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You can never have enough...
(10-05-2023, 04:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Can't help hoping whoever gave the go ahead for that caving trip has the guts to step down.

Totally agree Hunni.

We all knew the weather was turning to crap as early as the weekend forecasts. Someone has to take responsibility for this. Such a waste of a young life.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It does sound as though the teacher with them managed to save most of the kids according to one of those who went to help, & on realising a boy was missing, almost collapsed - going by an earlier news report.

But the fact remains that the school should have postponed the trip until the weather was better.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(10-05-2023, 07:24 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: It does sound as though the teacher with them managed to save most of the kids according to one of those who went to help, & on realising a boy was missing, almost collapsed -  going by an earlier news report.

But the fact remains that the school should have postponed the trip until the weather was better.
It is sounding like the school had a risk assessment prepared but it was disregarded as the situation progressed. Safety strategies are only effective if they are followed by those involved in the activity concerned.

I suspect that the lessons learned from the Mangatepopo Canyon disaster and the Paritutu Rock tragedy will play a significant role in apportioning blame in this latest school pupil's death. Hopefully similar events can be avoided but I'm not confident that will be the case.
morning ladies from a chilly Waikato Smile It must have been cold last night, the Furry One was under the blankets for most of the night. I just wish he would go under the sheet as well as it's hard to turn over when he's on top of it.

Good to know you are happy with your Westinghouse oven, venetian Smile It seemed a good 'fit' for us, easy care and so on. The glass door is a bonus Tongue

If the weather plays nice today, I'll do a bit more garden along the roadside. It's MrK's 80th birthday soon and we will either be having a family doo at Lake Okataina or at home weather depending. Me being me, I want everything tickety boo just in case it is at home.

What has happened at Whanagrei is very tragic and preventable. No doubt Worksafe and the like will do their jobs and it will all come out eventually. I read the teacher told a student he was done with teaching Sad

The sun is out Big Grin That makes a change.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very Chilly here. And a loud night it was lol.

Back to wearing my wool hat at night time. I dont normally wear wool. But cos I have super fine hair and not much of it , I find if I don a hat at night I sleep much better.

Wow Queenstown looks beautiful covered in Snow .

Ive decided to go to Pukekohe. Mainly cos one thing MrP loves, his Tatties, can only be got over there at Binn Inn. So Ill also make the most of the choices of supermarkets.

Went to make myself a cup a soup for my tea last night, to discover my jug had stopped working. I know why tho cos the night before I went to plug the fryer in and it blew the board. And I assume that in doing that it cooked the jug. But Luckily, Im a prepared woman so just had to get the new one out of the pantry. I got it right back when we had the first Covid lockdown. I did enjoy the one and only soup I eat, continental Cream of chicken and hot toast with real butter.

Have a fab day all.. Stay warm and dry if you can
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It must be a terrible burden to hold, losing a student like that, but I doubt he was the one deciding whether the trip would go ahead or not, just the one left to deal with the event. Awful tragedy for everyone involved.

And yes, it got cool last night rather quickly, I was glad I had turned the main control for the new heat pump back on a day or so back, so it started up soon as I pushed Heat, lol. And the cat loves it. Within seconds she had figured out where the warm was coming from and was ensconced in the flow. And came inside the bed at around 2am so she isn't silly, this one. I knew she'd get cuddly when the weather shifted!

I am not convinced though that the pump is as comforting as an old fashioned heater. I don't get that blast of warmth - maybe it's psychological, maybe I just need to get used to using it. I do know though when I opened the curtains this morning there was no river on the windows, so maybe I'll put this one in the wait'n see basket too.
Morning all
Chilly, windy and damp

Have pulled out the merino and will be wearing my puffer coat at the warehouse today as it will be like the inside of a fridge despite the heater in one corner.

Finished quilting and got both quilts bound so they are waiting for me to hand stitch the binding down I really like the hand stitching bit find it relaxing.

K9s aren't even asking for a walk this morning they must know that the big black clouds mean more rain.

Better get organised as got to drop off cat food for DS cats and merino bodysuit for DGD2

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
We have been talking about buying the Furry One a squishy bed for a while now as he is finding it harder to jump onto our bed. Mitre 10 had some for a reasonable price so we bought one this morning.   I think it was a hit!

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(11-05-2023, 12:01 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: We have been talking about buying the Furry One a squishy bed for a while now as he is finding it harder to jump onto our bed. Mitre 10 had some for a reasonable price so we bought one this morning.   I think it was a hit!

Awe he certainly likes it, for sure...

