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You can never have enough...
Morning all


Ventian .oral library has hard copy on order I will need to wait for ebook. Currently reading Butterfly room by lucinda Riley and listening to  Truly madly guilty by Liane Moriarty

Quilting group meeting up the coast today so need to move and get myself showered, breakfast and my baby quilts packed planning on stitching the bindings on while I yak

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone.

Chilly and clear here so far.

I do love that Missy knows our routine so she was in no rush to get up this morning.

Im sure the fav will work well Kiwimade. If I can do one without a temp gauge you can ace it with the numbers lol.

Ill be moving some stuff around to the front for the inorganic today. Then tomorrow when I get home from visiting MrP Ill move the couch and the rest of the stuff out. They dont take tyre's, but Ill take it to our mechanic's business when I have the warrant done. Pretty sure if I ask the Boss he won't mind, the wife might tho . She is the most disagreeable woman I know.

MrP was in a better mood last night. Thank goodness.. He is accepting more pain relief now.

I was telling him about the cardigan I was wearing that I had picked up at the oppy. I said it was thin but very warm.. Turns out its Merino as I suspected, so was a Good purchase, and I got it while the sales were on too. Its a bright apple green. but only for at home anyway.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(16-05-2023, 07:13 AM)Venetian1 Wrote: Placed a library Reservation for the latest Lucinda Riley which tells Pa Salts story - only 111 reservations ahead of me - may be a bit of a wait   Big Grin

Add a nought to that number for my reservation on Spare..

But the Obama waiting list was longer! Just as well we have other things to do in the meantime!
Good morning. 

Sunny and warming up. 

Not good that the driving medical check is so lax KM, thereby not only potentially endangering their own lives but others on the road as well!

Lucinda Riley was a great author ... enjoyed all her books - so good for the readers that her son finished writing and publishing her last book after her death. Venetian it shows the popularity of her books with your wait!

A few things to do including library book drop off and an appt later ... plenty of time spent/used up with 6 mo gd, a smiley, cute stage ... just sitting and with 2 new teeth Smile 

Good luck with the pav KM ... I've only ever made one ... mainly because there are plenty of volunteers in the family!

Enjoy the day all.
Had a sudden rush of blood to the head last night and decided to do a green curry from scratch - it’s taken me all morning to clean up the mess in the kitchen - I had offered one of my grandkids all my Asian paraphernalia so thought I would have one last hurrah - should have just used a bottle of paste from the supermarket - but it was nice - sweat on the brow and nose runningly good
I too love Lucinda Riley - no wonder there is a waiting list
I am crocheting the border on my blanket - so boring especially because it’s grey - will go find an interesting book to read and hopefully the rows will fly by
Got slightly carried away after doing the dreaded shopping & decided to make loads of vegan spag bol for the freezer. Found a couple of novelty hot water bottles with cover for the wee boys birthday's later in the year - one is a hedgehog & I think the other is a dog - or possibly a bear.

If the weather holds I'll have to go to at least the library tomorrow, a book on hold - The midnight library - has arrived. May also venture to the mall ; interestingly, a kind of op shop has opened there so must check it out at some point.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
After a quick run up to the GP this morning I came back with enough energy to move a couple of hydrangeas a neighbour has taken a dislike to (stupid woman!) ,  and from that to excavating from the underhouse one of those Warehouse storage boxes to reinvent as a high sided litter box - for a certain feline who has an aiming issue. I have carved a doorway in it, now to see if she accepts the substitution for the overpriced commercial one she has problems with...

So enthused with my progress I then took apart a cantilever occasional chair I have had for twenty years. It is a mid century designer number that my Mum found for a significant birthday so has baggage, but it has outlived its usefulness so it has gone to live under the house with the storage bins. Gone but not gone  because of the baggage. Inorganic collection next year perhaps, if I can overcome the sentimentality.

I think I have earned a wine this afternoon...
Have a glass for me Hunni..

I mowed the last bit of the lawn. And have carted stuff from around the back to the front for the inorganic. Got everything minus the couch out of the garage.

Put some timber aside for a friend, but cut down the post and a couple of other bits on the drop saw. And have taken all but one crateful around to the pile. I can't move the other crat and I'd rather they take the couch than that anyway.

I was even brave when I saw a Weta.. I hate those. But I let him go on his way, apologizing profusely for disturbing him and told him I'll leave him alone if he leaves me alone. And besides which I was too sore and couldn't move away fast anyway lol..

Actually it was thew first one I've seen for a while and I even looked at it twice.. Normally I would scream and take off lol

Im glad it's done tho.

I just compared prices online... Does anyone need Kidney? I have one for sale.. I need oil, eggs, cheese and cat litter lol. Although I might be able to eek out the cheese.

I haven't thought about tea.. but I had a bacon buttie for lunch so won't need to eat much.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I went a bit nuts and bought the charcoal infused paper litter for herself. Boy, it is strange stuff. But it works! I have mixed it with the pine pellets so she can't take exception.

I hope...
(16-05-2023, 04:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I went a bit nuts and bought the charcoal infused paper litter for herself. Boy, it is strange stuff. But it works! I have mixed it with the pine pellets so she can't take exception.

I hope...

Madam here likes the crystal one the best.

I have a big bag here. But that's for when I have my Opp so I dont have to try and lug one home. 

