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You can never have enough...
Good news re the oven, Popeye - hope they do it soon.

A good way to help cuttings along is to stick a bit of wandering Willie in a glass or jar with water, let it shoot out roots & then add a cutting of whatever it is you want to take. I always keeo one inside (never plant wandering willie in a garden, it takes over) for when its needed but have never tried Daphne so not sure it would work but probably worth a try anyway.

It absolutely tipped down last night so too wet out to do much in garden.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Its coming shortly.. yay.. they rang while I was in town. We arranged for tomorrow. But I let them know when I got home so coming out now. Yay.

Enjoyed my shopping. So much for only getting a few things. Too many good specials today. Other thank drinks next week I shouldnt need much at all. Hmm I said that this week oops.

Used my brains today. Got a free sample of Iams cat biscuits that Madam Loves. So I used the 30% off voucher and a $5 on my club car and only paid $14-29, instead of $28. At least she will be happy lol.

Meant to pick up some tupperware this morning. Just a couple of seals. Not only was there no woman by the ladies name working in Farmers, but also not in the nail bar very close. Glad I hadn't paid for them
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Thanks for the tips about the daphne Big Grin I'll find someone with a daphne and see if I can have a piece.

Great news about the oven, popeye Tongue I'll take the blame for all the duds out there lol.

For those that use the marrow smackos treats for their dogs, pak 'n save have them on special for $14.95. We have a very happy dog lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Wait till mid summer, apparently success is more likely then, and take many so your chances go up, lol.
The Brand is Robinhood... It has Fanbake and even fan grilling. YAY

Have just turned it off and shut the doors. The smell wasn't overpowering but it wasn't nice for my eyes. So I had both doors wide open and Im freezing lol .

Missy was happy she could watch one of the rabbits..I dread the day that I find one or the 3 of them dead on my lawn.

Amazing the mess that is still in an area that you cant get into lol.. I had time to sweep it out with the brush and shovel tho. And so pleased I didn't have to get rid of the old one.

I said to him I was hoping to mow the lawn on the weekend, but wont be too upset if its wet.. I could bake and know that its completely safe. lol

Its Daphne that has a beautiful smell isnt it? I have cousins, sisters that are Daphne and Rosemary lol.. Daphne is the best, her younger sister, well lets say Im glad she is in Aussie. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning everyone

Fine at the mo but it has rained. The Lawn is wet, Oh dear lol.. I might Have to find something else to do on the weekend.

Hmmm perhaps I could bake lol. Will be trial and error cos I imagine the oven will cook faster than the 18 year old version.

Off to see MrP this morning. The visits are getting shorter as he tires so quickly. Oh Must cook him some tatties.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day here.

Crashed yesterday afternoon long nana nap

Busy today lunch with friends then picking up DGD1 from daycare and looking after her until her parents get home later this evening. Its DSIL birthday so they off for Wellington burger somewhere and a movie.

Got my fabric washed and driedcyesterday so will fold and store that . Most will be sewn up before Xmas.

Allergies bad at moment DH just commented that there is alot of pine pollen around.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

Nice and sunny after another cool start. 

Was going to have GD here this afternoon but will now go on a round Mauao walk instead with DH. Much quieter walk during the week compared to the weekend ... a walk we never tire of. 

Mica I've noticed my old feline boy (dark brown) is coming in covered in pollen now.  He likes to roll in the sun. It probably doesn't help much to rub him down with a damp paper towel if it's floating everywhere anyway! Horrible stuff.

Have fun cooking with the new oven Popeye. 

Time for dog walk. 

Have a good day all.
Looks a bit silvery out there when I was expecting sun. Oh well, I have a good book to retreat to!
morning ladies Smile We have sunshine for now Smile

I'm a tad later this morning as I wanted to mow the lawn seeing as the weather is turning to custard over the weekend. We had a light frost but that cleared quickly. I don't care if the lawn is wet, I still mow it. The lawn has to fit in with what we want to do and if it's wet, too bad.

That's great news the oven, popeye. And even better when they take the old one away. That was part of our deal when we bought the new oven and freezer.

The washing is out, I don't know how it will dry today as it's still cold. But even half dry outside is better than nothing. We're still waiting for our power meter to be repaired too.

I just about went flying over the Fluffy One this morning. She has a habit of walking in front of you and I had an armful of laundry to be put away. Didn't see her until I had tripped. All OK though Smile Lucky I could grab the door frame.

Kettles boiled, time for a cuppa.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Its rained and been sunny.

Had a nice visit with MrP. And came home. Thought whiles its fine Ill mow. Got halfway and it rained. So I stopped and text. Then got it done.

Imagine my annoyance to find a Bill from CHT, the Nasty rest home. I can tell you they got a very nasty phone call. They admitted its wrong.. I said Look Imagine if you had sent it to an older lady. Who would probably have paid for it with money they didn't have. I was ropable. Stupid bloody company they need shooting.

I asked MrP what baking he would like and he couldn't say. So I might make something I can take to the "hell Home" on Monday for the girls too.

