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You can never have enough...
Morning from a grey South - west Auckland.

I love looking online, but not just window shopping. I've never been good at that. I like to search for what I want, to find the cheapest place. I dont see anything exciting about walking about, or scrolling looking for something that I likely dont need.
MrP taught me to haggle on big items too, which has saved a lot over the years.

A quiet day here. Im going to give it a go at being a Leftie later and see what damage I can do with the vacuum lol. Its doing my head in being messy, but I dont want to make my shoulder any worse than it is at the mo.

And Ill do some listings too.

You will miss the family Roma, but nice they have a house to call their own now.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast with rainnexpected later

Roma it will be very quiet at your place
Have to put up my hand up to owning a clicky finger, I try really hard to be good though and buy stuff I will sew and knit up

Just back from quick trip to supermarket for wee top up DD bought a leg of lamb and volunteered DH to cook it tomorrow on BBQ.

I am trying out a new to me recipe for tea tonight pumpkin lasagne which has spinach it it hopefully it is tasty needed cottage cheese to complete the recipe.

Have a quilt to make for DD she selected fabric and I learnt at quilt shop I was making it up for her to give as a gift. Good thing I don't mind making the small quilts Big Grin

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
cuppa time!  It sure is boggy here, roma.  I always feel sorry for the calves and lambs.  Our nieghbour keeps them nice and dry in the calf sheds though Heart

That's around a third of the fenceline done.  MrK looked at what I had done and twigged I was extending the width lol.  It will save me at least one lawnmower width Tongue  I prefer to garden than mow Tongue  But, he had to admit it looks a lot more balanced than it did before.  A little narrow garden with camelias didn't look right.  I'll have enough mulch from our tree pruning last week to spread on it but there won't be enough for the end bit.  I'm around a good two cubic meters short on mulch so will contact our friend and ask for more if he has any and wants to save his clients the dumping fee.  It's a win-win for all of us.

Kettles boiled so I'll make this cuppa while MrK  prepares some of the oranges we scored last week into marmalade.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Still raining here so neighbours think it is the ideal weather to water blast their house and driveway  Rolleyes  Big Grin
(24-06-2023, 11:32 AM)Venetian1 Wrote: Still raining here so neighbours think it is the ideal weather to water blast their house and driveway  Rolleyes  Big Grin

Always the best time Venetian. Your gonna be wet anyway lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
True Popeye ... DH would do the same ... the dirt has been dampened with the rain and/or humidity for easier removal. I came round to his logic, lol. Washes the car in the rain as well  Big Grin
(24-06-2023, 02:17 PM)È popeye333 Wrote:
(24-06-2023, 11:32 AM)Venetian1 Wrote: Still raining here so neighbours think it is the ideal weather to water blast their house and driveway  Rolleyes  Big Grin

Always the best time Venetian. Your gonna be wet anyway lol

But not when the ground is completely sodden and the excess water is flooding all over the footpath making large puddles for others to have to walk through and under the fence into the neighbours (mine) vegetable garden enough to wash out soil.
(24-06-2023, 06:41 PM)Venetian1 Wrote:
(24-06-2023, 02:17 PM)È popeye333 Wrote: Always the best time Venetian. Your gonna be wet anyway lol

But not when the ground is completely sodden and the excess water is flooding all over the footpath making large puddles for others to have to walk through and under the fence into the neighbours (mine) vegetable garden enough to wash out soil.

Oh that would be annoying.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile The sun is trying to shine!

arrggg frustrating, Venetian1. I must admit, we waterblast in the rain but our excess water doesn't bother any neighbours.

Another win for the Crusaders Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin although that forward pass could have had a bus driven through it. A great send off for Scott Big Grin

I'm about a third of the way along the fenceline, the easterly wind turned really cold, so I gave up yesterday. I'll have another go at it this morning and hopefully get it finished.

MrK's marmalade is really good Tongue It won't last very long, that's for sure. And the slug of whiskey in it gives a nice flavour.

My coffee is finished, time to get moving.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Sunny trying to shine through clouds.

DH got lawns and some gardening done yesterday while I sewed and quilted the baby quilt DD will be gifting to a close friend of hers, turned out really pretty.
Finished knitting the cabled hat in lovely soft alpaca for DGD2 last night
Today I will trial the pattern I am thinking of using to make DGD2 for 1st birthday.
Got to move the boy k9s have me pinned to the bed no doubt they will stay here for a while longer.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

The sun is peeping into the lounge, it only has one window and ranch slider so I appreciate it.

Took me far longer than it used to, to do some listings yesterday. But they are done now and can be relisted easy enough.

