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You can never have enough...
afternoon all
overcast and very windy.

Thats alot of mulch KM.
wise move Popeye to wait until you have your surgery before contemplating moving

Spent the morning at Kapiti Coast quilting exhibition , did my stint then had a look around - some lovely quilts there are very talented people out in our communities. Home and back to tiding up, then I am going to have a wee sit down. 
My sewing group meeting tomorrow so will need to get organised for that - think I will trace off some children's patterns  they keep growing an need bigger sizes Big Grin

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
popeye333, what about using a biscuit tin, you must have them lying around waiting for a use?
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
morning ladies Smile It's the calm before the wind, this morning.

Congratulations Lilith! Always great to hear good news Smile MrK and his Dad shared their birthday as well Heart

A biscuit tin sounds like a great idea, zqwerty Smile

I'm up early so I can mow the lawn before the weather changes. It would seem we are back to weekly mows.

We had a quick look online for battery operated chainsaws and there's a few there that piqued MrK's interest. I thought they would be much more expensive. And what we both like is they are quieter than the petrol chainsaws. One even advertises you won't need earmuffs as they are so quiet.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
My peach tree is a real delight now most of the buds are open. It is a froth of pink, and I even have a few tiny blossoms on the young daughter tree I transplanted between the two units next door, so I hope the two ladies there appreciate them as much as I do. Even if the fruit doesn't please, these few weeks of pretty are reason enough to keep the trees, imo. My homegrown and saved tomato seeds are up in their egg carton bed but no sign of life yet from the fuchsia, strawberry, or little sweeties capsicum seeds alongside. Despite me whispering words of encouragement on a daily basis. I still have hope though, the temperatures are still low enough to keep them under the covers for a few weeks yet. But the conundrum remains, should I pull the mj seeds out from behind the mustard pot in the fridge and plant those now, or wait till it gets a bit warmer?

I am not very good with patience.
Good morning everyone

Dull here too. And dampness too so I dont think the lawns will be done today.

Biscuit tins are Tupperware here. And his thumbs don't work cos they are pinned. I might pop up to the Junktion for a look. I do have one plastic container that might work. But Ill have a good wander around the recycle center and see what they have.

Got two coat-hangers, pretty much finished. I tried to recreate the pansies I used to be able to crochet and for the life of me I dont remember how I did them lol. But I have ribbon that I could tie at the base of the hook and swap the colours so they co-ordinate. Crochet one of the light mauve ones.

Hope to sew later and get the aprons finished. Im sending a couple to my friend in Taranaki.. Kiwimade I haven't forgotten about the Nasa Bottle for your grandboy. Hope to get it sent this week.

Oh the sun is coming out, nope its gone away lol. Clouds must be moving fast lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Thanks for that, popeye Smile Let me know the postage and I'll deposit the $$

The lawn is mowed and MrK has put a new shelf up for me in one of those stupid cupboards without doors. It was such a waste of space. But now I have two shelves above the cake mixer to make storage a lot more practical.

Hmmmm.... OHH. Auckland is a lot warmer than here in the Waikato but who knows about planting out the seeds. We had that late October frost last year! Our plums also look stunning covered in white blossom Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I am waiting for my other homegrown tree, which came out of the quince seed pot, but turned out to be a crab apple.

And I don't mind a bit!

It is now taller than the mighty feijoa hedge and covered in what we all hope is blossom budlets...
Sunny but windy here, we did an earlier & longer walk earlier & I think Madame Le Dog is still recovering.

The tomato plants are still too small to plant out & anyway, still some risk of frosts so will wait a while longer & try to remember to put them outside each day for a while. There's also a pumpkin just popped up, so hoping for a few more soon but still masses of digging & weeding to do outside - which is what I should have been doing this morning but I somehow, I found myself doing a bit more work on the boots.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Yay I did it. Mowed the whole lawn.. Slow but steady, plenty of fluid. but I can walk better than I did last year when I started.
I must be fitter and of course lighter.. Its actually just my back that is narly. Feel rather proud of myself really lol.

I got MrP a Lolly container from the Junktion (recycle center). its one of those ones with the press button in the top. Accidentally came home with the container, which I might say was choice number 3, picked up a tin first, then another plastic container, neither big enough really, then 2 pieces of fabric, a set of nice and sharp circular cookie cutters and a two plate cake stand. With Pohutukawa on it. Still has the original Farmers price tag of $39-99, I paid $4... Got everything for $11.