The sun is out now lol

My Oven
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good for you Popeye - they should really have known better, so anearfyl serves them right. The oven looks good, hope its a breeze to use.

Still too wet for much in the way of digging so did a bit more pruning out there. Was painting on the boots earlier when the brush slipped - & my other hand reached for the keyboard to ctrl z (undo in photoshop) so I laughed at my own daftness.
Whereupon Madame Le Dog came in & gave me one of her John Steinbeck 'Humans are nuts' looks, huffed once & walked out again.

I thinbk we're all very fortunate they can't talk..Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile  It's a tad overcast... more rain I think.

lol Lilith, I would hate to think what the Furry One would say to us if he could talk.  He's been a bit miffed with the Fluffy One over the last few days for some reason but last night I had to share the couch with both of them so whatever it was, it's over.

We also recieved a bill when Dad left the rest home after respite care.  The receptionist wasn't helpful and was quite frankly, rude.  Told me what did I expect?  I became angry, especially as he had fallen out of bed and they had never phoned me.   Eventually a senior staff member took the bill and said they would deal with it.  I now refuse to support any fundraising for this rest home.

Yesterday the Fluffy One threw up on the vintage blanket we have on the couch, and I had no choice but to wash it.  Couldn't believe it when I bought it in from the line and it was bone dry. That was a lucky break for winter.

Housework for me today seeing as I couldn't be bothered yesterday after mowing the lawn and then I'll trim the placemats and start the binding. 

Next week the car goes into the garage to fix the part the manufacturers have recalled.  I'll have a couple of hours to wander around The Base, it's been ages since I've had that time.  Usually, I'm shopping with a list and that's it. 

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I too had issues with the privately owned resthome after J died. Primarily because they hadn't got their paperwork sorted when she moved in, just operated her account with an EPOA which ended when she died, leaving them with an unpaid account. When everything was sorted I split funds between them and the funeral people and they were not happy. None of their threats of legal action came to anything though, lol.

I do know not to recommend them to anyone. I wonder if it is just these independent ones who haven't got decent management systems in place, they seem to be a bit slack in other areas too...
It's going to take a while to remake the spare double bed... my sister-in-law gave us a really soft underblanket she bought but didn't fit her bed. I thought today would be a good day to strip the bed and remake it with the underblanket on. The Furry One jumped on the bed as I was making it, discovered there was something soft and new on the bed, and will not budge. So far it has taken me over half an hour to put the sheets on and one blanket. He's not spoilt... honest!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I won't regale you with the antics of my companion last night. Suffice it to say cleaning the shower floor at 2am was not my idea of fun, and thank goodness for vanilla scented candles...

Bloody cat.
Morning all
Overcast day

Lol KM we had 2 k9 lumps who wouldn't move this  orni g when we made our bed guess we can straighten thi gx tonight. They not spoilt either Big Grin

OHH yep better things to be doing in hours of darkness at least it was the bathroom not carpet.

Had lovely lunch with friends yesterday and babysitting DGD1 went well . Having a s,ow start to today got some merino bay clothes to repair for the Nest.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Very cloudy here. Glad I mowed yesterday.

I dressed MrP yesterday and have done my butt and tendons in again. I haven't been this sore for ages. Annoying grr.

Gotta love the furry ones for making jobs harder.. I dont miss changing my bed lol.. I fold it all up in the morning and sit it on the couch lol. I have to shut Madam out if making a bed. Otherwise it takes forever lol.

While I was with MrP yesterday I added up what I had spent on Madam on Thursday.. $60.. Thank goodness it will last a while. But her "Groceries" cost more than mine and MrP's lol.. The day when I become catless Ill start feeling rich I think lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

No sun and very cold. We don't often get these days so will have to move fast to stay warm if outside!

Oh how we can all relate to the 'joys' of pet ownership (day and night).  Lol, Popeye there will definitely be more $$ in the kitty after our two are no longer.

No plan for today. Maybe get in a walk (that we didn't do yesterday) before the rain. 

2 pairs of mittens knitted and will do a 3rd smaller pair.  The vest I'm knitting on the back burner while I work out whether I'll have enough yarn to finish the darned thing!

Time for coffee. 

Stay warm.
(19-08-2023, 09:27 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Very cloudy here. Glad I mowed yesterday.

I dressed MrP yesterday and have done my butt and tendons in again. I haven't been this sore for ages. Annoying grr.

Gotta love the furry ones for making jobs harder.. I dont miss changing my bed lol.. I fold it all up in the morning and sit it on the couch lol. I have to shut Madam out if making a bed. Otherwise it takes forever lol.

While I was with MrP yesterday I added up what I had spent on Madam on Thursday.. $60.. Thank goodness it will last a while. But her "Groceries" cost more than mine and MrP's lol..  The day when I become catless Ill start feeling rich I think lol.

Have a fab day everyone

The prospect of those savings made me seriously consider being catfree when CoCo finally crossed that Bridge.

I lasted all of ten days...  Rolleyes

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