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You can never have enough...
Enjoyed my baking.. Got the lemon meringue pie made.. Hope it tastes good. Will take a photo in the morning.

MrP is grumpy again. And probably got an infection as his legs are breaking out again And is generally disagreeable. he hung up on me when I told him he has to follow the rules or he will be on the street.

Pretty much ruined the end of my day. But I've come on here and then will watch my house building shows which should help.

Yeah the violets are one of my fave flowers. I occasionally sneak a few in for the smell to heck with the sinuses lol. Got them free but Ill always take them with me this way.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Lovely things, but clever too. Their scent carries an anaesthetic, so we sniff them and get that gorgeous light loveliness, then it switches off...

I have pink ones as an underplanting beneath my white hydrangea, they hide their flowers but I can find them!
(16-07-2023, 07:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Lovely things, but clever too. Their scent carries an anaesthetic, so we sniff them and get that gorgeous light loveliness, then it switches off...

I have pink ones as an underplanting beneath my white hydrangea, they hide their flowers but I can find them!

Its odd how they hide their flowers eh. You definitely have to look underneath the leaves
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I am absolutely brasses off with myself - I have picked up the wrong hook and completed about 10 rows with a bigger hook - I can see that the edge is not straight - it’s only out of line by a minuscule amount but I am not good with things being right - if it was just straight crochet unpicking it would be so simple - I have put a photo up - it’s the bow tie rows so it’s multiple balls of wool - tell me it won’t matter

Popeye I hope your surgery isn’t delayed - our special little boy has had his surgery cancelled twice now - it is to repair broken bone damage that wasn’t treated so it needs doing - the radiology department failed it’s certification so that has compounded the problem .We are investigation getting it done privately even if he has to go out of town - my niece is an ICU technician she does her shift then goes and does 4 hours in ED to give them a break
Swapped some broccoli for lemon and blueberry curd - have never had it before it’s absolutely lovely - looks very pretty as well
Well off to bed to stew over my unpick or not to unpick quandary
Morning everyone

A bit grey out there but no rain as yet.

Oh Jan, that has to be the cutest blanket out. If I make a mistake, and I often do, I leave them in. They are what makes items Unique. I used to intentionally do mistakes too.. That way they are special.

Im having a visiting day today. Seeing the grumpy one with a load of baking.. They need to do some bloods I think, he's not well and usually its a sign along with the fluid and the blisters are back on his legs. I told him he needs to pull his head in cos he cannot come home. Ill ring the home before I visit and have a talk with the Boss. Its been a while.

Then Im off to see the girls. Armed with the pie. I hope it tastes good, and I hope I can get it there in one piece lol.

Quite pleased with the look of it. Next time I will use the whole bag of biscuits for the base. It wasn't quite full.

Have to stop and get some patterns photocopied and posted on the way home , so its going to be a big day.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have sunshine... for now Tongue

Breathe, Jan, just breathe Heart Your blanket is gorgeous, and it doesn't matter if it isn't perfect. By the time it has been used and loved, you will never notice. And the recipient won't care and won't notice either.
I didn't know that about violets, OHH Big Grin Tricky little buggars aren't they lol.

Lilith, we enjoy Acorn as even though it's an American site, they specialise in British programmes. They have some oldies, including Midsommer Murders and the like and some very good murder/mystery along with some lighter series. There is the odd European series (I need to read the subtitles but still love it, MrK hates it lol) as well as a few kiwi and aussie series. It's $12 a month and we probably stream from this site the most. MrK loves Netflix, I can take or leave it. I don't think I have clicked onto Netflix for years.

Today I'll replant the gerberas I potted up for MrK's birthday. They need to be in the garden as they are dividing already. And I've made an executive decision that MrK won't like too much. The Bux hedge surrounding a tree has to go. It sucks up so much goodness from the garden it makes it hard for other things to grow. I'm thinking fuchsias would look lovely under the tree and enjoy the late afternoon sun once I have built the soil up. All this mulching is paying dividends, the soil under the old mulch is so rich and has tons of worms. Worth every back breaking moment lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny but a cool wind on the way to school.

I agree Jan, leave your work as it is ... only you notice it, something  I've always had to convince myself as well! Great piece ... lucky recipient  Smile

Yummy pie Popeye.

KM I had a lovely buxus hedge surrounding my raised vege gardens on the farm.  Best decision ever to pull it out.  The roots took a long time to remove from throughout the raised beds.  No wonder it was robust!

Better go and read the Gruffalo ... it's getting waved in my face. 

Enjoy the day all.
Time for a cuppa. The gerberas should look good where they are and hopefully will be much happier. A small sage plant that was struggling has been dug up, trimmed, given a good feed of worm wee and replanted in a better spot. A small succulent that was being smothered in a pot has found a new home thanks to the bidden being planted out in the garden. Could not believe how big the roots were with the bidden. It was a scrap of a plant with one scraggly root left in the hot car for a day before I planted it in a pot four months ago. It deserves a spot in the garden after that lol.

I'll clean up my garden mess after we've had our cuppa and put the bin out for tomorrow. It's meant to rain (no surprises there) this afternoon. MrK is becoming quite disheartened with his seedlings being munched so I'm thinking of surprising him with a vege pod for Christmas. I'll do research and tuck some money away over the next few months while I look around.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well, I am in the unpick camp, mainly because seeing I do so much of it I have convinced myself it is one way to get double the pleasure of making, lol. I dislike finishing a project because I like the doing better than the ending...

