and has been stressing about getting g a job. We knew that he would be snapped up he is a clever cookie, practical and lots common sense. DD wants to take him out for celebratory dinner so request for our babysitting services sometime over next few days.

 so nice sitting here in the sun but I need to move 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Well spent 45 minutes trouble shooting my steam generator iron with a lovely helpful tech from Phillips, technology is great as we did it real time with him watching and seeing the problem. It is under warrantee and  I will be taking it in for service people tomorrow, no heat and no steam are no good to me.

K9s have spent the afternoon stretched out in the sun - what a life Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(04-04-2023, 04:23 PM)Mica Wrote: Well spent 45 minutes trouble shooting my steam generator iron with a lovely helpful tech from Phillips, technology is great as we did it real time with him watching and seeing the problem. It is under warrantee and  I will be taking it in for service people tomorrow, no heat and no steam are no good to me.

K9s have spent the afternoon stretched out in the sun - what a life Big Grin

The wonders of technology

A good way for them to decide what's wrong and leading you in the right direction and not having to pay.

I've done Nothing today lol... Still sore but ok..

The sun has gone behind the one tree further over, so you can feel the drop in  temperature.

I cant believe that Easter weekend is but a couple of days away.. Time has flown while I've been having

I may... NO, I will treat myself to a hollow Egg cos I really like the challenge of breaking them along the lines...
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Did groceries early, mucked about with a couple of paintings, having finally finished the little ones for the kids I was doing & did a tiny bit in the garden.

Easter...Whittakers...yum! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My granddaughter sent me a couple of Queen Anne Easter eggs - delicious marshmallow like it used to taste - was supposed to wait until Easter but have never been very good at doing as I am told
Have spent a couple of days looking through Dads diaries as it has been a real puzzle to those of us who are speaking to one another why he ended up with a share in a Woolscour on a farm in the valley .I found it in 1944 a school friend returned from the war and was settled on a returned service mans farm .It was not economical so he decided if he built a woolscour he could support his family .He was 100 pound short so my Dad went to the bank used his truck as collateral- Mum was to get two fleeces a year as interest until the farmer repaid the money .Fo whatever reason in 1949 they went into partnership - Dad never received any income but I can remember Mum getting the most beautiful fleeces .When Dad made his last will the share was valued at $6000 - over the last 20 years a son has taken over the farm when his parents died and the scour is just storage .It is now full of silt - anyway my sister who is very very very wealthy and her sons both have thriving professional careers so they don’t need a ninth share of $6000 has decided to take the share of the woodshed -she thinks by some miracle somebody will pay out on the building and we are being disrespectful to Dad not pursuing it - the building isn’t even insured - the kids have all signed it over to her - so good luck to her - I know my Dad would say if there is any money paid out to give it to the family they have lost everything .So lucky to have a Dads diaries he was a comical bloke and it shines through -
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous day on the way, autum is making up for the lack of summer.

Easter is coming so quickly, we had hot cross buns yesterday and they were soooo good Tongue

You are lucky to have your dad's diaries, Jan Smile It would be like having a little piece of him with you. Funny how the wealthier family members always want more, more, more. When all said and done, it's just stuff and we can't take it with us when we fall off our perches.

Another day in the garden for me today, I mowed the lawn late yesterday afternoon so no need to do that today. Our compost bin smells lovely too with the dug out lavender in there. I have another two to dig out today. My sister is dropping the Furry One off sometime today. She's an old dog now, sixteen and half years old. Blind as a bat but going strong for a dog of her age.

Time to move, the Furry One is out of his bed and I'm being bashed by the tug rope. I'm well trained in playing tug-of-war lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Another beautiful day here for sure. It got warm enough for the fan yesterday about 4pm.

Ohh how lovely to have your Dads diaries Jan.. And yes sadly its always the wealthy that want more, and act like children. MrPs little brother is the same. I remember his wife put ona surprise birthday party for him, we were first to arrive and when he got home and found that there was a party he went and sulked in his bedroom.. We werent the people he wanted at his party.. The brother hate for each other and cos we are as common as muck and proud of it, meant the "Baby" sulked. Came out when the wealthier ones were there. We would have thought us owning 3 houses might have "Qualified" us but we really didnt care.
Was back in the day when one sister in law and I tried to keep all the brothers close, didnt work with that one for either of us .

Apparently Maggie the Charge nurse and MrP have decided fortnightly would be a good plan for his Visits.. I told him I will decide when Im ready.. I will ring and ask Maggie, if once Again MrP is playing games, blaming her, but pushing his ideas. it will be when Im good and ready, no one else.

Ive decided to change the days around and nip over to Pukekohe today. As I have super sensitive arms and getting a shot in Both tomorrow I wont handle driving. So Ill shop today, and visit MrP after my shots tomorrow. Ill ring him and honestly too bad if he doesnt like it, it will work better for both of us really.

I Love the smell of Lavender, and jasmine, but cant have them too close.. And of course I dont like the Bee factor with the lavender lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I have some of the pages of my grandfathers diary, his comments and predictions around the advent of tv are wonderful. I hate to think what he would have to say about screens today...
morning all
another nice sunny day 

Those diaries sound like gold  JanW

Been to gym and done some laundry and general tidy up.

Off to city to drop of my steam generator iron to the repair people turns out I bought it last March so just on year old, luckily has a 2 year warrantee.

Plan on sorting out a pant pattern this afternoon so it is ready to go for when fabric that I have ordered from Aussie arrives.

Sorted out the lace pattern on the cardi so hopefully tonight will see the body completed then it will just be the sleeves to do.

babysitting tomorrow afternoon and evening - a bit of a marathon keeping a 19mth old amused

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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