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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Another lovely day here, spring has certainly sprung.

Roma, that painting on the Repair Shop was stunning, the before and after just incredible. And to think it was painted in the 1600s.

Today I'm going to move the bench seat we use when we have our morning cuppa and swap it with another. It's warped and wobbly and MrK has already nearly come to grief on it. While I'm at it, I'll juggle the plant pots around and put the cuttings I'm growing under a tree. If we don't have rain soon, the hose will have to go on the garden. And then I'm going to take my embroidery outside and do some more on the thrush.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Stunning here too.

Think I might turn the heater off.. Much to madams disgust lol.

Yesterday I made a cushion and 3 nearly finished aprons. Then I crochet a cover for a coat hanger. I almost feel like I have my mojo back. I need to find the wadding I wrap the hanger in. It will be in one of two rooms.

Crochet is a lot faster. But they really are nice to hang clothes on cos they dont slide off as easy. I might even do some for a Christmas present too. Since I did one last night in an hour or so. I have everything to do them so just need to make it happen.

Might mow later in the day. the biggest part actually doesn't get much sun until the afternoon.

MrP was back in a paranoia mood last night. Rambling on about what has been said to him. So I rang the staff and his favourite nurse was on. She said there was nothing in the handover notes. So its probably the meds. Its a fine balancing line. but she will watch for any infections too...

I think out of all of it paranoia is the hardest for me to deal with. He's always told lies. But this is even worse. And Bobbie is the same at times.

Have a fab day everyone.. Actually sitting out in the sun crafting sound wonderful.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
Beautiful day here too

I am having a sit down after a flurry of housework activity, just waiting for second load of washing to finish then the day is all MINE! Big Grin

enjoyed our lunch out yesterday.

Fluctuating moods are hard to deal with Popeye.

Off for a coffee then I think I will go draw with thread on the 2nd baby quilt.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
So much for stitching outside, the wind was just too blustery and cold. But I did have some time working on the thrush so I'm a happy camper.

Father's day today Smile Our daughter has phoned MrK and we have organised our visit for granddaughter's birthday. I'm on birthday cake duty Big Grin Big Grin Our son texted and said he will phone later after his phone has fully charged.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
The home rang. Mr'P wanted to speak to me. Then insisted I hadn't called him and he was annoyed that that. And he doesn't like liars etc..
And they found me sleeping in the car in the garage last night. Slurring his words lol.

Having his own little trip without leaving the farm.. I know now, that he is getting enough pain meds to take care of his pain.

Just as well I've been through it with mum so I was expecting it with him. So I will ring tonight as usual, and visit in the morning and show him on my phone when I rang.. But I dont expect him to understand anyway.

Its taken a long time for them to get on top of his pain, and I can handle the moods cos I know its not him but the drugs. It will mean that the amount of morphine he is having will be affecting his organs too. He is ready to go and Im ok with that.

Still haven't found the padding, beginning to think I might have sold it in the last garage sale. I will ask my friend on FB if I sold it to her cos I know she got some of the coathanger gear.

Got the front lawn done, and went through the spare room boxes etc.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning everyone

A Damp Auckland this morning.

Been awake since 3-30am. Just couldn't get back to sleep.

Will be interesting to see what mood MrP will be in when I get there this morning.

I have some dacron quilt lining that I can use for the coathangers. But that will have to wait until tomorrow at least. Although the aprons will come first.

So pleased I got that bit of lawn done.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A fine but chilly start to the day so far.

Well at least he's not in pain, popeye. Mum did weird stuff while on morphine too.

This morning I'll whip up a batch of choc chip bikkies, might double the batch and keep some in the freezer. Out of all the baking I do, MrK keeps asking for them lol. I suspect they are his favourite somehow Tongue

Yesterday I stitched part way down the thrush's chest using chocolate brown. Today I hope to fill in a contrast brown and fill spaces with pale yellow and contrasting creams. Long and short stitch takes a while so only small areas at a time get done but it's worth the effort. I must draw some arrows on the thrush to guide my stitch direction as that saves a lot of unpicking. The thrush is sitting on a branch, and I thought I might use a very loose french knot for lichen similar to what I used on the kingfisher to add a bit of dimension and texture. This is certainly one of my happy spaces.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Beautiful sunny day sun just helps me feel good.

Finished quilting baby quilt yesterday. Just got to hand stitch  the binding  on them both.

Signed up for a class next Sunday so off to quilt shop to get the necessary fabric.  I need to prep 100 pieces to applique so I know what I will be doing over next  couple of nights.

Quilt shop is 45 min trip one way and there is childrens book store in same complex 2 lolly shops Cool Big Grin

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Synchronicity is reading km speak about her stitches while a thrush calls outside my window...
awww I love that, OHH Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
So did I! It was definitely a silly grin moment...
(04-09-2023, 10:22 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Synchronicity is reading km speak about her stitches while a thrush calls outside my window...

