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You can never have enough...
(11-06-2023, 10:05 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Yes, that bending thing is a real issue round here too. Who was the idiot who decided the board under kitchen cupboards should be recessed? Someone who never had to clean it, obviously...

It would have been a man Hunnie

They would Never think about the cleaning of it
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I would like to know who decided we needed that, too, OHH. I would happily strangle him (it had to be a man lol). Tongue

Buggar about the mess, popeye. I hate it when that happens.

More roses pruned. The second Albertine once again was trying to take over the world. I should have pruned this one when it had finished hipping like I did with the first one. Just as well I love it. Dublin Bay has had a good cut and tied back. I think Blueberry Hill is on her way out Sad It always was a sickly rose and I've been babying it along for a while now. At some stage I'll have to make a decision Sad

We've been given some fresh snapper so that's dinner sorted.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have a query about my dog Stella, every morning now she wakes up with a swollen throat underside of her mouth and also her upper and lower lips are tight and swollen, by the end of the day the swelling is much less and then process repeats the next day.

Just paid $500 at the vets for a diagnosis of water retention due to heart murmur and given antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and diuretic, no real improvement. This is the 4th day now, in fact I think it is getting worse.

With the wealth of experience here maybe someone has seen this in the past in their animals?

Trying all possible elimination due to allergies, sure it is not due to bee stings because of the fluctuating repeating everyday, she spends all her time with me and I am watching closely but nothing obvious re eating or encountering any toxic substance or animal.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(11-06-2023, 11:47 AM)zqwerty Wrote: I have a query about my dog Stella, every morning now she wakes up with a swollen throat underside of her mouth and also her upper and lower lips are tight and swollen, by the end of the day the swelling is much less and then process repeats the next day.

Just paid $500 at the vets for a diagnosis of water retention due to heart murmur and given antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and diuretic, no real improvement.  This is the 4th day now, in fact I think it is getting worse.

With the wealth of experience here maybe someone has seen this in the past in their animals?

Trying all possible elimination due to allergies, sure it is not due to bee stings because of the fluctuating repeating everyday, she spends all her time with me and I am watching closely but nothing obvious re eating or encountering any toxic substance or animal.
Stella has pulled interesting  symptoms out of the bag hasn't she.
How old is Stella and what breed is she?
Lots of causes of oedema, what you describe sounds quite , localised too. Unusual conditions often  it is a matter of elimination to get a diagnosis. I presume all her blood work came back normal and that the heart murmur is something that hasn't been detected before at her annual health checks.
If there is no improvement after a week I would be taking her back sooner if you think the symptoms are getting worse, if you think it is allergies there are vetterinary dermatologists that do allergy testing or sometimes allergy meds might be given to see if there is a response.
I hope Stella improves soon and it is not bothering her too much
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Ohh Poor Stella, I agree with Mica. Initially on day one a bee sting could have had the blame but to go up and down over the day is odd.

I have given in and got the small oil heater out. 5 fins but only half the height of a normal one. Its on very low between the chair and couch. And on low.. It has made a difference tho.

I was going to get the bread maker out today to make bread for MrP tomorrow but I decided I didn't want to get up at sparrows fart to put it on. And I dont know how to use the timer.

So I have everything prepped to make a steamed pudding instead. My Aunts never fail fruit pudding. Have got the water hot. Will re-boil it after my long phone call with my friend from Taranaki, at 3pm. Then go throw the rubbish bag out of the car, yep its blimin heavy but I used my brains at sat it on the front passenger's floor so I can roll it out. Pop to the supermarket for tissues and then buy fish and chips for my tea. And be ready to ring MrP at 6.

He made the mistake of saying I had hardly been there this week, I said Um I was there Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I dont visit on the weekends. He doesn't like the fact that I wont be there on Friday but Ill be there Thursday instead. Have my ultrasound and groceries on Friday. The time has flown by waiting for that.

The floral piece of Fabric I got yesterday was part of a duvet cover I think. Ive undone the seam and trimmed the frays. Will either make pretty cushions to sell, like the teddy bear bit I got. or make a pretty apron. The strawberry piece is for me tho. Its super pretty and quite thick so will make good aprons.

