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You can never have enough...
Mica, you could always hand embroider the ears using 'Turkey Stitch' to get the fluffy look. I use it when embroidering hair and fur and want that 3D look and feel.

That's awesome the ornament was rescued, Jan. Amazing the little girl saw it and I would think any mum would have thought the same.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(14-09-2023, 11:39 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Mica, you could always hand embroider the ears using 'Turkey Stitch' to get the fluffy look.  I use it when embroidering hair and fur and want that 3D look and feel.

That's awesome the ornament was rescued, Jan.  Amazing the little girl saw it and I would think any mum would have thought the same.

Thanks for stitch recommendation  I changed my mind and went with free motion zigzags  to make the mane decided to leave the ears for now still pondering.

Very strong winds and scattering of rain this afternoon can feel the temperature  dropping
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Woke up really early with a screaming migraine along with the usual upchucks. Haven't had one for months but boy this was a doozy. It will be a late night reading tonight seeing I spent most of the day asleep under the influence. Makes me appreciate a clear head, a day like this. Well, as clear a head as I get that is!

Might go do last night's dishes now I can stand up straight.
morning ladies Smile We have some huge black clouds looming overhead...

Ahh buggar, OHH, hope you are feeling better today Heart

Our garden contractor friend phoned late yesterday and asked if we would like a trailer load of mulch for the garden. It would save him dumping it as green waste and save his client the dumping fee. A win-win for us all. I have a patch in the garden where the mulch has rotted down so it's perfect timing. I was going to text and ask him if he had any lol. My job today (and possibly tomorrow) is to move the mulch from the roadside to the garden. By the looks of the pile, I would guess there will be at least 30 -40 wheelbarrow loads. I'm a very happy camper as it means water can be conserved in the garden over the expected hot summer.

Better get moving, those clouds look pretty close and even if I can move just a bit, it's better than nothing.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I get obsessions. Everytime I hear or read of someone being on the spectrum I think of my lifelong habit of developing an obsession for something, that I then follow intensely for months on end and then suddenly it is over. Like a love affair that runs out of steaminess. And then ages later, it reappears and I find my mind circling around the edges of an old love. Aquariums are on my mind. A well scaped tank with plants and fish and microlife alongside all the science and tech learning that goes with it is totally absorbing, but I am trying not to get swallowed up in it again. Just one small indoor water garden, and one outside pot with the lotus plant. That's not too much I tell myself, as I scan the TM listings for tiny cold water fish in my locality.

To keep the mozzies down, of course. Liar liar pants on fire...
Morning everyone

Dismal outside. but its not cold.

The poor Cafe in Pukekohe gone up in flames. Thankfully not totally by the looks of it. Its really popular. And its the end of the busy main street. Really old building that's been there from very early days.

You will be busy Kiwimade. And if it gets wet it will make it even harder. But I know Especially when it comes to wool. I've brought alot over the years, but it is good cos when the mood strikes to want to make something, I usually have what I need.

I like fish, but not the cleaning of them. One of the clinics at the Manukau Superclinic has an upright tank which look cool and dont take up too much space.

Off to see MrP. And then Im going to shout myself some new tongs. Long BBQ ones. Very handy for picker uppers. And the ones I have are annoying beasts. They dont lock in place and it annoys the heck out of me. So I've done prices on Mitre10, but Ill have a look in the cheapie shops first and compare.

Then I need to wash the stuff that wont go in the dishwasher. theres a pile lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's 11 wheelbarrow loads (full and overflowing) on the garden Big Grin Not too shabby all before the neighbour's kids head off to school. It's starting to rain and yes, I know I won't melt in the rain, but I am over working in the rain.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(15-09-2023, 08:03 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I get obsessions. Everytime I hear or read of someone being on the spectrum I think of my lifelong habit of developing an obsession for something, that I then follow intensely for months on end and then suddenly it is over. Like a love affair that runs out of steaminess. And then ages later, it reappears and I find my mind circling around the edges of an old love. Aquariums are on my mind. A well scaped tank with plants and fish and microlife alongside all the science and tech learning that goes with it is totally absorbing, but I am trying not to get swallowed up in it again. Just one small indoor water garden, and one outside pot with the lotus plant. That's not too much I tell myself, as I scan the TM listings for tiny cold water fish in my locality.

