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pro-vax is as bad as anti-vax
Everyone we know is double vaccinated now but I don't intend to ask anyone coming into the house that question. Not many people come to see us anyway, only tradesmen when we need them, so not a big deal. Our Christmases have always just been immediate family only so it won't make much difference to us - well apart from the new granddaughter!
I'm of the each to their own camp :-)
(21-10-2021, 08:33 PM)mazalinas Wrote: I'm of the each to their own camp :-)

I think that rule is fine when one person's preference doesn't potentially effect everyone. Unfortunately that's not the case here.
I'm in Te Awamutu, and the amount of covid positive cases here, is almost the same as Hamilton now, and we are small town, and that is a big city.

Someone from here, who had an exemption to travel down to Napier, has now allowed it to get into Napier, and I understand that there is a positive case there now.

What are people given exemptions for anyway?? And so, covid19 spreads further down the country.

I too have an underlying health conditions which affects my lungs, and I was careful prior to covid coming here, but now I'm more wary about where I go, and I may even wear two masks now, as I saw someone doing recently.
(21-10-2021, 10:04 PM)crafters_corner Wrote: I'm in Te Awamutu, and the amount of covid positive cases here, is almost the same as Hamilton now, and we are small town, and that is a big city.

Someone from here, who had an exemption to travel down to Napier, has now allowed it to get into Napier, and I understand that there is a positive case there now.

What are people given exemptions for anyway?? And so, covid19 spreads further down the country.

I too have an underlying health conditions which affects my lungs, and I was careful prior to covid coming here, but now I'm more wary about where I go, and I may even wear two masks now, as I saw someone doing recently.

The exemptions are VERY easy to get - it's an automated online process; if you fit the criteria, you print out the exemption and you're good to go. I know because my dad's an essential worker and I applied for him. But from what I can tell, anyone could apply for one and get it. But it does require a RealMe account so it can be traced to the person applying.

I'm Hamilton based, but I'm travelling to Te Awamutu tomorrow for work; very aware of how careful I need to be!
(20-10-2021, 01:14 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: We are also gaining ground and becoming a substantial majority, lol.
  Yes - once most of NZ has been vaccinated, its going to be interesting to see how many continue on down the road to fruitloop 'no vax'  territory. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(05-10-2021, 11:35 AM)nzoomed Wrote: Unvaccinated are only a risk to themselves.
Errr that's incorrect.  The Vax is NOT a magic bullet.  It's more like a 'bullet proof vest' - which in most cases will help a lot BUT not always.  And then there's the issue of Unvaccinated people coming into contact with those who are also unvaccinacted, children for instance, yes they can catch covid.  

The Unvaccinated are indeed a danger to more than just their 'own kind'.
I dont care if you dont want to vaccinate. No skin off my nose.
Dont come to the movies, concerts, planes, school with the rest of us. Stay in your basement with your MAGA posters and communicate with other learned folks you know and trust from the internet. Bozo's.
Let those arrogant, dull witted anti-vaxers find out theyre wrong.
The penalty on this occasion for being wrong is death or serious illness. Bummer.
A golden opportunity to smarten up the gene pool.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(09-11-2021, 06:15 PM)Magoo Wrote: I dont care if you dont want to vaccinate. No skin off my nose.
Dont come to the movies, concerts, planes, school with the rest of us. Stay in your basement with your MAGA posters and communicate with other learned folks you know and trust from the internet. Bozo's.
Let those arrogant, dull witted anti-vaxers find out theyre wrong.
The penalty on this occasion for being wrong is death or serious illness. Bummer.
A golden opportunity to smarten up the gene pool.
Couldn't have said it better myself. For every unvaxinated death NZ is going to get collectively smarter. I can live with that. As for all those anti-vax protesters, well they say empty vessels make the most noise.

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