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You can never have enough...
Lichens give some glorious colours, surprisingly unexpected too. Can't remember the mordant combinations but I suspect alum would be worth a try. Though recently I came across an artist who soaks her cloth and yarns in soy milk first and then into dyestuff. I was tempted but decided I have quite enough obsessions to be going on with, going back into natural dyes is not going to be one of them.

Btw, watch out for lichen, some of them are very rare, extremely slow growing and on the edge of extinction, sadly. I suspect those are the ones that produce lavender tones on silks...

(12-09-2023, 12:13 PM)R2x1 Wrote: My main aim for end of life is to have at least 3 bank managers crying at the funeral.


That was one of my thoughts when I signed up for multiple student loans ten years ago. The thought of negative $26k being part of my legacy to Studylink warmed my leftist cockles.

Regrettably I have managed to reduce that somewhat, but with luck it won't ever be completely wiped out.
(12-09-2023, 04:41 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Lichens give some glorious colours, surprisingly unexpected too. Can't remember the mordant combinations but I suspect alum would be worth a try. Though recently I came across an artist who soaks her cloth and yarns in soy milk first and then into dyestuff. I was tempted  but decided I have quite enough obsessions to be going on with, going back into natural dyes is not going to be one of them.

Btw, watch out for lichen, some of them are very rare, extremely slow growing and on the edge of extinction, sadly. I suspect those are the ones that produce lavender tones on silks...

(12-09-2023, 12:13 PM)R2x1 Wrote: My main aim for end of life is to have at least 3 bank managers crying at the funeral.


That was one of my thoughts when I signed up for multiple student loans ten years ago. The thought of negative $26k being part of my legacy to Studylink warmed my leftist cockles.

Regrettably I have managed to reduce that somewhat, but with luck it won't ever be completely wiped out.

I haven't looked recently but I'm fairly sure mine's more than that. 

Mainly due to Studylink being total bastards back then, possilby they've improved but grandson says I wish them good luck with my legacy. Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
You have more than me? Huh. I can't have that. What can I study next I wonder...

Do they do PhD's in hedge witchery?
(12-09-2023, 07:14 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: You have more than me? Huh. I can't have that. What can I study next I wonder...

Do they do PhD's in hedge witchery?

Worth a try surely.... Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Another sunny day

Off to take car for service this morning taking my book and will sit and wait for it to be done. They have good coffee.
Got a bit of quilting done yesterday quite a bit more to do.

Gotta move drive in rush hour traffic into cbd

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

I wonder if I could add to my student loan debt too lol..

I have an Australian friend who actually annoys me. I've known her about 22 years maybe. She has done countless courses.. BUT never completed any of them. Gets the course related costs, does them to maybe half done then uses her health and mental state to get out of them. She has Never told me how much her student debt is, but I imagine it to be 50K plus probably. She recently applied for another course, and Finally they turned her down. I knew if I waited long enough it would happen.
And she will never work. She blames the court system for charging her with Hitting her mother, they both hit each other and both took it to court. Its not the courts fault. Yes its on her record and yes it will affect her getting a job but deep-down I dont think she is upset about it.. but some personal reasonability would go a long way.
When she moved here to marry the man she met online, he nearly completely owned his home, now they have nothing. Living in a housing NZ house. Living from pay day to pay day. She totally over spends on everything.

On a happier note. Mr'P was good yesterday. No moods, no mention of too much pain. It was a good day.

Our Public toilets near the Pub and Library are in the top 3 toilets in NZ Competition. They have been painted with very old fashioned murals. I've only been in them once but very clean, awesome for the disabled etc.

Off to see MrP today. Dropping off more gear at the oppy.

Yesterday I finished one coat hanger, crochet two more covers for a Christmas Present, and Im at the armhole on the front of my cardy. I am really enjoying my crafts etc again.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another bright and chirpy day today Smile

I have a few things to potter about with outside today. Some weeding needs doing, sneaky things growing through a good six inches of mulch. The new polyanthus' are flowering Big Grin and there is more growth already in the garden. No more frosts please, the plum is blossoming. We lost our blossoms and the new fruit to a very late frost last spring.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Beautiful day so far, hope it continues. Not wonderful to think that we may be in for a hot summer with drought though!