I too Love winter cos its when I quite happily get Held Hostage for the sharing of body heat.

Its blimmin freezing out there. I had my denim jacket, hat and wrist warmers on and was still cold. The jacket is rather big now.. I can fold the fronts over by several inches. 

Settled in now with a blanket, to do my games. I suspect it wont be long until the furry hotwater bottle wants to Pin me to my chair lol.

Who am I to argue with her lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I am sitting in the sun. Five minutes ago we had hail. The weather is mad.
It's mad all right! I've mowed the lawn (what a mission!) as the sun came out but we had wind and sideways rain before that.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That is a very happy dog, KM.

Freezing here took - Madame Le Dog for a walk earlier & had to wear Aztec hat & scarf as well - lucky I've reached a stage where i no longer give a toss what I look like as long as its warm.
Although of course the new neighbours may still be recovering from the sight.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

A crisp morning here..

Had a call from the Home latish yesterday, MrP once again fell in the wardrobe. Took more skin off his right arm. And added more to the pain he still had from the last one. I told the nurse to tell him if he doesn't stay out of the wardrobe Ill tie him to the bed. She laughed and said some can be stubborn, I said He has more stubborn than most lol.

Looks like Saturday might be fine. My lawn needs a good haircut. At least the cold should slow it down a bit for me to catch up.

Like you Lilith, my comfort comes well before how I look. I gave up worrying about that many years ago.. Im not freezing for anyone lol.

Doing both homes today. As Irenes daughter has a head cold so she's not allowed in to see her Mum.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's cold this morning and we have fog. Hopefully the fog will bug*** off and let some sun through soon.

Housework today (blah lol) but it won't take long to do and then I'm hoping I can finish the garden I started the other day. Once it has been 'done', there are only the roses to prune in June left to do and digging out the big hydrangea where new camellias will eventually go. I'm going to have a go at transplanting it along the main road.

The sun's coming through the fog Smile It's going to be a great day Big Grin

happy crafting.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Very cold this morning but the sun is shining. We just missed out on the big snow dump down south!

Good to be back home despite the extra night being forced upon us in Auckland due to a cancelled flight thanks to the bad weather. The pets still recognise us despite having dedicated family minders over the last wee while!

Everything is green and lush so a bit of catching up around here.  If only I'd known my bulbs would have been fine to have been planted  nearly 3 weeks ago!

Love the Furry One's squishy bed KM, maybe that's what I need for my old feline boy who drives us crazy needing knee time every time someone sits down!

Righto cuppa over, time to think about what needs doing first. 

Enjoy the day all.
I'm waiting for MrK to finish in the kitchen so I can do the dishes and vacum the floor. Smile  Windows are all open, the house feels quite damp after all that rain.  Because it has been so warm, we haven't needed the heat pump on. 

Roma, my early cheer daffs are in flower already!

The Furry One split his time between his new bed and ours.  For the most part he was in his bed but around 5.00am he must have felt cold, so he was under our blankets.  We think he has figured out the new bed is for him and even while I made our bed this morning, he snuggled up in it.  Usually he's bouncing all over our bed being a PITA while I make it. Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning all
very chilly winter has arrived!

KM  the furry one looks very snuggly in his new bed - we have one and all the k9s and DGD1 like it.

Had to crack out the winter pjs last night.

Taking a break from catching up/reading  and organising meeting papers for meetings I have on Monday. Next finalising the retreat I have been organising for later this month and making the payment

Meeting up with friends for lunch to day we take turns in selecting a cafe we have been doing this for nearly 2yrs now and no double ups so far but it is getting harder.

Well better keep moving

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Did the groceries and the fruit shop... $150 later... And yes included cheap wine x 1 and Whittakers, so at least I have food for the soul. Best stay off TradeMe till next pay, lol...
So cold last night had to drag out the heater & put it on; Madame Le Dog gave m e a very odd look but moved in front of it quickly enough.

I'd planned to get the back lawn done first thing so naturally it rained during the night but cleared enough that I was able to get it done this afternoon, damned wet & difficult though & still need to get the front done when I can.

As long as you have wine & Whittakers Hunni then you have the essentials.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Maybe a hottie will keep meladdo in hid bed Kiwimade.

Missy is parked on my lap on top of the hottie as I type.

My jonquils have buds. Not sure if its a passionfruit plant or not. Will take a photo tomorrow.

The Essentials Hunnie.

Have done a little over half of the lawn. Shoulder gave out on me. But Ill be weed spraying tomorrow and I use my left hand to pump that.

Had a good catch up with the girls..

Chilly for sure
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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