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You can never have enough...

My Retro Tupperware display

These are the jars Hunni
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladiesSmile I'm sure I saw lightening this morning as I pulled the curtains back.

Lovely display, popeye Smile

It might have to be an 'indoors' day today. MrK has his long awaited doctors appointment this morning and other than that, there isn't really that much on the agenda.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Bit mixed out there weather wise.

Thank you Kiwimade. Im having fun collecting it and just love seeing it on display.

Off to see MrP this morning, other than that I dont really have any plans. But I "found" a pair of his shortie Jammie pants I need to add elastic to, which I had totally forgotten so Ill do that later.

But otherwise not a lot on my agenda either. I've done photos and written measurements down to do a few listings on the weekend. I've found that buyers are looking more on the weekends now, so will list them on Saturday. Ive decided to part with 2 pure wool single blankets. A Matching pair. They are going for big money these days. and I have 3 of MrP's mothers blankets that Ill keep. The pair are pale green and were given to us not long after Dad died which is 49 years today.

Discovered my Simon Gault cookbook is signed so hopefully that might get a couple of extra dollars lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Them's the ones popeye, as my Mum would say. Very useful beasties, I will see how the lot arriving today fit into the scheme of things and if I need more will come to the jar bank of popeye for a top off. I'm sure we can sort out a deal that suits us both. I am delighted to see you too are a fan of cubes for storage - I have nearly a ceiling high staggered stack of the white ones in my hallway for books, shoes, and all sorts of stuff, perfect place to drop the keys when I come in. But, as a girlfriend pointed out if I am in there when there's an earthquake I will be in trouble, lol. Fortunately we don't get many of those up here just the faint rumbles of others further down island.

As for your Tupperware, so pretty. I can see why you like it.I had great fun a few years back collecting bright coloured plastics from the recycling bin and stacking those up threaded on a bit of number 8 as a kind of totem pole for the garden. It caused comment, this lot weren't used to having a mad artist witch in their midst, they have adjusted now and my site specific pieces mostly get ignored, lol. So unappreciative the barbarians!
(21-06-2023, 09:02 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Them's the ones popeye, as my Mum would say. Very useful beasties, I will see how the lot arriving today fit into the scheme of things and if I need more will come to the jar bank of popeye for a top off. I'm sure we can sort out a deal that suits us both. I am delighted to see you too are a fan of cubes for storage - I have nearly a ceiling high staggered stack of the white ones in my hallway for books, shoes, and all sorts of stuff, perfect place to drop the keys when I come in. But, as a girlfriend pointed out if I am in there when there's an earthquake I will be in trouble, lol. Fortunately we don't get many of those up here just the faint rumbles of others further down island.

As for your Tupperware, so pretty. I can see why you like it.I had great fun a few years back collecting bright coloured plastics from the recycling bin and stacking those up threaded on a bit of number 8 as a kind of totem pole for the garden. It caused comment, this lot weren't used to having a mad artist witch in their midst, they have adjusted now and my site specific pieces mostly get ignored, lol. So unappreciative the barbarians!

We might be able to find people who travel Hunni.

Years ago we managed to get a Kitten from Mangere to Wellington using people from different parts of the country. To Thistle4 in Wellington. 

Some people dont appreciate art. I like Quirky too... 

I like the cubes cos they are easy to move. I cam extend them for more cookbooks if need be lol. They are my Kiwi cooks. I have a stand of 4 in the craft room with wool on too.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
MrK put left over soup into containers, went to pop them into the freezer and dammmm... our freezer is defrosting and obviously has done her dash. Just as well he had the soup to freeze or it could have been days before we noticed. But then when we worked out the age of the freezer, I was pregnant with our oldest when we bought it which makes the freezer around 34 years old. Not too shabby. We're going to downsize seeing as it's only the two of us now and we don't do the home kills any more. This is certainly going to tighten the budget again.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Beautiful day here the k9s are all stretched out in sunny spots.

Great to be able to display what makes us happy, I own a bit of Tupperware as my pantry will attest. 

Buzzy morning, gym, leg wax and food hunt completed. Tried a freshbvege delivery  it arrived this morning, nice and fresh I think most is sourced from Horowhenua. Won't do it every week but will order again.

After soaking up some sun I think I will finish merino tunic for DGD1 and then play with some eyespy squares go to get started on DGD2 first birthday quilt.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Cloud still hasn’t cleared so it’s a miserable day here
Know how you are feeling Kiwimade - my dryer has died but I think it must be 23 years old at least and well travelled - it went to Oz and back - will just get a small one very rarely use it - my clothes line is well placed here to catch a breeze and all day sun if we see it - but when you are on your own laundry day is flexible
Robie has just spent a couple of days at the new Warkworth PaknSave -the new owner started as a check out operator - she came and did several of her training pods with Robie so he is really chuffed - amazing success story - hard work not family money
Fancy a lettuce and Vegemite sandwich
Very colourful collection, Popeye. Smile

Supposed to be sunny here but clouded over - just after I hung out two loads of washing, naturally. I managed a bit more on That Bloody Hedge so the bin's now refilled for next time.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Starting to spit as I left the Village, but I got home dry.

