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You can never have enough...
Our first family dog was also a black lab. A perfect dog for bouncy kids and so protective. And very sneaky when it came to food. She would lift the pads of her paws up so her nails wouldn't make a sound on the kitchen floor to sneak passed me and gobble the cat food. The cats had to be fed on top of the freezer in the laundry. We loved her though Heart and she lived to be 16 before we had to do the deed.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The awful fear of a long weekend with the dire possibility of running out of books ( despite the 6 bookshelves groaning under the weight of books) sent me to the library yesterday.
And what's more, I was far from being the only one - it must be some deep seated horror a day less to spend at the library & of nothing to read.

The world is a weird place, & humans are crazy. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Lol Kiwimade, they know how to sneak.

On the eve of our First wedding anniversary it decided to snow. In Kaingaroa Village. The next morning there was several inches.
Harley was very unsure of it. Enough to say he was Tip Toeing through it was the best way to describe it. Once he got used to it, after we had a good snowball fight he parked his Butt on the back of the truck and stayed there.

Told him we were going into the fire and he was off like a shot lol He had a good life roaming around a farm keeping an eye on the sheep etc.

The Missing one will be back in residence tomorrow. He's been nice as pie today apparently. Sucking up to get home most likely lol.. but its too late to book an ambulance today so it will be tomorrow. Ill leave it up to the hospital to tell the hospital lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
If you want tomatoes don’t leave them until next week - market has advised they are going up 63% on Monday - today Robie has them $6.99 will be $13.99 next week - tinned ones 99c
Robie had a chocolate lab - lived in an old house dining room was away from the kitchen - their first Xmas after they got married they invited a group of friends for their first dinner party - served hot ham on the bone - all the guests started to eat next thing the chocolate lab joined them with the whole ham he had somehow got off the bench clamped in his huge mouth
Have set myself a target to darn all the ends of the blanket in this weekend
Had a bit of a drama - went to get my flu jab from the mobile clinic - a man sat down in front of me puffing smoke everywhere - I am an asthmatic so asked him if he would mind moving so I could get out and away from the smoke - he was really rude thought the ladies running the clinic might have helped me out - he was very aggressive so maybe they hoped I could cope -
morning ladies Smile It's one of those foggy mornings where the sun is shining through to make everything look mysterious. One load of washing is out already.

Thanks for the heads up for the price increase, Jan. I suppose it's to be expected seeing tomatoes are out of season. I buy the value tins of tomatoes at Pak n Save for around 89cents a tin so I'm assuming they will go up as well. Was he vaping, Jan? I hate those huge plumes of smoke, they smell disgusting too. Especially the fruit ones, they smell sickly sweet to me and the smell sticks to your clothes. I would of thought the nurses would say something too but I guess people are becoming more aggressive now and not just verbally.

The Furry One was hot on the tail of the resident rabbit this morning. It was a very close call for the rabbit. I don't know if they are brave or stupid.

MrK's shaver died on him last evening, so he needs a new one. We were talking about our bits and bobs and most of them are well over 25 years old now and think we are in that time-to-replace cycle. I'll have a look at the end-of-the-line shop where Harvey Norman sends all their 'old' stock for one when I'm in Hamilton next week.

Time to move and finish weeding the garden I started the other day. I have a plan for it Big Grin and need to move a couple of things to make it all work. MrK is rolling his eyes again and told me to remind any new plants I plant not to get too comfy as they could be moved several times. Tongue I'm making room and preparing the ground for Graeme Thomas, the yellow rose I ordered from Wairere Garden Center.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Crisp and cloudless sky.

Thanks for tomato heads up luckily I bought some this weeks food hunt.

GO Furry one you will get the bunny.

We had a lovely evening last night they didn't want to go home.

We off to Whangarei today  so will be a long day for me driving there and back.

Time to get organised

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I have had labs. And the truth is they are really dumb dogs. Huge fun to play with and always full of beans, but give me a golden retriever any day, lol. Those eyes...
Morning everyone

The sun is out but a tad chilly.

We have had a lay in. Missy got into my arms and settled. her breathing was quiet fast. Her sister is the same. Its a heart thing, but the vets have said there's not really much they can do for it. Just to try and keep them calm and it will pass. Freaky tho watching her. But she knows when it is happening and comes to me to relax.

MrP is on his way home. Apparently back to grumpy this morning.