Dishes are still there dammit lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(11-06-2023, 10:05 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Yes, that bending thing is a real issue round here too. Who was the idiot who decided the board under kitchen cupboards should be recessed? Someone who never had to clean it, obviously...

It's recessed to allow room for your feet, when you stand up to the bench. Also, modern kitchen cabinets sit on adjustable plastic feet, and the kick board clips onto these.
I do have other cameras!
ahhhh that makes sense, Practica Smile Still a pain though but if you can unclip them for cleaning, then that would make life easier.

zqwety, I wonder of Stella has a tooth infection or abscess as this could cause swelling which could up and down. She could also have a bite somewhere that hasn't been found yet.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

Mica, larger picture above, aloof and intelligent but devoted to me, reminds me of a naughty six years old girl, often teases me with disobedience, you can see it on her face in this picture, she knew the camera was on her.

Stella is 12 years old approx, always had a heart murmur since being a puppy, is a 50% mix of red-nosed pitbull and bearded collie.

All blood work came back normal.

She is the dog in my avatar. Of course she looks a lot older now, think she was about seven when this photo was taken.

Her breath is smelling like rotten meat, I thought it was indigestion but maybe her throat is deteriorating, hearing has got really bad in last year coinciding with water getting in her lungs whenever she gulps water too fast.

I thought she had collapsed trachea or esophagus causing at least some of the symptoms, apparently it is a common problem with older dogs.

Her throat and lips are quite swollen today but joyful and active on an hour long walk at lunchtime.

Not much money left for more vets fees, I'm on old age pension, so that $500 was more than a weeks income.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
I hope Stella can be diagnosed & helped, poor wee dog.

Did a few bits & pieces earlier, & managed to prune a few raspberries till it got too cold. Had a mishap with the bike last week; just as I pulled onto footpath outside, something happened to back tyre & it developed a puncture, so Sweetie darling no. 2 has just (we hope) fixed it for me. Won't know for sure till tomorrow but inner tube seems OK & without punctures but you never know as they can't always be seen till the tyre starts deflating so fingers crossed.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(11-06-2023, 03:17 PM)zqwerty Wrote: Mica, larger picture above, aloof and intelligent but devoted to me, reminds me of a naughty six years old girl, often teases me with disobedience, you can see it on her face in this picture, she knew the camera was on her.

Stella is 12 years old approx, always had a heart murmur since being a puppy, is a 50% mix of red-nosed pitbull and bearded collie.

All blood work came back normal.

She is the dog in my avatar.  Of course she looks a lot older now, think she was about seven when this photo was taken.

Her breath is smelling like rotten meat, I thought it was indigestion but maybe her throat is deteriorating, hearing has got really bad in last year coinciding with water getting in her lungs whenever she gulps water too fast.

I thought she had collapsed trachea or esophagus causing at least some of the symptoms, apparently it is a common problem with older dogs.

Her throat and lips are quite swollen today but joyful and active on an hour long walk at lunchtime.

Not much money left for more vets fees, I'm on old age pension, so that $500 was more than a weeks income.
zqwerty - have you given her flea treatment ? A flea collar made one of our dogs face swell - it’s such a worry as they are so much part of our lives
JanW, No, Stella has never had fleas only bird mites as far as I know, I used to give her the three month treatment for parasites (Bravecto) but about two years ago the efficacy seemed to drop off, ie she would still be itchy after having the treatment so I left off with using it, I think it started being "made in china".
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
zqwerty, vet costs are not a 'WINZable' grant, but groceries are. So, if you were to spend your food budget on the vet, you can get a food grant to fill that gap. And bear in mind it is an entitlement, not a benefit, and super only oldies are absolutely entitled to it at times when big unexpected bills come home to roost. Max $200 a year I believe, but check that, it is a while since I had to use it.

That is how I paid off my $500 vet bill some years ago for a very sweet and beloved Siamese girl, Pansy, who I miss to this day. She was a rescue, and came to me with advanced but untreated kidney disease. But such a sweetheart...

