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You can never have enough...
I remember my husband going through that surgery at Rotorua hospital back in the eighties. He had stretched the ligaments grasping tools on the log line at Wood Panels in Taupo and could no longer open and close that hand. So off he went, driving himself over for the surgery the following day, and back a few hours after, still numbed out by the pain blockers, but without a script for ongoing pain control. On a Friday. Those wore off by evening and I was out tearing around Taupo madly trying to find an after hours supply of decent drugs - he was in agony. The local hospital finally came through with a few tablets and we both got some sleep.

Next day that damned fool man was out weedeating the front garden...

Still makes me laugh to this day.
(27-07-2023, 09:55 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I remember my husband going through that surgery at Rotorua hospital back in the eighties. He had stretched the ligaments grasping tools on the log line at Wood Panels in Taupo and could no longer open and close that hand. So off he went, driving himself over for the surgery the following day, and back a few hours after, still numbed out by the pain blockers, but without a script for ongoing pain control. On a Friday. Those wore off by evening and I was out tearing around Taupo madly trying to find an after hours supply of decent drugs - he was in agony. The local hospital finally came through with a few tablets and we both got some sleep.

Next day that damned fool man was out weedeating the front garden...

Still makes me laugh to this day.

Some men can be right twerps at times. 

MrP had a groin hernia repaired. Home the next day. They told him if he could walk he could go home. But had to take it easy. So the day after getting home he was out chopping wood and kindling for the coal range. And to top it off they caught a nerve near the skin in the scar and its hurt all along.. His GP didnt tell him to ask that they cut the nerve, before he had the surgery. It was after when he told him .. pillock lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Su  has reappeared today still bit of a breeze.

Had lovely time with our friends over dinner last night lots of chat  Cool

Done my morning volunteer stint and had lunch so next step is to give the k9s a pigs ear each they are all sitting giving me the stare
Might puddle around in sewing  ave this afternoon and cut out a couple of merino bodysuits for DGD2 while listening to my audio book 

I have had several nerve conduction tests as I have an autoimmune condition that affects the peripheral nerves (CIDP) so my nerve conduct the impulses to my feet and hands 1/4 normal speed. The conduction tests adversiveness seems to depend on who is performing it. Hope MrK doent have to wait too long

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Did everything I had to & then braved the quagmire which is the dreaded back lawn. Really difficult to push mower because of the mud but they say its going to rain yet again tomorrow so didn't want to risk it getting even worse.
Mind you, I have a sneaking suspicion that now that I've done it, we're unlikely to get as much as a drop of rain.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We have another decent frost this morning Big Grin The sun's out, not like the frost and rain we had yesterday.

lol Lilith, at least your lawn is mowed (for now) and hopefully if you have a dry weekend, it can dry out quicker.

This morning I'll give the house a 'once over' and while the vacum is out, clean the heatpump filters. It doesn't take long to do and I like to keep on top of things.

Spring must be getting closer as all of my spring bulbs are up. I'll move the pots they are in soon so we can enjoy the flowers when they flower. Once finished, they are banished to the back of the garden again.

The Furry One isn't scratching quite so much now. The other evening was so bad I put some of my hydrocortisone cream on his skin. It must have stung a bit as he raced round and round and then promptly ignored me for two hours! I even offered him TWO treats (he only has one a day). But it worked, it stopped the itching and the scratching so it was worth being ignored for that time. It wasn't until I was in my jammies and soft dressing gown he decided, hmmm, I'll sit in mum's lap lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The sun has just come into the lounge. Tad chilly tho.

I might see how wet the lawn is later and attempt the back. Not heaps of growth but with the inspection coming it would be good.

Had the craziest trade yesterday. The woman doesn't do banking online, but wanted to use ping. But you cant change the amount to add the postage on. She lives 38kms from the closest bank. In the end I set up another listing ( she couldn't find it of course) so it covered the postage and success fee. Gave her the listing number and we finally got it sorted.
She has been scammed, but didn't fall for it. the persons name is Jackson Hunter, or Hunter Jackson.. Wanting to get help with passwords. So please be careful.

Oddly that's two of my ex friends sons names. I will be investigating. The ex friend is still putting my listings on her watchlist. She cant bid but I dont like it as it might put others off.. trade me cant do anything about it.

Off to see MrP this morning. and grab a couple of things I missed yesterday. Well one thing wasn't missed I was just in a hurry and didn't smell the deodorant. and its horrible lol. Ill give it to MrP and get another one for me. Wow they have gone up massively too.

Have a fab day everyone

There is a house between Waiuku and Pukekohe that has a fence line with a row of daffodils. They were pretty much all flowering yesterday. Such a joy to see. but Sooo early.
The ones at the first resthome are starting to flower too.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Skutherlybstorm here and verey nippy.