I heard the Tuis yesterday, first time in a while  then I mowed and scared them away. but they seem to love the trees to the side of the house.

MrP was a bit grumpy when I got there. But I managed to cheer him up.

Had a nice time at the other Home. Irene Loved her tomato sandwich.  Im going to take No bake baking next week. Cos I cant eat them all so I can share them around.

Had to feed Young Peter today. His Parkinson's was bad. And they had a nice looking sponge pudding with custard. He's such a gentle soul. You dont see that often.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We had rain over night so that will save me from watering the garden today. And it looks like there is more to come.

The Furry One's fur is slowly growing back after his fur pulling episodes. He's on his last week of Prednisone after eight weeks of being on it.

MrK has finished making a commemorative plaque for my sister-in-law's garden where she has planted natives. This is to remember their sister who died two years ago. She loved native plants, and we think this is a lovely way to remember her.

The found SCUBA/snorkling gear was sold the other day Big Grin so that's a few unexpected $$$ in our pocket. It's going to a family who will get a lot of enjoyment from it. Makes my day when that happens, a win-win for us all.

If the weather is going to be rubbish, that gives me the perfect excuse to embroider. But I need to buy and spread out some small river stones in the garden under the windows. Then I can put pots of succulents there. It's so hot under the windows with little shade, that's about all that will grow. And I don't like shrubbery against the house. What a coincidence we have some unexpected $$$ Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Had more rain here. Its the one thing I miss about having my hearing loss. Hearing the rain on the roof.

Just seeing the news item about the smash and grab in Auckland. Now Im no thief but Id do for less distinctive stuff. Do they know people that buy high end? lol.

MrP wasn't answering his phone last night, and refusing meds. Honestly he is his own worst enemy. So he will be told off if he answers his phone this morning.

I actually feel good about treating Irene to her tomato toasted Sammie. The look on her face was worth it all. And then feeding Young Peter. Took a lot for him to ask. he has such a sweet tooth and I was happy to help.

A quiet day for me today, the knee is certainly complaining. Always a lot of walking on a Monday but its rather nasty. So the cake can wait. I dont have room for it in the freezer anyway. So Ill wait till I have made room.

Might hand gather the aprons. And also look at what I think is some sheet dacron. And see if that will work. I can always use glue rather than sewing the wadding to the hanger since it will be hidden.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
another nice day here rain coming in next 24 hors, temperatures are improving too so perhaps spring has arrived.

Got my fabric, traced out the 99 small pieces and started cutting them out last night, Hope I will get that finished tonight.
cast on another vest so gainfully occupies after dinner 

DS and DGD2 popped in yesterday too nice that we are getting to see a bit more of them.

Not sure what I will get up to this morning lots to do but the motivation is low. Would like to go to look at plants as the cyclamens  that I have in a big pot have finished flowering cant complain they have given a good display for over a year. I will get DH to plant them in the south garden and they will flower again  there.

WE have friends coming for dinner on Friday got to sort out what I will feed them so I can get the supplies when I do the grocery shop tomorrow

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Miserable and wet outside but the garden and lawn will appreciate it. Not so much the AIMS Games students competing in their sporting activities. 

Have to venture out for a very woolly dog groom soon ... she might need her coat afterwards!

Lol Popeye, those thieves will have to find some dodgy buyers who think the bags will complete their "look"  Big Grin

An inside day ... will make some peanut brownies and finish off the cot blanket I'm crocheting. 

Stay warm and dry all.
They are probably stealing to order and have customers waiting.

My cyclamen grow well outside too, mica. I'm thinking of under planting the new fuschias with cyclamen and polyanthus.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
True KM ... how distressing for those who work b****y hard to get their name out there and make a living.
Your probably right Kiwimade.

Wow Mr.P is off his rocker again. I rang the home, then him multiple times and I dont understand anything he is saying. They have a Dr going in to see him. but asked if I think he needs to go to hospital. They were trying to get a wee sample but he wont provide it, and hasn't taken his meds.

So I said yes, to him going to hospital but for them to please make sure he has his teeth and phone and charger. The way he was today is very much like when they sanctioned him last time. He is his own worst enemy. They will ring me once the Dr has been.

The Dacron works Yay. and one strip is perfect. So I've finished the coat hanger. Very happy with it. And I have plenty so that's my night times sorted. Ill actually stay awake if Im working on something lol. Missed the end of one of my favourite shows dammit lol

Now I need to look up a yarn, its acrylic but Im not sure of the ply. I have enough to do the cardy that I found a while back
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hope Mr P is OK, Popeye.

Did the dreaded groceries but as it rained last night, couldn't do anyrthing in the garden so did a bit more painting & made a strudel, peach this time. Was doing a bit more of the sporadic workroom clearing & found a couple of fabric pens I'd forgotten about. Can't remember where or when I bought them & no instructions to be found but had a bash anyway on an old pair of jeans. Didn't look too bad so ironed those bits & will see how they stand up to wear & washing.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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