Wow Popeye, those Course providers were slow learners when it came to providing funds for that particular individual  Confused

Busy day yesterday which changed course due to my old feline boy unable to have his scheduled dental due to a vet emergency ... the procedure a bit of a worry anyway given his age.  I was able to alleviate his loud protest at not getting breakfast at least! Friday the postponement date. 

Have some more jobs to go out for and then the day is mine. I finished a "fish and chips" baby vest yesterday using up some yarn, now for another project. 

Cuppa finished ... enjoy the day all.
I thought I would be scooting today, but that sky looks a bit ominous... Better check the forecast I 'spose and see if the experts agree with my suspicions...
You want Hedge Witchery? Plant Elaeagnus and you will leave a little something to ensure succeeding generations of gardeners will certainly remember you as a Hedge Witch.

Entropy is not what
it used to be.
Beautiful day in the bay - couple of photos I received today
The supermarket truck driver filling the pantry with food at the nearby emergency housing took this photo before rescuing the trolleys -this is just since Saturday - but if the supermarket stops taking food over its the kids who miss out
This photo beggars belief - it’s been six months bobbing around in the sea and washed up on the beach today
(13-09-2023, 12:47 PM)JanW Wrote: Beautiful day in the bay - couple of photos I received today
The supermarket truck driver filling the pantry with food at the nearby emergency housing took this photo before rescuing the trolleys -this is just since Saturday - but if the supermarket stops taking food over its the kids who miss out
This photo beggars belief - it’s been six months bobbing around in the sea and washed up on the beach today

OMG Jan re the first photo.. It makes you wonder what the kids will turn out like, if the parents are capable of that mess. 

WOW I hope someone claims the ornament. But I wonder if the hands were missing before it went on its journey. 

MrP was in a fairly good mood, but  refused to get up and exercise. And usually he likes the Physio.. but he has agreed to try next week. 

Got home and the Stickers from new world that my sister friend sent up for me arrived. So I went and got the frying pan. I feel very spoilt and I will think of two of my sister friends who both helped me get the roaster and frying pan

2069874634.jpg (450×600) (

The roasting pan is what I made the triple Christmas cake in on Saturday night.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I picked up the casserole and the utensil set yesterday courtesy of generous friends and I think that pot would be good for a pot roast, so next time there is a chook in the freezer I will try it out.

Fantastic news for the village yesterday, we have confirmed the presence of kaka in nearby trees, and it isn't the first sighting, so we are hoping they are here to stay. I have fingers crossed they will find our little bit of paradise, even if it upsets the tui families!
Very intelligent the Kaka apparently. There's been a m ove to plant native trees at the park in an effort to encourage more birds such as Tui so am hoping it works.

May have overdone it slightly, did egg/breadcrumbing fish for the freezer then out to post a letter ($2 these days fgs!! ) get the bread they didn't have yesterday & then home for coffee. Then took Madame Le Dog for an early walk, & attacked the garden again so another garden dug pover & weeded. A bit more on current painting & that's it for the day due to having used up all the energy for today. I did suggest that it might be Madamre Le Dog's turn to cook tonight, but she just gave me one of her looks.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(13-09-2023, 02:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I picked up the casserole and the utensil set yesterday courtesy of generous friends and I think that pot would be good for a pot roast, so next time there is a chook in the freezer I will try it out.

Fantastic news for the village yesterday, we have confirmed the presence of kaka in nearby trees, and it isn't the first sighting, so we are hoping they are here to stay. I have fingers crossed they will find our little bit of paradise, even if it upsets the tui families!

I had planned on getting the casserole, but decided that I have plenty of glass ones that I seldom use so got the pan instead. 
A friend has another 9 for me so I will save and get the Utensil set as well.

Awesome re the Kaka Hunni.. Love it when Nature takes over..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's freezing outside! That southerly wind is bitter.