I have to go into CBD shortly  what a day to be out and about. Heavy rain predicted too just when I will be walking to appt where there is no cover and with gale force winds umbrellas are not much use.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
We are sun all day according to the forecast, so I will do a Wednesday today. We lost power at 7pm and I eventually gave up trying to read by candlelight so had an early night and of course it got really cold. Then the blasted Eagle chopper got all carried away at 4am so last night was memorable for all the wrong reasons. That coffee and cake date though will be much enjoyed!
Sorry about the spelling in my post this morning its what happens  when you are in a hurry and on your phone.

Back home  still strong winds and rain here.
Lunch then sew up merino body suit for DGD2 and take up dress  hem for DD

Home made fish and chips for tea.

OHH hope the cake and coffee were enjoyable  today
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(28-07-2023, 11:43 AM)Mica Wrote: Sorry about the spelling in my post this morning its what happens  when you are in a hurry and on your phone.

Back home  still strong winds and rain here.
Lunch then sew up merino body suit for DGD2 and take up dress  hem for DD

Home made fish and chips for tea.

OHH hope the cake and coffee were enjoyable  today

I sure we all understood what you were meaning to spell Mica. 

I just say that my stupid arthritic fingers cant keep up with my mind lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Skutherlybstorm ....... I love it! Very descriptive. Smile Smile
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
Afternoon already! 

DH and I out this morning for an appt then found a cafe for coffee and scone. The wind is cold but the sun is so nice if out of that wind! We even had a frost yesterday! 

Nothing like having a power cut OHH to make us appreciate it! 

Lol Mica. I must have looked a sight last week as my umbrella blew inside out and wearing my redbands in the rain ... at least my feet were dry by the time I got home (walking the dog) lol!

Will finish my long lived cross stitch tonight, then I can hunt out a good framing deal and gift to GD! 

Better get some jobs done.
Still so chilly out there, despite dressing with warm layers, but it was so good to be out and about after what seems like weeks of wet... And yes, the coffee and cake was great, though I did swap it out for hot chocolate and a big home baked choc chip bicky that was still warm from the oven. I am sure Sunil (my favourite barista and sometimes baker) uses the Sante biscuit recipe with the addition of oats and slivered almonds to make it healthier. One day I must make a batch to see if they taste the same.

Sitting here in the sunny window my arm is getting very toasty, I might shift the chair and defrost my knees, lol...
To say it was cold when we went for the walk would be an understatement. There are still bloody great puddles everywhere in the park which we had to paddle through, thanks to even more rain last night but at least its stopped - for the time being anyway.
No idea where the week went, but here it is Friday already. Baby shower tomorrow - eldest granddaughter has organised me to go - its a lunch thing somewhere.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Freezing here again only the odd shower but I am completely over the weather and I am completely over the goldfish in Dr Seuss’s gold fish bowl - it’s two shades off red and orange - just as well I am here on my own the air has been blue !
The refugee welfare group came to check on my neighbours- were shocked when I told them I took them up to the motel on the weekend - I didn’t realise they hadn’t let anybody know - they had the right paperwork to check into the motel -I asked why they don’t move a family in - the decisions are made in Wgtn
Fancy fish and chips -
That's my dinner, oven baked, easy peasy. Yum...
morning ladies Smile Another frosty start to the day... long may we have frosts, they kill those white butterflies Tongue

I'm not sure what we have planned or the day, but I'd like to think we will be outside. It might be chilly but if we wrap up warmly, we'll be fine. I'm also over the cold, bleak days and need some sunshine for a bit. Speaking of sunshine, my friend in the States texted me to say they have had 19 days in a row at 100 degrees F, that's around 39 degrees C. I like the heat but at least if you are cold, you can add more layers.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good Morning everyone

The sun is out here too. I agree Kiwimade, Id rather add layers, than be sweltering in the heat. Im hoping Ill handle summer even better this year. It wasn't too hard last summer, the weight-loss certainly helped. So Im tempted to say Bring it On lol

I looked online last night and NW has jars of cherries and one happens to be on special. So I will pop up and get some, and sultanas that I couldn't get in pak n save on Thursday. I like a small handful on my weetbix with banana.

Had lovely snuggles with my girl this morning, she makes me pull the blankets down and then snuggles into my arms.. The best part of having a cat. Although Bobcat was never cuddly. I put that down to my friend scaring the living daylights out of him just a few days after we got him. His way of telling you he loved you was to back his butt up for a smack. he would talk while we did it.

Listings finishing today. I haven't checked yet but had one bid. So it all adds up for the garage bill.

I might do the back of the lawn later today.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
And my plates have a solitary bid from someone out south who occasionally reneges on trades. Oh well, we shall see...
(29-07-2023, 09:32 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: And my plates have a solitary bid from someone out south who occasionally reneges on trades. Oh well, we shall see...

Fingers crossed Hunni.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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