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You can never have enough...
And she has gone, our new butterfly, off into the wild to take her chances. As we all do.

That and a large celebratory glass of the cheapest pinot gris has me all philosophical. I might need porridge for tea. Safer than dealing with hot elements, lol...
Its truely a pleasure to be able to witness the evolution.

My Bamboo plant still has the crysatlist casing on it. I have left it to be a witness of life.

Yay MrP is sleeping. Thats a good sign and Im happy to leave him asleep. Means he is comfortable.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another chilly start to the day, so much for the rain we have been promised.

Roma, I also laughed at Trump's mug shot. I'm sure it was all planned so they could sell 'souvenirs'. He's got to raise funds somehow.

Thank you for sharing the photos, kenj. They are beautiful. It sure is a privilege to watch monarchs emerge. I wish now I had brought our three inside. Next time. Smile

MrK has one more sawhorse to build for his sister Smile Then I think he is going to build an outdoor table we can use for potting up plants. His bonsai need repotting lol, nothing like needs-must.

I'm doing housework today and then a bit more on the placemats binding.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
My bonsai needs serious help, it is old (for a gingko) but has never been properly groomed. Very soon I will start to feel the annual Winter to Spring angst about whether or not it has survived the cold months. Everytime I pass it out there on the deck railing I will be checking the old leaf spurs for signs of life and worrying until I spot the tiniest bit of green.

It is a weighty inheritance, a bonsai tree...
Morning everyone

Overcast and sunny here.. Not too cold.

Trust Trump to turn things into a Money making business lol.. I cannot understand how Anyone likes that man. Havent seen much of his wife lately.

Making fruit mince pies today. Just the start of what I plan on making. I need to do something in the freezer cos they are full. But Im very good at compacting things so should be ok for a while lol.

And of course I forgot to stop and get a rubbish bag. So Ill have to pop out for that later. Then waddle down to the road with the rubbish on top of the recycle bin, with my walking stick in tow for the walk back lol.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I use the frame of my shopper for the rubbish bag when the recycling bin isn't full enough to go out. Very handy thing that shopper. Wheels are such a blessing sometimes!
(27-08-2023, 08:34 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I use the frame of my shopper for the rubbish bag when the recycling bin isn't full enough to go out. Very handy thing that shopper. Wheels are such a blessing sometimes!

Sounds like a fair % of this website contributors are all a bit falling to bits, and collectors of mobility assistance appliances. Big Grin

I have 8 walking sticks, pair of crutches, a wheelie walking frame and a scoot of the red variety!

Any advance on that?  Tongue Tongue
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
You win, kenj! Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Lol, my crutches were purchased in 1995, I was 43, and I bought my own then because I was given really challenging information on the prognosis based on the damage I had done by stepping out my front door - so not old back then... Mobility aids are very useful things be we a bit broken, or falling apart. I have inherited a couple of nice sticks too, which are handy for places the scoot will not go, but out of all the bits the scoot rules them all.

She makes my life worth living.
I have one of those walking sticks with feet which is brilliant for going up and down my back stairs which are tricky in the wet - use a supermarket trolley to take my rubbish out - it’s perfect but the shop has received two calls about an old lady with one of their trolleys - it’s a good height for taking the washing out to the line as well
Just to add to the family dramas over the last few months my nephews house has burned down - he is away overseas on business - fire service say it started in his home office - could have left something charging - another lot of family treasures lost he had all his Dads fly rod collection dating back a hundred years and all his grandads treasures - so we have had flood now fire next must be pestilence
Oh Jan, that is awful news. Just as well your lot are made of strong stuff!

I came in from transplanting the pot of primulas into the garden so they can cast their seed in there and went to the window to check on the waxeyes apple in the whisk. There were two waxeyes sitting on a branch focused on another one head down, not moving beak deep in the apple. I watched for a full minute and the little bird wasn't moving, completely still, with its neck at a strange angle. In utter horror, thinking I had killed one of these tiny treasures, I opened the door, startling the two watchers, and waking up the still one, who obviously had fallen asleep over its lunch...

The relief was enormous, lol.
I've got two walkers, one for the home with the tray, very handy when moving large Tupperware containers of Flour and sugar, Its my Kitchen trolley and laundry basket carrier too.. And one in the car for when I go out, especially if carrying stuff into rest homes that I cannot manage with my walking stick.
The latter having the four feet on the bottom. its a comfort for me. I feel more stable.

When its both rubbish and recycle days I throw the bag into the recycling wheelie bin, throw my stick across the top and waddle down to the road. And In reverse when I bring it in Tomorrow. Only if Old Pat next door puts his bin out I usually wheel both back. Not very lady like. But I like to do little things for people.

6 dozen fruit mince pies done. Turned the oven up a bit then talked to MrP so the last 2 dozen are his, they are darker than the others lol.

