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You can never have enough...
(13-04-2023, 11:45 AM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(12-04-2023, 08:30 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I doubt they can read...

Next chapter - they have blocked fire exit stairs... This just gets worse, lol. Tomorrow should be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry interestink!  Big Grin

I think someone needs to seriously consider sitting outside contently in the sun, cleaning their shot gun... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin

Hahaha I agree... maybe more than one. And Playing cards to decide who they shoot or who gets to do the shooting lol.. 

But they would probably have a Hissy and be scared and run to the bosses..

But something needs to be done, like reporting the company to the fire people.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I got told we have a front door, therefore the law doesn't apply.

I give up. The ignorance among this lot is just mind blowing.
It might be worth talking to the local firefighters about it; that doesn't sound right at all.

Burst of energy courtesy of steroids & managed to clear out my costume stuff; sequins, beads etc. etc. which youngest granddaughter has decided she'll have so have achieved something today, now just a matter of working out whether to post or wait till next time she or her mum comes down & can pick them up. Third eldest has dibs on the actual belly dance costumes - not sure she understands how badly made they are since I didn't get my grandmother's sewing genes, but I did warn her.

Also went slightly mad in Book depository yesterday & among other things got three copies of The big orange splot so now all great grandkids including the two new ones will have a copy of it; its a great book about being a bit different which the grandkids loved when they were little.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We have big rainclouds over us and I thought it was going to be fine so have the sheets in the wash. Oh well.

Blocking a fire escape is not on, OHH. I agree with Lilith, time to get the Fire Brigade to tell them a few home truths.

I must have a final splurge on Book Depository as well. I will miss it when it closes Sad

Yesterday I ordered the climbing roses Westerland and Blackberry Nip for the back fence. I have a dahlia the same colour as Blackberry Nip Big Grin I also ordered Graeme Thomas to replace the two sickly ones our friend gave me. It will eventually become a memory rose in her memory when she falls off her perch. Bl**dy breast cancer. She had no lumps or any sign of cancer but had the mammogram and they found it.

MrK has put a double fitting onto the outside tap, what a difference that makes! We can both use the tap at the same time now. Don't know why we didn't do this years ago lol. Now we just need another hose for the rainwater tank.

Time to get cracking. OHH, I hope you can get those contractors sorted. No respect for people or their property. Bl**dy cowboys.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Grey and chilly here too.

Yep ring the Fire and emergency people. Its not on. I am pretty sure there is a law that a house has to have a minimum of two exits. Cos a lot of the forestry houses in Mangakino were built with only one door.

Total enjoyed the final of the Sewing Bee last night. I won't say who won incase some of you missed it. I will say that they all went on with Different things after they were finished, Annie having a baby, Brogan being pregnant, Debra still making clothes and Man Yee is making home furnishings.

Off to see MrP a little later today. He wants some fish so I won't go until after 11am at least. Have to do an adjustment to his belt, now we have figured out the best way to get a tidy finish.

Blackberry Nip. Wow that brings back memories. It was the only alcohol my Aunt would drink. And we were allowed to taste it. Yum.

Yay my INR was back in range, no skipping the warfarin.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Grey outside and have had a bit of rain but it's not cold. 

I haven't seen the Sewing Bee yet as went out for a late dinner with my best friend from High School and our DH's. They are up from Christchurch and it was great to catch up again after many years. Looking forward to who won the SB!

Westerland Rose is lovely, I'm not familiar with Blackberry Nip though I've heard of it. 

Glad the INR stable Popeye.

Nothing planned today, have a script to pick up at some stage. Son (and dog) are back here working (remote) and the others will be here later on. Vacc's booked for Saturday ... not too sure about 2 needles, 1 is bad enough for me  Cry  

Cuppa finished. 

Enjoy the day all.
morning all
scattered cloud and mild here

KM your roses sound lovely 

had restless night as have sandpaper throat, tested myself this morning and I am negative.

Just done my shopping online as not up to doing a shop in person - did click and collect. I must have forgotten something as the $$ not as much as usual I will take that as a plus.

No energy to do much went to sleep listening to my audio book  got to rewind and find where I dozed off lol.