These days I have a Vet account that gets dripfed ever payday and boy is it a stress reliever. Good luck with your baby...
Thanks Oh_hunnihunni.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(11-06-2023, 03:17 PM)zqwerty Wrote: Mica, larger picture above, aloof and intelligent but devoted to me, reminds me of a naughty six years old girl, often teases me with disobedience, you can see it on her face in this picture, she knew the camera was on her.

Stella is 12 years old approx, always had a heart murmur since being a puppy, is a 50% mix of red-nosed pitbull and bearded collie.

All blood work came back normal.

She is the dog in my avatar.  Of course she looks a lot older now, think she was about seven when this photo was taken.

Her breath is smelling like rotten meat, I thought it was indigestion but maybe her throat is deteriorating, hearing has got really bad in last year coinciding with water getting in her lungs whenever she gulps water too fast.

I thought she had collapsed trachea or esophagus causing at least some of the symptoms, apparently it is a common problem with older dogs.

Her throat and lips are quite swollen today but joyful and active on an hour long walk at lunchtime.

Not much money left for more vets fees, I'm on old age pension, so that $500 was more than a weeks income.

I don't know if you have seen this site which has some ideas about mouth problems in dogs: ? I was wondering if it could be Lip fold Dermatitis, especially as you said her breath smelled awful?
Thanks Outsider, the swelling under her throat increases in the night and decreases in the day, same with lip and lower muzzle swelling. I think that everyday it's a bit worse.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Hey zqwerty, just seen this post. Sorry to hear of your 4-legged buddy's illness. When our Molly left us for doggy heaven 7 years ago it was a bad time for us. Had to keep thinking about the good times we had together and that it was old age that took her, quite gently.
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
morning ladies Smile Welcome, Kenj Smile

Our pets put us through the wringer, don't they Heart In saying that, our lives are the richer for them. I hope Stella's health is sorted as best as it can be, zqwerty. $500 is a lot of money and by the sounds of it, there will be more $$$ needed. If you decide to take it further with your vet, maybe you could work out a payment plan with him/her. We do that with our vet occasionally as our boy is a regular in the clinic.

We had a foggy start to the day but it's clearing to rain clouds, so I suspect the last three roses won't be pruned today. No biggie, there are plenty of other things to do.

Time to get the day started.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good weather day out there by the look of it, and best of all start to the day that awful portaloo has been picked up and taken away. So that means the four week job that turned into a five month one is all over. At last...
Morning everyone

Zqwerty I hope they can figure it out for you. Such a hard time having to possibly draw the line cos of finances, but ultimately her quality of life is first and foremost.

Its sunny here but grey.

I had a , well bluntly Shit of a night. These jumping episodes are getting worse, longer, my whole body and downright annoying. I even tried laying on the bed again. And the only way they stopped was laying on my back with my knees up. So I thought well I can do that in the chair easier, so came back out to the lounge.

I have my ultrasound on Friday, and then once the Dr has seen the results, hopefully I can have a steroid shot. So will tell him about the jerking then.

Someone didn't get their right dinner from the take aways last night. I ordered a piece of hoki and chips. And I got a piece of snapper.. OMG it was good. Haven't had snapper for a very long time.. So I enjoyed every last bite. And it was a good size piece too.
My only grumble with our local take aways is they wont do a "Half" portion of chips. The minimum being $4. Its a rediculous amount.. I am lucky in that I dont mind cold chips. But there will be many who dont. I dont like them reheated.

The Steamed Pudding came out yummy. Having some cold for breakfast lol..

Off visiting today so I better get myself sorted after a slow start.

(12-06-2023, 08:29 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Good weather day out there by the look of it, and best of all start to the day that awful portaloo has been picked up and taken away. So that means the four week job that turned into a five month one is all over. At last...

OMG one can only imagine the stench..

Id be tempted to celebrate that.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Nippy start sunny day

Looked after DGD1 yesterday afternoon through bed time, she didn't want dinner but Nana still gave her the chocolate mousse , that went down real fast. Nana's can do stuff like that Cool

Just off to Spotlight with DD she has the day off today wants to get fabric to make a friend a baby quilt.

Got to move

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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