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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile The wind has died down for a bit so I'm going to burn some more rubbish this moring. Then if the weather still plays nice, I'm going to mow the lawn.

I heard on the radio we had no road fatalities over Easter... just goes to show we can do it if we all pull together.

Yesterday while sitting in the supermarket car park I had a tutu with the car clock and reset it. It took a while and when I finally had it done, I let out a cheer, looked up and saw a man cracking up with laughter at me. I must have looked funny with the frustrating looks then the big cheer lol. At least I made someone laugh lol.

When the rain comes back, I'm going to do some sewing. I no sooner think I'm organised and something else happens and I'm not organised.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(12-04-2023, 07:06 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  The wind has died down for a bit so I'm going to burn some more rubbish this moring.  Then if the weather still plays nice, I'm going to mow the lawn. 

I heard on the radio we had no road fatalities over Easter... just goes to show we can do it if we all pull together. 

Yesterday while sitting in the supermarket car park I had a tutu with the car clock and reset it.  It took a while and when I finally had it done, I let out a cheer, looked up and saw a man cracking up with laughter at me.  I must have looked funny with the frustrating looks then the big cheer lol.  At least I made someone laugh lol. 

When the rain comes back, I'm going to do some sewing.  I no sooner think I'm organised and something else happens and I'm not organised.

Happy crafting Smile

That road toll thing was a small cheer from me too. But then, I would think that, lol...
Easter holiday period ends with one road death
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Morning all
Overcast cool at the moment but supposedly will warm up.

Both DH and I are below par this morning probably due to vax so not much energy to tackle any jobs that need doing.

DH will be making chicken soup with the left overs - it is always nice and tasty.

OH I hope you get your chocolate fix soon.

Just got notified that one of the ladies in the knitting group I attended last night has tested +ve this morning. She was on the other side of the room  so think should be ok fingers crossed.

I am off to search library for an ebook that will be my day.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(12-04-2023, 09:35 AM)zqwerty Wrote: Easter holiday period ends with one road death

Bugger. One death, but a lifetime of grief for a family who will never see Easter the same way again.

But, back to the continuing story of the maintenance work going down in our village. Bang on 8.30 there is a pounding on the door and I am told to clear my deck (the one that took four days to reset after the last effort) so the scaffolders could assemble their stuff so the painters could finish the four week job they started back at the beginning of February.

Cue heavy sigh and very sweary word mutterings.

And of course, it being April, the weather is just perfect for painting.

Good morning.

Overcast but warm. Some more rain during the night. At least holiday makers can still get out and about during the day (especially the ones with kids)!

Kept on my toes yesterday with 3 of the gc here, 2 other gc visiting but the small family staying here are away for a couple of days. Bliss with the house to myself today  Smile Noisy outside though as our road is (again) being used as a detour route which includes huge trucks. Scary with all the kids/dogs frequently going past and across to the nearby park Worried

Murphy (Sod's) Law huh OHH. What a pain for you!

Mica hopefully you have managed to avoid the C virus. I'm in 2 minds whether to get the vacc again or not, probably will end up being convinced it's a good idea - can definitely understand a few of the 'younger ones' we know not being convinced it's needed .... will get the Flu jab at least.

Better go and hang the washing out and get a few things done before hair appt later.

Enjoy the day all.
(12-04-2023, 11:10 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning.

Overcast but warm. Some more rain during the night. At least holiday makers can still get out and about during the day (especially the ones with kids)!

Kept on my toes yesterday with 3 of the gc here, 2 other gc visiting but the small family staying here are away for a couple of days. Bliss with the house to myself today  Smile Noisy outside though as our road is (again) being used as a detour route which includes huge trucks. Scary with all the kids/dogs frequently going past and across to the nearby park Worried

Murphy (Sod's) Law huh OHH. What a pain for you!

Mica hopefully you have managed to avoid the C virus. I'm in 2 minds whether to get the vacc again or not, probably will end up being convinced it's a good idea - can definitely understand a few of the 'younger ones' we know not being convinced it's needed .... will get the Flu jab at least.

Better go and hang the washing out and get a few things done before hair appt later.

Enjoy the day all.

I got both, same arm, an inch apart, same time. Slight fuzzy head for 24 hours, bit tired, sore arm, then no problem. Seemed sensible to me to do both at the same time.

Box ticking, maybe...
(12-04-2023, 10:42 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(12-04-2023, 09:35 AM)zqwerty Wrote: Easter holiday period ends with one road death

Bugger. One death, but a lifetime of grief for a family who will never see Easter the same way again.