I best see if my legs will work now and get her some dinner.. Think I'll have Breakfast cos I really can't be bothered. And I put the remaining bacon in the freezer at lunchtime..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Whoahhh the fog has come down thick this morning. Yesterday it didn't lift until 11.30am. But I managed to get washing dry outside Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin The north facing side of the house is a real sun trap so I pegged the washing on the airer outside facing north.

The pav didn't get made, it's a bit hard when MrK decides to take over the kitchen. He seems to think the kitchen is his kingdom sometimes and forgets I like to cook as well. Tongue I'll attempt to make it today.

I'm loving the book reviews you ladies are giving here. Lots of inspiration to try new authors, so thank you Smile

Job well done with the inorganics, popeye. Smile It's great to be able to get rid of that sort of stuff for free. There is nothing like that here, so we have to be innovative (hence the concrete fill in the rubbish bit by bit). And when the time comes for you to move, it will be much easier.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet on one side of the house and the pink / orange sun is just peeping through on the other. Tis chilly tho.

We are lucky re the inorganic Kiwimade. Only once a year, but it's worth doing. And Im a very good packer lol.. The bonus is I had brought a new fryer last time I went to the City, so replaced it to be able to get rid of the old one. And with the Jug dying the other night it worked well. I'll Move the couch out later when I get home from seeing MrP.

Only spoke to him for a couple of minutes last night. He had to dash for the loo. I hope they took him to the lounge for the Moving houses show. Although I did think it wasn't as good as others. The older homes seemed to cope with the move better. This new one had several cracks in the plaster. I didn't much like the house either. And just over a Million for it, to me it wasn't worth it. I prefer a house to have some character and that one didn't. Just looked like a larger Tiny home.

I haven't read much at all in recent months . Although there was one book that grabbed me. Im still enjoying being able to watch what I want to watch. But I have noticed I tend to nod off alot while watching Tv.. I probably need something in my hands lol.. I must dig out some of my crepe wool and get onto making another hat.. Maybe on the weekend..

Im also planning another garage sale too, once the couch is gone Ill have room to stack stuff.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Pavs in the oven and looking good! Thank goodness for Chelsea Winter's recipes. Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Looking good here too so any minute now I shall leap out of this warm bed and start my day. I do have good news though, herself with the interesting toileting habits has adapted to the remodeled storage bin litter box and it works, no misdirected mess to clean up this morning.

Now, if I can just get her trained to make my cuppa first thing...
Morning all
Sun is playing hide and seek with the clouds

OHH glad the feline toilet facilities are working. We leave out our cat and dog vacuum but none of those with the fur on take up the hint.

Been to gym and done prep for dinner tonight. We have couple of friends visiting this evening. Cauli, broccoli and leek bake for vege dish and vanilla panacotta  with strawberries for dessert. DH will rotisserie  a chicken on the BBQ.

Now I have time to do some repairs  and alterations  for DD and DSIL then I can quilt the baby quilt DD wants to give as a gift this weekend - no pressure

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
And what's more, that blasted book had an ending which was very rushed & quite difficult to believe in. I won't be reading that author again.

Glad the cat is a happy camper with the new toilet & it works well. But good luck getting her trained to make a morning cuppa - I've never had success with Madame Le Dog or any felines.
I suspect that they could but don't want to.

Imo, the idiot who designed stoves which are unable to have the top lifted to clean under elements should be sentenced to at least a good 5 years doing exactly that. Possibly with an audience made up of those who've had to struggle with cleaning the wretched things. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Oh you have one of those too? The designer obviously never cooks. Or cleans the damned things - all sharp edges under the elements too, a trap for the careless. And no warming drawer. Yes, some of us do use them. Bottom of the range Westinghouse here, cheapskate Landlords, replaced the much better older one with this heap of shit because it was cheaper than replacing the thermostats in the old one.

And talking of corporate idiots, lol, we got a notice yesterday - 16th - in the letterbox advising of an inorganic rubbish collection pick up on the 15th... and advising us to leave things to be collected on a grass verge that the same LLs converted to a planted garden weeks ago.

(17-05-2023, 02:36 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Oh you have one of those too? The designer obviously never cooks. Or cleans the damned things - all sharp edges under the elements too, a trap for the careless. And no warming drawer. Yes, some of us do use them. Bottom  of the range Westinghouse here, cheapskate Landlords, replaced the much better older one with this heap of shit because it was cheaper than replacing the thermostats in the old one.

And talking of corporate idiots, lol, we got a notice yesterday - 16th - in the letterbox advising of an inorganic rubbish collection pick up on the 15th... and advising us to leave things to be collected on a grass verge that the same LLs converted to a planted garden weeks ago.


Yep, same delightful stove, bloody thing.

Oh dear - they don't sound exactly on top of things really do they. Rolleyes Confused Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I agree with you Lilith, those idiots who design these things obviously never cook or clean. Let them clean the ovens a few times and see how they like it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I did have another win today though. My blood pressure reading at the gp yesterday was seriously high. Unusual for me, and she started muttering things about drugs. I have enough Must Take drugs and am averse to any more, and have even dropped one of the ones she insisted on, and been growled at as a result. So today I called in to my favourite pharmacist and got one of the girls to do my blood pressure again. Three times. Normal. Normal. And normal.

Take that bossy doc, lol.

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