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You can never have enough...
Zipped out for a trawl around mall & got some Vitamin D & bits & pieces, did a strudel & took dog for walk. That's probably it for the day.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(05-04-2023, 03:43 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Zipped out for a trawl around mall & got some Vitamin D & bits & pieces, did a strudel & took dog for walk. That's probably it for the day.

One of MrP's fave puddings his strudel.  Havent made any for ages..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast but 3xpecting that to burn off later.

Having a lazy start to the day can't move as boy k9s either side of me , finished my book so need to search library for another

Did food hunt yesterday and thought I would buy a whole pumpkin $13.99 it dint make it into the trolley. When got home checked price at NW & PnS  9.99 and 6.99. I like to peel, cut and freeze makes it very convenient use then.

Volunteer morning and then baby sitting DGD1 from afternoon nap until bedtime. 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another pea souper this morning but the sun is trying to get through.

Yummmm strudel Heart We haven't had that for years.

Today I'm taking our friend for his regular monthly Waikato hosp appointment and then on to Tokoroa so he can spend Easter with other family members. Fingers crossed the fog lifts soon.

The triffods are slowly getting under control, I can't believe how much the garden exploded over the last week. I've moved a rose which meant a very early pruning for it. Hopefully this will be the last move this rose has, it has been moved four times now. But it does free up the back fence for the climbing roses I plan to plant along there.

Yesterday I was on FB and spotted a post from a Hawkes Bay resident posting in the rose group I belong too. She went back to her red stickered home after a month of being away and two of her roses were blooming the best they had ever been. She jokingly posted to get good end of season roses you need a cylcone, tons of silt washed on top of them and the neighbours onion paddock spilling the onions onto their property. It was hard to believe, two masses of cheerful bright yellow and pink flowers in all the grey of the silt. Just shows how tough roses are.

The Fluffy One is here and very pleased to be able to run on grass. My sister lives in a retirement village where grass is limited. The Furry One seems to know she can't run and play as much now and lets her do her own thing.

Better get cracking. I'll get some housework done this morning before I leave for Hamilton. That will free my day up tomorrow to get back into the garden. There's only a bit to do and then I can leave it until everything dies down properly.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

A bit Dull here, a little like me lol...

Oh That makes you believe things really will be ok Kiwimade.. Would love to see the photo if your able to "pinch" it. Out of all the doom and gloom.

Off to do my bloods, and get both shots, then Ill see MrP after that.. Need to grab a couple of things that Pak n Save didn't have yesterday.. Missy food mainly and a loaf of bread. I wish it wasn't always at the furtherest distance from the checkouts, I just didn't feel like walking it yesterday, lol

Ill take MrP his horrible crappy marshmallow eggs. he's not a snob when it comes to easter eggs, like I tend to be lol... Quality over quantity for me now.

Saw an older guy in the warehouse yesterday, with a trolley rather full of all different easter eggs.. I said to him His grandies are going to have fun. Poor guy looked a little bewildered.. Must have a lot of grandies tho lol

As mum always gave into us I still dont have a clue which day is the "Normal" day for giving eggs. lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The best day popeye is any day after the Wednesday after Easter, when all the eggs are half price...

Big Grin
(06-04-2023, 08:34 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The best day popeye is any day after the Wednesday after Easter, when all the eggs are half price...

Big Grin

Haha yes eggsactly lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
lol OHH! So true!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I am lying here playing on my tablet and dreaming up recipes for hot cross spiced fruit scones, because I cannot be bothered popping up to the local independent bakery to buy overpriced Easter buns...

Being a pagan by choice and having had this particular public holiday ruined in decades gone by I still rather like the edibles associated with it. I suspect even if I got my way and had all religious holidays banned forthwith, I would still see the shops filled with chocolate frivolities and feel the urge to shove a squishy bun under the grill on Friday morning...
Easter was originally a fertility festival & as with other pagan festivals, the early christians attached their easter to the same day. Not being christian I choose to celebrate the chocolate with which it has become associated these days - I'm sure Whittakers appreciates my efforts.Smile

Rain forecast here so went out & got lawn done early, still no rain so went out for bread etc & needed 1/2 dozen eggs - two left on the very top shelf towards the back. Fantasticly helpful for those of us not actually 6 footers, so had to ask a handy gent to pass me one down please which he kindly did.
And found two of the frames I'll need for the little one's paintings, will get more as & when.