The fabric that I ordered for DGS sweat shirts arrived yesterday and both pieces have been washed and  just now finished in the dryer. Good thing I washed them separately and used dye catchers as they both bled dye.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning - mixed bag weather wise here today - we have had a run of beautiful weather my tomatoes are flowering furiously and there are already lots of little tomatoes - will leave one in the pod - need to get my twisted cauliflower and pak choy in
Blackberry nip used to be produced just up the road from us and the owners used to give Dad a carton each year of Creme de Menthe and Blackberry Nip - colours were spectacular .Mum and Dad went away for a long weekend so my 16 year old brother thought it would be a good idea to have a party for his first fifteen rugby team - the fullback thought it would be a goo$ idea to have a bit of kicking practice with a bottle of Blackberry nip - lucky it missed the China cabinet and hit the wall behind it - when my brother sobered up he was in an absolute panic so of course rang his sisters - my younger sister was married to a painter - he took one look at it and told my feeling very sorry for himself brother it would need repapering but how was he supposed to match the paper on a Sunday - he had paper in his van destined for his Monday job - so it was decided Mum would have her lounge repapered - when she arrived home it was disturbing to see how we all closed ranks and supported my lying brother telling my Mum we all decided it would be a nice surprise for her to have new wallpaper in the lounge - he was the golden child even if he had told the truth my Mum would have blamed us girls for not keeping him under control -
Did anyone see the lady on Seven Sharpe and her mohair wool shop - I didn’t catch where it was - her colours were simply stunning
Wasn't she and her work fabulous Jan.

I see she lives in Albany Auckland and you can find her on Instagram and Facebook .... Amy Maria Kid Mohair ❤️
(14-04-2023, 10:25 AM)Roma Wrote: Wasn't she and her work fabulous Jan.

I see she lives in Albany Auckland and you can find her on Instagram and Facebook .... Amy Maria Kid Mohair ❤️

I promised myself I would NOT buy anymore wool BUT
(14-04-2023, 10:15 AM)JanW Wrote: Good morning - mixed bag weather wise here today - we have had a run of beautiful weather my tomatoes are flowering furiously and there are already lots of little tomatoes - will leave one in the pod - need to get my twisted cauliflower and pak choy in
Blackberry nip used to be produced just up the road from us and the owners used to give Dad a carton each year of Creme de Menthe and Blackberry Nip - colours were spectacular .Mum and Dad went away for a long weekend so my 16 year old brother thought it would be a good idea to have a party for his first fifteen rugby team - the fullback thought it would be a goo$ idea to have a bit of kicking practice with a bottle of Blackberry  nip - lucky it missed the China cabinet and hit the wall behind it - when my brother sobered up he was in an absolute panic so of course rang his sisters - my younger sister was married to a painter - he took one look at it and told my feeling very sorry for himself brother it would need repapering but how was he supposed to match the paper on a Sunday - he had paper in his van destined for his Monday job - so it was decided Mum would have her lounge repapered - when she arrived home it was disturbing to see how we all closed ranks and supported my lying brother telling my Mum we all decided it would be a nice surprise for her to have new wallpaper in the lounge - he was the golden child even if he had told the truth my Mum would have blamed us girls for not keeping him under control -
Did anyone see the lady on Seven Sharpe and her mohair wool shop - I didn’t catch where it was - her colours were simply stunning

Yes she was wonderful..OHH are you  anywhere near the lady. 

A grand age and still doing everything for herself. What an inspiration
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Rained again this morning - that's every day this week now so lawn was damned wet & long & took ages when it finally stopped raining but I had to get it done today as it was starting to annoy me being so long & I knew it would only be worse if I left to till tomorrow.

I'd already had a bash at that vegan mince, (decided to halve it & do half as for Spag bol & have a go at patties with the other half) & ventured into workroom again where I found far more fabric than I thought I had & some stuffing for toys or cushions but with luck I may have a home for some of that & wonder of wonders - you can see the floor in places now!

Progress at last although I'm slightly knackered now, it was worth it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(14-04-2023, 01:58 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(14-04-2023, 10:15 AM)JanW Wrote: Good morning - mixed bag weather wise here today - we have had a run of beautiful weather my tomatoes are flowering furiously and there are already lots of little tomatoes - will leave one in the pod - need to get my twisted cauliflower and pak choy in
Blackberry nip used to be produced just up the road from us and the owners used to give Dad a carton each year of Creme de Menthe and Blackberry Nip - colours were spectacular .Mum and Dad went away for a long weekend so my 16 year old brother thought it would be a good idea to have a party for his first fifteen rugby team - the fullback thought it would be a goo$ idea to have a bit of kicking practice with a bottle of Blackberry  nip - lucky it missed the China cabinet and hit the wall behind it - when my brother sobered up he was in an absolute panic so of course rang his sisters - my younger sister was married to a painter - he took one look at it and told my feeling very sorry for himself brother it would need repapering but how was he supposed to match the paper on a Sunday - he had paper in his van destined for his Monday job - so it was decided Mum would have her lounge repapered - when she arrived home it was disturbing to see how we all closed ranks and supported my lying brother telling my Mum we all decided it would be a nice surprise for her to have new wallpaper in the lounge - he was the golden child even if he had told the truth my Mum would have blamed us girls for not keeping him under control -
Did anyone see the lady on Seven Sharpe and her mohair wool shop - I didn’t catch where it was - her colours were simply stunning

Yes she was wonderful..OHH are you  anywhere near the lady. 

