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You can never have enough...
(31-08-2023, 07:15 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: They sent out a young man who forced the doors closed for me, and they have booked a carpentry callout to fix permanently tomorrow.

So I can sleep safe tonight, and will let them open it tomorrow. I'm not risking it again lol...

Dammit. What do you bet no sleep in for me tomorrow?!

But of course not - they probably have a policy of arriving at the crack of Dawn. Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(31-08-2023, 07:18 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(31-08-2023, 07:15 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: They sent out a young man who forced the doors closed for me, and they have booked a carpentry callout to fix permanently tomorrow.

So I can sleep safe tonight, and will let them open it tomorrow. I'm not risking it again lol...

Dammit. What do you bet no sleep in for me tomorrow?!

But of course not - they probably have a policy of arriving at the crack of Dawn. Big Grin
Naah- they will pretend that they will be early so you don’t sleep in but then arrive late pm so you can’t get anything done all day  Big Grin   Big Grin
Well, I put contact lenses in just in case - and then went back to bed. So I am prepared for strangers in my bedroom no matter what the time. My bedroom that is my lounge, my dining room, my working space, my office, my wardrobe, my everything.

Another gorgeous day ahead too, by the looks of it. But that door is staying firmly shut. I'm not going through that again. Funny isn't it, how when we get old the smallest frustrations can ramp up in the shortest times...
morning ladies Smile What a beautiful first day of spring!

lol OHH, they may, just may, arrive on time! Our plumber did, and we were gobsmacked lol

We haven't been to the movies for years, can't even remember the last movie we saw at the cinema. And I get a tad antsy sitting for so long. We wait for TV or until it's streamed. I see Mrs Harris Goes to Paris is on Neon Big Grin Can't wait to watch that.

Housework for me today and I'll finish mowing the lawn. I haven't seen the Furry One this morning, he must be still snoozing in his bed. He's sleeping more and more in it now.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The book I suspect is better than the movie. He was a stunningly good writer. Mind you, I am biased. I bought the book as a Christmas present for my Mum one year and she read it all in one sitting on Boxing Day.

Always did love a good dress, did my Mum...
Mrs Harris Goes to Paris is wonderful.   I'd watch Lesley Manville in anything, and she carries it off perfectly.
Morning everyone.

A chilly start, but its Glorious out there.

Annoying re the Door Hunni. I hope they get it fixed for you. I have to say my Property managers seem to be more "Onto" it these days. Took ages for the shower mixer to be replaced. But the dishwasher, garage door opener and oven were certainly quite fast.

MrP is back in his dark mood, so Im not going up today. I wont ring either. There's no talking to him when he is in these moods. I phone the home last night and they agree, just to let him calm down.

My letter to the TV guide is in the one that starts tomorrow.. Silly thing tho is , and I didn't realise, last week was the final of the building show. Seemed to fly past. That normally happens with something we enjoy.

I might mow later. Its meant to rain on the weekend. but the lawn isn't terribly long either. So Ill see.

Otherwise I might take some stuff to the Oppie, drop off the toothbrush for Bobbie and maybe visit the Junktion on a lid hunt again.

Im thinking of using the new roasting dish to make one large fruit cake. It will be easy to slice up evenly that way.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Sunny blustery day

OHH hope your door is fixed today

Didn't notice the length of the movie kept us both engaged to whole time

Had lazy afternoon yesterday neighbour popped in so had nice time catching up

Currently sitting in car park while DH at the dentist.

Not sure what will get up to today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
OMG I dont believe it..

Im never going out to the coast again. Put the window down to take some photos of the wind turbines and the dam thing wouldn't go back up.
Got back to the garage, managed to get it half way. But it stopped.. Then the Boss managed to try again and it went up. He said its the switch. I said Ill leave it shut until I can afford to get it done.

But I've enjoyed my time out. Got some cheap nearly full rolls of curling ribbon, and free cushion inner and some lids for some Tupperware that I can now sell. Took a bread roll and sat at the estuary to eat it and didn't take my phone with me and there was a mum duck and 6 babies making the most of the sunshine and full tide.

