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Hi Google
My Sister-in-law was given a device to use as an active picture display.
I haven't had a good look at it but it appears to be a small android tablet.
It currently has the Hi Google assistant activated, so you can talk to it.
I was wondering what would happen if you were within range of it and were discussing ways of assassinating the president.
Similar results to discussing it here?
Entropy is not what
it used to be.
which president, which country?
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
Google assistant is listening all the time. Sometimes it picks up something said on the TV and out of the blue its starts spouting off information or answers.  One time it turned off the lights because something on TV activated that command.  It was "what the hell"  (yes the lights are voice activated / controlled)

Funny event a while back -- Having a discussion with SWMBO,  we were being silly, and google starts yapping away.  I yelled "google we weren't  F**** talking to you" -- Google  replies - "Sorry only trying to help, I 'll keep Quiet"

Well that didn't last long  -----Guess why LOL Wink
Upgrades = Old bugs replaced with new Bugs.
(08-08-2023, 09:19 PM)Wainuitech Wrote: Google assistant is listening all the time. Sometimes it picks up something said on the TV and out of the blue its starts spouting off information or answers.  One time it turned off the lights because something on TV activated that command.  It was "what the hell"  (yes the lights are voice activated / controlled)

Funny event a while back -- Having a discussion with SWMBO,  we were being silly, and google starts yapping away.  I yelled "google we weren't  F**** talking to you" -- Google  replies - "Sorry only trying to help, I 'll keep Quiet"

Well that didn't last long  -----Guess why LOL Wink

yep we have the same problem with that annoying wench Alexa. and also on more than one occasion she has tried to sell us a subscription to Amazon Music when we simply asked her to play our usual radio stream
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(08-08-2023, 10:24 PM)king1 Wrote: yep we have the same problem with that annoying wench Alexa. and also on more than one occasion she has tried to sell us a subscription to Amazon Music when we simply asked her to play our usual radio stream

We have both now, Google and Alexa. Had to buy Alexa ( amazon Eco Dot) as Google no longer plays Song Quiz Sad  

Same thing, playing, and sure enough after the 1st round ( and every round after that) --" You are running out of ???  would you like to unlock x Number of songs with a 7 day free trial ----" -----NO!    Carries on   Still the useless thing, you say the correct answer and sometimes she still says its wrong.  Ever had a fight with a app LOL.

We did connect a Bluetooth Speaker to Alexa, works quite well, far more clearer Smile
Upgrades = Old bugs replaced with new Bugs.
I knew there was a reason we stay with KISS.
It boggles my mind why people will willingly install surveillance equipment into their own homes to spy on themselves...
(11-08-2023, 05:36 PM)Agent_24 Wrote: It boggles my mind why people will willingly install surveillance equipment into their own homes to spy on themselves...

it really isn't - a privacy issue it is for sure, but that is a tradeoff we make for the benefits it provides.  My favourite of which is being able to say "Alexa, turn on the hallway/landing heater" - and she also turns on and off the heaters every day in our free hour of power...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(11-08-2023, 05:36 PM)Agent_24 Wrote: It boggles my mind why people will willingly install surveillance equipment into their own homes to spy on themselves...

If you're worried about that, best stay off the internet, stay away from social media sites, and NEVER search for anything, turn off your phone and when you go out wear a disguise as there are so many recording device everywhere you go these days.

your phone -- Assuming its a smart ph , either google or apple will know everywhere you been and more than likely what you had for lunch.
Upgrades = Old bugs replaced with new Bugs.
Years ago, on a US based gardening forum I met a very interesting character who knew the rarely visited parts of Aotearoa rather well, along with other unusual bits of the Pacific, after a long career establishing what he called listening posts for one of the alphabet agencies. His anecdotal stories of five eyes and intergov security arrangements were intriguing and believable. Much earlier I had had a couple of conversations with a family friend who was a radio tech of the more esoteric kind and some of his stories crossed the same anecdotal material and validated it for me. Stuff about all conversations carried out on connected lines - telecoms, internet, radio - all being monitored with keywords and phrases from wherever being of particular interest.

It taught me early on that someone is always watching, be it the nextdoor neighbours, or the hidden domes and antennae we don't know exist. There is no such thing as privacy. No such thing as a secret once it is shared, and our homes are not our castles. That is the quid pro quo we pay for being part of communities of an intelligent species. The closer the ties the more we are seen. To think it possible to avoid that reality is a delightful naivety reserved for children and dreamers...
I make a (very strongly felt) case for not believing anything posted on any religious forum., except when I do, but I believe those religious people have a right to spout their beliefs. However, if they wish to claim only their beliefs are permitted, I believe they are entitled to enjoy or not anything that may occur following their encounters with a pineapple and an electric drill. SWMBO had very strong beliefs (and if she was right, still does) about stage II. If I am right she doesn't any longer but that doesn't alter her right to poke the borax while we both drew breath.
Funny that she couldn't believe I didn't believe something so obviously true, while I couldn't believe she was so gullible.
But, we sure had fun, arguing about it with enthusiasm. (Warning: contents may be hot.)
If God is watching us, hey, it's fantasy. If the Gov't is is watching us . . . . . . . HEY ! ! I'm paying you illegitimate illiterates; go dumpster/dunny diving like I intended you to. Don't report back.
PS: Happy hour was indeed cheerful.
Entropy is not what
it used to be.
If it was that good, maybe I should double my one glass limit.
Oh yeah; definitely go for the two glass and a splash limit plus the bonus snifter.
Note, ensure the cover is off your scooter before wending your homeward path lest the planet riseth up and smite thee a mighty smote.
Instrument flying is ,as observed by sages untold, an unnatural act probably punishable by god. Night flight of scoots, especially champagne ones with covers on, eventually results in aerobatics. NOTE. It (Terra Firma) has smitten others, and if aviating was involved , much paperwork flowed. Very much. So, don't aviate your scoot.

PS: Happy was more accurate than "hour".

PS: Happy was more accurate than "hour".
Entropy is not what
it used to be.
Aviating huh? I don't think they covered that in the manual...
Oh, covered is definitely not mentioned.
Entropy is not what
it used to be.
(08-08-2023, 12:53 PM)Kenj Wrote: which president, which country?

Which president?
Not Luxon of course, as a former self anointed CEO he would obviously be unwilling to settle for President when any fool could see' (and 93.737% do,) that Emperor is the appropriate position. (Although Supreme Deity is under close study at the moment.)

Which country?
Oh, pretty much anywhere will do, the salary is what matters, not the flag.

Have a great week.
Entropy is not what
it used to be.

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