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You can never have enough...
I've decided not to take on any more series, (apart from the YA one written by an online friend which I bought for youngest granddaughter & got immediately hooked on) in case I pop my clogs & never get to finish them.
And if George RR Martin doesn't get that final book out before I cark it, I may have to come back & haunt him...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
lol Lilith, I'll join you in the haunting Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
And me. I read the books as they came out, and still have copies that I reread every now and then. I don't often do that, just to those that I found enthralling first time round. Alistair Reynolds would be another I revisit.

World builders who do it really well...

Btw, one of my favourite movies is on 3 at 7.30 tonight - Contact. Worth the watch if you haven't seen it or read it...
(21-07-2023, 03:33 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: lol Lilith, I'll join you in the haunting Tongue

There could be  a few of us, I think. I wish he'd get a move on, at this rate I'll have to read all the series again & with my stunning luck, I'll probably fall off the perch just as I finish the last one I've read & ready to finally read the final volume. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We're supposed to have a fine day today, so I'll mow the lawn and might even trim the edges this time.

lol Lilith, George R R Martin is never in a hurry to start or finish his books, but they are worth the wait. It's frustrating as heck for us readers though. I just hope that if he dies before he starts/finishes, he has someone lined up to complete it. When Robert Jordon (Wheel of Time) died, Brandon Sanderson finished his books and omg he was good. It was hard to tell who wrote what. Fourteen epic books - what a mission to finish them lol. And then they made a TV series of them just as I was finishing them. I love authors who create brand new worlds and languages (yes, Tolkien, I'm looking at you Heart )

More hand quilting today, slowly but surely getting there. It's not flash by any means but it's holding the placemats together and that's what is needed.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Have you tried Robin Hobb's series? They are excellent reads too, and she has retired,so no more to come, lol.
Morning everyone

Fine here at the mo.

The home rang last night, stubborn bugger was closing his curtains, he likes to do things himself but fell backwards. A staff member was in the room at the time.. No damage, well probably his pride. But good they rang me.

I may ring him later, then again I might not. It takes him a couple of days to get over his grumpy hissy's.

Wow I've just had a rabbit and a big tan dog that I think is from the end of the drive, visit out the back. Oops Missy saw them too.. I know they come from different houses on the drive, so I hope they both return to their own houses without the death of the Rabbit.

There is free selling on TM today so I've decided its time to do some work and flick off the Enid Blyton Collection. I think Ill do singles and groups of the same ones, Like the St Clare's can be a group etc.

Last night I brought the last addition to my Tupperware collection ( other than the matching pieces I need). Its a mini jug. Only 9cms tall. I never knew they came out but they will "balance" the collection out sitting opposite the Salt and Peppers. Its been listed for well, Months, but I never had the money, and I paid more for the postage than the item. But Finally it is Mine Yay.!!!

Im going to go through my rings later and see if there are any that fit and I wont spend the greater part of the day turning around. I love rings but they are getting beyond annoying now. And I dont want to lose any either. Might save up and invest on getting some downsized... Thats if you can have rings that have been enlarged, downsized again.

Have a fab day everyone... heck I might even cook tonight lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I'm waiting for the kettle to boil. The edges are trimmed and the front berm cut and three loads of washing out. I think I need that cuppa before I tackle the rest of the lawn.

I haven't heard of Robin Hobb... I will investigate though Tongue I wonder if I can download some onto my Kobo. That can be this afternoon's thing Smile Thanks OHH Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
4aining and cold so indoors day.

K9s slept in to 6.45 so a slower start to the day Big Grin the k9s are milling around watching our every move ever hopeful for a walk that won't happen unless the rain stops.

Got a batch chocolate chippie biscuits in the oven been a while since I have done any baking.
Not sure what I will get up to today, ,left over curry chicken for dinner no meal prep to do either definitely  a lazy day.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We had fog and a frost this morning so digging a bit more of the bux hedge can wait for a bit. Frost and fog... typical Waikato lol.

Canterbury has had some rough weather overnight. I hope everyone is warm and dry.

The biscuit 'tins' are empty so baking is on the agenda at some time today as well as working on the placemats. I'm procrastinating on those lol but must make a bigger effort to get them done.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Another sunny day , so far. Chilly tho.

I got quite a lot of books listed yesterday, very pleased.

I rang MrP. he is sounding very miserable and very sore. He agreed, the more he falls the more it hurts and longer it takes to recover.
I have to go buy a rubbish bag so I told him I would drop a few things off but wont stay long. Even talking on the phone wears him out. He told me that had done bloods on Friday. I'm not sure why the head nurse didn't tell me that.

I have a few extra free places that I can list so Ill dig around and full my free list up. Ive put higher prices on the kids books, so I can do good offers and hopefully they sell better.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast with spot of rain.

Finished my book, done some housework, walked the k9s now time for sit down before next spurt of energy

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I have set my hour of free power for 10.30 to 11.30. Amazing what I can get done in that time, lol...
lol OHH, yep, when we get a move on lottttsss gets done Tongue We're still waiting for the new power meters to arrive. They guesstimated the power this month (every 2nd month) but next month when the meter person comes, it could be interesting if they haven't been fixed by then.

I've dug out as much of the little bux hedge as I can. There are two left I cut back to the trunk I can't dig out as I'm hitting tree roots with the spade (with a bit of luck the tree could die too, it's an awful thing with big thorns). When our friend comes to do the spring prune, I'll ask him to attack them with his chainsaw (mrK's has died AGAIN) and grind them to dust Tongue Gardening can be brutal Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It rained all day here yesterday & then really tipped down last night so this morning some of the back garden is underwater. Still raining this morning, but threw the ball for Madame Le Dog anyway, & she trotted off happily enough to get it, but then returned straight past me (while giving me her best John Steinbeck look from the corner of her eyes) up onto the porch where she very deliberately put the ball away.

So that was the human told.Smile
Mind you, we still had to go for the obligatory walk - in the rain.

Eldest great grandson turns 6 today - no idea where that 6 years went!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I got a memory on farcebook with the first photos of my grand daughter Ria, six years ago...

Doesn't seem that long ago.
(23-07-2023, 11:59 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I got a memory on farcebook with the first photos of my grand daughter Ria, six years ago...

Doesn't seem that long ago.

I know!

It just goes so fast that you don't even notice until there's another birthday. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Does a Happy Dance..!!!

Im one step closer to my complete collection. A Lady in Dunedin as a tumbler I was looking for. And she is giving it to me just for the postage.

Sooo pleased. Ive told her Ill pay it forward on her behalf.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's lovely Popeye; its always lovely when someone does some small kind thing, it always gives you a bit of a lift. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(23-07-2023, 07:08 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: That's lovely Popeye; its always lovely when someone does some small kind thing, it always gives you a bit of a lift. Smile

Its does Lilith.. She is as addicted to Tupperware as I am lol.. Fb is fantastic for meeting like minded people. She has asked me to send photos of the 2 containers I am missing and she will keep an eye out too. 

Ive always believed we get things eventually and thankfully I have all the patience in the world.  (well not for me knee tho) lol

Kiwimade Ill get that bottle off to you when my funds are a little better..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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