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You can never have enough...
Two hours later, the bed is made Big Grin

And add to his 'grocery' bill, the two vet bills we've had over the past few weeks and it's a small fortune. I've added up the vet bills over the past eight years and it's given me a heck of a fright. Suffice to say, it's a heck of a lot of money. But in saying that, keeping him when we found he had epilepsy was our choice and we wouldn't have it any other way.

MrK is almost finished the jewlry box Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
We used to take our cat camping with us - he used to line up for fresh fish when the boat came in - other campers used to tut tut when he had a crayfish leg but it was cheaper to feed him the catch than take two months of cat food with us as he was so fussy
Comes down to An Empty Heart or Empty Pocket I guess.

I cant remember a time when we didn't have a fur baby of some kind..

But in my future I intend on being Furr baby less for a while. So I can live a little. Like go visit friends or go to hospital without having to worry about the baby's at home. And I have a couple of places I want to visit and be able to stay away a couple of nights.

But I cant see me being pet-less for ever. I like a cat sitting on my knee. I love dogs too but I kind of hope one day I wont have a yard or lawn, so a dog is out on that scheme.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's a rainy day today, I'll get the sewing machine out today and finish (thank goodness!) the placemats.

Jan, I love the idea of taking the cat with you on holiday lol. And taking two months worth of cat food camping... I don't think so lol.

We've also decided that the Furry One will be our last pet for the same reasons, popeye. Maybe when MrK falls off his perch I'll revisit the idea of having another dog, but we would like the freedom of going away for days at a time, not just out for the day. And not all places like having dogs. And I know what you mean about not having a lawn. My sister is in a retirement village and has a piece of lawn the size of a handkerchief. Which suits her but doesn't quite suit the Fluffy One. She had to think of herself when buying it as even then, the Fluffy One was an old dog. When she visits us, the Fluffy One behaves like a pup on the grass lol. These 'holidays' with us are so good for her in that respect.

The spring bulbs are doing their thing Smile The little Star of Bethlehem are starting to flower and the tete-a-tete daffs are in full bloom. I'm just waiting or the freesias, tulips and petticoat hoop daffs, white and bluebells to flower.

Time to get cracking, coffee's finished Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet here too.

Madam seemed to remember I didn't have a Kissy for her this morning and didn't ask for it. Ill go up to New World and get some.

Your Sister in law did the right thing Kiwimade. Good that the Fluffy one has your yard to play in every so often.

Pat next door is either 97 or 98 and he has certainly slowed down since he broke his hip. Their back lawn is knee high, I wish I could go and do it. I think it might be beyond my mower, and I wouldn't want to use his incase anything happened to it.

My first version of the bid feeder was hopeless. Good to see the second one is still hanging in place. Its a loaf container from buy jam rolls at the supermarket. Ill put a photo up later. They have the bonus of a heap of seed that fell on the ground when the first one fell down and shattered.

Not sure what I will get up to today. Im tempted to bake something to take up tomorrow. Maybe just fruit loaf, cos we are having toasted sandwiches and fruit loaf will finish it off nicely.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(20-08-2023, 08:04 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  It's a rainy day today, I'll get the sewing machine out today and finish (thank goodness!) the placemats.

Jan, I love the idea of taking the cat with you on holiday lol.  And taking two months worth of cat food camping... I don't think so lol.

We've also decided that the Furry One will be our last pet for the same reasons, popeye.  Maybe when MrK falls off his perch I'll revisit the idea of having another dog, but we would like the freedom of going away for days at a time, not just out for the day.  And not all places like having dogs.  And I know what you mean about not having a lawn.  My sister is in a retirement village and has a piece of lawn the size of a handkerchief.  Which suits her but doesn't quite suit the Fluffy One.  She had to think of herself when buying it as even then, the Fluffy One was an old dog.  When she visits us, the Fluffy One behaves like a pup on the grass lol.  These 'holidays' with us are so good for her in that respect.

The spring bulbs are doing their thing Smile  The little Star of Bethlehem are starting to flower and the tete-a-tete daffs are in full bloom.  I'm just waiting or the freesias, tulips and petticoat hoop daffs, white and bluebells to flower.

Time to get cracking, coffee's finished Smile

Happy crafting Smile

We had no option but to take him he adopted us 3 days before we were due to go camping - he belonged to some a/holes who lived behind us - they were moving so took him 40km up the Wairoa road and dumped him - they had long gone before he made it back - we couldn’t get him into a cattery they were all booked out so we decided at least he knew his way home - he was an amazing cat .We shared the fish with the other campers but there was always one who complained when my husband put some aside for Thomas
Despite the hierarchy’s claims that crime is not out of control the residents of Esk Valley are at the end of their tether - entire house loads of materials to begin rebuilding are being stolen - they are extremely difficult to source - it’s heart breaking - unfortunately when the residents catch them just like the supermarkets there are no consequences
You'd think police would leave a few stationed there given the continuing thefts there, Jan W. Those people have surely been through enough without others ripping them off.

Warm here today - they claim 20 - & managed to get a bit of weeding done as well as a couple of other bits & pieces done, slow progress, but progress.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(20-08-2023, 07:08 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: You'd think police would leave a few stationed there given the continuing thefts there, Jan W. Those people have surely been through enough without others ripping them off.

Warm here today - they claim 20 - & managed to get a bit of weeding done as well as a couple of other bits & pieces done, slow progress, but progress.
Can’t Lilith just not enough police - we have two unsolved gang murders both young girls- I really  do think they should just walk away from the Esk Valley -
Morning everyone

Yep awake early. Its very wet here.

