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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile We had some great rain last night, boy we needed it. I feel for the families caught up in the tornado last night, it must have been a frightening experience.

Of course you deserve the Lindt eggs, OHH Tongue The chook sounds yummmm. A roast chook is also good value for us.

The Fluffy One goes home sometime today Smile The Furry One will miss her for a while. This could very well be her last 'holiday' with us due to her age.

Today I'll potter about with the usual daily chores. After MrK has been to feed our friend's dogs, I'll pop into town for a bit as we need milk and a few other bits and pieces. We've gone against the trend and had no Easter chocolate *gasp* We're waiting for the sales Tongue

Hopefully some sewing whether it's by machine or hand, will be on the cards for the day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Lovely clear sky after a good dump of rain overnight.  Very warm with all doors and windows open.

We're not big on Easter eggs but I did get a few Whittakers bunnies and the Lindt mini eggs to share with those who were coming and going this year  Smile

We too can get 2 nights out of roast chicken. I did a vege/chicken stir fry the 2nd night last week ... yum.

Perpetual spinach is the one thing I always have on the go in the garden ... so useful raw or in cooked dishes. I hope I can also make good use of a small space with pots 'one day'.

Small beanie finished, will try and get the cross stitch finished as well.  Plenty of other knitting to get into. 

Cuppa finished, better get things done while the others out walking with dogs/baby.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone.

You wouldn't think we had thunder and lightning very early this morning. It's beautiful out there now. Will check in with a friend who lives in Flatbush and make sure they are all ok. I imagine them to be one of the scariest things out.

The meat is "In" the crockpot. The bone end is hanging out. But I've wrapped it with tinfoil, there's very little meat near the end so I've cut around it, in the hope that it will shrink away while cooking and end up in the cooker.

I'm an odd one when it comes to chicken. I dont like drumsticks. And it comes from when we were kids. After Dad died. if Mum got a chicken, and it was certainly a rare thing back then. The Boys would have the thigh and drum, Mum and I would have the breast and wing, I simply never learnt to eat the drums. For me its a different texture that my head wont do. I will do thighs now tho.
Thankfully MrP loves drums so if I was to buy a whole chicken these days nothing would be wasted still.

Ohh I'll put a photo up later of what they Made for us ladies. Its a paper "Rabbit" basket with a few different components and the staff popped some straw and easter goodies into them. And brought them in yesterday while I was there. MrP has Never done anything like this before. It meant a lot to me , that A he actually did it, and B wanted me to have it.. He has made one other thing but in wood. It's a red heart with an arrow in it that he made me for valentines day and he actually wrote on it to. Its tucked away somewhere now.

Also need to pop up the road for a couple of things, so will do that after Ive spoken to him this morning. I've asked them to keep a close eye on him, hes tired, not sleeping and snappy which is a sign he might have an infection on board again.

My Red patch from the covid shot is much longer than my hand now and headed south. Ill be at the drs first thing tomorrow.

Animals are the best way to meet new people. I think to a degree we are all crazy about animals in some way.. Im a big sook tho and cant watch the vet type programs, I dont like to see or hear animals in distress , so now that MrP isnt here I simply dont watch them. he loved them so I just zoned out as much as I could.

Have a fab day everyone.... I do hope for those who waited manage to get some choccie lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Few episodes heavy rain this morning with possibility thunder this afternoon.

We had roast chicken with trimmings last night too. DH cooked in BBQ along with jacket potato and mixed meddlay of roast veggies. This chook cost us 7.95 on special so will be value for money

I might be tempted to buy more chocolate if it is on special the marshmallow half eggs DH bought were very hohum.

Made a navy merino bateau neckline tshirt yesterday not that happy with neckline but will sort that next time I use the pattern.

Not sure what I will get up to today, currently recovering from gym workout.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Lovely sunny day after a bit of rain in the night - I like it when this happens- best of both worlds  Big Grin 

Picked my first lot of spinach yesterday to give to a friend. I was given half of a huge cabbage so am plodding through that, mainly as different twist on stir fries which all have turned out well. It’s so good having greens to pick as needed.
 Saw where you can grow onions from the root end  bit you cut off from an onion when using it so have several in the garden to see what happens. For some reason I’ve never had success with growing onions either from seeds or seedlings.

Had covid and flu jabs yesterday, was going for walk in the park and the mobile van was there so stopped and got them. Seemed a bit odd sitting outside in the sun to get them but quite relaxed setting and caught up with a friend I hadn’t met since I finished work so double bonus. Smile
It was the Flu Survey that reminded me the jabs were available. When it came in this morning I remembered to have a look at the graph, and it is interesting the way this years flu stats are going. Glad I got both jabs, especially with the possible surgery later this year.
There was only about 6 small kinder type eggs at the new world this morning.

I wouldn't touch the Rainbow Marshmallow eggs. they are sickly sweet.. yuck

So you could be out of luck ladies, mind you if you have the warehouse handy that might be better hunting.

The meat is cooking and I can smell it now. Even if its not quite cooked Ill get enough off for my tea and finish it cooking through the night if need be.

MrP in a mix of moods, harping on about his belt again. Then nice enough to give away some of this easter eggs.

Dishwasher is nearly finished.. but time to do my games now
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Sweetie darling no.2 arrived earlier & fixed the falling bit on fence which Madame Le Dog had been looking at in a speculative fashion - its a good thing she adores him or she might have got a bit miffed. Then he started to pump up my bike tyres for me (since I can't manage it fast enough to prevent air escaping) but there was a small disaster when the damn thing blew.
Luckily my previous bike had one which will do for now so what should have been a two minute job turned into half an hour - see, never chuck out your old bike, lest it come in handy some day!