It is meat week at my local New World. Four lamb loin chops - $20. So I bought my protein purchases - blade steak to slow cook for the cat, pork sausages, a pot of mussels, bacon, and cheese. Oh and ham from the deli. All within budget, then went to my favourite fruit & veg shop where the lovely man asks me each time 'May I carry this out for you?' and spent $40 on plant based food. I'm turning vegetarian in spite of my taste buds...
Well I was home earlier than planned. But I refuse to sit there and listen to him grumbling about everything.

Heard from the med center about my shoulder. Yep Dr was right there is a tear and a lot of scar tissue. Only times I remember hurting it was when I dislocated it and in 2021 when MrP fell and I tried to hold him up but went down with him. But even that will be out of ACC's reach I suppose.

So Im seeing him next Friday. To discuss the steroid shot and if they can do it there or I have to go somewhere to have it done with the ultrasound involved. Physio wont be happening if I have to pay for it.

But at least I know what is wrong with it.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Just read the latest thing that has been approved in the US - they can grow just bits of a chicken using cells of a chicken and sell it - the mind boggles - imagine a room full of chicken legs sprouting up like seedlings
omg the mind boggles all right, Jan!

At least you know what's wrong, popeye and can work with it.

MrK changed doctors today and I'm following suit. I never thought we would change doctors after 30 odd years with the same one but MrK is much happier now. She believes in his end of life plan Heart if or when it is needed. And that's what matters the most to him.

Our new freezer is meant to be delivered tomorrow. We have spent the afternoon emptying the old one as much as possible.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
OMG Jan.... Ummm all I have going in my mind is what will it do to the people who eat it.

I hope Im dead before it happens here lol.

One of the Drs that used to go to the other rest home has gone from town. Apparently working closer to home. MrP still thinks it was he who stopped him from driving. I'm not about to tell him the truth. lol

Woohoo I sold 5 of the containers I didn't need from the boxful I got on Sunday. And have made $10 profit over what I paid.. I will hunt around for the lids of the tumblers and hopefully sell them eventually too. Money in the pot for petrol for my surgery trip. Done..!!
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Popeye, if you have to pay for it, check with WINZ for help. Where it is a health issue it is worth getting it seen to properly. And I'm with you KM, a doc we can rely on is the only kind we need.
(21-06-2023, 05:36 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Popeye, if you have to pay for it, check with WINZ for help. Where it is a health issue it is worth getting it seen to properly. And I'm with you KM, a doc we can rely on is the only kind we need.

Thank you I never thought about that. 

Im going to be asking for home help cos Vacuuming and washing floors and cleaning the bathrooms really hurts. And it takes a lot for me to admit that. Will need it with my knee anyway.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Rumour has it that the assessment is about eighteen weeks away, and even then home help not guaranteed or able to be supplied. Another one of those stressed areas of the health system. Makes me cross when I see my neighbours (the perfectly healthy able bodied ones) getting it, but then there are always takers. So definitely get your GP to start the process. As for WINZ, as the WINZ lady said to me when I got an advance to cover the scoot batteries - it is interest free, paid back at a tiny nibble so we'd be silly to not consider it for unexpected outlays that are in our best interests. Doesn't hurt to ask...
Hope you can both get what you need - time our health system was fixed, & properly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Rather lovely thing happened - I needed a drop in cat sitter for when I get the hip done and found a local woman who was happy to do it cheaper than the professionals which is an enormous load off my mind. Then, after a lot of chatting she told me if I need any extra support I just need to call her - I won't because I have a good network of friends and neighbours, but the offer was so nice to get. People really can be very kind...
(21-06-2023, 07:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Rumour has it that the assessment is about eighteen weeks away, and even then home help not guaranteed or able to be supplied. Another one of those stressed areas of the health system. Makes me cross when I see my neighbours (the perfectly healthy able bodied ones) getting it, but then there are always takers. So definitely get your GP to start the process. As for WINZ, as the WINZ lady said to me when I got an advance to cover the scoot batteries - it is interest free, paid back at a tiny nibble so we'd be silly to not consider it for unexpected outlays that are in our best interests. Doesn't hurt to ask...

Yep I have definitely made use of the interest free resources from Winz. We are lucky to have it and to be able to use it. I gave up having embarrassment long ago. And Im not scared to ask now.  I need new teeth and glasses, but need to figure out which I need first. But have one little bit to pay on a previous help and want to clear that first
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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