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Given that customs can only search up to 2% if containers, and they are still finding $1.4 billion in product, how much is actually getting in? Something drastic needs to be done or these new gangs are going to cause added mayhem. I think we need to be far harder on drug dealers
I agree 100% but what i will say, is it is not just gangs dealing in these harder drugs, white collar types are just as bad. I feel they need to come down way harder on the people that are dealing the harder drugs, they seem to spend an awful lot of money on weed, ease off on the weed a bit and crack down on the crackheads JMO
IDK what can be done other than making the penalties for supplying, producing or possessing the drug much, much higher than they currently are.

I agree, way too much money being thrown at weed, hopefully if legislation around weed changes, the police will have more resources to crack down on meth.
Any time the Police process a suspect to the point fingerprints are taken there should also be compulsory meth testing.
Get their meth head status on record.
I would like to get our cold medication back.
Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all. Michael Rivero
+1 on that. The "war on drugs" has obviously failed and us innocent folks with a cold are the ones left to suffer
Get the flu injection, you will be fine!!!
(18-02-2020, 05:46 PM)The thing is we have never actually seriously engaged in the war on drugs. When they start eliminating offenders we will know they have. Wrote: +1 on that. The "war on drugs" has obviously failed and us innocent folks with a cold are the ones left to suffer
Wow! I didn't realise that the search amount was that low and the find value was that high.
That's terrible!
I blame the Australian Government for sending those NZer's that had committed crimes in Australia back to New Zealand for the increase as most were Gang's....It's time NZ took a harder stand against Australian's and other countries that commit crimes in New Zealand and send them all back to their country of birth  

Just my views
There’s been a ‘war on drugs’ since Pablo Ecobar...nothing new here.
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(17-02-2020, 07:45 AM)tommi2 Wrote: I agree 100% but what i will say, is it is not just gangs dealing in these harder drugs, white collar types are just as bad.  I feel they need to come down way harder on the people that are dealing the harder drugs, they seem to spend an awful lot of money on weed, ease off on the weed a bit and crack down on the crackheads JMO
Crack down on the crackheads. That cracks me up!

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