I've never had a meeting with or spent time with a Retriever.. I have to agree, but wouldn't say Labs are dumb.. Just very goofy lol. When we lived in the forest Harley and Missy our Foxie got a possum. It was a Bloody event but Harley looked like a black minstrel, only cream covered in blood except around his eyes. We thankfully had a bath outdoors by then so those baths were a heck of a lot easier.

I miss having a dog. Probably always will.

Thankfully tomatoes are something else I dont have to buy these days. But I will let my friends know. Thanks Jan. Its neat having family in the know lol.

Have browned and put a piece of lamb flap in the crockpot. My aim is for it to fall apart and Ill make it into a meaty gravy. A little bit of much needed iron.

Apart from keeping my feet and legs warm, does anyone have a remedy for restless legs? I take magnesium which is meant to help. The last two nights have been dreadful.

Lol Kiwimade, I've just finished my round of replacing appliances.. I hope. Sadly things dont last as long these days. Its funny cos I see a lot of people moaning on the Winz group about the Heier washing machines. They all say they are inferior, crappy and useless. But Winz will only supply that brand. We brought our own. I will say they can be fickle if you dont place the washing in evenly, otherwise I have no problems with ours.

Home just rang. The eagle has landed. I will ring him later. He needs to rest cos those beds in the ambulances are not the most comfortable to ride on.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Haier bought out F & P I think and are using F & P as their 'top of the range' models and their own brand as the cheaper version. I'm hanging onto my old F & P for as long as I can.

I love winter gardening Big Grin I can weed that much longer so get more done. There is space now for the salvias and hellebores to spread and the rose 'Ingrid Berman' will be much happier where she is now. I'll plant the Bidden I have in a pot out once I've killed a bulbulous plant that has decided it needs to take over the world. It's hard to get rid of and any teeny piece left behind will grow so I may have to resort to spraying Sad It's not oxalis, MrK calls it the mouse plant as it has black flowers that resemble a mouse. He planted the damed thing so maybe he should be the one to get rid of it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Been a lovely day here - haven’t made any progress on my target of darning the ends in on my blanket - another day tomorrow - one of my arms are really sore not sure if it’s the flu jab or the covid - unfortunately it’s the arm I sleep on so might be a restless night tonight .Shouted myself a new aircell wooden blanket - expensive but my existing one is 10 years old so that’s not too bad - it’s cool in the summer and warm in the winter and is very light
Kiwimade it was a normal cigarette - was thinking you seldom smell them anymore
Bonnie - the new lab - had her first public outing today - the breeder trainer has done a brilliant job with her she is toilet trained and lead trained - so she went to watch my granddaughter play hockey - normally he is very nervous amongst a crowd but she has certainly given him confidence - she is classed as an assistance dog - but they won’t allow her to go where it’s not the place for a dog to be
My old boy had a thing about the lack of comfort riding in the ambulance Popeye - heard him one night as they were loading him in take his oxygen off and tell Robie that this was one of the new ambulances and whoever had bought them should be sacked .Whenever he was buying a car the first thing he tested was the seats
It has been a good day. My Hughies have germinated (red flowered broad beans), and the busy lizzies have gone mad and filled the little edge garden with hot pink flowers. I have a couple of stems in water to see if they root. When I adopted the tatty cat I found a black duvet cover because she shed like mad and it was driving me nuts lint rolling all that fluff. But with a different feeding and grooming regime things are much better, so the dark cover is surplus to needs. I took the scissors to it today, to make storage bags for my outdoor cushions, once packaged they can be stowed under the black cane chairs and will be handy for better weather. That and a change of bed linen made me feel very pure so oven baked fish and chips for dinner, followed by one of those yummy mini ice creams I had forgotten I had stashed in the freezer. This week I'm putting TWO packs of those in there, they are the perfect reward for a good day's effort...
I know what your hubby meant Jan.. Now that I've lost this weight the drivers seat in the car isn't too comfortable now.

If Im honest I've never really liked this car. We got it simply cos MrP kept falling out of the Rav. Now its me needing the higher car. But I have one month left to pay. And then at least its mine, brought and paid for. Thank Goodness.

Just spoke to MrP he is happy to be back. They are getting him one of the flash air beds, he's been in one at the hospital and it has really helped. So the 3 of them will have self inflatable beds. But I told him not to forget its a long weekend.