While we were doing that in the back yard the new neighbour decided to stick his head out his window & have a little rant about something incomprehensible to everyone except him.
Oh yay, free entertainment. I suspect he's either slightly barking or a heavy drinker or both & makes the previous neighbour look wonderful.
Never boring at any rate.
Zipped out & got the last three frames needed for the little one's paintings so pleased with a bit of progress. Once I get a new printer I can start printing them out & have ready for Xmas.

I don't believe I've had any chocolate whatsoever today; I really must remedy that immediately.... Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My groceries arrived.

Minus chocky eggs and wine.

the most important bits! Crying Crying Cry
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(10-04-2023, 04:31 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: the most important bits! Crying Crying Cry

Yup. Bastards!  Big Grin
(10-04-2023, 05:54 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(10-04-2023, 04:31 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: the most important bits! Crying Crying Cry

Yup. Bastards!  Big Grin

The miserable sods - & at Easter, too. I'd sue for trauma caused by lack of wine & chocolate. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone.

Quite Pink out there.

Ohh Heck that is definitely some form of Abuse and Neglect OHH.. I can understand the lack of chocolate cos there were only a few eggs at our New World.. but Wine? I mean that's like buying Milk isn't it?

Off to triage this morning. Then Ill get my pills and depending if they do a test or suggest I should stay home or not will depend if I annoy MrP or not. Told him last night I was feeling like crap again and he went off in his rant, well dont come here, use it as an excuse not to come blah blah blah... Didn't expect any difference really.

I looked through my photos and it was January last year when I had the reaction to the booster. So I can narrow down there hunt of the files. And simply give me the same antibiotics.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's trying to rain but the sun is battling through the rain clouds creating this soft light. Perfect for photography.

The Fluffy One has gone and the Furry One seems happy enough. He seemed to know she could only play for short bursts and even dropped the tug rope to let her pick it up during a game of tug of war. While my sister was here, I gave her two recorders our kids used when they were younger. I felt it was her turn to feel the pain of those damed things lol. Her granddaughter loved it and was 'playing' one outside. Our daughter flatly refused to take them for some reason lol.

A friend bought some mushroom composty stuff in a bag to grow mushrooms and posted on FB some beautiful oyster mushrooms growing around the bag. The spores have been placed in the bag and you pierce the bag and voila! Mushrooms Tongue I'm thinking of buying one for MrK as he has always wanted to give this a go.

Today while I'm in Hamilton I'll drop off to OneNZ our old mobile phones. They send them off to be recycled and the recycle company recycles up to 95% of them. I've done a factory reset on them Big Grin Much better than having them sit in landfill for goodness knows how many millennia. I also have some old beach towels the vet can use and will drop them off as well as a few ice cream containers for the doctors surgery.

Washing machine has beeped and I see the bottom of my coffee cup. Two hints to move Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
A tradie arrived at 7.30am to make horrible noises outside my unit. They are removing and replacing the top beam on our deck railings. This one is South African, and loves a running commentary with his work, so we get that as well as the tool racket.

He is not impressed with the work done in 1965...

I think I shall get up and get dressed, it is pointless trying to enjoy the morning with this carry on!  Big Grin
Morning all
Heavy rain down pours inyerdispersed with sunny periods. Thunder over night so not a good night for us with the boy k9s. 

OHH no chocolate and wine is bad enough but a noisy wake up call as well    Sad

Popeye I hope you get your arm sorted out
We had a lovely evening with friends she is a really good cook  Cool

Just been and got covid booster now hold my breath for next 3 -4 weeks hoping it doesn't set off my autoimmune disease fingers crossed.

Not sure what I I will get up to today mojo low at the moment might start a charity quilt to fill in the creative void.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Drs went well, although I got the feeling the nurse thought I was wasting their time.

But I informed her of what the Dr said Last time about it. So she put me on the list to see Dr Ward.. I said well that will be interesting since his mother and I have history and we dont like each other.

So while I was waiting she came out and whispered in my ear she had put me in with a different Dr.. And he was the one that Saw me in January last year when it flared up. He is a nice Dr, I could easily see him if mine wasn't there.

I dont think I could have trusted anything the Son would have to say. And yes he might be a good Dr, but no doubt his mother may have mentioned stuff happening at the home too. So better for both of us.

MrP was in a good mood. And they gave us invites to their 100th Birthday Afternoon tea on the 23rd so that was nice. I hope its a nice day and we enjoy some time outside with the lovely view
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That was lucky Popeye.

Did groceries earlier then made some pumpkin fritters, they'll make a change. Weird sort of weather here, cool one minute & warm the next.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have made a huge pot of leftovers soup. From scratch. And it tastes great.

So bring on this storm, I am set for the next week. Except for the missing wine and chocolate that is, dammit.

And there's the thunder, right on cue!
Good Morning everyone

These 6 am starts are becoming a habit lol. Haven't looked out to see what the weather is doing.

Im off to see Bobbie and the ladies today. Much to MrP's annoyance. He doesn't like me not being available at times to him, but sadly for him that is happening.

Ill take the soup up that I made and they can ask them to heat it up tomorrow for them.

Finally had an email re the house inspection. The 26th which is good. Only need to do a quick vac and wash the floors, make sure the benches are clean. Its been longer between them now, I guess they might have finally figured there's only me and Missy. And generally we dont trash anything lol.

The head nurse gave MrP some 80s leg warmers yesterday. his legs are cold but still too warm for trackies. And they dont want him walking on the stretchy leg bandage tubing, its not safe. So now he is wearing the leg warmers and the socks with the rubber stuff on the bottom.

Thats one thing I said to him last night. They are extremely safety conscious there, which is comforting.

Have a fab day everyone

Still leading on the tupperware containers. Its going to be a long 12 hours before they finish lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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