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You can never have enough...
Good morning.

Cold outside, but the sun is out.

A catch up day, now I have the house to myself. Always plenty to keep occupied ... a good thing!

I haven't seen that article yet Jan but I did see that the (dead) cat that caused the power cut in Hawkes Bay didn't have a mark on it. Now they have to figure out how it got into the substation!

Who would want to be a cop .... damned if they do, damned if they don't!

Coffee finished ... I have someone coming to measure and quote for a couple of blinds in near ceiling windows ... the afternoon sun is lovely but too intense where we sit in the lounge! I'm hoping the cost is not too eyewatering!

Enjoy the day all.
(30-06-2023, 07:52 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  Another wet day only colder today.

I tend to disagree, popeye.  He was only 17 and we all know how unpredictable some teens can be.  The police were the adults here and should have been able to deal with the situation without shooting point blank at him.  If they had to shoot, why not his tyres to stop him.  The rioting is a worry though.  I think people are looking for excuses to become violent.

Housework for me today, our grandson arrives for a week tomorrow which means the baking tins need filling as well.  I have butter defrosting on the bench ready to use this afternoon.

I might be able to squeeze in some embroidery later too.

Happy crafting Smile

Yep, I'd agree with that. The cops are presumably trained to deal with idiot boys who haven't the experience to behave well at all times & they could have handled it far better.
Also I think perhaps the French are fed up with their govt - especially their leader - behaving much like a dictator recently & the police there getting a bit too heavy handed lately.

Freezing here - very pleased it wasn't this cold while we were without power. Snow is expected further south today or tonight - I don't envy them.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Very true Kiwimade. I didn't think about it from that way. and Roma your right too.. rock and a hard place. And I guess too we dont know what was being said either.

And Lilith your right too. Their President? Prime Minister certainly doesn't listen to his people either. He's been at the protests in the early stages too, or had his say about them anyway.

Yep my left knee if badly sprained too.. What a hobbly mess I am lol. Feel like Im walking like Ive dropped a load and dont know where to put my feet lol. But I did the wifely visit, put cream on his back, moved a button on his jammies and then slow footed it between the nasty showers.. Its sunny at the mo.

I stopped since there was a park out the front door and got take aways for lunch, so I dont have to cook later. The $8 pack is enough for two meals. so hot fish and chips for lunch and cold sausage and chips later. lol.

Time to do my games and rest my legs.

Yumm baking, just the job of it, not the eating lol.. I sometimes hear my Stepfather saying why aren't you eating it lol...
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
afternoon all
fine day here despite rain forecast.

Popeye sorry your other knee has decided it wants sympathy too and being a pain - look after yourself.

Been into to city this morning, and completed the food hunt trying to be good but  a couple of books i have had on reserve for a while have landed in my reader app. very tempted to blob in the sun and read.
Just remembered I need to complete my tax too - that can wait until tomorrow just cant be bothered this afternoon.

got quite a bit of knitting done last night -just the sleeves to do then I will have to find suitable buttons
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I picked up a ham hock the other day despite knowing there was one in the freezer ready for my next batch of pea'n ham souping. But I had a yen to try slow roasting one so did that yesterday, and boy is that a good few easy meals. So tonight the last little potatoes, leeks, carrots, broccoli, and cauli with a nice parsley sauce to go with that rich pulled ham off the bone. Perfect way to end a wintery day...
(30-06-2023, 02:17 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I picked up a ham hock the other day despite knowing there was one in the freezer ready for my next batch of pea'n ham souping. But I had a yen to try slow roasting one so did that yesterday, and boy is that a good few easy meals. So tonight the last little potatoes, leeks, carrots, broccoli, and cauli with a nice parsley sauce to go with that rich pulled ham off the bone. Perfect way to end a wintery day...

With a glass or two of something warming?
I do have other cameras!
Hope your knee improves Popeye, not fun.

Found two chicken kebabs in the depths of the freezer so decided that since I didn't feel like a kebab, I'd use them to make a small, chicken casserole so cooked them quickly & added some veges & made a sauce with ginger marmalade, soy sauce, plum sauce & a bit of flour - who knows what that'll be like later, but just couldn't be bothered doing anything else so fingers crossed. I'll do some roast spuds too & chuck them all in the oven later.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I think that glass of something warming might be poured a tad early today.

It is Friday after all.

(30-06-2023, 03:23 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Hope your knee improves Popeye, not fun.

Found two chicken kebabs in the depths of the freezer so decided that since I didn't feel like a kebab, I'd use them to make a small, chicken casserole so cooked them quickly & added some veges  & made a sauce with ginger marmalade, soy sauce, plum sauce & a bit of flour - who knows what that'll be like later, but just couldn't be bothered doing anything else so fingers crossed. I'll do some roast spuds too & chuck them all in the oven later.

What? No peanut butter?  Big Grin
(30-06-2023, 03:44 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I think that glass of something warming might be poured a tad early today.

It is Friday after all.

(30-06-2023, 03:23 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Hope your knee improves Popeye, not fun.

Found two chicken kebabs in the depths of the freezer so decided that since I didn't feel like a kebab, I'd use them to make a small, chicken casserole so cooked them quickly & added some veges  & made a sauce with ginger marmalade, soy sauce, plum sauce & a bit of flour - who knows what that'll be like later, but just couldn't be bothered doing anything else so fingers crossed. I'll do some roast spuds too & chuck them all in the oven later.