Decided Id roast my piece of pork on Tuesday, so got a Kumara. Enough for two meals, 260 grams $3-51!!!! I hope it tastes good. It will do 2 meals.

Tonight is the last 2 left over sausages from my Take away meal ( From Friday) with some perla potatoes, no peeling and Ill make some coleslaw..
I must say the extra greens is good.. Im certainly feeling more energetic and it hasn't messed with my INR too badly.

Time for my Mental stimulation now.. My card games lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile MrK has just told me it's starting to rain - just as well that mulch is on the garden and the lawn is mowed.

Today we are going to check out chainsaws. MrK is hoping he can trade in his old one for a battery one. I'm not sure what else is happening today, might just spend some time on the thrush.

Great to see Fiji beat Aussie in the Rugby World Cup Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It's not looking as good outside as it was yesterday - could be the odd shower. 

A nice time of the year in the garden especially with the flowering vireyas now. Had a good session trimming branches, weeding and watering.  It always looks even better with a lawn mow  Smile It might be an idea to hold off planting the sweet 100 I bought but it looks as if I may have a couple of back up seedlings already popped up!

Time to move for school/ kindy drop off.  Will decide what to do with the day, weather dependant.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Sunny at the mo, but Im not holding much hope of a good day.

Very creaky this morning, but the brain is still happy lol. I think Missy knew I was sore cos she didn't get up till I told her it was time to.

Off to see MrP, have several things to do for him. Ill decide then if I can handle visiting the Gang. The seats are horrible there. And even on a good day I get very creaky. Might postpone till Wednesday if need be.

Have finished 4 coat-hangers for my sister friends Christmas Present. And brought her fave chocolate. Will find some nice smellies or perhaps a calendar. Last year she sent me a Cat Shaming Calendar and it has some hilarious pictures and comments on it. Id buy her wool but she likes the expensive stuff that isn't within my reach.

I hadn't realised Daylight Savings is soo close. Im assuming that this is the last week of the school term? Thats gone mighty fast too

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yes, I was reminded that daylight saving starts this weekend.  School finishes this Friday ... holidays for parents/kids to get used to the time change  Big Grin
And the Winter Energy payment drops off soon, I will have to find something else to give up for a while. Not cat food or wine though, lol...
Kiwimade thought Mr K might be interested in my sons slash gobbler
morning all
fine day and no wind - quite a storm yesterday house was getting a real buffitting last night

Been to gym and taken one k9 for his annual vaccinations, now prepping for a meeting I have this afternoon

Daylight saving creeps up on me every year and it takes me awhile to adjust.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
wow, Jan, Smile Thanks for sharing that, MrK was very impressed! It must be Murphy's Law or something as the guy at the chainsaw place was able to get MrK's chainsaw working. So, while it's working, we'll put on hold buying the new one (phew!!!!!) I can't say how relieved I am. It's been an expensive few months replacing household items.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oh Jan I want one of those lol... And a fire hose cos Im sure we could get rid of a few rat bags lol.

Awesome News Kiwimade. Wow Ill message you re the bottle. I forgot that rural was even worse lol.

MrP a bit under the weather. b ut seemed ok until just before I left.

Arthur wasn't in a very good mood either. I offered him one of MrP's lollies but he didn't want one. So they can commiserate with each other.

Yes Hunni the slight spoils like potatoes will be slashed again shortly. I never thought I would ever say I couldn't afford potatoes.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another gorgeous day on the cards Smile

MrK has almost finished the potting table which will save a lot of bending when potting plants Big Grin He's using left over timber from my sister-in-law's deck.

Another day of no set plans, I love these sorts of days. We could be anywhere lol.

Had a text from our daughter and we will be having our granddaughter stay for the first week of the holidays - it's her turn to stay. Can't wait for daylight saving. It takes me a few days to adjust as well but I love the long evenings.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Another lovely day so far, as long as that drying out wind stays away. 

How good is it to have a handyman about KM ... my problem is everyone else getting in first with their 'orders'! Currently a go-cart underway in time for the school hols.

No plan for me today apart from groceries first thing.

Enjoy the day all.

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