Success using my left arm for the vacuuming. And so nice to have things tidy again. I really hated the mess. Goodness knows why I haven't tried it earlier lol.

No set plans for the day.. Hopefully the games will be longer today.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Sun is really out  so nice and mild Big Grin

Have started the I Spy quilt and the layout  is going to work so I will be beavering away this afternoon.

It will be an early dinner for us tonight since DH is cooking DD leg of lamb, I have made chocolate mousse  for dessert a certain wee person will be very happy.

DH has bought gluten free sausage rolls to cook for lunch so looking forward to eating a couple of those Cool

Glad you left arm works the vacuum Popeye  Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Rats missed out on another group of Tupperware, that I shouldn't have been bidding on, But had the sense to stop lol.

The sun is out and its not cold either . So that's a good thing
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Made a bird ball earlier, & hung it on a corner of the clothes line for them. It took them a while to realise it was there but there seems to be a small crowd waiting now, they must be hungry & that particular mix is one they seem to like.
Last year's one was gone in minutes & it looks as if this one will be too, might need to do another one in a day or so.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

Yep up earlier today.. Im making toasted sandwiches at the second home today. So I need to spend some time with MrP on the way or he will grumble. Just simple ham cheese and onion. Its something I can do for a few but the home couldn't do for everyone and still have them hot.

Nice to see Matty back on Breakfast.

The grass has slowed down a lot now. But I think it might have to wait as my knee wont be in a good spot today. Need to see what the weather is doing.

Last night I brought the Tupperware Salt and Pepper shakers on the white stand. Very "Retro" and I only paid $9-50. I thought it was going to go much higher but people seemed to drift off in the middle of bidding. $10 was going to be my limit. The containers themselves look cruddy and old but I have replacements here for that. And I hope to be able to clean the stand up. I never knew that you stand toothpicks in the top lol.. Something we never had when we were younger lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile The suns out! Hopefully the lawn can dry out a bit so I can mow it.

The power people are coming today (or they are supposed to) to fix the meter board. A much nicer day to come over the Kaimai Ranges.

We had a call from our daughter asking if we could have our grandson for the first week of the school holidays. He's asked if he can stay with The Furry One, Nana and Poppa. Yes, we know where we stand in the scheme of things lol.

I think I'll scrape a couple of wheelbarrow loads of mulch off the garden to spread where I've been working and that will finish it off. MrK has started putting the wire along the fence for the new camellias (when we buy them) to be espaliered. And we can take cuttings from a gorgeous groundcover hebe to fill in between. It's going to look a lot tidier and easier to maintain and mow so worth the effort.

Lilith, you are lucky to be able to put food out for the birds. This is the first winter I haven't been able too, thanks to the maize that was planted next door. I'm still baiting and catching rats and don't want to encourage the birds while the rats are around. I think we have one more to go.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
i have to grin km about the order of priority. We always had a laugh about when me'n him first fell in love it was fishing, me, work. Then we ended up in Taupo and he got into hunting and it became fishing, hunting, me, work. Then we got the dogs, and the Landrover, and...

But I was always more important than work, lol.
Morning all
Mild overcast with sun trying to peek through

Nice that GS wants to come and spend time with k9 and GPS.

We had a lovely roast leg of lamb last night, finished off with DGD1 and her mum having a spa bath, water is too deep for wee one to bath alone with jets going.

Back from gym breakfast finished so next step shower, not sure what we will get up to today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Back from a very interesting pre admit clinic with an anaesthesiologist who was three months out of his FOURTH hip replacement! He claimed to be older than moi (but not by much I suspect) and has has two knee replacements, two shoulder replacements in addition to the four hips... So the conversation was interesting, it was a competition to see who had had the most orthopedic work done - and I won, lol. But boy, what an interesting man. He has made lots of notes and will try to get pethidine approved for me, which would be wonderful - AND he finished up by telling me my surgeon did his last three hip ops and he thinks he's fantastic.

Well, so do I actually, lol. I hope I get this guy to do my general. He was lots of fun... I cannot help wondering how he wore out all those joints though!
I'm sitting here having a chuckle with your previous post about your husband's 'priorities', OHH Heart At least you made it onto his list lol. OMG all those joint replacements! My mind also boggles at the thought. But he does sound lovely and a real joy to be around.

Tomorrow I need to tidy up my mess where I've been weeding and digging and prune back a hydrangea. Then the bulk of the work in garden along our roadside is done (ish! lol).

The sparky has been about our meters and we need to have them both replaced. He's ordering new ones and will be back to fit them. He said he will be working slowly as there will be live power even when our power is off - the joy of working on the main power board.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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