Wow, what a mess, Jan. There's no excuse not to be tidy, or at least attempt to be. And that ornament! I hope someone is able to claim it Smile

How rude that Le Dog wouldn't cook last evening, Lilith lol. You did take her for a walk!

Kaka! How cool is that, OHH! Now you definitely need a fruit hedge. It would seem the predator free teams are finally making some headway. It's up to all of us though, keeping rat traps out and so on. My sister never believed there were rats in town, they were 'a country thing'. I shook my head in despair lol. She changed her mind when one of her mouse traps caught one lol.

MrK and I spent a very happy 45 minutes or so watching two fantails 'courting' (MrK's description lol) just before sunset. I think the male was looking for the female this morning too Smile Fingers crossed they decide to move into our garden now that the magpies and starlings have been removed. We've had a pair nest here before but not for a couple of years. They would visit, bathe under the hose, eat bugs and go. Such a joy to watch.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Sunny there is strong wind warning for today

Fun having Kaka visiting OHH, we currently watching many Tuis feeding in neighbours  flowering Kowhai tree.

Made progress with quilting yesterday  spent alot of time playing with fringe foot to see if that would work to give zebra ears some fluff its a work in progress.

Morning at warehouse more thread play this afternoon

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Windy and grey here. But I am pleased Ive left my winter wardrobe in the car. I think I will need it today.

That mess makes you wonder what they would be like in their own homes..

I love nature, always have. But what suprises me is the number of people who just seem to be totally unaware of how lucky we are. I love having the bird feeders. And Missy certainly loves it too.
I asked MrP if the Hospital Cat Johnny watches the feeding stations and he said only rarely.. Too well fed to care I think and hope.

I was shocked to see the massive puddle back under the trees on the golf course yesterday. But the bonus it seems to bring in heron, which Ive not seen many of. Im soo pleased I took Mr'P's binoculars up to see the wildlife.

Shopping today. I dont need much. But need to go to Binn inn, so a trip to Pukekohe.

15 cents off at Gull today too making $2-95ish here.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

The sun might be out but that wind is cold. 

Our neighbours have big trees on our boundaries and ours are getting there so we enjoy a variety of bird life. I always have water in the bird bath for them. The biggest,  Kereru have visited several times and the tiniest, the cute Silvereyes also visit. The birds are safe here with an ancient cat and tripod, slightly younger dog  Smile

The petrol price sure does hurt now, fortunately have kept on an old farm account for the fuel discount alone. 

Meeting family for lunch today, the Cafe has an attached Garden Centre so I can replace the flower seedlings that obviously didn't like Wet and Forget drift last week  Sad

Time to move, enjoy the day all.
(14-09-2023, 07:12 AM)Bkiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  It's freezing outside!  That southerly wind is bitter.

Wow, what a mess, Jan.  There's no excuse not to be tidy, or at least attempt to be.  And that ornament!  I hope someone is able to claim it Smile

How rude that Le Dog wouldn't cook last evening, Lilith lol.  You did take her for a walk!

Kaka!  How cool is that, OHH!  Now you definitely need a fruit hedge. It would seem the predator free teams are finally making some headway.  It's up to all of us though, keeping rat traps out and so on.  My sister never believed there were rats in town, they were 'a country thing'.  I shook my head in despair lol.  She changed her mind when one of her mouse traps caught one lol.

MrK and I spent a very happy 45 minutes or so watching two fantails 'courting' (MrK's description lol) just before sunset.  I think the male was looking for the female this morning too Smile  Fingers crossed they decide to move into our garden now that the magpies and starlings have been removed.  We've had a pair nest here before but not for a couple of years.  They would visit, bathe under the hose, eat bugs and go. Such a joy to watch.

happy crafting Smile
A young Mum posted this morning that her little girl further down the beach opened her curtains on the night of the huge moon and called out to her Mum a gypsy lady was floating in the sea - the Mum of course thought it was her imagination but the next morning she drew what she saw and it was obviously on its way to shore two weeks ago - the owners of a very expensive yoga retreat have claimed it - they were high in the valley so it certainly travelled

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