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"NOT under your jurisdiction"
They walk among us. Known as 'pseudolaw' this idiocy may be an offshoot of the CT nonsense around covid; people claiming that they're so very 'special' that the laws don't apply to them because they have 'diplomatic immunity.'  Rolleyes Big Grin

Stop being a dick,” she growls. “Are you off your face or something?"
I’m not,” the man responds defensively. “I have all the adequate paperwork here... I’m no longer a person under the corporation you guys are under.”
Cody, from Masterton, has been pulled over.

It’s not the first time. His car is splashed with a decal suggesting he is a ‘Māori ranger’ and displays a sticker claiming he travels under diplomatic immunity. He does not carry a driving licence.
Sometimes, Cody records his interactions with police and shares the videos online, where they are dissected for an eager audience.
Similar videos have become a hallmark of overseas Sovereign Citizen (SovCit) movements. They typically feature someone sealed in their car, speaking through a small gap in the window, reading from a prepared script.
But much like a global TV show adapted for different audiences, the local version has a distinctly Kiwi twist.

Cody describes himself as a “kaitiaki diplomat”: A group that believes they are under the jurisdiction of Te Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa, meaning they have diplomatic immunity and don’t have to comply with New Zealand law.

It’s one of several arguments he deploys in the space of five minutes. Each has supporting documents, which he thrusts through the window.

Cody is nervous. His knee shakes; the officer has told him he risks being arrested if he refuses to provide his details.

But he persists. The police are a corporation, and he doesn’t want to enter a contract; you can't commit a crime if there's no identifiable victim. One officer politely reads the documents while the other takes a more direct approach.

Cody, stop being a dickhead and give your licence,” she says.

I’m under common law,” he responds. “I. Am. Under. Common. Law.”

After a pointless back and forth, he begrudgingly gives his name and address. It was all he needed to do, the officer tells him. “Yeah, well, I’m not under your guys’ jurisdiction any more,” he says, begrudgingly.
I’m not a corporate entity. I’m a living man.”

in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Feel free to move on out of our jurisdiction, dickheads, and cease making use of the benefits of the community you refuse to be part of...
Just don't call for help when your excreta hits the air conditioner!
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
Exactly. Bugger off and don't do it on our roads.
“I’m not,” the man responds defensively. “I have all the adequate paperwork here... I’m no longer a person under the corporation you guys are under.”

I did wonder whether this means that he renounces all his human rights & can therefore be locked up for what is clearly idiocy - & possibly even posing a danger to others, should they become infected by these daft ideas - without the bother & expense of investigation or trial...?
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
He's driving a car on roads the community provided, but it unwilling to abide by that community's rules. I'd give him the choice, get out or get in line. Why should the rest of us subsidise him?
As long as all 'they' do is walk among us, things are not too bad, (Provided they do it strictly on their own property, not roads or footpaths.)
It sounds like they would fit in alright among the entitled cyclists, but if they don't - who cares? For 'them' to drive cars is OK, but only pedal powered ones, and obviously not on roads, footpaths, or shared cycle-ways. On the seafloor should be permissible, but only beyond the 12 fathom line, and not on any areas used by marine life. (And by addendum, only on Mondays, since Mondays were clearly designed for persons like this.)
Entropy is not what
it used to be.
(28-05-2023, 09:10 PM)R2x1 Wrote: As long as all 'they' do is walk among us, things are not too bad, (Provided they do it strictly on their own property, not roads or footpaths.)
It sounds like they would fit in alright among the entitled cyclists, but if they don't - who cares?  For 'them' to drive cars is OK, but only pedal powered ones, and obviously not on roads, footpaths, or shared cycle-ways. On the seafloor should be permissible, but only beyond the 12 fathom line, and not on any areas used by marine life. (And by addendum, only on Mondays, since Mondays were clearly designed for persons like this.)

Somewhat devious & slightly fiendish, too. I like it! Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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