A grand age and still doing everything for herself. What an inspiration
No, and just as well! She is in Albany, I am in Devonport...
Morning all
Clear skies so looks like another  nice day.

I feeling  very sorry for myself Ispent another miserable night sandpaper throat, chills still -ve.
Thanks for letting me whinge looks like another day spent reading and sleeping such a waste of time.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a still morning we have, no wind and just a few clouds in the sky.

I hope you are on the mend, mica. Whinge away!

Yesterday I had about half of the pieces for a quilt laid out on the spare bed so I could check the layout before sewing. Turned my back and the Furry One leapt onto the bed and had a really good roll on the fabric. By the time I turned around all the pieces were scattered. He then looked me in the eye and picked a few pieces up in his teeth and flicked them in the air. He then sat on the edge of the bed like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth with the 'who me? look on his face. I now have a few pieces with teeth marks in them. Little bug**! Thank goodness the pieces with the vintage lace are OK. He was in a very mischievous mood yesterday, probably not the best day for me to sew. Yes, I could shut the door, but he would scratch and bark until the door was opened. You can probably tell he is a little spoilt lol.

The chainsaw died again so it was taken back to our repairer to be repaired properly. It would seem it's the carburetor so why it wasn't fixed first time round is beyond me.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Still here too.

Mica I hate sore throats, its one of my nemeses. Difflam do a good throat spray that helps numb everything. Very handy to keep on hand. And the other trick is chocolate. Suck it and let it coat your throat. Hope it improves for you.

Ohh Kiwimade the norty little ratbag.. But you cant help but love them too... I have a new "Piercing" that Madam thought I needed on my Chest. She ran up from the floor over me to the back of the chair, and one of her back claws managed to leave me bleeding and bruised.. The Tart.

Im having a lazy day today. I will do some more knickers later. So much nicer not having to hitch them up lol.

MrP enjoyed his fish yesterday, but I did gently tell him off for not letting the cook know. Food waste is one of the worst things to me, so in future when Im taking something in, I will ring them the day before and let them know. Can't rely on his memory these days. And he said one piece was enough.. I thought thats embarrassing going in and ordering one piece of fish lol...

Have a fab day all..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Not much sun yet with a bit of wind .... the washing should dry quickly anyway!

Double vacc over with. We 'rewarded' ourselves afterwards with coffee and yummy date scone just 2 doors from the Pharmacy!

I hope you get better soon Mica, I make up a cup of salt gargle, leave in the bathroom and gargle whenever I think of it at such times. Like to think it helps!

Enjoyed the final of the SB ... I thought the winning pantsuit was an obvious choice  Smile

Not much planned for today ... will pick up another container of magnolia leaves (there are 5 in a row) for starters ... they lie too thick on the bark mulch garden underneath for my liking. No doubt there will be more family members coming and going during the day.

Better move.

Enjoy the day all.
Lying awake in the wee small hours courtesy of the bloody steroids, I was thinking of this & that & the thought popped into me head that at least the autopsy went alright.

Um...really, the autopsy??!

Oh dear what an idiot I am! And of course, I laughed. And Madame Le Dog appeared at the door, stood & looked at the human for a bit, heaved a heavy sigh, turned & stomped off back to bed.

Which reminded me of this John Steinbeck quote:

"I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that dogs think humans are nuts."

He's not wrong... Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
lol Lilith, Ive seen that look from dogs Tongue They still love us though Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Sometimes karma works in mysterious ways. I have a landline and an ancient cell that I never use but keep charged Just In Case. So this afternoon that Thing rang, and as usual I ignored it (long story, but friends know to txt me). Then the text came through, a question, was my landline working? Connected through the modem... Requiring electricity. Which was cut off on Thursday so the scaffolders and painters could do their thing no matter about tenant's inconvenience...

And no, my landline wasn't. So now Chorus will have to come out to fix mine and another neighbours connection issue, and the LLs will have to cover the cost.

Pays to have a sense of humour about these things, lol...

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