To keep the mozzies down, of course. Liar liar pants on fire...

A little while ago there was a thing on about Autism & ADHD. It mentioned that symptoms of Autism can include being rubbish with maths & having little sense of direction so get lost easily - both of which i have. Slightly alarmed, I sent a message to DIL - did she think I might be a bit autistic?

She told me not to be daft - possiby a bit eccentric she claims, but not autistic! Big Grin Big Grin

She's very handy that DIL.... Rolleyes

Although, one day we were going somewhere &  stopped at an intersection, & I happened to look up  & saw a cloud which looked exactly like a hand holding a small ball in the palm; I said 'Look at that" without saying what I saw, & she saw the very same thing -  so if I'm weird then so is she. Big Grin Big Grin

(15-09-2023, 08:44 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: That's 11 wheelbarrow loads (full and overflowing) on the garden Big Grin  Not too shabby all before the neighbour's kids head off to school.  It's starting to rain and yes, I know I won't melt in the rain, but I am over working in the rain.

Perhaps you could enlist the neighbour's kids to help - pay them a bit maybe - so much per wheelbarrow or something? That's a lot of work for just one person.  Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I think it is more that normal doesn't exist. It is an assumption made by the medical industry in order to boost their own esteem.

We are all on a spectrum, and thank heavens for that.
(15-09-2023, 12:15 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I think it is more that normal doesn't exist. It is an assumption made by the medical industry in order to boost their own esteem.

We are all on a spectrum, and thank heavens for that.

Indeed - it would be very boring if we were all exactly the same. Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well done Kiwimade..!!! nice hot shower for those muscles needed Im sure.

I have a friend with 3 kids with Aspergers.. she also reckons her Mother was... but She seems to think she is fine. I dont know much about it, but she has all the mood swings etc. that her kids and Mother used to have.. I think its a safe bet to say she is.

MrP was in a good mood. Especially with the pork crackle. They weighed him and he has put 1.9 kilos on in 2 days. He kept telling me the Dr said he doesn't have any problems. Wont answer direct questions. Head Nurse came in and said if I have any questions to ring her. so I will after Emmerdale. Mr.P only hears what he wants to hear.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Afternoon all
Xunny windy day here

Lol we all fit on the spectrum somewhere and I recognise that I have some OCD tendencies just makes us our unique wee selves Big Grin
KM you have done your workout for the day. Many moons ago when we were landscaping around our new build house the little 4yr old boy across the road used to come over with his wheelbarrow to play with DH that involved moving gravel to fill drainage trench. If DH Wasn't outside he would knock on door and ask when he was coming out to play so sweet.

Been over to Petone to gluten free cafe with friend to have our cream a jam donut fix Cool did the food hunt on the way home
DH is over at DD place e her k9 was howling so he is keeping company until his pack walker picks him up.

Got more done on the zebra she is finished, still undecided about adding illusion of ear fluff will bind this afternoon while I keep pondering
Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I kept going once the rain stopped and managed 25 wheelbarrow loads Big Grin and estimate to be around half way through. I'll finish it tomorrow. I don't mind the work, the mulch isn't heavy and there is real satisfaction in seeing it spread on the garden.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile A much improved day so far waether wise Smile

Sometimes we just have to mull things over before we make decisions, eh, mica Smile I also tend to let ideas bounce around for a few days (or weeks lol).

Round 2 of the mulch this morning and the plan is to finish it so I can mow the lawn. There are some massive olive tree trunks amongst the mulch, they must have been huge. MrK is literally drooling at the thought of working with some of it lol. He'll cut them up with the chainsaw and take what he wants, and our friend will take the rest for firewood. That's my day organised lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Some bastard is sanding or polishing floorboards this morning. That is a drone that gets right into my bones...