But, back to the continuing story of the maintenance work going down in our village. Bang on 8.30 there is a pounding on the door and I am told to clear my deck (the one that took four days to reset after the last effort) so the scaffolders could assemble their stuff so the painters could finish the four week job they started back at the beginning of February.

Cue heavy sigh and very sweary word mutterings.

And of course, it being April, the weather is just perfect for painting.


What a  good idea those leg warmers are for Mr P, Popeye - they should do the trick.

Very strange are the ways of builders & painters - unbelievably some years ago I caught one in the act of painting the clothes line. While there were clothes on it.

He said his boss told him to do it & I think I may have questioned whether or not it was his boss's turn for the brain that day... Confused Confused Rolleyes Rolleyes Dodgy

Been & had the biopsy,(third eldest granddaughter took me so good to catch up with her, she's starting to look pregnant now too)  took a while but lovely  youngish bloke who did it was excellent, took his time & explained it all beforehand & checked constantly to be sure I wasn't able to feel anything so all done & dusted, just a matter of waiting for results. He did say that it looked like it would be positive for LCA but of course couldn't be sure.
I have a deeply unattractive shaved bit on the side of my head but that's a small price to pay to get the right diagnosis. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Shave the other side, and stamp a couple of make believe tats...

That'd be fun!  Big Grin
The maintenance soap opera continues... 

The scaffolders put up their poles and planks on tenant maintained garden areas and trampled plants. I knew this would happen and was not surprised, but someone (not me! Lol...) got upset and complained to management and the contractors have been pulled off the job, leaving it half done.

That'll put another few weeks on the schedule. No one would believe this stuff...
Wow its been a long day.

I was ready early so decided I would pop into the oppy on my way to see the Girls. Awesome Happened.. They had a large crockpot, Russel Hobbs for $20. So pleased I keep my $20 emergency money. And another cookbook, single red Duvet and pillowcase and a top that was half price.

Went to the home to find out Bobbie and Colleen had gone on a bus trip lol. But I visited with Irene and her daughter and Granddaughter until the others came home. Had lunch together and I dont know, but something told me to take the soup I made for them. Cis I knew Colleen loves ham bone soup. It's her 85th birthday today, so she was stoked.

There's new staff there, and they are doing things they never did before. one being making sure they have taken Irene to the toilet before each meal, so she doesn't have to wait too long. So I'm pleased to see somethings have improved..

Didn't get home until 3-30ish. Spoke to MrP and he had a fight with the door lock. His peripheral vision is shot and he cut his arm, has 5-6 stitches but is ok. They have given him from tube bandage to cover both his arms too. So a man of nearly 77 in shorts with wrapped arms and shorts with 1980's leg warmers,, he must look a sight lol.

Im still the only bidder on the Tupperware so fingers crossed please everyone. At ease at 7pm lol.

Fingers crossed for the Biopsy and covid ladies.

Ohh a book about the Idiots that seem to be hired, not for their talents would be fun reading Im sure. Not living through it tho. They probably just go by the cheapest quotes.

Its beautiful here now. It did rain lightly this morning
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Re: Tupperware

Tupperware shares tank as company warns it may go out of business
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(12-04-2023, 03:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Shave the other side, and stamp a couple of make believe tats...

That'd be fun!  Big Grin

Its almost worth it - to see the looks on the grandkids's faces! Big Grin Big Grin

(12-04-2023, 04:12 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The maintenance soap opera continues... 

The scaffolders put up their poles and planks on tenant maintained garden areas and trampled plants. I knew this would happen and was not surprised, but someone (not me! Lol...) got upset and complained to management and the contractors have been pulled off the job, leaving it half done.

That'll put another few weeks on the schedule. No one would believe this stuff...

Might it be worth putting up several large 'Garden, please don't trample' signs for those who don't know what a garden is...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(12-04-2023, 07:13 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(12-04-2023, 03:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Shave the other side, and stamp a couple of make believe tats...

That'd be fun!  Big Grin

Its almost worth it - to see the looks on the grandkids's faces! Big Grin Big Grin

(12-04-2023, 04:12 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The maintenance soap opera continues... 

The scaffolders put up their poles and planks on tenant maintained garden areas and trampled plants. I knew this would happen and was not surprised, but someone (not me! Lol...) got upset and complained to management and the contractors have been pulled off the job, leaving it half done.

That'll put another few weeks on the schedule. No one would believe this stuff...

