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You can never have enough...
(24-04-2023, 02:22 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(24-04-2023, 02:22 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:

Sooo cool Lilith.... I love it
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(24-04-2023, 03:01 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(24-04-2023, 02:22 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:

Sooo cool Lilith.... I love it

Cheers Popeye - I had fun doing it, hope the weird elements aren't too obvious so they come as a surprise to anyone seeing it.

Had a visit from third eldest granddaughter & they're having a wee boy - both her Mum & I were sure it was a girl but nope, definitely a boy.  Smile

So sort of accidentally wandered over to TM & lo & behold, there was a dear wee pair of denim overalls very similar to some his grandad had when he was little  - perfect, so had to get them for him. And granddaughter can't tell me off if I don't tell her...& I can always claim the baby wanted them & made me do it. Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
That’s cute Lilith.

Mica those seed crackers are soooo good, I can see they will be made often here. Didn’t have poppy seeds so put in some sunflower seeds which I’ve plenty.
Morning everyone

Tis a tad cold this morning.

Im glad they started doing our dawn services mid-morning, especially for the older people. And they have halved the March too in recent years.

Im off for visiting today. Of course MrP was me too cook some "Tatties" before I go, so I can't clean the top of the stove until I get home.
He told me last night his Dr told him he needed to be extra careful with the way his spine is now. He cracked a vertebrae in 2004 and she said it could break at any time. I will ask the Head Nurse what the Dr said tho. Cos I know he hears snippets and then makes up his own story. Always has, which is why I used to always go with him. He tried to guilt me and say I could have heard myself if I had gone up yesterday.

Just want to give the kitchen a whipping over later and Ill be happy.

Have a fab day everyone.

We Will Remember Them
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Nippy start but should be fine day

Glad you like the crackers Venetians I think the only seed that need to be used because they are the glue are the chia and flax/linseeds other wise we can be creative Big Grin

Tired after my warehouse stint yesterday  people are so generous and there is lots of baby clothing to sort. Sat and read in the sun yesterday afternoon k9s thought it was a good idea too.

No plans for today other than some house tidy6 up come cleaning.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  What a stunning day we have today.  We've had a frost too but it has gone and the day is so still and calm.

Lilith, I love your art and had fun spotting all the weird stuff.  Baby Yoda is so cute Heart

I'm guilty of sleeping in and missing the dawn service.  Best laid plans and all that.  I'm usually well and truly awake early as a rule so didn't set the alarm.    The other day I was reading an article on Stuff about two Maori soldiers who ended up in Colditz and their tale of survival.  After all these years, stories about the war are still coming to light.  I guess a lot of soldiers never talked about it, MrK's dad was one of them.

The lawn is mowed, it doesn't take long now I don't have to mow the berm.  Crazy that I am still mowing once a week when usually this time of the year it would be once a fortnight.

I have the list of seeds from your recipe, mica, on the grocery list.  Can't wait to try it.  It's our kind of cracker and something different to take to family get togethers.

MrK is doing the oil and filter change on the car this morning.  He was a mechanic and likes to do these things himself which suits us $$$ wise.  But he makes sure I'm home when he does it as the car will be on blocks.

I have the leaves to sink into the embroidery and it's done.  I'm happy with it all except for the leaves and might even redo them. 

Lest we forget Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Afternoon all.

Not too bad a day today after snow on the surrounding mountains yesterday. Good to be able to still be outdoors as we want. Have yet to have the 2 resident cats be less suspicious of us. Being fed should help!

We didn't get to the ANZAC service this morning, but watched some of the 'stories' on TV .... so many suppressed memories.

After putting up with the cold outside last night trying to chase the Aurora Australis (as were dozens of others) we gave up, gs managed to capture a less than ideal photo. We have seen some stunning photos online today though.

Look forward to making the crackers when I get back home.

Time to get back to my knitting that I have unpicked as the cardi was going to be too big being a dk pattern.
Question, Oh wise ones

I will have some left over mashed tatty tonight, planning on making tuna fish cakes tomorrow. Im getting miserly with eggs, do you think I could just roll the patties in the bread crumbs without flouring and egging them? I like my crumbs to stick. So will probably still make them and have them in the fridge for a while like I do when I crumb other things
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I think its safe to say that we can expect a bit of warm weather; I was cold last night so have clipped on the second duvet layer & once I do that we usually get a bout of sweltering weather.

I'm doing an 'impossible burger' tonight. DIL put me onto to impossible burgers which are made from plants & (I gave up red meat years ago) have had one before so know it tastes good. Interesting what there is out there now, came across something which is a kind of bacon alternative so may try that another time.

I came across these gorgeous images of the Aurora Australis from around the country for anyone interested.

I saw Te Ao with Moana last night on Maori TV & she interviewed the oldest Maori returned soldier, a chap in his 90s. At one point she asked what he thought about the war now, & was it a good thing.

"Nah' he said ' waste of time. Just a way for some to make money.'