Also got a communal fish slice from the Oppy. But I wont leave it there. Ill either throw it in CHT Davids bags or just bring it home each day. From all accounts, we are having Cheese, onion, ham, spaghettie and salami on offer on Monday lol... We do do well lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another foggy start to the day but the sun is trying to get through. Yesterday was the perfect spring day Smile

Buggar, popeye. If it's not one thing, it's another.

I'm not sure what we're doing today. Probably just potter about. I could do a bit more to the path I'm building on the west side of the house. It means some digging though. I should take MrK's chainsaw in for repairs (for the third time) so we can at least start cutting up the tree trunks and branches we have stored next to the incinerator. He can take them to his mates for when they have a beer around the brazier. On a cold night, it's lovely to sit around it, beer in hand and watch the stars.

There should be some time to stitch more of the thrush today Big Grin Finally, lol, something I can stitch and enjoy.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Nice day

Bummer Popeye.

Got two baby quilts on the go, quilted one yesterday so one to go.
We are joining friends for lunch today so no sewing will be done.

Cast on another baby vest last night trying to complete at least one a week.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A beautiful day so far. Goodness knows where the rain went, but Im not complaining.

Yeah I was a tad annoyed at the car. But it can wait.

Just watched Gordan Ramsey cook with his Mum. Baked beans on Potato Cakes, Fish fingers and a chip butty, then Shepherds pie with peas and carrots but the Best part.. A steamed date pudding with butterscotch sauce. Food from his Childhood. I will look up the pudding recipe, it was really simple.

I think Ill do a bit more down sizing today. What doesn't sell goes to the oppy next week.. Sold the tumblers I got the lids for yesterday. Need to chase up two other sales and that's the Battery done. Yay. My roasting dish was my spoil for the week.

MrP was very sore last night, but Begged me to ring. That doesnt happen often. But I think he knows now I can be as stubborn as he is, but that I needed some time out yesterday.

Might sew a cushion cover for the inner I got yesterday. And send it to a friend for her Grandie who is one next month.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Did anyone watch The Repair Shop last night? They repaired an old singer sewing machine Heart from the late 1800s. I was just green with envy lol. The lucky lady Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

A nice day so far.  I zipped in to the supermarket early before the roads are filled with mini vans carrying students for the AIMS Games here. 

Yes KM always enjoy the Repair Shop. Such fantastic transformations. The sewing machine was a beauty.  I shudder to think what became of my MIL's treadle machine, also a Singer, when they moved into town. Wasn't it interesting the way the Queen Henrietta painting unfolded from a widow into a pregnant Queen. 

Coffee nearly finished, time to make the most of the day.
Yes Kiwimade. Wasn't it beautiful.

Someone had a singer treadle, I can remember using it when younger , but I dont remember who it was. Took a while to learn how to keep it going in a rhythm.

I remember years ago a guy came to our sewing factory. He was Fijian Indian. He was used to sewing, but not with electric machines. Only the treadles. Sadly he simply couldnt get into the electric machines and after sewing his fingers a few times he gave up and left.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My sister had my Mums singer treadle machine she had for 80 years - unfortunately Gabrielle swept it away - TV3 have obtained all the emails leading up to houses being inundated - the engineers were telling CD 24 hours before any action was taken to evacuate people - plenty of time for her to have got her belongings to safety
The awful thing about revisiting tragedies and unearthing causes and contributing factors is how it increases the level of trauma for the victims. Sometimes stones are better left in place to support recovery.
Hunni I imagine someone in the future maybe decades on when another cyclone hits somebody uncovering all the buried treasurers - some of the valleys are meters deep in silt -
I often think our landfill tips will be treasure troves one day. If dangerous ones.
Quote: " . . . our landfill tips will be treasure troves one day."
But, probably not a day related to today unless you're a seagull.
"Dangerous", probably applicable for quite a few days of assorted localities on a range of calendars.

Entropy is not what
it used to be.

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