Came home, still no rain so approximately 1/2 a millisecond after I thought perhaps an early walk could be a good move, Madame Le Dog was waiting at the door...telepathic.
The damn dog's telepathic!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Its raining here, and a definite drop in temperature.

New Lady in the lab and she took two shots to find my blood, then it didn't want to flow,, and Im Sure she has used the wrong tube. INR is always done with one with a cream lid and it has some liquid stuff in it.. Soo time will tell at test results time.

Then had to walk to Yellow brick road over to the vaccination building.. (new).. And then into see MrP. So Im shot. '

On the good front I popped into New World on the way in and nabbed a leg roast of Lamb, only $10-99 a kilo.. Just under $24 for a fill leg... One is now wondering how one is going to get it in the crockpot. But I will cross that bridge when I get to it. It was too good a bargain to miss. And ill pop up the extra gravy in ice cube trays cos some of the dinners I did before need a little bit more gravy.

Missy has cat scanned my Tupperware parcel. I got some of the mini drinking tumblers in the pastel colours from the 70s. to match my larger tumblers and both small and larger cereal bowls. these ones are 11cms tall. I need a green one if anyone ever sees one in the oppies. Retro Tupperware is Very popular at the mo. Oh I need an apricot and White square rounds too incase anyone sees them floating about..TIA.. always helpful to have extra eyes on the hunt.

Putting my feet up now
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  It's a lovely cool overcast morning.  Perfect for fishing or gardening lol.

Yesterday was our friend's regular appointment at Waikato Hospital and we left there to go to Tokoroa for him to meet family who would take him back with them to stay for Easter.  Good grief, the traffic build up was horrendous and coupled with a 25 minute wait for roadworkers to let us through just before Tokoroa, it was a very long day.  It was so good to be home.

Today the plan is to keep plodding on in the garden and to keep taming the triffids.  I have some piles of weeds to go into the bins when emptied and have just about filled the compost bins MrK emptied the other day.  There are also the cabbage tree leaves and the like to be burned.  It's all part of autum Heart and the lifecycle of the garden.  Our visiting monarch butterfly has laid more eggs.  I lost the caterpillars to the praying mantis and one clutch (?) of eggs disappeared.  There were snails on the swan plant, so I wonder if snails eat them as the eat the leaves.

I've started sewing the slips onto my embroidery.  I'll have to unpick the toadstool cap as I'm not happy with how it sits.  The 3D effect does look pretty good if I do say so myself Smile 

happy Easter Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast and a bit cooler. Need a 2nd layer on this morning!

Quiet house (apart from howling cat who's  letting me know he's cold)  with the wee family gone to the 'other' parents. 

Other family members are up this way so it will be a catch up weekend. 

You're a good friend with your taxi service KM  Angel  I've heard various reports that the road was hectic/horrible yesterday. 

Cardi finished and had first wearing.  Quickly doing a beanie to match. Will knit another cardi for back up. 

Cuppa finished, better think about some baking. Hope to get get hot cross buns from bakery down the road  Tongue

Enjoy Easter weekend all.
Good Morning everyone

Happy Easter.

Decidedly cool this morning. A long sleeve top and cardy. Heck I even had a hot drink last night.. Thats a rarity for me. A yummy hot chocolate with fake sugar and no marshmallows lol..

MrP reported last night that he had eaten 3 marshmallow eggs already, his sugar will be through the roof..

Arms are tender today. but not as bad as they have been in other shots.. My INR was 4.2 which is high. Was told to not take any warfarin last night and then back to my normal dose. Im afraid I cannot not take any, so I took 1mg just to satisfy my mind, or I wouldn't have slept. And I tried to stay away from sharp things... I Must do Missy's claws today, she got me last night lol.