He was sore so not very talkative. He reckoned Ken was wearing a wig. I try to distract him to ask about the golfers or the birds in the feeder but he doesnt say much. Just thinks he should come home. When Ive told him he cant get the same medicine at home
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Heard one commentator say that Trump scowls because he thinks he will look like Churchill - as if  Big Grin 

How aweful JanW about the house fire. I’ve started trying to be more cautious about charging things after  hearing of how tricky some batteries can be.

That’s quite a collection Kenj - do you stylise your sticks to your outfits?  Cool
(27-08-2023, 02:07 PM)Venetian1 Wrote: Heard one commentator say that Trump scowls because he thinks he will look like Churchill - as if  Big Grin 

How aweful JanW about the house fire. I’ve started trying to be more cautious about charging things after  hearing of how tricky some batteries can be.

That’s quite a collection Kenj - do you stylise your sticks to your outfits?  Cool

Apart from one I bought, they all come from late relatives. My Grandfathers one is flash. Bone handle with silver butt, Silver ferule with his 4 initials on where handle and stick meet. Bought it in Manchester in 1899.
Corgi Wan Kenobi is watching you!
That's bad news Jan, & awful to lose so much.
I've got one walking stick somewhere, bought it years ago & put it away carefully just in case I ever need it so will probably never find the damn thing again.

Trump is thankfully, a rarity who I think might be unbalanced somehow.

Had a bit of a go at the boots again & discovered that its possible to use some of the felt pens on the bits I've painted with gesso; some colours don't work well but quite pleased I made the discovery as its easier to control a pen. Still looking quite messy but may now be able to tidy up edges once I finally finish; mostly flowers but somehow a couple of butterflies sneaked in there too - its likely to be a very long & slow process though.
Also did a bit of weeding again & a little bit on a couple of paintings so feeling ever so virtuous.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Intermittent rain

JanW that not good news hope nephew is ok.

I enjoy seeing the monarch butterflies thanks for sharing

Been to DGD1 birthday party  lots fun

Recouping  and having quietish afternoon
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone.

Hope everyone is ok Jan. MrP lost 2 house lots and said it really messes with you. My grandmother lost hers twice to I think.

Out visiting today. Ill be keeping it shortish with MrP he gets tired very quickly. Last night he said I shouldn't be sitting playing my games. So he got gently told what I do in my time is my business.. He would love it if I sat and was bored and friendless, and thus needed to bring him home for company. also told him to imagine sitting in front of the fence and see if he would like that.

Will see the ladies then come home and Monday is the bigger day on the games.

Im tossing up when I will Visit MrP since Wednesday is out as they are resealing the carpark and they have asked for no visitors. And our wedding anniversary of course lol. We missed our birthdays so it had to be our Anniversary lol.

My friend would be 58 today, but he died 10 years ago. I do miss him.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Sun's out, birds are chirping, it's going to be a lovely day Smile

Jan, I am so sorry to hear of your nephew's fire. That's devastating. If it's not one thing, then it's another.

No walking sticks or moblity bits and pieces here, even MrK doesn't use them. Kenj, your walking stick sounds gorgeous. If I ever need one, then I want one that looks amazing Big Grin

Ages ago I read Mary Trump's book on her uncle and OMG! it was a real eye opener. He's been ripping people off since day dot, even family inheritances. Chruchill! lmao, he wishes lol. There will only ever be one Churchill. My friend in the States says his popularity is waning. I said, if you vote him in again, you deserve everything you get. I vaguely remember saying the same thing last time lol.

A friend passed away yesterday. It was so sudden and unexpected. We're still in shock, can't believe she is gone. Her funeral is Thursday.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I thought Mary Trump explained a great deal of his aberrant behaviours stemmed from what was a seriously dysfunctional family life. I almost felt sorry for them all when I finished that book. But then I remembered how many overcome 'interesting' backgrounds, so while it may be an explanation, it is not an excuse.
Have just had a temper tantrum and launched my Dr Seuss blanket into a pile in the corner - have decided I am nuts - why on earth would I chose something so intricate- there is a goldfish in a bowl - it is 3 shades of red and orange and black and white for the water in the bowl - the pattern is like a shaded pencil drawing - might leave it for a while - one thing when you live alone nobody can hear you swearing !
My nephew and his wife shifted their house from down in the Manawatu up North to a remote beach - beautiful old homestead they had done a lot of restoration on it - he had gone overseas for work so his wife decided to take the children to her parents for the weekend .Some people out in a boat saw the fire but by the time the brigade arrived it was gone - my husband told him many times because it was so big and remote to put sprinklers in but they probably didn’t have the money
Had a chuckle this afternoon my granddaughter was working down at the shop doing the online orders - she messaged me to see if I wanted anything sent out - gave her a little list which included a couple of onions - I received a 10kg bag! I will take them to the lady who cooks for the kids in the motel - if they were pickling onions I could’ve used them
Might leave the air con on tonight it’s going to get cold

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