What? No peanut butter?  Big Grin

Well - I'm running a bit low, having used most for the bird ball the other day. Which reminds me if it gets really cold here they may need another one.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Boy, did we have some rain last night!

I'm sorry to hear about your knee, popeye.

We've roasted a ham hock before and it's delicious. Amazing how much meat is on it, and it feeds the two of us nicely.

The chicken kebab idea sounded good, Lilith Smile

Our daughter and grandson arrive today Heart Let the fun begin and the Lego stay in one area of the living room! lol

This morning I was up early to go to the loo, (I know, TMI lol) but the skies had cleared and there was Matariki in all her glory. It was just beautiful Heart

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Certainly was a wild night out. Chilly too.

The knee is feeling a little better this morning. Enough that I have to pop up to NW for a couple of things I missed on Thursday. Cos I got side tracked making sure I didn't forget the fish cakes lol

I didn't realise that the Matariki stars were showing yet.. Need to do a little study me thinks lol. Not having any streetlights around our house makes it perfect for star gazing.

Sold 3 more lots pf books last night. Its funny how things go. I listed them many times ohh 2+ years ago didn't sell any, and now I've sold 4 lots to the same person and one other lot. Same with the Tupperware lids I had.

Have fun with your Grandie KM.. I was trying to think of his name last night and it totally wont come to me.. Which is odd lol...

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Brrr, it's cold outside.  The showers we've been having will be snow elsewhere!

Vege soup on the go to have with fresh bread later.  SIL coming for lunch and will make a ginger loaf soon (trying a new recipe - hope it's as good as the one my sister made). It's looking like a keep warm inside kind of day!

Painful knees are the pits Popeye ... my late FIL suffered with them.  He popped a lot of pills to cope!

Enjoy grandie time KM ... sounds like he is set if you have lego.

Nearly finished the sleeves on cardi then bands and sew up.

Cuppa finished, baking time. 

Stay warm and dry all.
Chilly here, so it'll be a slow start for me 'n her - she has already expressed disapproval at being moved so I could have space for the laptop. But I have found a tech refurbisher with reasonably priced tablets, so her disgruntlement will end later this week. She doesn't mind being the cushion for that device, but a large HP laptop is a step too far...
Ive remembered Kiwimade.. Lol and to top it off, its the same as MrP's youngest son lol.. Ill call it a Blonde senior moment hahaha.

Got up to the supermarket and back. And they had everything on my list. Yay...

They also had a nice pull apart cheese and bacon loaf.. I think I will be heating some up for lunch, since Im not a soup kinda gal..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Another nice sunny day after nippy start.

Lazy start then DD and her family called in passing g while walking year boisterous dog. 

Decided to proceed with quilt as it is so will go to quilt shop next week to get a nice backing fabric .

Not sure what I will get up to this afternoon

Enjoy your  day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Haven't been able to do anything outside today so glad I did a few bits & pieces yesterday while the sun was out briefly so mucked about with one or two paintings again.
Really cold here; was talking to a friend in south Otago earlier & they had snow overnight with more expected tonight. It was 2 here this morning & allegedly 6 now, very pleased I remembered bread yesterday & didn't need to venture out - apart from the obligatory dog walk which Madame Le Dog made a point of reminding me about. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Gosh it's cold here so far.

Good idea to leave the quilt, mica. Why do more on it when you will only become frustrated and pi**ed off with it.

It's going to be a busy week here Heart fingers crossed the weather holds out for a bit. Not that it matters, we have plenty of indoor stuff to do with our grandson. And he's happy playing with the Lego and wants to go to the library for some books on space which we will do tomorrow. My sister is dropping the Fluffy One off to us for a few days while she is away today. The Fluffy One is 16 now and will mostly sleep. If that's possible with a full on six year old in the house lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

A tad chilly here too.. Was a wild weather night, lots of bangs etc too. The fences are holding tho lol.

Had a lovely visit from my school friend yesterday. Its the first time , as they own the biggest nursery here and she doesn't get a lot of time off. But its also time when we can speak about how we are feeling without ears. Sadly she apologised about her house, I told her off gently and said that it doesn't matter what her house is like, if I visit, its to see her not the house. But I suspect it might have been sheer frustration and maybe even a cry for help. Which Im going to offer once my knee is done.

She brought me a spray on liniment for my knee. Far easier to apply than the deep heat, and cheaper too. It has turmeric in it, which is another thing we have to be careful around. But Heck my INR has been all over the place anyway lol.

Another quiet day here, rubbish later.. And Ill probably use the car... Mind you it is full on sun out there at the moment.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Another sunny day here

Enjoy your time with  DGS Kiwimade.

I have hade my nose in a book most of yesterday and just finished Atlas by Lucinda Riley rounding off the seven sisters series. Have couple of other books to read but will start them later in the week I tend to just keep reading and not get anything else done once I begin a book Big Grin

Pattern drafting today. Concensus  is I should complete quilt as it is. I think part of the problem the colours are not necessarily  what I would choose but those that I know my DIL will like for DGD2

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
It is difficult to work outside our personal palette, often quite uncomfortable. I know the feeling well!

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