Bloody diyers, sez she after a lifetime of doing it herself!
Morning everyone

Lovely and fine here.

I may hit the lawn later. Its very still so I dont know how much the lawn will dry out.

I rang the head Nurse. Mr'P's liver and kidneys are very advanced in their failure. There's nothing they can do. But it is the liver that's causing all the bruising, so we have that figured out. They are keeping a very close eye on his weight. 1.9 kilos in 48 hours is too much. And his kidneys cant handle it.

I said to the nurse he seemed to be at peace yesterday and they have all noticed it too. Finally. He has always been a fighter but I think now he understands what is happening he might have finally accepted it.

I made the decision a few days ago that as I have always said I will wait for MrP to go before I move of course. But Im also going to stay until my knee is done. My sister in law had to wait a long time before her surgery in New Plymouth so I dont want to come off one long list to go at the bottom of another. And either way its going to hurt the knee anyway.

Today I need to hit my kitchen. Its disgusting. Then I check the lawn later.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

A clear blue sky, with welcome sun. The skydivers are making the most of it, the swoosh of their parachutes wasn't as loud as me tapping in small staples to attach string to help my sweetpeas reach the wire. Lol, OHH I did think of the neighbours but it was 9am  Big Grin

My old feline man survived his dental yesterday but no time for extractions as his BP crashed as it did 2 years ago.  Half an hour under is all he can tolerate the vet tells me. 

An outside day, have worked out a cover plan for my blueberries that are laden with flowers this year. I see my spuds are up and will do some weeding later.  That free mulch is so useful KM, I've wheelbarrowed a fair few loads myself.

It sounds as if Mr P is being well monitored Popeye, a comfort to you.  

Time for coffee.

Enjoy the day all.
Its good that Mr P seems calmer Popeye & I think you've made the right decision to stay put until after your surgery.

Today is granddaughter's 26th birthday & Smartypants, their baby boy decided to arrive as a special birthday surprise for his Mum! Five am this morning they had to call the ambulance to get to hospital as he was breech with feet first so they're recovering. Will probably meet him when things calm down a bit.
This is the third baby to be born on another family member's birthday, so its becoming a bit of a tradition. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-09-2023, 11:07 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: Its good that Mr P seems calmer Popeye & I think you've made the right decision to stay put until after your surgery.

Today is granddaughter's 26th birthday & Smartypants, their baby boy decided to arrive as a special birthday surprise for his Mum! Five am this morning they had to call the ambulance to get to hospital as he was breech with feet first so they're recovering. Will probably meet him when things calm down a bit.
This is the third baby to be born on another family member's birthday, so its becoming a bit of a tradition. Smile
Congratulations Lilith... 

MrP was a breach baby. And never stopped running. lol His need for speed and danger is still there a little bit lol. 

Rang him this morning. Sounded a bit doped up but he was ok.. asked for a container for his Lollie's. Which isn't easy, he still has big hands, so jars are out for that reason and  the danger of them being dropped. Tupperware frustrates him. But I have other rectangle containers that might work.. before I go buy something else. 

I am tempted to pop up to the recycle centre tho. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
50 wheelbarrow loads of mulch all up Big Grin I am so lucky to have a free supply. MrK helped me with the massive trunks and we dropped them off at a friends for next seasons firewood. He has kept a nice straight piece for his woodworking. It's certainly a lovely timber. After lunch I will finish the tidy up and take a load of small branches over to our neighbour for her fire. These olive trees are certainly being spread around, nothing is ever wasted in the garden. The resident blackbird doesn't miss a trick and has been flicking the new mulch around looking for bugs. His partner is sitting on eggs so a busy time for them both.

Good to hear MrP is at peace, popeye. Makes it easier for everyone, including MrP.

OHH, our nieghbours were lucky the chainsaw had another hissy fit and wouldn't work this morning. MrK was all revved up and ready to cut these olive tree trunks up at 8.00am! We've decided he needs to replace it and he's looking into buying an electric one. Another thing we have to replace... that will be nine things in six months. It looks like his vegepod may have to wait for a bit.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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