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Racist propaganda
This is worrying, that anyone could go to such much trouble to try spreading misinformation. I've never heard of Tross publishing so may be especially set up to spread rubbish.

"The books in question were printed by Tross Publishing, a Kiwi company that has produced three books on New Zealand history in the past year. None of the authors appear to have relevant qualifications as historians.
Historian Vincent O’Malley said Tross Publishing’s books were full of misinformation.
Tross has established a reputation for producing works that I would describe as racist propaganda,” he said.
These works aren’t going to provide any kind of accurate account of New Zealand history. They provide a totally distorted and misleading racist interpretation that bears little resemblance to what actually took place.”

The books put forward a curated narrative: “It’s a view where Māori [are portrayed as] a backward, barbaric people until they’re saved by the British Crown.”

However, Ritai cautioned it was important that teachers and parents were alert for misinformation when teaching history.
A Tross Publishing spokesperson, who refused to provide their name, called questions for this article an “unfounded attack” and claimed the company was being targeted because it recently “exposed the dangers of co-governance”.
None of Stuff’s correspondence with Tross mentioned co-governance and the topic was not raised by any of those interviewed.
"All Tross books are accurate and are based on extensive research by our writers, several of whom are PhDs,” the spokesperson said.
Two of the authors on the Tross website are referred to as doctors: John Robinson and Kelvin Duncan."

"Leaflets distributed around Wellington's northern suburbs are full of "disgraceful, despicable racist bigotry", and should be thrown in the bin, MP Peter Dunne says.
Pamphlets promoting a campaign named Rolling Thunder were distributed to homes in Dunne's Ohariu electorate this week, bearing the slogans "no special representation of part-Maoris in local government" and "end the stranglehold that one minority group has over the culture and life of the nation".  
Dunne said it was the second pamphlet about Treaty of Waitangi issues that had been dropped in letterboxes in his electorate in recent days.
"I acknowledge the right to free speech," he said. "But I am nonetheless outraged that this type of nasty, racist drivel is being circulated by some anonymous group.

"I encourage people who are equally offended that racists are at work in our community to show them and their publications the time-honoured order of the bin."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Yes, it does seem to be a publisher set up to spread misinformation, including racism.
(02-07-2023, 07:18 PM)Olive Wrote: Yes, it does seem to be a publisher set up to spread misinformation, including racism.

They seem steeped in various conspiracy theories, too. I'd always thought there was a law, (or several laws) against spreading what amounts to untruthful information when its likely to cause harm of whatever kind but it seems not.

What a bunch of complete prickles they are. Dodgy Dodgy
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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