He hasn't walked since he let on Monday. And he reckons they offered to take his hip out. But he wont go there. Didn't know it was damaged. Probably another of his dreams I think. Cos no one has mentioned it to me.

I did 4 rounds of crochet today. Getting there slowly. But Im happy with that too. Im not wanting to make more pain lol.

Lol funny re the ice cream Hunni. Im not a big fan of ice cream and really have to be in the mood. But I got a container for MrP this week. He reckons now they have ice cream there. So I might just have some later. I think I have a tiny bit of chocolate crackle that can go on it.

I did the flap in the crockpot. Made a pile of gravy, "pulled" the meat and put it in with the gravy. so Thats tea tomorrow and Ill freeze the rest.

The Great British Bake off tonight then Im going to watch the new series 10 Pound Poms .
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I married a ten pound Pom. It was a good investment...
(03-06-2023, 09:02 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I married a ten pound Pom. It was a good investment...

I was one of the last 10 pound poms in December 1973.  Wink
But it actually cost me 13 pounds 47.
morning ladies Smile Another chilly start to the day.

We will have to watch 10 Pound Pom on demand Big Grin It sounds pretty good Smile

Briscoes are having a sale (no surprises there) so I'll trot along this morning and buy MrK's shaver, some towels for our son's birthday pressie and a new kettle. MrK picked the shaver he wanted out online, so I know what he wants. It's been an expensive few months and we'll be glad to have all this extra spending over for a while.

Good to hear MrP is back, popeye.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I was a "10 pound pom" - or - my parents were. We arrived here in 1954 on a ship called the Captain Cook.
I do have other cameras!
My Dad was an even cheaper import. He joined the NZArmy before leaving Scotland, so got free passage. He often told us he arrived in Wellington with half a crown in his pocket and was very grateful for the train ticket to Waiouru. I do wonder though if he had any real idea of what he was in for - though at least being Edinburgh born he was used to being a bit nippy..
Morning everyone.

A grey sky, nippy but could be worse.

Totally enjoyed the first episode of 10 pound Pom. It must have been totally disheartening to land and see what they did. I dont know if any of you have the tv guide, there is an article about it. The writer was asked to write it and I think he has done an excellent job. Im assuming the Daughter is pregnant to the boy in the photo she burnt, the racism might offend some of the delicate flowers we have these days.. But I totally enjoyed it.

Thats the good thing about Briscoe's Kiwimade.. With patience you never pay full price lol And Window shopping online saves a lot of walking. And you can always haggle.

When I brought one of my cake mixers Harvey Normans were cheaper but they didn't have the one I wanted. Briscoe's did and I haggled and got it for the same price as Harvey Normans, but got it without waiting. I didn't tell Briscoe's that HN didn't have one in stock lol. MrP taught me to haggle. Im not scared to play shops off against each other.

Off to see MrP this morning, Ill take my so far Mini blanket to show him.

Hope you have managed to see your new Grandie Lilith..

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Nippy grey wet day.

Why is it that appliance go in close succession. Noel Lemmings good for for discount using your old codger card too.

We had good road trip both ways lots of traffic - took us a while to twig it was probably due to holiday weekend  Rolleyes

We arrived early so had a look around the shops DH bought a couple jerseys, I called into Foxes Cottage in Foxton on the way to get quilting  threads  some fabric seemed to follow me as well  Big Grin
The reunion afternoon tea  was pleasant . I think DH  was glad he went and waved nis dad's flag. DH  dad was one of 13 children so a gazillion relatives most of them he didn't really know.
DD and her wee family spent the afternoon at ours so that the k9s weren't left alone. We arrived home just as they were leaving DGD1 loves the spa bath so she had had her bath with mum and ready for bed 

In doors day today might cut into my boiled wool this afternoon.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
That was quite a drive for you both, mica. Funny isn't it, how fabric, wool, threads etc follow us home. We must be very caring people for them to do so Tongue

It was a very easy drive to Cambridge Briscoes, hardly any traffic Smile Coming home though was a different story. The kettle was $130 cheaper than full price, MrK's shaver had 60% off and the towels for son's birthday present were $10 each. So overall, not too bad. The first thing I did when I was home was plug in the kettle and make a cuppa lol. Boiling water on the stove or microwaving it just isn't the same.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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