I hope to hit the sewing machine over the weekend. one to zig zag across the ends of MrPs belt. Its one of the new ones we got a while ago, but the metal end piece wouldnt go through the belt loops. So he cut it off and Ill zig zag it in the hope that the webbing will stay together, otherwise it will end up in the pile of other ones he has ruined.

I want to take in some knickers too. they are still too wearable to bin them. but Hitching in public isnt a good look lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day temperatures definitely cooler.

Sorry Popeye but you hitching your knickers immediately had me thinking they were down round you knees ha.

Busy day with DGD1 yesterday but she was pretty good considering she didn't have her afternoon nap. Came home last night and put my hotcross buns together, I put in the fridge overnight and get a nice slow rise.  Just got to bring back to room temp before punch down which I will do when finished my cuppa. All family coming later this morning for their hotcross buns with secret filling Big Grin I will have one of my GF ones which aren't too bad

Rest of my day I have no firm plans, might even read if I can find a book from library had a quick look last night but titles and authors I was looking at were either out or I had read them so will need to do a deeper search.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Well bugger.
Had a late phone call from hospital; scan came up negative but they're almost certain they know the problem is what they think & now will have to have biopsy after all dammit & probably next week. The reason it took so long for them to get back to me with results was problems with IT which doesn't inspire confidence. Nothing else to be done though.

Cold here & threatening rain so we did the walk earlier than usual.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(07-04-2023, 11:17 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Well bugger.
Had a late phone call from hospital; scan came up negative but they're almost certain they know the problem is what they think & now will have to have biopsy after all dammit & probably next week. The reason it took so long for them to get back to me with results was problems with IT which doesn't inspire confidence. Nothing else to be done though.

Cold here & threatening rain so we did the walk earlier than usual.


Weird isn't it how they tell us they know what the problem is but they won't tell us till we've been through a battery of unpleasantnesses..

Fingers crossed lilith.

And the scone thing is in the oven. It has the usual basics in it plus cinnamon, brown sugar, orange zest, dates, oats, raisins, orange juice, yoghurt, and grated apple. Should taste fairly seasonal I think, but I suspect I won't need a lot for dinner!
(07-04-2023, 11:29 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(07-04-2023, 11:17 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Well bugger.
Had a late phone call from hospital; scan came up negative but they're almost certain they know the problem is what they think & now will have to have biopsy after all dammit & probably next week. The reason it took so long for them to get back to me with results was problems with IT which doesn't inspire confidence. Nothing else to be done though.

Cold here & threatening rain so we did the walk earlier than usual.


Weird isn't it how they tell us they know what the problem is but they won't tell us till we've been through a battery of unpleasantnesses..

Fingers crossed lilith.

And the scone thing is in the oven. It has the usual basics in it plus cinnamon, brown sugar, orange zest, dates, oats, raisins, orange juice, yoghurt, and grated apple. Should taste fairly seasonal I think, but I suspect I won't need a lot for dinner!

OMG I bet they were good....

Oh Lilith haven't they figured out yet, some of us want results, good or bad, no beating around the bush. 

I thought I would pop out and do a little of the lawn. Did an hour, hobbling like Im 100 now lol.. but the clouds are coming in so Im pleased I did it. did right down the lowest fence line that is always wet, so it wont be as bad later..

Have crumbed some chicken nuggets for my tea. Just gotta be able to bend to get the fryer out lol.. I dont like to leave it on the bench, then it becomes way to easy and habitual.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
They are very good. Soft inside, very easter tasting, and just a tad solid. Lovely with very cold butter...

And I'm leaving dinner till tomorrow..
(07-04-2023, 04:57 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: They are very good. Soft inside, very easter tasting, and just a tad solid. Lovely with very cold butter...

And I'm leaving dinner till tomorrow..

We are Butter Sisters lol.. I love cold butter on hot things.. and on Cold toast lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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