Might it be worth putting up several large 'Garden, please don't trample' signs for those who don't know what a garden is...

I doubt they can read...

Next chapter - they have blocked fire exit stairs... This just gets worse, lol. Tomorrow should be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interestink!  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have another pea souper here and the sun is struggling to shine through. Washing will still be hung out though as it will be gone by morning tea time or earlier.

I love the idea of the fake tats on your scalp, Lilith! One of those sugar skulls should do the trick or maybe a rose with a snake lol.

Omggg OHH, those idiots shouldn't be allowed out their front door without their mother checking them to make sure they know what to do.

I can't have the covid booster for a few more months as you have to have a gap of six months between having covid and the jab. We're having the booster and flu jabs, but friends are starting down that rabbit hole and are refusing to have the covid jab as it is 'poison' in their bodies. Bizarrely they are happy to have the flu jab and any other jab they need for overseas holidays. Their choice, I just hope they don't get covid as it is very unpleasant. But then again, the mean side of me hopes they do.

We are wondering if the fatality over Easter was from the head on collision that happened just up the road. We really need those roundabouts at the intersections.

I also saw that Tupperware were in serious trouble financially in the the USA. They were saying the younger generation has no idea what Tupperware is. I suppose there are so many more choices now.

Yesterday I sewed another top for a NICU quilt. The new folding table is a tad wobbly but does the trick. I must finish my stumpwork, will get onto that today if I have time.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Im a Happy Lassie. I won the Auction last night. No one else bid. Yayay. Paid with Ping so they are being sent today Yayay.

Interesting read Zqwerty. I used to sell Tupperware in the 90s. Loved doing it. I have more than enough to see me out. Spare lids and all. Wouldn't want to be a shareholder tho.

I agree Lillith do something radical, to make light of things happening and have a giggle with the grandies. Can imagine it in years to come, My Nana Shaved her head and got Tattoo's lol.. Hope all goes well tho.

Ohh Id be ringing the Fire and emergency people, and landlords re the fire exits OHH.. Whiles things can be quickly thrown down, its not the point they shouldnt be parking their gear where they have.. Just to keep the annoyance up for them, as they do all of you.

The Pink sun is just coming into the little lounge window behind me. Looks like another good day. Only had very light rain while I was with the girls yesterday.

Drinking extra so the lab can get my blood today. Last week was a struggle. And my BP was both under 100 yesterday as the nurse commented and the Dr rechecked it..
My older brother has the same problem, we are /were big people but never had any trouble with our BP, so just about every time they double check.

How dare we be different lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Another gorgeous day. 

Wow OHH, you could certainly write a book ... very hard having to put up with those ignorant contractors creating mayhem before your eyes!

You must love your tupperware Popeye ... glad you won the auction  Smile

Good to have the biopsy over with Lilith, hope all goes well for you. 

DH and I only had mild/tolerable Covid symptoms but will try and get the flu/Covid vaccs done on Friday. We are over "50" so fit the criteria in that area lol. Good to have choice, doesn't mean we are all rabbit hole dwellers if we don't have it (though calling the vacc poison is a bit dubious)! Lol, those crazies are a whole new species!

Better get things done including groceries before the family are back here. Yay, they have bought a house down country after missing out on several. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Fine day expecting passing showers.

OHH what is it about contractors, scaffolding people managed to wreck part of our glass ballastrade around our deck the foreman was very pisseded off when we showed him  expensive for them but I suppose they have insurance possibly not if negligence is involved.

Popeye glad you got the Tupperware.

Lilith don't forget to dress appropriately when you have your fake tatoos .

Feel better today slept most of yesterday , just have sore arm and very enlarged auxilla lymph node today.

Off for my Thursday stint shortly

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Well that was quick! MrK and the Furry One dropped the chainsaw in for a service yesterday and we have it back home already Big Grin Big Grin No excuses now not to cut out the dead hydrangea. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin The Furry One likes going into this shop as he's allowed to come inside and visit Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(12-04-2023, 08:30 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(12-04-2023, 07:13 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Its almost worth it - to see the looks on the grandkids's faces! Big Grin Big Grin

Might it be worth putting up several large 'Garden, please don't trample' signs for those who don't know what a garden is...

I doubt they can read...

Next chapter - they have blocked fire exit stairs... This just gets worse, lol. Tomorrow should be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interestink!  Big Grin

I think someone needs to seriously consider sitting outside contently in the sun, cleaning their shot gun... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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