Its a pity we still send our young ones out to kill & main each other, & I'd like to believe that one day we may find better ways to deal with differences - we really are fools sometimes.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(25-04-2023, 03:10 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Question, Oh wise ones

I will have some left over mashed tatty tonight, planning on making tuna fish cakes tomorrow. Im getting miserly with eggs, do you think I could just roll the patties in the bread crumbs without flouring and egging them? I like my crumbs to stick. So will probably still make them and have them in the fridge for a while like I do when I crumb other things

If you have milk on hand you could probably use a bit of that instead of egg  Smile
(25-04-2023, 03:34 PM)Roma Wrote:
(25-04-2023, 03:10 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Question, Oh wise ones

I will have some left over mashed tatty tonight, planning on making tuna fish cakes tomorrow. Im getting miserly with eggs, do you think I could just roll the patties in the bread crumbs without flouring and egging them? I like my crumbs to stick. So will probably still make them and have them in the fridge for a while like I do when I crumb other things

If you have milk on hand you could probably use a bit of that instead of egg  Smile

Thank you, yes I have  milk. 

Lilith I dont think I could ever become vegetarian.. My stepfather used to call us Puppy Dogs cos we used to eat alot of meat. 
Cost sure makes you realise how much we used to eat.. I still have it a couple of times a week, other times its cereal or what ever I feel like. 

I now eat close to the recommended amount of meat, rather than heaps lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I don't egg or breadcrumb my fishcakes. I just slow sizzle them in butter till the potato caramelises and goes crispy...
Same here. I use one egg in the mixture, make sure everything is quite finely
chopped, then fry in butter until well browned. Some grated cheese helps it hold together too.
The danger of them falling apart is the risk we must take, lol. I love the vegie variety too, though I do need a touch of chili to liven them up.

I oven baked cauli florets, broccolis and punkin chunks last night with a nice frozen fish fillet. One of my favourite lazy dinners, and such a great way to do cauli. Which was amazingly affordable so I have a whole one to enjoy.
I'm not exactly vegetarian although have been in the past; I just went off red meat some years ago but still have chicken & fish.
A DIL has always been vegetarian since she was about 16 & their daughter also went vegetarian when she grew up, then recently decided to become vegan & then her Mum decided to give it a try as well, & her Dad has cut back on meat & often has Vegan. And their youngest boy had to work in a butcher shop to get through Uni; that was enough for him to become largely vegetarian as well.

These days I tend to beat an egg & add some lemongrass paste & crushed ginger before I egg & breadcrumb things - it works out cheaper I think than buying crumbed fish.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I’m not vegetarian as such but can go many weeks without eating meat although enjoy a roast if have visitors and eat meat if given when out for meals.  
Several years ago we had a family reunion and had to cater for a variety of dietary needs. Had a BBQ  and I made lentil burgers fortunately the recipe made a lot more than what the vegetarians would eat as they were very popular. One person who really likes his meat ate several not realising they were vegetarian   Big Grin 

One of my great-nieces decided to give up meat as a 12yr old and has stuck to it without making a fuss about it. Her 5 year old cousin thought it was a good idea to follow her much admired older cousin until she realised that vegetarians had to eat all their vegetables every time!
Rather than commit to a food family I decided to eat seasonally, emphasis on NZ grown vegies and meats, and being a determined budgeter helps with that.

Except when it comes to asparagus. I love that stuff. Has to be in season though, but expense be damned...
My Mum who lived to 103 was a vegetarian - she decided when she was pregnant in her twenty’s she didn’t like meat and never ate it again - she used to cook the most amazing roast dinners on the coal range - the meat as normally home kill - farmers used to pay Dad their cartage bills in produce - she used to crisp up the fat - her roast veggies and gravy would have been a dieticians nightmare - no wonder we are all large - her dinner would be bubbling away in a saucepan 4 or 5 veggies boiled just about to extinction no gravy or veggies cooked in animal fat - I can remember we used to go for picnics the cold lamb and her homemade bread and pickles and butter - she would have a swim set up the picnic grab an apple and leave Dad and us 5 kids - to have a bit of peace and quiet she would tell us and walk home - Venetian will know Ellis Wallace Road to Bay View a long walk - often we would pick her up near to home
Her crafting skills were amazing - I think she used to enjoy us playing up she would disappear into her room shut the door and crochet or knit and leave Dad to deal with us .She has her gall bladder removed at 99 - the surgeon said to her it was really risky and of course they wouldn’t resuscitate her - she sat up in the bed and gave him what for - they said when they opened her up her organs were those ofva sixty year old - one of my nieces is a photocopy of her - built like a racehorse she will probably make 120 .
Popeye try Panko breadcrumbs - you don’t need to egg and they are crunchy
Had some yellow tamarillo given to me - not as much acid as the red ones -I think I prefer the red ones
Morning everyone

Thank you, I stupidly had thought about simply frying them in butter, like bubble and squeak. I will do that. I have a handy little pan that will be perfect for them. Probably just make it one piece lol.

Ive just emailed breakfast, they are talking about Jenny -May being fussy, cos she doesnt eat anything from the sea. I eat fish but no sea food as such. And I dont eat anything with onions or Tomato. I dont eat soups stews or casseroles. quiches of stirfries. Or even hamburgers or pizzas lol.

Will be interesting what they think about that lol

House inspection today. so Im going to be stuck at home. Which is ok, Im going to make MrP some Army biscuits as he has started calling them.

Saw them all yesterday. Bobbie is still asking to come and live with me, and she is still talking about one of the nights MrP played up. They are giving her antibiotics for her throat, in liquid form, they have to watch her take it cos she doesnt trust medicines.

MrP is ok, their peace and quiet has gone again.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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