Made fruit loaves late yesterday. Ive clearly been baking things too quickly. I haven't cut one yet but they look lovely. Odd thing is you can turn the oven off but the fan continues to cool it down faster.

Will take some to MrP and then a plate full for the gang. So Toasted Sammie's and fruit loaf today.

I started prepping for everyone's Christmas yesterday. I plan on baking but I got some half price choccie and will get tissues too. Simple things that I can buy over the time.. Talked with MrP last night about what he wants to do for his lot at the home. So we have settled on Lootie bags. There's a lot of sweet toothed Nurses there so I can buy stuff for that slowly too. Its only 4 months away lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Boy, we had some rain last night! It looks a bit clearer this morning though.

Congratulations to Spain for winning the footie Smile It was quite the tournament! Now bring on the Rugby World Cup lol.

A new oven is great, eh, popeye Smile Makes life so much easier.

Every little bit helps when it comes to weeding, Lilith Smile I have a few weeds to pull as well, but that will have to wait until Wednesday. The mulch helps keep them down too.

That's so sad, Jan, that people feel it's OK to rip off those who have lost everything. I think the thieves are lower than scum.

Today I need MrK's help to lift the huge pot the raspberries are planted in so I can tip it out. They never fruited so are going. We're going to replace them with the blueberry as it's a bigger and deeper pot. And when it rains, I'll finish sewing the binding on the placemats, I have two to go Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Reminds me I have to get strawberry mix, apparently that or citrus mix is best for blueberries, and I too want to upsize their pots. I got the first berries last summer and from the number of buds this season could be a good one.
morning all
blustery dull day 

All the edible plant gardening sounds delicious yum

Popeye glad that your new oven is producing the goods it will be more energy efficient too.

Appointments this morning and 2 meetings this afternoon - I have been good and read all the papers over the weekend.

So have a full day no sewing

enjoy you day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Nice sunshine after the wet weekend and rain this morning. Perfectly timed for the school run. 

I use citrus fert on my blueberries since I  have it for my lemon and mandarin. My dilemma is how to cover them this year from the birds, seeing as they have outgrown last years hoops (the netting went on top). Blueberries are so worth growing but the birds also know this!

Another baby beanie knitted and might start crocheting squares for a blanket using up yarn. 

Coffee finished, blueberry muffins (with lemon zest) are on the baking agenda.

Enjoy the day.
This might be why the growers prune them Roma! We might need taller supports!
True OHH, I pruned the year before last and had a poor harvest last season.  Now reluctant to sacrifice those precious branches. Probably need to swot up the correct pruning technique after this harvest.
Oddly Kiwimade I said to my Aussie friend the other day that.. No offence intended but I wanted Spain to beat the Aussies so they could play England. She didn't like it much. very much an Ocker.

But I didn't want England to win either. I just felt that Spain deserved to.. So I think it was a well deserved win.

MrP very down in the dumps this morning. tried sending me away. But they got him up and dressed. Cant say I liked the dr much. But they are increasing his pain meds.

Had a lovely time with the Gang. Toasted sammies and fruit loaf for Lunch. I played Daughter as the other Daughter than goes has some bugs so stayed away. And Rest Home David played Maid and Waiter while I cooked. I must take a fish slice with me next time.

Love fresh blueberries. I didn't know you could grow them in a pot. Might look nice to have one in the middle of my huge Violet tub.

Time for my games now..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
They are quite good in a pot. The winter leaves are quite red, the flowers pretty little white bells but they can grow to 12 feet high, so pruning is probably a good idea. Next year maybe, lol.
Wow.. Im going to be published lol.

In the tv Guide Woohoo lol

But sadly I hope they fix the grammatical error lol.. I wrote the Star letter, not sure which edition it will be in but I've scored a 6 month free subscription lol.

I seldom write to places but I totally love the series Build your Dream home in the Country on Saturday nights with Mark Miller and I especially liked the first episode, with the couple being totally self sufficient.

Mark loaned the couple his tools, which seldom happens.. He used to be on DIY SOS with Nick Knowles. Hes a shortly little Irishman I think, or one of them lol

(21-08-2023, 03:50 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: They are quite good in a pot. The winter leaves are quite red, the flowers pretty little white bells but they can grow to 12 feet high, so pruning is probably a good idea. Next year maybe, lol.

They sound pretty. 

When I was still in school a friends parents had a strawberry and Blueberry farm. First time Id ever eaten Blueberries and I love them fresh not cooked.
Ate too many strawberries I ended up with hives lol. Didnt touch them for years lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a beautiful day!

Congrats on being published, popeye Big Grin I know the presenter you are talking about, he did the bathroom and kitchen programme Smile I like his ideas and have a few tucked away for future reference.

Yep, blueberries are pretty shrubs. Ours is a lovely red and the flower buds are just forming. We're also wondering about the birds lol as we lost the crop to them last year. MrK has suggested we buy some bird netting. We'll have to get onto that fairly quickly. But first we need the bees to do their thing.

The bird catcher has caught the magpies and we haven't seen any starlings either, so we think he has caught them too. They were dangerous, building nests in cars, around electrical wiring and so on. We had one family for generations build a nest in the garage and would wait for MrK to open the doors. We learned to duck as we opened the doors as the starlings flew out. And if they missed the 'closing up', they would sit on the door handle. One even tried building a nest in the middle of the road, then the letter box. We had to pull the nest out every day. But boy, they could build those nests quickly. Friends had to check their truck, digger and so on every day for nests under the bonnets.

The car has the new part fitted today. As it's a manufacturers recall, it's free. Lucky for me, the day is fine which makes it much more pleasant for walking to and wandering around the Base.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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