And I am sore this morning from that little pruning exercise yesterday, upper back and shoulders, just muscle, just desserts for a lazy winter. It will wear off, but it means a slow day for me, whatever the weather does.
Morning all
Sunny day here after very nippy start

Jan love the blanket I am in the camp if it bothers you unpick

Finished the food hunt, and just put chicken brie with apricot sauce pizza in the oven for early lunch. DH is not fond of regular pizzas but loves this combination which is all good cause I like it too Big Grin

Meeting this afternoon  then need to get organised for my trip tomorrow, early flight combined with commuter traffic  means getting up before 6am the k9s will love getting their breakfast  early

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The blanket looks good to my untrained eye Jan but its up to you.

Cheers KM, for that - not especially keen on murder mystery genre apart from a few but do enjoy foreign movies so European series sound good, may look at Acorn when I decide to investigate which to go with at some stage in the future.

The lemon meringue pie looks good Popeye - my grandmother used to make excellent ones.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have had such a neat day.

MrP was still in bed when I arrived.. And really wasn't up to having a visitor but he sent me on my way after an hour. and its not 3-30 and I just got home.

Everyone loved the pie. It wasn't too sour or too sweet. But having been sitting in the car it was getting a bit soft. Then after everyone had eaten Diane asked Young Peter what he thought of it. he loved it. Then she says to me you knew He was a Chef didn't you? Totally floored me lol. But he did enjoy it so that was good. No one had the chocolate instant pudding and one half of apricot that the home dished up.
I thought Peter was an art teacher, which is what he did here. he too is South African but doesnt have a trace of his accent lol. but he has French too.

We talked and talked it was really neat.

And yay I only damaged the light bulb not the light. It is on the bench now.

Tried to get Bobbie to tell me what her fave biscuit or cake is for her birthday, she doesn't want anything so i said Well Ill make something for Your Mum since its the day she gave birth to you. I knew I would get her that way lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all

Ni e mild day here

Sitting at airport have arrived early as the traffic wasn't bad this  morning  so enjoying a hot chocolate and people watching.
Have seem some lovely winter coats inyerdispersed  with some scruffy looking individuals

Had a busy day yesterday so looking forward  to a relaxing time with my friend in Otago.

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A nice, calm morning this morning Smile

Safe travels, mica Smile

Your pie sounds lovely, popeye, it's been a while since I've made a lemon meringue pie.

MrK says I'm the queen of unpicking, OHH lol. It's the 'journey' for me as well, there is real satisfaction is seeing a project finished and being used.

The bin man is here. It's funny how the Furry One won't bark at the older guy but when the new guy is emptying the bins, he barks like crazy. It's almost like stop stealing our stuff!

Coffee is finished, I'll check the weather to see if the washing can be hung out and then get organised for the day.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Cloudy and cool. 

Yes, I certainly do a lot of unpicking in a knitting project. An error really has to be lost in the pattern to be left as it is!

An appointment to go to today ... the grocery shop can wait one more day. 

KM it's interesting how dogs can obviously pick up different vibes given off one person over another, that we would never notice!
Have a good day in Otago Mica ... our son is trying to get us down to Wellington to check out their new home.  Tempting!

Cuppa finished, time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Its a brilliant sunny day out there. With a gentle breeze. Would be good if I had a clothes line in the sun.

Have a fab day Mica.

I have a couple of quick jobs to do today but then the day is mine. I actually feel tired which is odd for me. But Im sure Ill find something to do. Im not a fan of sleeping through the day. Maybe it was later than usual when I took my pill last night.

Haha Missy just hopped up behind me, and in the reflection on the lappy she started to claw at the curtain. So I told her off without even turning my head. She looked as if to say you cant see me lol.. Shes such a cheeky little Madam at times.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Tech arrives today to look at the no go scooter and give it a service. I am hoping it doesn't prove too expensive a fix, but have stashed all of todays super outside of rent and regulars just in case. Fingers crossed. It will be good to get my mobility back too, the stack waiting at the library is growing by the day.
Well, I wasn't imagining things, the scoot had a broken connection that was overheating and causing abrupt shut downs. Fixed by the tech to make solid and safe but needs a replacement part to be good as new. $165 which I think is pretty good value considering call out , travel and at least an hour in the process.

So now I am mobile again, woo hoo!
(18-07-2023, 09:00 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Tech arrives today to look at the no go scooter and give it a service. I am hoping it doesn't prove too expensive a fix, but have stashed all of todays super outside of rent and regulars just in case. Fingers crossed. It will be good to get my mobility back too, the stack waiting at the library is growing by the day.

Now there's the thing... fancy coloured scooters are Nancy scooters, where as big red ones are all go, go, go ........ Tongue Big Grin Big Grin

Seriously, I hope they are reasonable with charges which always seem so much these days!
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
Glad it wasnt too bad Hunni.. Our Transport is very necessary. Still bad enough no.

Decided to have schnitzel for tea with homemade wedges and gravy, but I forgot I ran out of breadcrumbs so did a quick trip to the supermarket.

A new Cadbury choccie out. Vanilla and Passionfruit.. So I had to get one. Will try later.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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